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such a king had been on the throne. Louis XVI should have possessed sufficient intelligence to use his power to protect, in advance, the general prosperity and security of his people, depending upon him as a ruler, for their welfare, without being forced to do so by a starving mob clamoring at the door of his palace.

As a rule, an irresponsible mob, incapable of reason, and usually led by wild fanatics, should never be permitted to influence the policy to be followed by the supreme power exercising the government of the state. Precautions should be taken in time, to prevent the assembling of a mob, by supplying them with food and observing the rights justly belonging to the people. It should never be permitted, to allow a wild clamorous mob to dictate the policy of the nation.

If Louis XVI had been a wise and practical ruler, he would, under the existing conditions, have abdicated, or himself provided a liberal constitution, demanded by the people, thus relinquishing some of the old prerogatives of a one-man government, and entrusted them to the chosen representatives of the people.

It is the lack of proper statesmanship and practical common sense management, that brings out irresponsible mobs.

The crisis in the case of Louis XVI was reached on the 6th of October, 1789. This was soon after a revised constitution had been promulgated and adopted by the new republic of the United States of America. LaFayette, now in France, had been, for some time, very active in the United States, as a friend of Washington, laboring with him and others to free the colonies from the imperialistic rule of Great Britain.

It is, unquestionably certain that the king would have retained his influence and saved his life, if he could have forgotten, for a while, his royal dignity, and personally taken part, together with Donton, and other liberal and sane leaders, in the councils of the national assembly, called together under the emergency, aiding them in drawing up a straightforward, democratic and honest constitution, making the ministry accountable to the lower house as in England elected by universal suffrage, and representing the will of the people. In this way he could have continued to hold his position as king, while the most suitable men in the nation could have been selected as ministers, to administer the affairs of the nation, the same as the House of Commons now acts in Great Britain. This would have prevented the reign of terror and saved his life.

Instead of this, he, like most kings and emperors under similar circumstances, stubbornly resisted every proposal which encroached upon his assumed inherited prerogatives. He ignored the fact that

the world was progressing in civilization, and that royal powers were originally forced upon the people by his ancestors, regardless of their will. The people were, and had been for years, neglected and impoverished, in order to support the luxuries of an extravagant and corrupt court, and the nobility were favored and escaped the burden of taxation, which was imposed upon the people.


Russia, after a period of a hundred and thirty years from the fall of Louis XVI, has been torn and devastated by civil war and revolution, very much after the manner of France. During this period, however, the civilized world has advanced in education and experience, and limited monarchies with written constitutions have become generally in vogue, in Europe. Besides the Republic of Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark have become liberal constitutional governments, as well as England, with the ministry more or less accountable to the representatives of the people in parliament. Portugal, China and Switzerland, in Europe; Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and all the South American states have democratic representative forms of government with written constitutions. And now Germany takes its place among modern republics and has a new constitution.

The Czar, like Louis XVI, instead of keeping up with the democratic progress of the world, held stubbornly to his so-called inherited divine rights, and attempted to dissolve the Duma, which, at the best, had been given reluctantly, a very small degree of power by the Czar. He, like some of the previous Russian rulers and many of the French rulers, had shown his incapacity to govern a modern civilized state.

He had ruled the people in a despotic and archaic method, and built up an autocratic and tyrannical bureaucracy.

The people of every nation should understand by this time, especially since Germany has been led by the emperor-king into the grossest onslaught on civilization and human rights which the world has ever known, that it is dangerous to give unrestricted power into the hands of any one man, who can pass it on to his sons and unborn grandsons of whose ability and sanity nothing can be known. Those who inherit these powers may be, and experience has shown, are, nearly always entirely unfitted to govern any nation.

By the sudden overthrow of the old absolute archaic monarchy of Russia, and its change to a republic as the leaders of the revolution expected to found, the people were naturally dazzled in all branches

and conditions of society, both civil and military, and were thrown into a chaotic condition from which they have not yet entirely recovered under the present unacknowledged government of Russia which was established Nov. 7, 1917, with a capital in Moscow, in the Kremlin. This government is called a government of Soviets. Instead of electing men at the polls they are elected in shops and unions. There are soviets in every village, district and county in Russia. This government is under the control of Trotzky and Lenine. The former leaders failed to establish a real, common sense republic like that of the United States, and Trotzky and Lenine have resorted to force and unprecedented methods for governing the different races and classes in Russia.

"The Czar's Manifesto of October, 1902, promised complete liberty; liberty of the person, of speech, of religion, of the press, and reform of the judicial system which are all within the Duma's competence," says Tolstoy, "and the Duma should embody these principles in legislation, in the shortest possible time. With the power still remaining in the hands of the Czar's government, so long exercising autocratic control, it is doubtful if this liberty will be obtained under the present constitution."

