Obrázky stránek

had, arose from his trust in God; the Chiefs, on the subject of the that he was compelled to find le. distribution of the lots of land, of curity for his good behaviour for which a regular survey was begun. 1.1 years, bimself in 50001. and two The rains had ceased, and the fureties in 2,500l. each. He said, health of the Nova-Scotia blacks was that lord Kenyon, who had been much improved. It appears by the his counsel when he was tried for returns, that the mortality among high trcafon, well knew the amount thein had not been so very great as of his income, he had only an an- was apprehended, only 98 Amerinuity of 500 1. a year, which was can blacks having died, from the not aflignable, but granted merely tiine of their landing to the 20th for his aliment. He was obliged of October : the number of thofe to his brother, the duke of Gordon, remaining alive was 1026. Somefor the loan of 5001. with which he what more than 60 whites appear was then ready to pay the fine in all to have died, the chief of amounting to that fum. In order whom were of the lower order to obtain bis enlargement, he had living on whore. brought two perfons into court, Information has been received, who were ready to become his bail; by the Harpy, of the colony's probut the Attorney General objeéting gress up to the 20th of November. to the bail proposed, and producing From the report of the physician affidavits of their incompetency, it appears, that the disease which his Lordship was remanded to troubled the settlers most was a reprison.

mittent fever, and that by adminis19th. The sun on this day made tering bark, at as Thort intervals the following extraordinary appear- as the stomach will bear, immediance. It having been very clear ately after the first paroxysm, it and frotty, till about 12 o'clock, a changes it into an intermittent fog arore, by which the fun, as is fever, which may be then cured usual, appeared like it red globe. with as much certainty as the comThe attention of inany people was mon ague in England. The docexcited by observing an oblong tor attributes most of the mortality opake body nearly on its centre. to thote cauíes which are common It was fo vifible as to be tecn with. to all new colonies, and says, that out the aflistance of a telescope, the clinate, as far as he can judge and even when the fog dilperfed, from his thort experience, is very and the sun became very luminous, good. Of the 1190 free blacks the spot was till vilble, although embarked at Halifax in January, the power of light was so great 1702, the following is a return of upon the eye as to dazzle and the deaths up to the 2d of Septemweaken the light.

ber, 1792, which in the men and 20th. Advices were received at women have been principally old the Sierra Leone houic, from that and intirm, and many of those who settlement, dated Oct. 20, giving a died on thore were landed in a favourable account of the farther diseased ftate. On their passage progress of the colony. An ami- 35 men, 18 women, 7 boys, and cable meeting had been held with 5 girls : total 63. Since their ar

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lotal, 164.

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rival, 28 men, 28 women, 21 boys, his house in Bell's 'court, Moorand 22 girls; total, 99. General fields, Mr. Mendez, the nephew of

the late Mr. Silva, of Chelsea. He 22d. At one o'clock a treasury- was examined at Bow-street, as board was held at Carleton houle, Itated above, on suspicion, and diswhen the reduction of the Prince mitted on the evidence of witnetles of Wales's establidhment took place. that he was in Moortields at the The domestics discharged are to be time the murder was committed. paid their arrears to the latt quar. The following circumitances have ter, and then to be ettablished on fince appeared.- A pot-boy had oba pension of half their salary dur- served a man with a brown greating their dismissal. coat, endeavouring to open

the Died, at Colleslic, in Fifeshire, outer gate of the boute, with a aged 108, Thomas Garrick. A few Imall bundle in his hand. Mendez, months before he died, he was in the nephew, received notice of his the habit of walking a mile a day, uncle's death on Thursday night, and in his 99th year married a third as he faid, and not before, but did wife.

not describe who gave him the in21st. Decapitated in the 39th telligence. Previous to his examifear

of his age, Louis XVI. king nation, he discoursed with the potof the French. He began his reign boy, who bad observed a man at

May 10, 1774: was driven from his uncle's door, questioned him as hert

the Thuilleries August 10, 1792; to the colour and fort of great coat, bear,

thrown into prison 01 the 14th, and offered him half a crown for and dethroned Sept. 22, following. his defcription ; but, on friendly He had reigned 18 years and 3 expoftulation, the gift was recalled. months.

