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the first Article, "AGRICULTURE," the reader will ascertain under it what is said in Scripture as to the Land and Farms of Canaan, the processes of Husbandry, such as Ploughing, Sowing and Reaping, etc., and the allusions to them contained in the Prophets and in the Parables of our Lord, with much more of similar import. Talbot and West only use a verse once, and therefore some of their Sections are brief and scanty; on the other hand we have repeated many verses twice, thrice, and oftener-our only limit being the fear of too large a Volume. Great care has been taken to secure accuracy of reference, and every verse has been turned up, and verified by young eyes and fingers in the retirement of a rural Manse. The technical labour of preparing Copy has been performed by One, whose relationship to the Editor gave her a filial interest in the daily and protracted task. The Work is enriched with a very full Index prepared with characteristic accuracy by a friend, whose labours in a similar field we have elsewhere acknowledged. Another peculiar advantage will be found in the prefixed Synopsis, which is so constructed that it may be read continuously, and it will be found to exhibit a bird's eye view of Biblical ¡Antiquities and Theology. By the employment of Synopsis and Index, every subject of Scripture may be easily turned up, and full information speedily obtained. In fine, while our Book will save time and trouble to the inquirer, yet we counsel the continuous consultation of the Scriptures themselves, and of the verses in their original connection. For there is a living unity in the Bible amidst all its diversity, and it is with it as with the minerals of the globe, which present a more glorious order in the respective positions in which nature has placed them, than when artificially arranged on the shelves of a cabinet. With all the imperfections of this volume, and they belong more or less to every compilation of the kind, we hope that it may be found to be really useful, that the Divine blessing may accompany it, and that it may meet with that cordial and extended welcome which has been, and still is so kindly vouchsafed to its two predecessors.


December, 1855.

The Dash-so often introduced, is designed to point out some differences in the Verses following it, such as Allusions and Examples, or Instances and Statements adduced as contrasts to the Verses of the Topic or Section printed above it.

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Divided by lot according to the number of Done on floor, thrashing floor, barn-floor, cornfamilies, as commanded by Moses, and per- floor, by a rod, or hoofs of unmuzzled cattle, formed by Joshua at Shiloh.


cart-wheels or teethed instruments; straw and grain separated by removing with a fan or fanners;-chaff driven by the wind: symbol of

Held from God in perpetual entail on con-judgment, etc.
dition of military service,-returning,if aliena
ted, to its original owner at the year of jubilee,
or redeemable on certain conditions, in-
stances in Naomi, Naboth, etc.



For cattle, green and abundant, refreshed by rain, on house-tops short-lived, soon withered and used as fuel-cast into the oven: emblem

Bought in patriarchal times, and made over of life, of prosperity, of the wicked, etc. by charter also in Jewish times.

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Beans, bulrushes, flags, flax, gourds, heath, lentiles, mandrakes, mallows, millet, reeds, rushes, rye, tares.


Of grass,-a terrible visitation, as in days of Ahab;-of grain,-caused by inclement season,-by drought and wet,-by locusts,-by predatory enemies,-often very severe;-hunger or cleanness of teeth, urging to various repulsive elements of food, even during a siege to canni

Assigned to Adam and to man, as the means balism, and producing blackness of skin, ema

of sustenance.


nation, fainting, and death: the symbol of spiritual destitution,-instances in the days of Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, of the Judges, of Ploughing, performed by oxen, and in winter, David, Ahab, Elisha, siege of Samaria, of seven -breaking up the clods and fallow ground; the years, foretold by Elisha, during siege of Jerusymbol of reformation, of spiritual industry,salem, after the captivity, in reign of Claudius

and of ruin.

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During famine, as in case of Elijah, often promised.


Often experienced to an hundred fold: the gift Granaries of Egypt filled by Joseph, and corn of God. imported from other countries.

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