Obrázky stránek

of it, such a storm of public indignation was aroused that the Salisbury Government took up the matter and soon forced the Chinese to give up their prisoner.

As it was, Sun Yat Sen had a narrow escape, but his experience deepened his hatred to the despotic Manchu Government and increased the energy with which he ever afterwards worked for its downfall, Wm. F. Larsen.

The above account of Sun Yet Sen's plight and the celestial treachery, told in an interview with Prof. W. F. Larsen, for five years in a Chinese Government University and now teaching in the R. T. Crane Jun. College here, was recalled when some time ago Bartow A. Ulrich, the author of Abraham Lincoln and New Constitutional Governments, received a letter from Sun Yat Sen and a check in payment for both copies of his books. Nearly twenty-five years have passed since that momentous occurrence in the life of Sun Yet Sen, and here is the former president and ever youthful idealist-not concerned about might, and glory and worldly possessions, but earnestly seeking light on the subject of democratic government.

Isn't that a great lesson for us?


Hongkong Report Says Political Affairs Are Rapidly Approaching Crisis-Dr. Sun Will "Stand By" Kwangtung Till Death," Is Announced-Recruiting Campaign For a New Army

From the North China Star, March 31, 1921

Reuter's Service.

Hongkong, March 29.-The Hongkong Telegraph says it is reported that the political situation is rapidly coming to a head and the crisis is expected shortly.

Sun Yat-sen is seeking to establish a separate Southern Republic with himself as the President.

The Chinese merchants have been instructed to support the movement by wiring to other centers approving the scheme.

It is reported that Sun Yet Sen has declared that he will stand by Kwangtung, even to the point of giving up his life, and will under no circumstances leave the South.

Recently official notices have been displayed by soildiers seeking recruits for the new army which Sun Yet Sen is creating. Seven of these soldiers who were arrested by Chen' Chiung-ming

were later demanded by the Military Government, and have since been dismissed from the army.

The notices are reappearing, and further arrests are reported.


M. Merkudoff Heads Non-Socialist Government in Vladivostock

(By the Associated Press)

Tokio, May 27.-The latest press dispatches from Vladivostock. in connection with the occupation of that city Thursday morning by troops formerly under command of the late General Kappell, state that a new pre-amur government has been formed and that M. Merkudoff, chairman of the non-socialist organizations, has been nominated for president. The convocation of a constituent assembly for the pre-amur region also is announced.

Some members of the Vladivostock militia made a determined stand against the Kappellists in the dock districts, the advices say, and the latter occupied the headquarters of the militia after considerable resistance in which the Kappell forces lost six killed and several wounded.

Leaflets have been found in the streets demanding the messacre of Jews, according to the advices, and M. Medvedieff, former premier of the revolutionary government in Vladivostock, has been arrested.


Appeals For Recognition and Freedom From Occupation Or Aggression By Other Powers-Defines Boundaries and Rights of Peoples Dwelling Therein-Will Proceed On "Basis Of Firm Insistence Upon Their Sovereign Rights"

Dalta News Agency.

Peking, April 3.-The following is the declaration of the Constituent Assembly of the Far Eastern Republic to all governments and nations of the world, forwarded by Mr. I. L. Yourin, President of the Mission of the Far Eastern Republic to China, in a letter to the various Legations in Peking.

"To All Governments and Nations of the World"

Two and a half years' heroic struggle by the revolutionary people of the Russian Far East against the hated regime of the usurping atamans and their adherents has ended in a complete victory of the people.

Owing to the international situation and with a view to preventing the Far East from becoming a permanent base of warfare against Soviet Russia, the people of the Russian Far East have given up their sacred wish of an immediate reunion with their mother country, Russia, and have entered upon the course of establishing within the territory of the Russian Far East an independent sovereign republic. The independence of this republic was recognized by the Socialist Federated Republic of Russia in its Act of May 14, 1920.

To form a government and to enact fundamental laws of the Republic, the Constituent Assembly was elected by the free will of the people of the Far Eastern Republic, expressed by universal, equal, direct and secret ballot and by proportional representation with no distinction of nationality, sex or religion.

