Transactions, Svazek 57

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Each issue includes the association's roster of members.

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Strana 320 - No tuberculous complications. Slight or no constitutional symptoms (particularly including gastric or intestinal disturbances or rapid loss of weight.) | Slight or no elevation of temperature or acceleration of pulse at any time during the twenty-four hours, especially after rest. Expectoration usually small in amount or absent. Tubercle bacilli may be present or absent. I
Strana 14 - There is a reaper whose name is Death, And with his sickle keen He reaps the bearded grain at a breath, And the flowers that grow between.
Strana 329 - or intestinal disturbances or rapid loss of weight). "Slight or no elevation of temperature or acceleration of. pulse at any time during the twenty-four hours, especially after rest. "Expectoration usually small in amount or absent. "Tubercle bacilli may be present or absent.
Strana 400 - shall have authority to revoke the charter of any component society whose actions are in conflict with the letter or spirit of this constitution and by-laws. SEC. 4. Only one component medical society shall be chartered in any county. SEC. 5. Each county society shall judge of the
Strana 402 - address or paper before the Association shall occupy more than twenty minutes in its delivery; and no member shall speak longer than five minutes, nor more than once on any subject, except by unanimous consent. SEC. 2.. All papers read before the Association, or any of the sections, shall become its property. Each paper shall be deposited with the Secretary when read.
Strana 399 - Arrangements shall be appointed by the component society in which the annual session is to be held. It shall provide suitable accommodations for the meeting-places of the Association and of the House of Delegates, and of their respective committees, and shall have general charge of all the arrangements. Its chairman shall report an outline of the arrangements to the
Strana 392 - Funds may be appropriated by the House of Delegates to defray the expenses of the Association, for publications, and for such other purposes as will promote the welfare of the profession. All resolutions appropriating funds must be referred to the Finance Committee before action is taken thereon. ARTICLE
Strana 395 - SEC. 9. It shall have authority to appoint committees for special purposes from among members of the Association who are not members of the House of Delegates. Such committees shall report to the House of Delegates and may be present and participate in the debate
Strana 395 - and, when the best interest of the Association and profession will be promoted thereby, organize in each a district medical society, and all members of component county societies and no others shall be members in such district societies. SEC. 9. It shall have authority to appoint committees for special purposes from among members of the
Strana 390 - SEC. 3. Delegates. Delegates shall be those members who are elected in accordance with this constitution and by-laws to represent their respective component societies in the House of Delegates of this Association. ARTICLE V.—HOUSE of DELEGATES. The House of Delegates shall be the

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