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§ 1. The annual meeting of the League shall be held at such time and place, in each year, as the Council may determine.

§ 2. At least three meetings of the Council shall be held in each year, one of which shall be as soon after the annual meeting of the League as may be practicable, and the others at such times and places as may be fixed by its Chairman. Special meetings may be called at any time by its Chairman or by the President of the League, and shall be called by the Secretary upon the written request of any five members.

§ 3. The Council shall elect its Chairman and the Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary of the League, at its meeting next succeeding each annual meeting of the League.

§ 4. At each meeting of the Council it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to make a statement of the amount of money in the treasury, and of the place of its deposit, and at the annual meeting of the League he shall state the sources of all moneys received, and set forth in detail all expenditures made, during the year.

§ 5. The order of business at each meeting of the Council shall be:

1. The reading and correction of the minutes of the last meeting.

And thereafter, unless otherwise ordered, as follows:

2. The admission of new Associations.

3. Statement of the Treasurer.

4. Report from the office of the Secretary.

5. Reports of Standing Committees.

6. Reports of Special Committees.

7. Miscellaneous business.

§ 6. There shall be the following Standing Committees to be annually appointed as the Council shall direct:

(1) A Committee on Finance, to consist of not less than nine members;

(2) A Committee on Publication, to consist of at least three members; and, ex-officio, the Secretary and the President of the League; and

(3) A Committee on Law, to consist of at least four members, and, ex-officio, the Chairman of the Council.

These Committees shall discharge the duties appropriate to their respective titles; vacancies occurring in any one of them may be filled by the Chairman of the Council.

§ 7. The following Special Committees shall be appointed as the Council shall direct, and discharged at the conclusion of the annual meeting of the League, next following:

(1) A Committee on Nominations, to consist of six members and, ex-officio, the Chairman of the Council.

(2) A Committee on Resolutions, to consist of six members, and, ex-officio, the President of the League.

These two Committees shall submit their reports at a meeting of the Council immediately preceding the annual meeting of the League.

(3) A Committee on Report and Programme, to consist of two members, and, ex-officio, the President of the League, the Chairman of the Council and the Secretary; a part of whose duty shall be to prepare, for consideration. by the Council, the draft of the annual report required by Article VI of the Constitution.

§ 8. These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the Council by a unanimous vote of the members present, or by the vote of a majority of such members, provided that, in the latter event, notice of the contemplated amendment shall have been given in the call of the meeting.


Publications of the National Civil Service Reform League

Proceedings at the Annual Meetings of the National Civil Service Reform League, 1894 to 1914, inclusive, (excepting 1895 and 1898, out of print).

(Address of 1898.)
(Address of 1899.)
(Address of 1903.)

A Review of the Year. By Carl Schurz.
Renewed Struggles. By Carl Schurz.
Some Object Lessons. By Carl Schurz.
Can We Trust Our Army to Spoilsmen? By Charles J. Bonaparte.

An Open Letter to Hon. C. H. Grosvenor, in reply to recent attacks
on the Civil Service Law and Rules. By George McAneny. (1897.)
The Need and Best Means for Providing a Competent and Stable
Civil Service for Our New Dependencies. By Dorman B.
Eaton. (1898.)

The Choice of Correct Methods in the Administration of American Dependencies. By Elliot H. Goodwin. (1900.

Four Reports. Prepared by the Investigating Committee of the National Civil Service Reform League. (1901.)

Superannuation in the Civil Service. Reports of Special Committees. (1901, 1906, 1907, 1909, 1910 and 1911.)

Withdrawals from the Civil Service. Report of a Special Committee of the League. (1906.)

Governor Hughes on Civil Service Reform. Address of Governor Charles E. Hughes, of New York, at the Annual Meeting of the League. (1907.)

The Business Value of Civil Service Reform. (Third Revised Edition.) (1913.)

Activity of Federal Office Holders in Politics. Report of a Special Committee of the League. (1909.)

The Fundamental Reform. By President Charles W. Eliot. (Address of 1909.)

Things Won and Greater Things Not Yet Won. By President Charles W. Eliot. (Address of 1910.)

Promotions in the Civil Service. Report of a Special Committee of the League. (1910.)

Politics vs. the Administration of Justice. By Hon. Winfred T. Denison. (1910.)

Coal Hod Politics. By Hon. Winfred T. Denison. (1911.)

The Relation of Organized Labor to Civil Service Reform. By Hon. Samuel B. Donnelly. (1911.)

Civil Service Reform and Popular Government.

Charles W. Eliot. (Address of 1911.)

By President

Draft of a Civil Service Law for Cities. Prepared by a Special Committee of the League. (1912.)

The Merit System and the New Democratic Party. By President Charles W. Eliot. (Address of 1912.)

Civil Service Reform and the First Nine Months of Democratic Control in both Congress and the Administration. March -December, 1913. By President Charles W. Eliot.

The Merit System in Road Management. By Logan W. Page. (1913.)

The Choice of Municipal Experts Through Competitive Exami. nations in Philadelphia. By Hon. Lewis H. Van Dusen. (1913.)

Preliminary Report of the Special Committee on Removals in the Civil Service. (1913.)

The Practicability of the Merit System. By Arthur M. Swanson. (1915.)

Protection and Extension. By Richard Henry Dana. (Address of 1914.)

City Government by Experts under the Competitive System. By William Dudley Foulke. (1914.)

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