the meeting was exceedingly agreeable; that our delegates were highly pleased to find that the brethren in Philadelphia engaged to promote the interest of this institution, by opening public subscriptions. They were of opinion that the students had made great progress in Latin, Geography, and in Logic; besides which, they produced specimens of their composition every week. Doctor Staughton, as well as the whole board, testified their warm approbation of the diligence and virtuous deportment of the students, and which cannot but be highly gratifying to this board." Since that period, we have received, from unquestionable authorities, information of the continued improvement of the students in the various branches of education assigned them. As your board of Correspondence, we have thought proper to recommend to the General Society in Philadelphia, certain alterations to the constitution; especially that its benefits should be extended to the United States generally. It is with peculiar pleasure this board communicates to you, the high sense it entertains of the ability and assiduity of Doctor Staughton, in the high department in which he is placed; and add our fervent desires for the continuance of his life and usefulness. The accounts of your Treasurer have been duly audited by the Committee appointed for the purpose, and it appears, upon examination, that the sum of eight hundred and thirty-six dollars have been received and expended since the formation of the society. From this Report to you, dear brethren, we hope for the continuance of your prayers and pecuniary aid. This Education Society is confessedly in its infancy, and we anticipate the blessing of the Lord upon your efforts, with other branches of the general Institution, which may render it still more abundantly prosperous for many years to come, when our heads are laid in the silent grave. Signed by order and in behalf of the Board in New-York, this 14th day of June, 1814. * EDWARD PROBYN, Secr❜y. Subscriptions to this Institution will be thankfully received by Nathaniel Smith, Treasurer, 149 Broadway, and Edward Probyn, Secretary, 12 Vandewater-street. APPENDIX. THE author of the preceding Discourse, having for many years paid at- tention to pious young men, devoting themselves to the ministry of the gos- pel, and having formed his mode of instruction into Lectures, which are equally calculated to assist private, intelligent Christians, of all denomina- tions, the more accurately to study divine truths contained in the holy scriptures, he purposed to present them through the medium of the press to the public attention. Though, hitherto he has been deterred from his de- sign by the inauspiciousness of the times, and the stagnation occasioned by the calamity of war, if his life is spared, he hopes in a more favourable period to publish the volume. He however employs the waste pages of this publication by presenting to the public a prospectus of the subjects of his Lectures; and which, at the same time, may afford to inquirers some further information of the utility of cultivating the minds of young persons CONTENTS OF THEOLOGICAL LECTURES. FIRST COURSE. Definition.-Ancient study of it.-How far necessary under the gospel dis- NO. 2. QUALIFICATIONS OF A STUDENT. These, moral and spiritual.—Natural, as the mind, memory, and voice.→ As pursued in public divinity schools, and in universities.-Private study. -Peculiar method recommended in these Lectures. NO. 4. SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE SCRIPTURES. Different methods pursued in reading them.-Preparatory advice to a correct study of them-Divisions.-History of the Old Testament. Of the New. Detached parts of sacred History.-Sentimental parts of scripture. NO. 6. STUDY OF THE PROPHETS Nature of Prophecy.-Character of the Prophets.-Chronology of the Prophets.-Directions for the study of them. Introduction.-General rules for the study of it.-Of a Type; Miracle; Parable; Mystery.-Special directions. NO. 8. SELECT SUBJECTS. Common practice pursued in studying them objected. Another proposed. -A digest.-Amplification. SECOND COURSE. No. 9. THE STUDY. Advantages of retirement.-Local situation of it.-Its household furniture.-Library, and other articles necessary for the improvement of the mind.-Apportions of time in study.-Devotion of the study. Utility of it.-Specimens-Letter-Essay-Narrative-Dissertation of Character-Dialogue.-General directions. N. B. This Lecture is not strictly Theological, but merely introduced in its order to assist those who may not have had previous advantages on the subjects. History of Sermons.-Characteristics of a good discourse.-Choice of texts and subjects. Construction of different kinds of discourses.-General rules. Sermons of two classes; simple and compound.-Skeletons of each-Di rections. NO. 13. SAME SUBJECT CONTINUED. On exordium and conclusion.-To procure Skeletons from printed sermons.-Style of Sermons.-A finished discourse.-Rules for practice. History of Exposition.-Construction of written Exposition for the Press, or for private use.-Public Exposition for the pulpit. No. 15. ON PREACHING. History of preaching.-General principles.-How a man may preach deceitfully-How incorrectly-How correctly.-Preaching to sinners, as such. -Delivery of Sermons in general.—The management of the voice.—Action. Conclusion. Qualifications of a pastor; how far different from a preacher in general.→ The nature of the work explained, with directions to each part.-Public prayer, and pastoral preaching--Administering ordinances.-Ruling and defending the flock.-Pastoral visits. These are ready for the press; and it is contemplated to add two other Lectures. 17. On the study of Ecclesiastical History. 18. Review of the whole Lectures, with additional miscellaneous directions, &c. |