If the Czar had been wise he would have exercised the great power he possessed in establishing free schools throughout Russia and voluntarily granting universal suffrage, and the freedom of the press.

The monarchists in Russia, as well as those in Germany, will continually plot to overthrow every other government except that of monarchy. When the more conservative and right minded statesmen in Russia attempted to bring order out of chaos and called a constitutional convention to form a new republican constitution, under well tried methods, Trotzky and Lenine, with their promises of land taken from the great landed proprietors and given to the people, were enabled, with the backing of the soldiers, the peasants and the working classes, to prevent this new constitution being made, and forced the Soviet government in its place. This radical excess of socalled "liberty" without law, is the effect of long autocratic and despotic rule of the czars, against which the people are now taking revenge.

We are being taught startling lessons from what is going on in Russia, under the direction of Trotzky and Lenine. The conditions in Russia have been entirely different from those which obtain in the United States. The spirit of bolshevism has been brought about in Russia by a long period of despotic rule by a privileged autocratic class, who have oppressed and kept a great majority of the people in practical slavery, and in ignorance and deprived unjustly of their natural rights. The lands in Russia, in the earlier period of its history,

were originally held in many cases and used in common by what they call Communes. These Communes used the land in common and had a modified form of local democratic government and were not serfs. Later these lands were taken away from the people by force and by those who were elevated to the nobility, together with the former Czar and his family. Those who occupied the lands originally were made serfs and were bought and sold with the land until they were liberated in 1861.

The liberation of the serfs and the rights given to establish a Duma did not meet the necessary demands of the people, so they were ripe for the revolution, which brought about the abdication of the Czar and the overthrow of the Russian monarchy. This was precipitated by the defeat of the Russian army in the World War.


The great corporations and millionaires of the United States acquiring vast financial power have, in various ways, brought discredit upon our liberal and equitable form of government which, when properly administered, deals out justice to all classes. The autocratic and oppressive government of Russia was the cause of bringing dissatisfaction among the people of Russia and instigated them to not only throw off the old monarchial system, but to adopt a plan of government which is carrying liberty to an excess, which is unjustified and unprecedented in any rational government.

Great corporations in the United States have used their power in some cases to dominate Congress, and legislation for their special benefit has been obtained often to the detriment of the great majority of the people, and this has raised a cry against our really good government. Thus our representative republic is wrongly blamed for existing inequalities which have thus been brought about by kings of commerce to accomplish their financial ends. The way to correct this is to change the legislative branch of the government periodically by the people who have a voice in elections, thus purging it and turning out those who have shown favoritism to the capitalistic class, and electing men who are honest and who will legislate for the good of the people equitably, independent of class or condition. Stringent laws should be enacted to restrain the power of great corporations now dominating all lines of commerce.

These conditions have furnished plausible arguments for those conspiring against our republican form of government which they claim permits such things. This also has influenced those who are

seeking to create new systems of government in Europe. Those who thus find fault with our constitution and system of government are really misinformed and unacquainted with the great fundamental principles it contains, and judge not from its text but from the method used by an invisible government under the control of great corporations and multi-millionaires who care nothing about our principles of government but are looking out only for their own individual interests.

Trotzky and Lenine point to our multi-millionaires and the great packing trust and corporations as products of our lauded democratic institutions. They say there is no more equality and equal privileges contained in our constitution than under the old autocratic governments of Russia and Germany. The people they claim are overreached and deprived of the benefits which should accrue to those under an honestly administered representative government.


The mass of the people, including the laboring classes, should not be influenced, or prejudiced against our government by the arguments of the Bolsheviki; or other foreign enemies of our government, who are seeking to undermine one of the most practical and liberal governments the world has ever known. They should, at all times, be loyal and defend the Constitution which is the guarantee of their liberties and contains a bill of rights favorable to them. They should be devoted to the stars and stripes, which is the emblem of this free government. They should be ready at all times to defend this flag against the assault of enemies at home or abroad, who are seeking to establish anarchy and a form of government which is impractical and overthrows the rights of individual liberty and the ownership of property. The United States should not become the home of anarchists or Bolsheviki, followers of Trotzky and Lenine, nor their like.


"The verdict returned in the Red case against William Bross Lloyd and the other defendants is a signal victory not only for the people of Chicago and Illinois, but for the entire United States. The community is to be congratulated that Americans still sit on our juries, and the jury is to be commended for its fearlessness in accepting the issue and meeting it with a positive verdict. This leaves no room for doubt that Chicago is and Chicago always has been an American city.

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