he has detected was occafioned by haftily tranfcribing from a Synopsis Conimunium Locorum, inftead of the original Author; that the name Ovid was inferted by a mistake, the explanation of which would not be worth his attention; that the lines fo incorrectly copied are from the Poem of Claudian in Eutropium, lib. 2, lines 7 ands; and that I am concerned to find my inadvertencies have engaged so much of a Gentleman's time, who, doubtless, could have employed it to a much better purpofe. GEORGE CRABBE. Mr. URBAN, Basingsloke, Feb. 5. an explanation of the Latin word Horæ, in the title of Dr. Paley's book, A "Horæ Paulinæ." The word, doubtless, refers to the "Hours" devoted by the Author to the study of "Paul's Epiftles," the remarkable coincidencies of which with the Acts of the Apofiles conftitute the fubject of the book. The title is in imitation of other authors who have given fimilar ones to their literary works. It is probable the first hint of fuch titles might be derived from Roman Catholic books of Devotion, which, referring to their "Horæ Canonica," or "Hours of Prayer," were entitled "Horæ ;" fuch as "Horæ B. Virginis fecundum ufurn Sarum." I have in my possession a Popish Prayer-book, entituled " Heures a Trois Offices, à l'usage de Rome." Mr. URBAN, A S it appears to be the object of some of the oppofition papers to reprefent Mr. Secretary Canning to the public as a person of humble or degraded origin, per, mit me thus to contradict so unfounded a charge. Mr. Canning is the representative of the elder branch of the Cannings of Garvagh, co. Londonderry, in Ireland, where they have been feated previous to 1689; to what earlier period the family may be traced I am not genealogist enough to fay, but a book now before me (King's "State of the Protestants) proves that Colonel George Canning was one of the ment of James II. held at Dublin after his abdication, which attainder was of course reversed on the re-establishment of the Proteftant interest under William III. The above George Canning married (as may be seen in Archdall's Peerage) into the family of Stratford, Earl of Aldborough. The eftate of Garvagh is now enjoyed by George Canning, member in the imperial parliament for the town of Sligo, and who married lady Georgina Stewart, fister of Lerd Caftlereagh and niece of Earl Camden. 1 Mr. URBAN, C. The following lift of titles of books and efiays may, perhaps, be a matter of fome little curiofity to fome of your readers: Camerarius, "Horæ Subsecive." Cellarius, Horæ Samaritanæ." PLEASE to inform Clericus that a durable barn floor may be made of well-burnt polished brick on edge, placed in the herring bone form, or a pavement of flone three inches and a half in thickness; or oaken plank two inches and a half in thickness; or even of well-tempered indurated loam, of a proper substance not than less s inches, and laid upon dry materials, or bottom, will, any of them, make a dura Lightfoot's "Horæ Hebraicæ et Talmu- ble barn-floor, provided it is kept free dicæ." Hall's Horse Vaciva from wet, waggon wheels, and hortes feet. Yours, &c. AN AGRICULTURIST. Watts's "Hore Lyricæ." Searle's "Hore Solitariæ." Mr. URBAN, Faber's "Horæ Mofaicæ." "Horæ Typicæ et Propheticæ." Hutton's "Horæ Ecclefiafticæ." Drake's " Literary Hours." Permit me, in my turn, to ask to what language does the old word Liten, used in fome parts of the kingdom for a churchyard, belong? and also the reafon of the word Force being ufed in the North of England for a Water-fall? J. J. CAN any of your Correfpondents inform me what relationship exifted between Thomas Addifon, Efq. who was refident in Ireland in 1722, to the celebrated Jofeph Addifon; the latter was twice in that country in an official situation. P. 1192, for Drumvany, read Drumrany; for Baron Balgar read Balyan.. To the lift there mentioned you may add Tetyt, Baron of Mullingar, which, as well as the other titles there stated, were f believe not barons of parliament, but foidifant lords - excepting lords de Monte Marifcoe and Balyan. C. C. (p. 1205) does not mention how the issue of Lord Southwell should quarter the Compton arms, whether with or without Berkeley; he is right as to the refignation of the Carrick title, though I con, ceive it was then customary to rank trom the original creation date, though the title was changed. G. V. I Mr. URBAN, SEND Jan. 1. you an accurate sketch of the Church of UPHAM, Hants. (See Plate 1.) It consists of a Nave (at the Western extremity of which is the Tower, which is modern and of brick) a side Aile, and Chancel. Upham is a village about five miles, from Winchester, pleasantly situated on an eminence, and commanding very extensive and beautiful views, particu larly to the South, on which side a sweeping prospect of the Isle of Wight presents itself. Hence likewise on a clear day, and by the assistance of a telescope, Salisbury spire may easily be discovered. This village is chiefły remarkable for having been the birth-place of Dr. Young, whose father was at that time rector. In the chancel is a grave-stone bearing an inscription to the memory of the wife of the celebrated Organ-builder Father Smith. Yours, &c. W. Mr. URBAN, Birmingham, Jan. 10. IN addition to your numerous views of Sussex Churches, allow me to present one of CUCKFIELD in that county. Cuckfield is a well-known little town, pleasantly situated on the middle road to Brighton, at the distance of 14 miles from that fashionable watering-place, and about 40 miles from the Metropolis. From its elevated situation, the Spire has been several times injured by lightning; in consequence of which, an electric conductor is now affixed, to secure it from the farther depredations of that subtle fluid. The majestic range of South Downs is seen to advantage