Subsequent to his releate, it has At the premature age of 36, been discovered that Mendez bad Wm. Aulin, M. D. of Cecil-fireet, conversed with an acquaintance in in the Strand; one of the phyfi. l'leet-market, at half past ten on cians of St. Bartholomew's hoipital. Wednesday morning, with a fowl Oi tuch ikill and knowledge was in his hand, saying, that" it would the do&or in his profeflion, and of make a good broil," and he was

manners to urbane and respectabi- going to eat it with a friend in the riert.

hty so great in his private charac- country. He has since been with

ter, that when his intention to the same person, and convertid quit Oxford was known, he re

with him about the uncertainty as 1, 2ceived the offer of 12001. a year to the day of their previous conver20 it he would relinquish the idea. fation relpecting the fowl, Mendez

the The doctor, however, declined an fuppofing it to be Thuriday, the azer efter fo creditable to the Univerlity other infitting that it was on Wed

and himself, and came to London, Desday ; but there has been no ac

where he settled as a practitioner, count given as to what afterwards ther and fucceeded so eminently, that became of that fowl. A child of :7 the yearly profits of his professional Mendez, was buried on Tuesday;

attendance, are saidto have been on its going for interment, Menupwards of 40001.

dez observed, that he thould not *23d. At half past five o'clock, at be long after it. Onits being men




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tioned to him the other day that just at the close of the war, after he would probably be re-appre- having diftinguished himself upon hended, he laid, " Let them come, various occafions, so as to gain the I am prepared for them." He was, rank of general by the appointment however, seemingly very well on of Congress, which he declined Tuetday evening at tive and fix accepting. Two more disinterested o'clock, conversing with his neigh- characters than the father and son bours in Moorfields, without dif- never appeared during the Ameri. covering any difference froin bis can war, as neither would receive usual conduct. He died on Wed- either pay or profit for their fernesday morning without any fymp. vices. At the close of the war, toms of exterval or internal vio- Mr. Laurens, the father, retired, lence. He has left a wife and two Cincinnatiis like, to his country or three children. His body bas feat, and refused all appointments since been opened and examined, of profit or honour. Mr. Laurens' when nearly half a pint of white body, according to the directions arsenic was found in his body ; on of his will, was burnt to ashes two which the coroner found a verdict, days after his death, in a fire kind. Felo óc sci and he has been buried led by eight favourite negroes. in the highway at Chelsea.

Lately, at bis leat at Mepkin, in South Carolina, in his 70th year,

FEBRUARY. the Hon. Henry Laurens, formerly president of the Continental Con Jan. 26th. Kingstown, St. Vincent's. greis of America, and ambassador Tuesday evening his Majesty's Chip from thence to the United States of Providence, Capt. Bligh, wih the Holland. On his passage thither Atlistance brig, Lieur. Portlock, arhe was captured by a Britith thip rived here from Otaheite, with the of war, and brought to England, bread fruit plants. There veffels where he was committed to the failed from England the 2d of AuTower as a state prisoner by the gust, 1791, arrived at Otaheite the Britih mini-ry, and remained so both of April following, where for fourieen months, when he was they remained till the 19th of July, bailed. This was admitted, upon and having effected the object of un the news of the defeat of earl their voyage, left that island in the Cornwallis at York-town), in Vir- perfect health, and arrived at St. ginia, where Mr Laurens' fon, a Helena the 17th of December, colonel in the American army, tig. from whence they had only a short nalized bimself in action, and drew paitage of twenty-seven days here. this up the terms of capitulation of the This voyage has been to far com. carl and his army. What made pleted in the short space of eighteen this singular was, that earl Corn months; and it must afford Do wallis was then governor of the small pleasure and satisfaction to 3 62 Tower of 1.ondon, where colonel the inhabitants of this part of the Laurens' father was at the same world, to learn that no less than time confined : colonel Laurens 300 bread-fruit plants have been was afterwards killed in action landed here, in excellent order, * * with the British in South Carolina, for the purpose of being difributed a fer



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among the different idlands. The in this Strait that the Pandora fri

renainder of the plants, amount- gate was loft; and it is conjectured is het ing to an equal number, are in- that M. de la Peyresc perihed

tended for the island of Jamaica, there. Only one man died of disease
whither Capt. Bligh will proceed during the voyage : indeed the

in a day or two, and from thence healthy appearance of every perfon in return to England. Independent belonging to the two vefleis is reing of the bread fruit, a number of markable.

other valuable plants are brought 6th. The Chinfural cause so long Gree by Capt. Bligh, fome with the moit depending was finally decided. On

delicious fruits. Capt. Bligh has Wednesday the treasurer of the

on board two men, natives of Ota- India company paid into the court of
theite, going to England with him. Adiniralty the capital fun of listy.

