THE following short ADDRESS may have no thing in it materially to interest the matured mind, other than its simplicity and sincerity. It is the plain effusion of a heart disposed to make serious impressions upon an assembly of one hundred and forty orphan children; and, to teach them how to feel for the miseries of others. Such as it is, with sincere respect, it is dedicated to the Ladies who have the direction of this INSTITUTION; and, to the afflicted DIRECTRESSES OF THE ORPHAN ASYLUM IN PHILADELPHIA. New-York, March 1, 1822. fervent prayer to the MOST HIGH GOD, for its completion. in Upon this pleasing occasion, let us not forget to strew a few grateful flowers upon this CORNERSTONE, in pious remembrance of those departed Female Worthies, who, after having laboured with us for many years, and witnessed the prosperity of this humane institution, are now transmitted to the regions of a blissful immortality. One flower memory of Mrs. Sarah Hoffman, who was many years its first Directress. Another, for the venerable Mrs. GRAHAM. Another, for Miss ISABELLA W. OGDEN, Secretary to the Board; and another. for the late Mrs. STARTIN. How charmingly the fragrance of their virtues and benevolence, still continue to perfume this Orphan Asylum! Ungenerous would it be in us, upon this occasion, not to pronounce with gratefulness, the worthy name of JACOB SHERRED, Esq., by whose liberal bequest of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, this Wing is intended to be erected, and inscribed to his memory. To you, LADIES, who are still permitted to live as tender guardians to these helpless children, what a strong excitement must you feel on recollecting the many expressions of divine beneficence which have been showered upon your labours! Next to this, is the pious example of your departed Associates; which, upon this occasion especial ly will not fail to prompt your unwearied exertions in favour of the children that now surround you;-for, blessed are they who consider the needy. poor and [The masons were requested to prepare the corner-stone.With the customary ceremony, the Directresses present, laid it in its place. The orphan children in the yard, who were arranged around the spot, were next addressed.] CHILDREN, - You this morning witness a new instance of the Almighty's kindness in your favour, by preparing additional means for your accommodation. By this increased expense, you must be convinced how much the public, and your indulgent directresses, are interested in your welfare. They are not only solicitous to provide for you a shelter, with necessary food and clothing; but, also with that portion of learning which may conduce to your personal benefit, and your future usefulness to society. Especially, to give your tender minds that moral and religious instruction, which, we hope, God will bless for your present and future happiness. How important is it that you now, Remember your your Creator in the days of your youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when you shall say, I have no pleasure in them. Many of you may be permitted to live. and arrive at man then predicted a still more bloody scene which should mark the coming of Christ the Messiah, which Matthew informs us, was then fulfilled. Herod, king of Judea, being informed that Jesus was born king of the Jews, was so alarmed at the consequences, that he determined, though in vain, to take away his life. To effect this design, he barbarously commanded all the male children to be put to death that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under. The grief of the mothers of those massacred children, is described and personified by weeping Rachel, that tender parent who was so passionately fond of children, and whose grave was yet known and venerated in Rama, which was within the borders where those innocent children were murdered at the command of bloody Herod. What pencil can sufficiently describe the agonizing feelings of those bereaved women, whose lovely infants were torn from their breasts, and hewed in pieces by the sanguinary sword? Nature feels; sensibility speaks; the voice is heard; deep lamentation, excessive weeping, and great mourning; while in the anguish of their souls, they refuse to be comforted, because their little ones were not, and laid in their untimely graves. From the scene in Bethlehem, let me conduct you to the severe calamity which so lately occurred in Philadelphia. In the month of May last, I had the pleasure of visiting the Orphan Family in that city. The children were in health; all of them beneath their matron's care industriously employed, and contentment and pleasure played upon their tender cheeks. But alas! how inscrutable are the ways of God with mortals. |