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In conclusion, your committee earnestly request the hearty cooperation of each member of this Association in the work which you have made our special care.

Only by systematic and united effort can we hope to prosecute a winning fight against the great white plague.


M. A. CLARK, Secretary.

T. E. OERTEL, Chairman.

On motion of Dr. Williams, the report was adopted, and ordered published in the Transactions.

The report of the Committee on Education was called for, and was read by Dr. R. R. Kime, of Atlanta, as follows:


Mr. President:

Your Committee on Education desires to report as follows. We recommend:

First. Two sessions each school day from 8.30 a.m. to 12 m., and from 1.30 to 4 p.m. as best for the physical, mental and moral development of the child.

Second. A reduction of the number of pupils to a maximum of forty (40) to each teacher, which with two school sessions will give more time for study periods in school and materially lessen work and give the teacher time to instruct pupils how to study.

Third. A reduction in the number of studies in the schools,. leaving out such studies, or parts of same, as will not be of practical benefit later in life.

Fourth. We specially recommend medical inspection of schools in all cities of ten thousand population and over in order that thereby more attention may be given to the physical development. of the child.

Fifth. That in school buildings more attention be given to light, ventilation, sanitary surroundings and all other hygienic conditions.

Sixth. That more attention be given to the school furnishings, especially that the seating be properly adjusted to the size of the children, and in proper relation to light and ventilation.

In regard to the second subject assigned us, "When and how should boys and girls be instructed as to social purity and the social vices?" we find it difficult to reach a direct conclusion because of our present ideas and customs in regard to this subject, so that we feel before our instructions in this line can be made effective, some changes will have to be made.

First. The old idea that "a boy must sow his wild oats" is illogical and productive of evil. There is but one answer to this question, "Whatsoever ye sow that shall ye reap," and doubly so when sown in the formative stage of life.

Second. If the woman must be pure so should the man if the offspring is to be pure physically, mentally and morally. On this subject we quote (Morrow Diseases of Marriage): "So long as men may, without scruple, without violation of social laws, with what we might almost term tacit encouragement of society, freely consort with immoral women without incurring any sort of social stigma, so long will they continue to infect the innocent women they marry with diseases which soil them, which poison them, and which kill them."

Third. The idea of some that continence on the part of man is incompatible with health is productive of much evil and should be condemned.

On this subject the Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis has passed the following resolution and request the Medical Association of Georgia to pass the same and instruct their delegates to the American Medical Association to vote for the same:

"Resolved, That this society believes that continence is compatible with health and reprobate the contrary doctrine as a menace to the physical and moral welfare of the individual and of society."

As to instructions on these lines we advise:

First. That proper instructions as to sexual hygiene and social purity be given in the high schools and colleges to boys and girls separately.

Second. This we believe can best be done by properly written pamphlets to meet the requirements of both sexes separately and placed in the hands of teachers and parents.



It was moved that the report be accepted. Seconded. A member asked for an expression of opinion concerning the writing work in schools, as he knew that there were oculists and physicians present who could give an expression of opinion on the effect of so much writing work in schools. He did not think the report touched. that point.

Dr. T. Toepel said that usually there was insufficient light in schoolrooms, which was really the cause of so many children being affected with eye diseases. However, there seems to be a tendency among the school authorities now to provide for each room a certain amount of light, so that every child received a certain amount of light, air space and floor space. This is the only way to overcome the difficulties now existing in schoolrooms. It should not be to see how many children a teacher can instruct, but how well and how comfortable the child can be made while in the schoolroom. The sanitary committees and committees on hygiene of the different cities, particularly the authorities in charge, should see to it that if a schoolroom is built for forty children, they should not put forty-one in it, or if a schoolroom is built for fifty, they should not attempt to crowd sixty into it.

Dr. M. B. Hutchins thought that the committee left out an important thing. He did not know how it was in other cities in Georgia, but he believed ninety per cent. of the little schoolgirls in Atlanta stooped badly. They walked around with their backs doubled up. He did not know whether this was laziness or not. He was inclined to think, however, that it was due to the arrangement of the school seats and desks. He thought this was more important than some of the other matters brought up in the report.

Dr. C. M. Curtis said it occurred to him from observation that the school seats and patent desks which were used almost exclusively now in schools were gotten up with the idea of cheapness rather than that of comfort.

Dr. R. R. Kime said the committee would like the privilege of including in the report what was said with reference to seats in schoolrooms. The committee would also like the consent of the Association to incorporate

other points mentioned in the report, if it was agreeable. As there was no objection offered to this, this privilege was granted to the committee.

The President then put the motion, and the report of the Committee on Education was adopted.

Dr. W. B. Hardman, Commerce, moved that the Secretary be instructed to send Dr. Charles Hicks, of Dublin, a telegram, expressing the sympathy of the Association in his time of affliction and inability to attend the meeting. Also on account of the death of Dr. D. D. Quillian, one of the prominent members of the Association, that the Secretary be instructed to send a telegram of condolence to his wife.

The motion was seconded and carried, and the Secretary was so instructed.

Dr. S. A. Visanska, Atlanta, read a paper on "Treatment of Broncho-Pneumonia," which was discussed by Drs. Williams, Kendrick, Duncan, Curtis, Oliveros, Holmes, and, in closing, by the essayist.

Dr. J. E. Sommerfield, Atlanta, read a paper entitled "An Unusual Complication Following Typhoid Fever; Report of a Case."

Dr. J. W. Palmer, Ailey, followed with a paper on "Is There a Continued Fever other than Malarial or Typhoid?"

These two papers were discussed by Drs. McHatton, Hermann, Curtis, Thrash, Jones, Duncan, McArthur, Graham, Kime, and the discussion closed by Dr. Palmer.

Dr. R. R. Kime, Atlanta, read a paper on "The General Practitioner as a Factor in Surgery."

Dr. William Clifton Lyle, Augusta, read a paper entitled "Report of a Case of Addison's Disease," which was discussed by Drs. Williams and Block.

Dr. Arthur P. Hanie, Hartwell, read a paper on "Nephritis; Its Treatment."

Discussed by Drs. McRae, Block, Duncan and Daniel. On motion of Dr. Clark, the Association adjourned until 3: 30 p.m.


The House met at 2 p.m., Thursday, April 19th, and was called to order by the Secretary, in the absence of the President.

On motion of Dr. Jones, Dr. F. W. McRae was asked to take the chair.

Dr. M. A. Clark reported on behalf of the Council, as follows:


The Council begs leave to report that it has audited the report. of the Secretary-Treasurer, and has found it correct.

We wish to recommend the following:

Considering the fact that the Secretary-Treasurer has much more work to do under the present plan, we recommend that his salary be increased from $600.00 to $1,000.00.

It was moved that the report of the Council be adopted.. Seconded and carried.

Dr. Jones thanked the House of Delegates for their appreciation of his work.

The Secretary read the resignation of Dr. W. L. Davis, Councilor of the Second District.

On motion of Dr. Howard J. Williams, the resignation was accepted.

The Secretary read the following from the Spalding. County Medical Society:

In view of the custom that prevails under the present -law of the State of Georgia of requiring practicing physicans to attend court as witnesses in unimportant cases, of criminal violation of

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