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Medical Association of Georgia.

Fifty-Seventh Annual Session.


AUGUSTA, GA., April 18, 1906.

The Association met in the Miller-Walker Hall, and was called to order by the President, Dr. W. Z. Holliday, of Augusta, at 10: 45 a. m.

Prayer was offered by the Rev. Sparks W. Melton, D.D.

The President stated that the local Committee of Arrangements in providing for the exercises had cut out certain formalities, such as addresses of welcome, believing that these were unnecessary. He said it goes without saving that the members and their guests are cordially welcomed to our hearts and to our homes. With this introduction, the order of business was proceeded with.

Dr. William Clifton Lyle, Augusta, Chairman of the Local Committee on Arrangements, made the following verbal report:

The report of the Committee of Arrangements is practically incorporated in the official program of the Association. The meeting-place of the general Association will be in this hall (the

Miller-Walker Hall); the meeting-place for the House of Delegates is on the floor above, and the Council will hold its meetings in a room set aside for the purpose on this floor.

Owing to the length of the program, instead of having a smoker at the Country Club at 6 p.m., it was decided to have an evening session, and the smoker will be given at the Commercial Club, at 10 p.m., instead of at 6 p.m.

To-morrow evening (Thursday) the subscription dinner will be held at the Bon Air Hotel; price per plate, $1.25.

The Commercial and Country Clubs of the city extend the courtesies to all of the members, during the week, so that you are as much members of these various clubs as those who live here, and we will be glad for you to avail yourselves of the courtesies at our expense.




Prayer, by the Rev. Sparks W. Melton, D.D.
Report of Committee on Arrangements.

Report of Committee on Necrology.

Report of Committee on Scientific Work.

Report of Secretary-Treasurer.

Special Reports.

1. The Treatment of Colds. Geo. Brown, M.D, Atlanta.

2. The Antrum and its Treatment, with Special Reference to Accessory Complications. Arthur G. Hobbs, M.D., Atlanta. 3. Mastoiditis and the Indications for Performing the Mastoid Operation. Frank M. Cunningham, M.D., Macon.

4. The Giant Magnet as an Eye-Preserver. Ross P. Cox, M.D., Rome.

5. A Report of Sixteen Hundred Cataract Operations. A. W. Calhoun, M.D., Atlanta.

6. The Proper Management of Chronic Suppurative Inflammation of the Middle Ear. Dunbar Roy, M.D., Atlanta.

7. Life Insurance Examinations: What Applicants Should be Admitted and what Rejected. W. S. Kendrick, M.D., Atlanta. 8. Some Remarks on Chronic Conditions H. McHatton, M.D.,


9. Needed Legislation on Pare Food Laws for Georgia. O. H.

Buford, M.D., Cartersville.

10. Radium. F. G. Hodgson, M.D., Atlanta.

II. Enteroptosis. L. Amster, M.D., Atlanta.

12. Gastric Ulcer: Its Diagnosis and Treatment. Wm. H. Moss, M.D., Atlanta.


13. The Treatment of Neuritis and Other Congestive Conditions with the Static Modalities. R P. Izlar, M.D, Waycross.

14. Dementia Præcox. J. W. Mobley, M.D., Milledgeville. 15. Anterior Poliomyelitis. J. Cheston King, M.D., Atlanta. 16. Paramyoclonus Multiplex, with Report of a Case. E. Bates Block, M D., Atlanta.

17. Recent Studies in Rabies. James N. Brawner, M.D, Atlanta. 18. Too Much Pathological Significance Attached to Findings of Albumin and Casts in the Urine. W. A. Mulherrin, M D., Augusta.

19. The Anatomy and Development of the Peritoneum and Abdominal Viscera. W. B. Armstrong, M.D., Atlanta.

20. A Simple Method of Staining Spirochetæ Pallida. C. R. Andrews, M.D, Atlanta.

21. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Gall-Stones. Geo. R. White," M.D., Savannah.

22. Differential Diagnosis of Gall-Stones. J. T. Rogers, M.D., Sa


23. Treatment to Prevent the Reforming of Gall Stones. F. B. Gregory, M.D., Lumpkin.

24. Syphilis Among Negroes and How to Better Their Condition. D. D. Quillian, M.D., Athens.

25. The Treatment of Broncho-Pneumonia. S. A. Visanska, M.D., Atlanta.

26. Light and Vibration, Mechanical and Chemical, as Therapeutic Agents. J. R. Sewell, M.D, Carrollton.



Reading of the Minutes.

Report of Special Committees.

27. A New Treatment of Typhoid Fever; Fifty-five Cases, no Deaths. Chas. Boyd, M.D., Bowen's Mill.

28. The Antiseptic and Eliminative Treatment of Typhoid Fever. J. B. Warnell, M.D., Register.

29. The Treatment of Typhoid Fever. S. E. Sanchez, M.D.,


30. The General Practitioner as a Factor in Surgery. R. R. Kime,

M.D., Atlanta.

