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III 166


A. Original Daily Issue
B. I. Biographical Index.


PAGE 6. Motto.

Horace, Ars Poet. 110.

No. 322. Ovid, Metam. iv. 280. It is said in the folio and No. 323, octavo to be from Virgil; and Chalmers, who could not find it, endeavoured to explain it as a misquotation of Æneid vi. 448.

Mohock. See next paper.

PAGE 7. A new Head. See vol. ii. p. 328, and vol. iv. p. 291.
PAGE 8. Fontange. See vol. ii. p. 328.

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Not at home. Probably a very early use of the phrase in this

PAGE 9. Indamora, the ‘Captive Queen' in Dryden's Aureng-Zébe.
A Lady in the Front Box. See vol. ii. p. 323.

Nicolini. See vol. i. p. 20; vol. iv. p. 249: and B. I.

Ancora. Cf. Toby Rentfree's Letter, vol. iv. pp. 249-50.
The dumb Man was a Duncan Campbell, much in repute as a
fortune-teller. He is alluded to in No. 31 (vol. i. p. 326) and
again, at greater length, in No. 474 (9. v.).

PAGE IO. An uncertain Author. Generally ascribed to Ben
Jonson, but claimed for William Browne, author of Britannia's


Motto. Persius, Sat. ii. 61. The motto in A is Saevis No. 324. inter se convenit ursis-Juv.' PAGE II. Mohocks. Contemporary literature, and especially the epistolary literature of this month, is full of references to this " race of rakes" (as Swift called them), "that play the devil about this town every night." They carried on the traditions of the Muns, the Tityre Tus, the Hectors, and the more famous Scowrers of the Seventeenth Century (ante, vol. i. p. 328: see also Shadwell's Scowrers, i.), and in their reputation for brutality had quite eclipsed their immediate predecessors the Nickers and Hawcubites. name and that of their leader ('Emperor of the Mohocks') seem to have been suggested by the title of one of the four Indian Kings who had been on a visit to England (ante, vol. i. p. 336). They are further discussed in subsequent numbers of the Spectator (see by index). Cf. also Swift's Journal to Stella, March 8, 12, 16, 18, 22, and 26, 1712; Gay's Trivia iii. 326, etc. Mr. Austin Dobson quotes an interesting passage from a letter of Lady Wentworth, of 14th March 1712-"I am very much frighted with the fyer, but much more with a gang of Devils that call themselves Mohocks; they put an old woman into a hogshead, and rooled her down a hill, they cut of soms nosis, others hands, and several barbarass tricks, without any provocation. They are said to be young gentlemen, they never take any mony from any; insteed of setting fifty pound upon the head of a highwayman, sure they would doe much better to sett a hundred upon thear heads." (Wentworth Papers 1883, 277-8.) Gay, in the passage referred to above, describes

No. 324.

"How matrons, hoop'd within the hogshead's womb,
Were tumbled furious thence."

[Cf. the name of Tumblers, in this essay and in No. 347.] These
miscreants were afterwards found to be but common thieves. Lord
Chesterfield has said, "The Society of Mohocks never existed." In
No. 349 (A) is advertised-The Mohocks. A Tragi-Comical Farc.
As it was Acted near the Watch-house in Covent-Garden. By Her
Majesty's Servants. Printed for Bernard Lintott. See also
D'Urfey's verses on the 'Mohocks' in his Pills to Purge Melancholy
(vi. 336).
PAGE 13. The rest is torn off. The continuation will be found in the
original paper No. 328 (4) printed at the foot of this page.
"This letter," says Percy, was really conveyed in the manner
here mentioned to a Mrs. Cole, the wife of a churlish attorney in or
near Northampton, who would not suffer her to correspond with
anybody. It was written by a substantial freeholder in Northamp
tonshire, whose name was Gabriel Bullock, and given to Steele by
his friend, the ingenious antiquary, Mr. Brown Willis." (Quoted
by Chalmers.)

No. 325. PAGE 14. Motto. Ovid, Metam. iii. 432-6.
PAGE 15. Mr. Dryden in his Ovid.

"The Story of Acis, Poly. phemus and Galatea, from the Thirteenth Book of Ovid's Meta. morphoses," line 30.

No. 326. PAGE 17. Motto. Horace, Odes, III. xvi. 1-5.

– Your subsequent Discourse. See No. 311 (vol. iv. p. 236). -Reconnoitring. See vol. ii. p. 305; and iv. p. 297 (note). No. 327. PAGE 20. Motto. Virgil, Æn. vii. 44.

PAGE 24, 26. Addison does not hesitate to name Le Bossu when he chooses to disagree with him. See the note in vol. iv. p. 292-3. PAGE 26. Line 26. Imagination. So in A; Indignation in the 8vo. No. 328. PAGE 27. Motto. Horace, Epod. xvii. 24.

This paper takes the place in the octavo edition of the follow. ing, which was published as No. 328 in A:

"Delectata illa urbanitate tam stulta.-Petron. Arb.

That useful Part of Learning which consists in Emendations, Knowledge of different Readings, and the like, is what in all Ages Persons extremely wise and learned have had in great Veneration. For this reason I cannot but rejoyce at the following Epistle, which lets us into the true Author of the Letter to Mrs. Margaret Clark, part of which I did myself the Honour to publish in a former Paper. I must confess I do not naturally affect critical Learning; but finding my self not so much regarded as I am apt to flatter my self I may deserve from some professed Patrons of Learning, I could not but do my self the Justice to shew I am not a Stranger to such Erudition as they smile upon, if I were duly encouraged. However this only to let the World see what I could do; and shall not give my Reader any more of this kind, if he will forgive the Ostentation I shew at present.

'Sir, March 13, 1712. Upon reading your Paper of Yesterday, I took the Pains to look out a Copy I had formerly taken, and remembered to be very like your last Letter: Comparing them, I found they were the

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