from the Church-yard. A few notices of the antient history of Cuckfield may be found in "Magna Britannia et Hibernia," vol. V.; but it is to be regretted that the late Sir William Burrell's Collections for a History of the county of Sussex are not laid before the publick. Topographical books are deservedly rising in estimation; and so interesting a work as the above would surely be received with adequate patronage and support. WILLIAM HAMPER. subject. I hope, however, I shall be Yours, &c. LETTER XLVII. ON PRISONS. "Redire, cum perit, nescit pudor*." SENECA. T HE following History of the Prisons in Wiltshire is so copious in appropriate remarks, as almost to render superfinous any additional observations from my pen: but I cannot well refrain from noticing the prevalent shameless inattention, in allowing the prisoners of each sex, and those of different degrees of criminality, to associate together, in a manner calculated to destroy every moral sentiment of decency, and to render more corrupt those who enter such * When Modesty is once extinguished, it knows not a return. receptacles receptacles of depravity. This, however, is not to be wondered at, as the Gaol of Salisbury is seldom visited by the Magistrates. This City claims the residence of many of the Clergy. How often impressively, and with tenderness, docs the Author of the Christian Religion recommend to his followers, to visit the Prisoner as the reasonable exercise of true piety! J. C. LETTSOM. DEVIZES, Wiltshire, Town Gaol and County Bridewell. Gaoler, Joseph Draper. Salary, 100%. see the Remarks. Fees, none. Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Leddiurd. Duty, every Sunday. Salary, 204 Surgeon, Mr. Gibbs. Salary, 151. -Number of Prisoners: 1801, Dec. 15, 2 debtors, 41 felons, &c. I lunatick. 1804, July 27, no debtors, 29 felons, &c. 1806, Oct. 15, 2 debtors, 22 felons, &c. Allowance to debtors, none, unless certificated as paupers. To felons, &c. one pound 12 ounces of hest wheaten bread, in loaves to that amount from the baker's, and which I have always found of full weight. Remarks. The debtors sent to this Prison are committed by the Court of Requests for the adjacent Hundreds of Bradford, Melksham, and Whorlsdown. The expence attendant upon their commitment sometimes becomes highly aggravated, frequently exceeds the original debt, and is such as almost to preclude the possibility of a compromise. One of the commitments which I copied in 1801, was as follows: "Debt, 10s. 6d. costs, 1s. gd. additional costs, Fld." And the further charge, if the defendant be carried to prison from Calne, which is only seven miles distant, 10s. 6d. Now, as debtors of this description are never enabled to pay the original debt, and costs, and charges, they must suffer confinement for 20 or 40 days, as prescribed by the Act, to the injury of health, or the destruction of morals. They are not here, as in many county goals, confined amongst other debtors; they ought not therefore to be sent to Bridewells; but so long as this system of imprisonment is cruelly permitted, they should be sent either to the county gaols, or to one purposely built, with an allowance of proper society, of food, and bedding. Here is no separate ward or court-yard for debtors, who therefore must associate (if at all) with felons and criminal offenders. At my last visit, in October 1806, several in the women's ward appeared to be of the most lewd, profligate, and abandoned sort; yet, confined to such association, I found a poor hard-working woman debtor, and a man who had been committed hither from the Court of Requests, and lived in common with the criminals. In this Prison are six courtyards. The principal or felous' is 38 feet by 30. Their day-room 18 feet by 17, and 7 feet high, lighted by one irongrated window. Over this, their sleeping-room of the same size, 7 feet 6 inches high, with a chimney and ventilator, and good beds and bedding furnished by the keeper at 2s. and 1s. 6d. each per week. On a level with the felons' dayroom is a work-room 26 feet by 14, and 7 feet high, with three iron-grated windows: the floor is excavated, and contains two hemp-blocks. Over this is their night-room, of equal size, 6 feet 9 inches high; also with three irongrated windows, inside shutters, and two ventilators, and containing 14 beds. From this court-yard you enter into a lobby, 21 feet by 10, and 9 feet 6 inches high, leading to 12 cells, six on each side of a passage, five feet wide. The cells are 10 feet by 7, lighted by an iron-grated window; and each fitted up with two ventilators, a crib bedstead, straw-in-canvas bed, and one blanket. These cells are encircled by a narrow court-yard. Adjoining to the women felons' ward is a court-yard of 50 feet by 20, and a day-room 21 feet by 16 feet 9 inches, and 7 feet 2 inches high. In this ward were nine women and two children confined. Above it is their sleepingroom, of the same size, with two irongrated windows, five beds, and a chimney-piece. The Infirmary, 22 feet 6 inches by 16 feet, and 7 feet 4 inches high, consists of two rooins above each other; the higher one, with a boarded floor, appropriated to the women, the other stone-floored, assigned for the men: they have each a fire-place, with two iron-grated glazed windows, and are well ventilated. In the men's infirmary was one poor lunatick; the infirmary court-yard is 23 feet by 27. The court-yard belonging to those committed for misdemeanors is 38 feet by 32, and has two hemp-blocks placed under the arcades. Their day-room, 38 feet by 16, and 7 feet 6 inches high. Sleeping-room 25 feet by 16, and of the same height as the former; each having three iron-grated windows and two ventilators. The Chapel is small and neat: the women have a separate gallery |