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Louis I. by the grace of God, infant of Spain, king of Etruria.

N confequence of the folemn trea

ty concluded and figned at Luneville, on the 8th of February laft, and the conventions which followed it, we, called to the auguft throne of Tufcany, charge the marquis de Gallinella, and count Cæfar Ventura, grand crofs of the royal order of Charles III. gentlemen of the chamber in waiting, and privy counfellor of his royal highnels the infant of Parma, to take poffeffion in our ́roval name, and in quality of our plenipotentiary, of the kingdom of Tufeany; and to receive to that effect the homage and oaths of inauguration in the accustomed forms, and the ufages heretofore obferved upon fimilar occasions.

We defire that the faid marquis Cafar Ventura be received as aforefaid, in quality of cur plenipotentiary, until our arrival.

We confira, until new orders fhall be iffaed to the contrary, all the laws, decrees, and cufioms, heretofore maintained; as alfo the actual provifional government, the

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Sir, brother, and coufin,

S in confequence of the treaty concluded and figned at Luneville, on the 9th of February, of the prefent year, and of fub quent conventions, the fovereignty of the kingdom of Etruria has been conferred upon me: I have repaired to thefe my ftates, where I have confidered it as one of the firft duties of my government to inform your majelly of my arrival, and communicate to you the moft fincere affurances of my firm refolution to imitate with the utmoft zeal the example of my predeceffors, by promoting, to the utmofi of my power, every thing which may tend to the fervice of your majefty, and the advantage of your fubjects. I flatter myfelf that your majefty will receive graciously thefe profeffions of my high efteem, and honour me with the fame favour and friendship which my predeceffors have received. In this hope, and trufting that the Tufcan nation will be honoured with the fame good

will and protection as the subjects of I add the affurance of the high

your majefty.

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Sir, brother, and coufin, Before I received the letter of the date of the 27th of Auguft, which it has pleafed your majefty to tranfmit to me, I was informed, by a communication from the first conful of the French republic, and the king of Spain, of the new dignity which is connected with the fovereignty of Tulcany, and I did myfelf the pleasure to teftify my friendfhip and esteem for your perfonal qualities, by immediately complying with your with, by acknowledging your new dignity. Nothing remains for me but to congratulate your majefty on your acceffion to the throne and government, which has been allotted to you by the treaty of Luneville; and, at the fame time, to exprefs my fincere wifhes for the prolongation of your life, the profperity of your government, and the happiness of the people committed to your care. Gratified with the proof of confidence and friendship which yon have given me, I entreat you to be convinced that I fhall with pleasure avail myfelf of every opportunity to exprefs the perfect reciprocity of my fentiments towards you, and affure you that I fhall always be ready to render you every Service as far as may depend upon me. To these fincere declarations VOL. XLIII.

efteem with which I am,

Sir, brother, and coufin, Your majefty's good brother, and coufin,

(Signed) Frederick William.

Proclamation publifhed at Leghorn, September 1, 1801.

LEWIS, by the grace of God,

infant of Spain, king of Tufcany, and hereditary prince of Parma, Placentia, Guaftalla, &c.

The fatisfaction which we have experienced in taking into our hands the reins of the ftate, is in fome degree troubled, by learning that the late political changes have left in fome of our dearly beloved subjects the feeds of divifion. It is our will that the commencement of our reign fhould be fignalized by the decifive refolution of granting a perpetual amnefty with refpect to every caufe of reciprocal diftruft. Where the law is the fame and equally adminiftered for all, where the government acts in conformity to that law, parties neither are nor fhould be known.

Attachment to the government, fubmiffion to the laws, and refpect for the magiftrates, are the effential duties of fubjects. If in the conflict of paft events, fome have neglected thefe duties, they are not therefore the lefs facred and agreeable to the hearts of Tufcans. Let those who may have deviated from the exercise of principles fo juft, inftantly refume the practice of loyalty and virtue! A vigilant fyftem of politics and impartial juftice fhall punish thofe who may be guilty of violating the laws, or treating with contempt the conftituted authorities.

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places, the fubjects of the two powers, without going farther into the country, may carry on a wholefale, but not retail trade, and traffick with fuch merchants as arrive there from remote districts. Travelling merchants and hawkers of both nations fhall not be fuffered, but confidered as fmugglers.

V. VII. The fubjects of both powers fhall pay the fame importation and exportation duties on goods, and in the fame coin, as the natives of the country to which they trade. They fhall likewife enjoy all legal protection, the free exercife of their religion, and the right of leaving the country with their property.

VIII. The merchants of both nations may keep their books in what language they please, - and never fhall be forced to produce them, excepting in lawfuits, and then only fuch extracts as are ablolutely neceflary for clearing up the point contefted.

IX. X. In case of bankruptcy or differences, the fubjects of either power fhall be treated agreeably to the laws of the country in which they then refide. If the fubject of one power dies in the country of the other, without heirs, his property fhall, within the fpace of five years, belong to the government of the country in which he died, if, after a proclamation inferted in the newfpapers three times, no heir fhould apply.

XI. - XIII. The respective confuls-general and confuls fhall be under the particular protection of the laws, and enjoy the fame rights and liberties as thofe of the most favour ed nations. Sailors who have deferted, fhall be delivered up by both parties even in foreign ports. Merchant-vellels thall, on no account,


take paffengers without paffports, or goods without proper certificates. With refpect to contraband, and the punishment of perfons importing it, the laws of the two countries fhall decide.