Considering the creation of such a government as will secure the full rights of the people by promoting stability and complete freedom of creative initiative of all citizens in the terrritory of the Far Eastern Republic, to be its domentous task, the Constituent Assembly hereby solemnly declares to the entire world that:

The Declarations

1-The whole of the territory of the former Empire of Russia, east of the River Selenga and Lake Baikal to the Pacific Ocean, including the regions of Baikalia, Zabaikalia, Amur, Priamur and Maritime Province and the northern part of Saghalien Island, is hereby declared under the jurisdiction of the independent sovereign democratic state, the Far Eastern Republic.

2-By virtue of an agreement, and demarcation line between the Soviet Republic of Russia and the Far Eastern Republic is drawn as follows: From the River Selenga (from its exit from Mongolia) to the administrative boundary of the former Selenginsk, Barguzinsk and Verschene-Udinsk counties, following the boundary of these countries to Lake Barkal, then eastward through the middle of Lake Baikal, along the old boundary between the Yakutsk, Zazaikal and Amur districts to the watershed between the Rivers Kiran and Posma, along the watershed of these rivers to the shores

of the Okhotsk Sea and the Cape of Mejeland, including all the islands south of the Cape of Mejeland.

3-The sole masters exercising the sovereign rights within this terrritory are the people who inhabit it, and consequently the presence of any armed force of a foreign power in their territory or interference by a foreign power with the internal affairs of the country is not only regarded as an encroachment upon the rights of the Russian people in the Far East, but as an act of gross violence and usurpation, and as a violation of fundamental international rights.

Treaty Rights

4-All the treaty rights of the former Empire of Russia in the leased territory of the Chinese revert to the Government of the Far Eastern Republic, and are therefore subject to revision conjointly by the Governments of the Far East Republic, the Socialist Federated Soviet Republic of Russia and the Republic of China.

5-Hereafter the supreme power in the territory of the Far Eastern Republic must belong to the people and no one else.

6-The form of government, the foundation of which the Constituent Assembly has been called to lay, will rest on the prin ciples of real democracy and self-government, ensuring the sovereignty of the entire population and the irrevocable rights of the toiling majority, whose will has been expressed directly through their representatives, elected according to the principle of universal, direct, equal and secret ballot, and with due consideration to the principle of proportional representation guaranteeing the rights of the majority.

7-Considering the individual self-assertion of the community and the free expression of initiative, whether by individuals or groups, as a necessary condition of the development of the country, the Constituent Assembly, by abolishing all class distinction and privileges, guarantees all political freedom to the population, such as personal immmunity, freedom of the press and speech, of meeting, union, strike, conscience and movement.

No Capital Punishent

8-Corporal and capital punishment, the remnant of the old regime, is hereby abolished.

9-Having set upon the peaceful reconstruction of economic and political life of the country, the Constituent Assembly declares that the civil strife has ended and that all political offenses are forgiven by a decree of amnesty, which the Constituent Assembly is going to issue without delay.

10 The institution of private ownership remains untouched, the

Government guaranteeing full immunity to all citizens of the Republic, as well as to the citizens of foreign countries who may come to live there. The limitation of the rights of private property may be extended only in the interest of the general public and only in cases provided by law.

11-Land being the vital force of the entire population, the natural resources of land and water are hereby declared the property of the people and therefore cannot become private property. Pursuing the economic policy of the "open door" and equal opportunities for foreign industry and trade, and endeavoring to resume economic relations with other nations on a basis of mutual exchange, the Government of the Far Eastern Republic will take every possible measure to make terms appealing to foreign capital and foreign initiative for the development of the natural resources of the country, without violating the sovereign rights of the people of the Russian Far East and the laws for the preservation of the rights of the workmen.

12-All small national minorities in the territory of the Far Eastern Republic are hereby granted the right of autonomy, which is considered as a necessary measure for independent development of their national capacity.

The Conclusion

On the basis of firm insistence upon their sovereign rights, and by their incessant efforts to establish themselves on peaceful principles, the people of the Far Eastern Republic will build their relations with neighboring nations upon the foundations of mutual understanding and respect, confidence and peaceful co-operation.

The Constituent Assembly continues its task, with the belief in the creative power of the revolutionary people of the Far East and in their readiness to defend their rights and their peaceful labor.

"The Contituent Assembly of the Far Eastern Republic."

(From Dalta News Agency)

The people of the Russian Far East have, after long efforts, overcome the intrigues of the enemies of democracy and have accomplished the union of the Far Eastern provinces. Through the duly elected representatives in the Constituent Assembly they have now taken their fate into their own hands.

To the people of the Russian Far East who have suffered

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