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" ... 3. If against a minor under the age of fourteen years: to such minor personally, and also to his father, mother, or guardian; or if there be none within the State, then to any person having the care or control of such minor, or with whom he resides,... "
Laws of the State of New York Passed at the Sessions of the Legislature - Strana 515
autor/autoři: New York (State). Legislature - 1848
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Laws of the State of New York

New York (State) - 1849 - 864 str.
...against a minor under the age of fourteen years, to such minor personally, and also to his father, mother, or guardian, or if there be none within the state, then to any person having tie care and control of such minor, or with whom he shall reside, or in whose service he shall be employed...
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First[-Fourth] Report of the Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings ...

New York (State). Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings - 1848 - 904 str.
...thereof: 2. If against a minor, under the age of fourteen years, to his father, mother, or gardian, or if there be none within the state, then to any person having the care and control of such minor : 3. If against a person judicially declared to be ol unsound mind, or incapable of conducting his...
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The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of New-York

New York (State). Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings - 1850 - 920 str.
...the age of fourteen years, to such minor personally, and also to his father, mother, [CIVIL CODE.] 17 or guardian, or if there be none within the state,...the care and control of such minor, or with whom he resides or in whose service he is employed : 3. If against a person judicially declared to be of unsound...
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The Code of Procedure of the State of New York: As Amended by the ...

New York (State), Henry Strong McCall - 1851 - 244 str.
...against a minor under the age of fourteen years, to such minor personally, and also to his father, mother or guardian, or if there be none within the...reside, or in whose service he shall be employed. 3. alf against a person judicially declared to be of unsound mind or incapable of conducting his own affairs...
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Laws of the State of New York, Svazek 2

New York (State) - 1851 - 1408 str.
...against a minor under the age of fourteen years, to such minor personally, and also to his father, mother or guardian, or if there be none within the...having the care and control of such minor, or with whom ht shall reside, or in whose sen-ice he shall be employed. 3. If against a person judicially declared...
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Practice and Pleading Under the Codes, Original and Amended: With Appendix ...

Henry Whittaker - 1852 - 900 str.
...against a minor under the age of fourteen years, to such minor personally, and also to his father, mother or guardian, or if there be none within the...then to any person having the care and control of euch minor, or with whom he shall reside, or in whose service he shall be employed. or incapable of...
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The Code of Procedure of the State of New York: As Amended April 16, 1852 ...

New York (State) - 1852 - 606 str.
...several cases therein specified. The third subdivision of that section provide», where the action is against a person judicially declared to be of unsound...mind, or incapable of conducting his own affairs in consetienrc of habitual drunkenness, and Tor whom a commiltee has been appointed, that he summon»...
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Compiled Laws of the State of California: Containing All the Acts of the ...

California, Selucius Garfielde, Frederick A. Snyder - 1853 - 1108 str.
...against a minor under the age of fourteen years, to such minor personally, and also to his father, mother, or guardian ; or if there be none within the...the care and control of such minor, or with whom he resides, or in whoee service he is employed : 3d. If against a person judicially declared to be of...
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A Treatise on the Practice of the Courts of the State of California ...

Jesse B. Hart - 1853 - 334 str.
...agent; if against a minor under the age of fourteen, on such minor personally, and also on his father, mother or guardian ; or if there be none within the state, then on any person having the care and control of such minor, or with whom he resides, or in whose service...
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Statutes of California and Digests of Measures

California - 1854 - 270 str.
...or other «gaiast a i_ j fii• L- • i A. corporation. minor personally, and also to his father, mother, or guardian, or if there be none within the State, then to any person having the care or control of such minor, or with whom he resides, or in whose service he is employed. Same, whenj...
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