31. Report of a Case of Addison's Disease. Wm. Clifton Lyle, M.D.,


32. Is There a Continued Fever Other than Malarial or Typhoid? J. W. Palmer, M.D., Ailey.

33. Nephritis: Its Treatment. Arthur P. Hanie, M.D., Hartwell. 34. Antipyretics in Febrile Diseases Jas. B. Baird, M.D., Atlanta. 35. Arteriosclerosis. Eugene E. Murphey, M D., Augusta.

36. Arteriosclerosis and Its Relation to Bright's Disease. John W Daniel, M.D., Savannah.

37. Scabies; with Remarks upon the Present Epidemic. Bernard Wolff, M.D., Atlanta.

38. Uremia. I. H. Adams, M.D., Macon.

39. Au Unusual Complication Following Typhoid Fever; Report of Case. J. E Sommerfield, M.D., Atlanta.

40. Treatment of Constipation. Theodore Toepel, M.D., Atlanta.


41. A Case of Popliteal Aneurysm Occurring in my Practice: Cure. J. C. Groves, M.D., Lincolnton.

42. Intussusception, with Special Reference to Diagnosis. Marion McH. Hull, M.D., Atlanta.

43. Treatment of Contracted Bladder. C. W. Strickler, M.D., Atlanta.

44. Report of Emergency Cases at Grady Hospital. L. T. Pattillo, M.D., Atlanta.

45. Clinical Consideration of Tumors; Report of Cases. W. F. Westmoreland, M.D., Atlanta.

46. The Influence of Respiration upon the Development of the Chest Deformity in Scoliosis and its Relation to the Application of the Plaster Jacket for the Correction of the Deformity. Michael Hoke, M.D., Atlanta.

47. Surgical Cases. W. H. Doughty, Jr., M D., Augusta.

48. The History of the Modern Method of Treating Penetrating Wounds of the Abdomen. Thos. R. Wright, M.D., Augusta.. 49. Lesions Predisposing to Cancer. M. B. Hutchins, M.D., Atlanta. 50. Report of Five Cases of Fracture of the Femur, with Remarks on Treatment and Exhibition of Extension and Counterextension Apparatus. J. N. Downey, M D., Gainesville.

51. Appendicitis. F. W. McRae, M.D., Atlanta.

52. Appendicitis. H. R. Donaldson, M.D., Atlanta.

53. Vaginal Sarcoma in an Infant Seventeen Months of Age. O. L. Holmes, M.D., Covington.

54. Some Remarks on the After-Treatment of Surgical Cases.. Monroe Smith, M.D., Atlanta.



Reading of the Minutes.

Miscellaneous Business.

55. Post-Operative Phlebitis. J R. Garner, M.D, Atlanta. 56. Hernia: My Observations and Results. W. B. Crawford, M.D., Savannah.

57. Suggestive Therapeutics in the Practice of Medicine. G. T. Kesner, M.D, Decatur.

5. Antipyresis and its Feasibility. R. H. Thigpen, M.D., Augusta. 59. Tuberculosis. J. W. Hurt, M.D., Atlanta.

65. The Necessity for Early Di+gnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. T. E. Oertel, M.D., Augusta.

61. Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. H. F. Harris, M.D., Atlanta.

62. Acidosis. W. R. Houston, M D., Augusta.

63. A New and Original Simplification of the Present Methods of Infant Feeding. Chas. E. Boynton, M.D., Atlanta.

64. Upon the Health of Our Children Depends the Future of the Nation. M. A. Purse, M.D., Atlanta

65. Three Months Colic in Babies. W. B. Parks, M.D, Atlanta. 66. The Prognosis in Chronic Nephritis. C. A. Smith, M.D, Atlanta. 67. Pneumonia, Carbonate of Ammonia in Same. H. L. McCrary,

M.D., Royston.

68 Medical Ethics. M. A. Clark, M.D, Macon.


69. Cancer of the Uterus; Early Diagnosis. Geo. A. Wilcox, M.D., Augusta.

70. A Case Extraordinary of Laceration of Perineum with Loss of the Base of Bladder. J. G Earnest, M.D., Atlanta.

71. Dysmenorrhea in Young Women. Willis Jones, M.D., Atlanta. 72. Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Ralston Lattimore, M.D., Savannah. 73. Puerperal Eclampsia. Pryor W. Fitts, M.D., Greenville. 74. Criminal Abortion. E. Morgan, M.D., Arlington.

75. The Cystoscope and Its Uses. E. G. Ballenger, M.D., Atlanta. 76. When May We Advise Gonorrheal Patients to Marry? W. L.

Champion, M.D., Atlanta

77. Gonorrhea. W. C. DeLamar, M.D., Mountain Hill.

78. Circumcision. J H. Crawford, M.D., Martin.

7). New Medical Era. J. G. Edie, M.D., Nashville.

The President then called for the regular order, the first being the Report of the Committee on Necrology,

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