| William Smith - 1803 - 514 str.
...5.)—" Of old hast thou laid the Foundation of the Earth, and the Heavens are the work of thy. hands — they shall perish, but thou shalt endure; yea, all...vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed; but thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end." (Ps. cii. 25, 26, 27.) 3d, Isaiah.*... | |
| Jacques Saurin, Robert Robinson - 1803 - 434 str.
...God, of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth ; and the heavens are the work of thy hands : They shall perish, but thou shalt endure ; yea, all...vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed. But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end ! Psal. cii. 24. We must, of necessity,... | |
| John Smalley - 1803 - 454 str.
...again, " Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure ; yea, all...vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed, but thou art the same." • 2. We may learn from this subject, the unreasonableness and danger... | |
| Job Orton - 1805 - 504 str.
...Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth : and the heavens 26 [are] the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure : yea, all...vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed ; thou canst change the visible form of this world, as easily as a man 27 fiuts off one garment... | |
| Matthew Henry - 1805 - 192 str.
...ever.r Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of thy hands : they shall perish, but thou shalt endure ; yea, all...vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed ; but thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.* We cannot go from thy presence,... | |
| Eliphalet Nott - 1810 - 404 str.
...David, " Of old thou hast laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure ; yea all...a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed."* Says Isaiah, " Lift up your eyes to the heavens and look upon the earth beneath, for the... | |
| Charles Buck - 1810 - 488 str.
...generations. -Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth ; and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure ; yea, all...vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed. But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.' Th« Koran, therefore, upon a fair... | |
| Charles Drelincourt - 1810 - 610 str.
...which made them shall change and alter them, as the royal prophet tells us, in Psalm cii. " The heavens shall perish, but thou shalt endure; yea, all of them...vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed." 2Petjii. "The heavens (said he) shall pass away with a great noise." Whereas the glorified... | |
| William Christie - 1810 - 276 str.
...Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth : and the heavens are the work of thy bands.They shall perish but thou shalt endure ; yea, all of them...vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed. But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.' This is quoted in Heb. i. 10, 11,... | |
| Jacques Saurin, Robert Robinson - 1813 - 468 str.
...God, of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth ; and the heavens are the work of thy hands : They shall perish, but thou shalt endure ; yea, all...vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed. ' But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end !" Ps. cii. 24. We must, of necessity,... | |
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