CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. JANUARY-OCTOBER, 1889. BROTHERTON, ALICE WILLIAMS. Portrait engraved on steel by Minia Williams. GILDER, RICHARD WATSON. With page fac-simile of "The Sonnet." Maurice Thompson. I 3 A Thought. The Master-Poets. The Sonnet. The Poet's Protest. The Sower. I Met a Traveller on the Road. WHITMAN, WALT. With pen and ink sketch by Frank Fowler, and portrait From Life. Dr. R. M. Bucke. 15 GREEN, ANNA KATHARINE. Portrait in oil by Sellstedt; photographed by Baker. The Defence of the Bride. Premonition. At the Piano. Quotations. SYLVA, CARMEN. Queen of Rumania. Allen G. Bigelow. Regret. Fancy. Loss and Waste. Wishing. STARR, ELIZA ALLEN. With pen and ink sketch by Sumner. BOLTON, SARAH KNOWLES. With portrait by Endean, Cleveland, O. Golden Rod. Blinded. Sunset at Abo, Finland. Her Creed. Quotations. Music's Duel. An Epitaph on Mr. Ashton, a Conformable Citizen. Quotations. |