LIST OF AUTHORITIES CITED IN SIDE-NOTES TO THE BILL AS INTRODUCED INTO PARLIAMENT. Section. 3. Griffin v. Weatherby, L. R. 3, Q. B. 753. 4. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 97, § 7. 5. Houldsworth v. Hunter, 10 B. and C. 449. Miller v. Thomson, 3 M. and G. R. 576. 8. Smith v. M'Clure, 5 East. 476. 9. Sanderson v. Piper, 5 Bing., N. C. 425. 10. 34 & 35 Vict. c. 74. Aldons v. Cornwall, L. R. 3, Q. B. 573. Mutford v. Walcott, 1 Ld. Raym. 514. 11. Coleman v. Cook, Willes, 393. 13. Anderston v. Weston, 6 Bing., N. C. 301. Gatty v. Fry, 2 Ex. Div. 265. 14. Campbell v. French, 6 T. R. 200. 17. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 97, § 6. 41 & 42 Vict. c. 13, § 1. Russel v. Philips, 14 Q. B. 91. Owen v. Von Ulster, 10 C. B. 318. 18. Exp. Swan, L. J., C. P. 124. Christie v. Peart, 7 M. and W. 491. Roberts v. Bethel, 12 C. B. 778. 19. 1 & 2 Geo. IV. c. 78, § 1. 20. Baxendale v. Rennet, 3 Q. B., Div. 525. L. & S. W. Bank v. Wentworth, 5 Ex. Div. 96. Section. 21. Abrey v. Crux, L. R, 5, C. P. 42. 22. Bateman v. Mid-Wales Railway, L. R. 1, C. P. 499. Lebel v. Tucker, 8 B. and S. 833. Smith v. Johnston, 3 H. and N. 222. 23. Fenn v. Harrison, 3 T. R. 761. Lindus v. Bradwell, 5 C. B. 591. 24. Roberts v. Tucker, 16 Q. B. 560. 25. Attwood v. Mannings, 7 B. and C. 28. 27. Currie v. Misa, L. R. 10, Ex. 153. Attenborough v. Clarke, 27 L. J., Ex. 128. 28. Oriental Corporation v. Overend, L. R. 7, Ch. 146. Bechevaise v. Lewis, L. R. 7, C. P. 377. 29. May v. Chapman, 16 M. and W. 361. 30. Jones v. Gordon, 2 Ap. Cases, 627. 31. Whister v. Foster, 14 C. B., N. S. 258. Watkins v. Maule, 2 Jac. and W. 237. 32. Hawkins v. Cardy, 1Ld. Raym. 360. 34. Hirschfield v. Smith, L. R. 1, C. P. 340. 35. Sigurney v. Lloyd, 5 Bing. 525. 36. Callow v. Laurence, 3 M. and S. 97. 37. Norris v. Walker, 15 Q. B. 589. Section. 40. Ramchurn v. Radakissen, 9 Moore, 41. Smith v. N. S. Wales Bank, 8 Moore, P. C. N. S. 461. Smith v. Bellamy, 2 Stark, 223. 44. Sebag v. Abithol, 4 M. and S. 466. 49. Chapman v. Keane, A. and E. Harrisson v. Ruscoe, 15 M. and Turner v. Sanson, 2 Q. B., Div. 22. Legge v. Thorpe, 12 East. 171. 52. Rowe v. Young, 2 Bligh., H. D. Smith v. Vertue, 30 L. J., C. P. 59. Crowe v. Clay, 9 Ex. 604. 53. Goodwin v. Roberts, L. R. 10, Ex. Hopkinson v. Foster, L. R. 19, Eq. 18 & 19 Vict. c. 67, § 6. 54. Garland v. Jacomb, L. R. 8, Ex.216. 57. 18 & 19 Vict. c. 67, § 5. Re Gen. South American Co. 7 Ch. Keene v. Keene, 3 C. B., N. S. 144. Section. 58. Fenn v. Harrison, 3 T. R. 757. 59. Jones v. Broadhurt, 9 C. B. 173. Charles v. Blackwell, 2 C. P., Div. 62. Harmer v. Steele, 4 Ex. 1. Foster v. Dawber, 6 Ex. 839. Warwick v. Rogers, 5 M. and Gr. 64. Burchfield v. Moore, 23 L. J., Q. B. Bradley v. Bardsley, 14 M. and W. 873. Hamelin v. Bruck, 9 Q. B. 306. 151. 66. Hoare v. Cazenove, 16 East. 394. Rhodes v. Morse, 14 Jur. 800. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 102, § 90. 