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We can learn a great deal from the Chinese about wearing clothing that is suited to the weather. An extra undershirt on cool days in the spring and fall and on very cold winter days would save many of us from colds or more serious

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would prevent much FIGS. 49 and 50. What trouble will the shoe at the right cause? of the suffering and sickness and many of the prostrations that come from the heat.

A little baby should be thinly dressed on a hot day and warmly dressed in cold weather, and its clothing should have especial attention during changeable weather and on cool nights. Trying to harden children by having them go barefooted or with little clothing in cold weather is a mistake. Questions: I. What are the uses of clothing? 2. When should overcoats and wraps be worn? 3. Why should they be removed when we are indoors? 4. Why is wet clothing injurious to the body? 5. Mention three habits that would help to save us from colds and other sickness. 6. How do the Chinese describe the weather? 7. What may we learn from the Chinese about properly clothing ourselves?

Suggestions and topics for development: Encourage the pupils to apply the ideas in this chapter.

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"STAND up and be a man!" A wise old teacher often said this to the boys of his school. It is good advice, for an erect carriage of the body does much to make and keep one strong. It gives the heart and the lungs room to do their work, and it allows the lifegiving blood to flow freely through all the body. No one who allows himself to stoop so that his lungs and heart are crowded together can be strong. One should "stand up and be a man" if he wishes to have a healthy body.

The skeleton. The skeleton forms the frame

work of the body. The backbone, or spinal col

umn, runs up the back and carries the head on its top.

FIGS. 52 and 53. If the spinal column is allowed to droop the column is straightened out the body is stooped. If the spinal body is held erect. McKenzie.)


From the spinal column the ribs and the shoulders are hung. The weight of all the upper part of the body falls on the spinal column, and if this part of the skeleton bends, the whole body will be stooped.

The muscles. The muscles are stretched on the framework of the body. Their work is to move the body. Lay your hand on your arm above the elbow and bend the arm. You feel a muscle drawing itself together to pull up your forearm. Put your hand to your cheek while you close your teeth, and you feel the movements of the muscle that closes the jaws. All over the body we have masses of strong muscles that slide smoothly and noiselessly over each other and move the different parts of the body.

How the body is held erect by the muscles of the spinal column. The

FIG. 54. Point out the muscles that support the spinal column. body is held erect by great muscles that lie along the back on each side of the spinal column. The spinal column is held up if these muscles do their work properly, but if they are weak the spinal column bends forward, the head droops, and the ribs drop down and crowd the heart and lungs. No one can straighten himself by pushing his shoulders back, for the shoulders are supported by the


spinal column just as the ears are supported by the head. The body can be straightened only by

FIGS. 55, 56, and 57. Standing in the first position and throwing all the weight of the body on one leg twists the spinal column. Standing with the feet even, or with one foot only slightly in advance of the other, keeps the spinal column straight. (After Mosher.)

tightening up the muscles along the back and straightening the spinal column.

How to secure a correct carriage of the body. Stand and walk with the top of your head pushed up as high as possible. This straightens out the spinal column. Pull your chin in and push the back of your neck against your collar. Draw in your abdomen and do not allow your back to

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