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every time it is combed, for the oil will be washed off, making the hair too dry. The head should be washed occasionally with good soap to cleanse the hair and remove scales and dirt from the scalp. Dandruff is caused by germs growing in the oil glands and in the little pockets about the hairs. One person can get this disease from another, and

FIGS. 44 and 45. Well kept finger nails and finger nails that have been bitten off.

for this reason public combs and brushes should not be used.

The nails and their care. A nail is a portion of the outer layer of the epidermis that is very much thickened and hardened. Its growth is at the base. When a nail is lost a new one will grow in its place if the bed on which the nail rests is not destroyed; but if this bed has been destroyed, the nail will not grow again.

The nails should not be bitten off, nor should they be trimmed "to the quick," for this will spoil their

shape and their appearance. They should be allowed to grow long enough to protect the ends of the fingers, and the space beneath the ends of the nails should be kept free from dirt. This is more

FIG. 46. Showing the necessary sanitary fixtures of a modern bathroom. Note especially the tooth basin, the use of which keeps germs from the mouth from getting into the wash basin. a question of common cleanliness than it is of health; although it is a fact that bacteria multiply in the dirt under the finger nails, and inflammation sometimes is started in the skin by scratching with dirty finger nails.

Bathing. "Tolerate no uncleanness in your body, clothes, or habitation" was one of Benjamin Franklin's rules for success, and few men have understood the secrets of success better than he. Finger nails that are in mourning, greasy hair, soiled

and unbrushed clothing, unclean teeth, and the lack of a needed bath cause a person to be disagreeable to those about him. Such conditions greatly hinder usefulness and success.

Cold baths. Those who take a daily cold bath do not catch cold so easily as do others, and many strong, vigorous persons are greatly benefited by this practice. Weak and sick people, however, and especially those who are inclined to be nervous, should not take cold baths except upon the advice of a physician. The safest rule to follow in bathing is to use lukewarm water unless you can take a cold bath with pleasant results.

Questions: 1. What use has the skin? 2. Name the layers of the skin. 3. What do the sweat glands do? 4. What is the temperature of the healthy body? 5. Explain the two ways of regulating the heat of the body. 6. In what does a hair stand? 7. Where does the oil for the hair come from? 8. Does a bird have oil for its feathers? 9. Explain how brushing benefits the hair. 10. What is the cause of dandruff? 11. How can a person catch dandruff? 12. Why is it important to keep the nails clean? 13. What was Benjamin Franklin's rule of success regarding cleanliness? 14. What advantage is there in taking cold baths? 15. What persons need to be careful in taking cold baths?

Suggestions and topics for development: Discuss with the class the reasons why certain persons succeed in life while other persons of equal ability fail. Bring out the relations of health and cleanliness to success. A general truth that may be emphasized is that a chain is no stronger than its weakest link and that two or three strong qualities will not ordinarily bring success if they are coupled with serious weaknesses.

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FIGS. 47 and 48. On the left is the shoe of an American lady; on the right the shoe of a Chinese lady.

CLOTHING protects the body from injury and shields it from heat and cold and from sun and rain. Our personal appearance depends to a great extent on the clothing that we wear, and it is right that we should try to have our clothing as neat and as becoming to us as is possible. We should not forget, however, that the real use of clothing is to protect the body; that if we wear clothes that are uncomfortable and unsuited to the weather merely because they are pretty, we are as foolish as we should be if we tried to live on peaches because they are more beautiful than bread and meat.

Clothing in cold weather. Clothing protects us from cold by keeping the heat of the body from passing off into the air. Only enough clothing should be worn to keep the body warm, because heavy clothing overheats the body and interferes with the breathing and the movement of the blood.

Overcoats and wraps should be worn in cold weather, but they should be taken off when we come indoors. If this is not done, the body will become too hot, the blood will come out into the skin, and the sweat glands will begin working. Then, on going out into the cold, the body is too suddenly cooled and there is danger of taking cold.

Wet clothing takes

Wet clothing and wet feet. the heat out of the body, and we should not allow the body to be chilled by letting clothing dry on it. Since cold and wet feet very commonly bring on colds, wet shoes and stockings should be changed for dry ones as quickly as possible.

Three habits that will be of great value in saving you from colds and other diseases of the air passages and lungs are wearing overshoes when your feet will become damp without them, carrying an umbrella when there is danger of rain, and wearing an overcoat or wrap when you need it.

Changing clothing with the changes of the weather. The Chinese seem to us to be a strange people, but when we examine into their customs we find that there is often much common-sense in the Chinese way of doing things. These shrewd people speak of the weather as one shirt weather, two shirt weather, three shirt weather, or four or five shirt weather, according as the weather is hot or cold. This means that on a hot day a Chinaman puts on one thin shirt, and the cooler the weather the more shirts he puts on.

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