72. Byles, 12th edit. 403. Lebel v. Tucker, L. R. 3, Q. B. 77. Hirschfield v. Smith, L. R. 1, C. P. 73. Hopkinson v. Forster, L. R. 19, Eq. 74. Laws v. Rand, 27 L. J., C. P. 76. Heywood v. Pickering, L. R. 9, Section. 86. Chartered Bank v. Dickson, L. R. Brooks v. Mitchell, 9 M. and W. 15. 87. Sand v. Clarke, 8 C. B. 751. Walton v. Mascal,13 M. and W.458. 91. Lord v. Hall, 8 C. B. 627. Crouch v. Credit Foncier, L. R. 8, 93. Geralapalo v. Wieler, 20 L. J., INDEX. Acceptance, meaning of, 23. by drawee or agent, 49, 50. date of, 99. when date of, required, 50. time for acceptance, 50, 51. acceptance on blank stamp, 51. dating, as of date of second pre- sentment, 51. general, 51, 52. qualified, 51-53. kinds of qualified, 52. notification of, 58. delivery to give effect to, 58. Acceptance, French law requires "accepté" to be written on bill,166. consent of holder required, 151, 152. if name different from drawee's, may holder of bill at maturity cannot re- issue, 143, 144. Acceptor for honour, contract of, 154, Accommodation Bill, 5. when presentment of, dispensed with, when notice of dishonour dispensed effect of prescription on claims of Accommodation party defined, 79. liability of, 79. order of liability among, 79, 80. proof by parole of accommodation, 80. Act, title of, 23. application of, 23. scope of, 1. Acknowledgment not a note, 192. Address of bill, 27. Advice, bill payable per, 27. Agent, who may be, 72. authority to, how given, 72. shipmaster as, 72, 73. where he signs in his own name, principal, not liable, 73. limits of mandate, 73. when not personally liable, 74. liable, if he sign in name of fictitious or non-existent principal, 74. not presenting for acceptance, is liable presumed to accept for drawer, 151, Allonge, 87, 88. 154. Alterations in law relating to bills, 3. Alteration, material, avoids bill, 148-151. | Bank of England notes demandable for when not apparent, holder in due course not affected, 148, 150. Assent to qualified acceptance, 106. does not take effect, when drawer without capacity to contract, 67. rules as to, in Scotland, 126-129. Authentication of bills, 6. rules as to, 132-134. Bank Holidays Act, 261-263. Scotch and Irish, not a legal tender,195. not subject to sexennial prescription, summary diligence on, 195. liabilities of transferor of, 195. in Scotland, for one pound, and mul- Bank note, defined for purpose of Cur- rency Acts, 247. Banker, duty of, to pay, how deter- as to crossed cheques, 185. when liable to true owner of crossed claims on bill by firm, 211, 212. rule ex parte Waring does not apply Blank indorsement, 90, 91. Blank stamps, signature on, 50, 51. codification of law relating to, 1. differences in laws of United King- alterations in law, 3. original contract in, 3. is a bill though called by another requisites of (see Requisites of Bill). Bank of England notes, how signed, 28, Bill, sum in, must be certain, 38, 39. 244. a legal tender in England, 195. not a legal tender in Scotland or Ire- nor in England at the bank and its interest on, 38, 39. bank interest on, 38, 39. how interest in foreign currency where wrong sum filled in, proof by |