XIV. Swedish alum, falt herrings, and falt, imported from Sweden into Ruffia (Petersburgh excepted), fhall pay only one-half of the duties men tioned in the regulations of the cuftoms; and smoked herrings imported from Sweden, only one third.

XV. All the produce of Swedish Finland, even wood, may be im ported into Ruffian Finland (which had hitherto not been the cafe) free from all duties; and the wood from Swedish Finland may be exported from Wiburg and Fridrickham.

XVII. Hemp, linen, aud tallow, imported into Sweden from Ruffia, fhall only pay one-half, and linfeed two-thirds of the duties hitherto paid. The Ruffians fhall remain in poffeffion of their ftorehouses at Stockholm, the limits of which are to be enlarged,

XVIII. XIX. Contain regulations for preventing Ruffians and Swedes navigating foreign fhips and goods as their own.

XX. XXI. Not more than four hips of war of one power fhall enter the fortified ports of the other at one time, if fpecial permiffion has not been granted for a greater number. Ships of war as well as merchant-veffels, that have fuffered by ftorms and other accidents, may be repaired in the ports of the other power.

XXII. XXIII. If fhips of war of the two powers, the commanders of which are of the fame rank, meet at fea, no faluting fhall take place; the commander of inferior rank, however, fhall falute the com

mander of higher rank, who fhall return the falute, fhot for hot, Ships that have ftranded fhall receive all poffible affiftance.

XXIV. If one of the contracting parties happens to be at war with other ftates, the fubjects of the other party fhall not, on that account, be prevented from continuing their commerce and navigation with those ftates, on condition that they do not fupply thefe ftates with contraband. Convinced of the principles laid down in the convention concluded at St. Petersburgh, on the 16th of December, laft year, for the general good of trading nations, the two crowns declare that they make it the undeviable rule of their conduct. They farther declare, that they acknowledge the following principles: 1ft, That neutral fhips may freely fail for the ports and coafts of the belligerent powers.-2d, That, with exception of warlike contraband, the goods of fubjects of the bellige rent powers in neutral bottoms are free.-3d, That fuch ports only are to be confidered as blockaded, where, from the proximity of flips' of war, there fhall actually be danger in entering.-4th, The neutral veffels can be detained only on juft grounds, and evident facts. - 5th, That no convoy fhall be fearched, when the commander of the hip of war convoying them declares that there is no contraband on board.

XXV. - XXVII. In time of war, one power may fhut its ports against the privateers and prizes of the other that is engaged in war. The following articles only are declared to be contraband, viz. guns, mortars, firelocks, piftols, bombs, grenades, balls, mufkets, flints, matches, pow. der, faltpetre, fulphur, cuiralles, pikes, fword-belts, cartridges-boxes, Z2


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faddles, and bridles. All other
goods, in neutral bottoms, are to be
confidered as neutral property.

XXVIII. The power engaged in
war fhall grant leave for fitting out
privateers to fuch of its fubjects only

[Here follow the ratifications of Guftavus Adolphus, and Alexander I.]


as refide in the country, and are able Note prefented by Count Kalitcheff at
to find fecurity for the damage they
may do to neutral vessels.

XXIX. If either of the two pow. ers should be at war with another ftate, its fhips of war and privateers fhall be allowed to fearch fuch merchant-thips of the other power as are not under convoy; but only two or three men shall be fent on board, to investigate the legality and neutrality of the cargo.

XXX. If any fuch fhip fhould have contraband on board, that only, and nothing else, shall be taken and confifcated.

XXXII. XXXIII. If one of the powers is carrying on war, the fubjects of the other thall enjoy, in the country of fuch power, all liberty and fecurity as before, and its men and ships fhall not be employed in military fervices. In cafes of bankruptcy of the fubjects of either country, trustees of the eftate fhall be appointed.

XXXIV, If a war should break out between the two powers, the fpace of a twelvemonth, from the date of the declaration of war, shall be allowed to their respective trading fubjects, for withdrawing their property from the country of the other.

XXXV. XXXVI. The prefent
treaty is concluded for twelve years,
and figned by

Count Stedingk,
Prince Kurakin,
Count Von der Pahlen,
And prince Sagazin,

HE underfigned haftens to com

the commands he has juft received from his court.

His majefty the emperor of all the Ruffias, relying upon the chief conful's love of juftice, by which he has obtained fo great and fo merited a reputation, entertains the hope, that he will fulfil the engagements into which he had entered with the late emperor, not to infift upon the hard conditions to which the king of Naples had been obliged to fubmit. The underligned thinks it his duty to remind citizen Talleyrand that the admiffion of the five articles, prefented to the French government by way of anfwer to its preffing reprefentations for opening a negotiation with Ruffia, was the only mo tive for fending the underfigned to Paris. The new inftructions direc him to infift, that the said five arti cles, which had been agreed upon as the bafis of the negotiation, fhould receive their speedy execution. By thefe articles the two powers agreed that the king of the two Sicilies, and the king of Sardinia, fhould be again put in poffeffion of the refpective states which they poffeffed before the irruption of the French troops into Italy. Citizen Talleyrand, minifter of foreign affairs, has been authorized repeatedly to give the af furance, that the five articles were agreed to, and that they would be. carried into effect.


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