Human Capital and the Personal Distribution of Income: An Analytical ApproachInstitute of Public Administration, 1967 - Počet stran: 49 |
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Další vydání - Zobrazit všechny
Human Capital and the Personal Distribution of Income: An Analytical Approach Gary Stanley Becker Zobrazení fragmentů - 1967 |
Human Capital and the Personal Distribution of Income: An Analytical Approach Gary Stanley Becker Zobrazení fragmentů - 1967 |
Běžně se vyskytující výrazy a sousloví
abler persons amount invested analysis approach assumed assumption average rate C₁ CALIFORNIA/SANTA CRUZ UNIVERSITY capital is accumulated constant elasticity cost of funds CRUZ The University curves of funds decline demand conditions differences in capacities distributed and skewed distribution of earnings Distribution of Income earnings and investments economic efficiency egalitarian elasticities of supply elite equality of opportunity equation equilibrium example Figure financing costs greater Human capital invested income distribution increase inequality in earnings inheritance input investment in human investment period investors labor force period later investments long-tailed distribution marginal benefits marginal cost marginal financing marginal rates measured earnings ment normal distribution optimal Personal Distribution persons investing physical capital positive correlation production property income rates of return reduce the inequality schooling skewed distribution subsidies supply and demand supply curves Tawney tion total investment unequal and skewed unequally distributed University Library UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/SANTA