UT POTERO, EXPLICABO: NEC TAMEN QUASI PYTHIUS APOLLO, OXFORD: AT THE CLARENDON PRESS, MDCCLXXXVII. TO BE HAD OF MESS, RIVINGTON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, LONDON; THE DRAMATIC WORKS O F SHAKSPEARE. VOLUME THE SECOND. CONTAINING MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. MERCHANT OF VENICE. AS YOU LIKE IT. TAMING OF THE SHREW. ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL. TWELFTH NIGHT. WINTER'S TALE. 1 ERRATA IN VO L. I. Page 9, line 15, for parellel read parallel read 81, line 18, for you your 145, line 2, infert Sil. Sir Protheus, as I take it. 168, line 16, for marrying read marring 303, Note, dele-after 'Twill 304, Note, read deprive a man 335, Note, read this being fo 392, line 10, for you read your 412, Note, dele the before battle 559, Note, read within the fillet or bandage wrapt round his thin-in them all, Sir. 560, Note, dele and below it means a crab-stick. ERRATA IN VOL. II. Page 105, line 12, read then for them 153, line 11, for you 349, line 30, for rabbet read rabbit |