The captain went out and returned feven thousand and odd pounds,
by the Cape of Good Hope: he in consequence of the award of fir

, in his return, called at Timor, James Marriot.
and came through the heretofore 7th. A dreadful fire broke out a
unexplored strait between New little before four o'clock this morn- ..
Guinea and New Holland, which ing, at lady Dover's, in Hill-street,
we underítand has been named Berkley-square, which destroyed
Providence Straits. This paffage is that house, and damaged the ad.
mentioned to be extremely perilous, joining one. It was with great

and inftead of being (as was fup. difficulty that the lives of lady que posed and laid down) clear and Dover and her niece, the baroness

open, was full of shoals, rocks, and Hompesch; who was in the house,

small islands. The Providence and were saved. They were taken out Blige,

Afistance were repeatedly in the at the windows of the upper rooms
molt imminent danger of being by two servants belonging to Mr.
loft, and, though the diftance in Caswel and Mr. Balfour, at the
good fea-room might be run in a risk of their lives. A maid fervant
couple of days, fo llow was their jumped out of a two-pair of stairs
progress, that it took twenty one window, broke her thigh, and is

to get through it: at times, they fince dead. No other life was lost, the lul

could not run more than five miles but the young lady is much burnt,
a day, and they lost some anchors. as the flames had spread far into

Some of the islands in this firait the room where she was before the lanta

are inhabited, and a communica- could be taken out.
tion was had with the natives, who Lloyd, the attorney, who adrer-
appeared friendly; but on a sudden tised the Fleet prison to let, "in
a number of canoes put off, and, the first year of English liberty,"
approaching close to the Allistance, enjoyed an hour of notoriety on the
threw in a volley of arrows, by pillory opposite the Royal Ex-
which one man was killed, and two change. During the first quarter
desperately wounded; they, how- of an hour the engine was so loose-
ever, retired very precipitately, only placed, that lie fimply looked
the Providence firing on them, and through it at his comparative eale;
Striking one of the canoes, by an alteration however was made
which come were killed. It was by order of the Meriff, that it



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fliould be fhut close. The cone the following notice in the newscourse of people was very grcat; papers: but by the aflıftance of about two "New River office, London, hundred confiables, good order was

Feb 7ih.. preserved during the whole time.

“ Whereas fome evil-minded perA question canse before the

fons have, for several days past, court of King's Bench rather of a curious nature. A private soldier

propagated a report, that the wa

ter in the New River hath been had been committed by a magittrate for want of lurety for the

attempted to be poisoned, and maintenance of an illegitimate

application hath been made to

the servants of this company, inchild, of which he was fu’orn to be

quiring into the truth of such rethe father. It was contended, on the

port; the New River company, part of the soldier, that he was not

respecting the satisfaction of the Lable to the commitment, for that by the mutiny act it was provided,

public, have directed this notice

to be given, that the faid report, that no soldier flould be imprisoned,

on full inquiry, is void of all except for a crime, or for a debt to

foundation. John towe, Sec." amounting to 201. and that the charge of being the father of an Padua. A number of students, illegitimate child was not a crinie followed by a concourse of people, by the Law of England. Lord planted the tree of liberty, the 29th Kenyon observed, that if incon- of last month, in the fquare of the tinence was not a crime, (he hoped, university, hoified the tricoloured indeed, a venial one), all the pro- flag, danced the Carmagnol, and ceedings had, in the ecclefiaftical sung Ca-ira. The government court, since its institution, were waited till the mob dispersed, and erroneous. The court confirmed then cut down the tree of liberty, the order of commitment.

and apprehended the ringleaders. Sth. The recorder of London Barnet. The house of Mr. Adam, made - lis report to the king of the architect, in this neighbournineteen convicts who were con- hood, in the absence of the family, demned to die at the Old Bailey, was attacked in the early part of in December last, when the follow- last week by a banditti, for the ing were ordered for execution on evident purpose of committing deWednesday next, viz.

predations. The husbandry bailiff William Bateman, Henry Grif- was alarmed, and discovered them; fin, alias Duke of Ormond, alias on which he fired amongst them, Lord Maffey, alias George Hub- and killed one of the gang. A few bard, Thomas Healy, Thomas evenings afterwards, a party of Montague Glover, Edward Eer. thirteen ruffians returned to their ton, George Rankin, alias Goodall, charge. The bailitt" was again Abraham Mayham, F. Pope, Isaac alarmed, fired amongst them, and More, and ten were respited. killed two. A few days after

gth. A report having been fome four persons, genteelly dressed, days prevalent, that the New River called on horseback at Mr. Adam's Was poisoned, the company inserted house, and addressed the bailift,


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