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instruct us to abate our height and narrow our state and attendance.

825. And what has been said of their excess may, in some measure, be applied to other branches of luxury, that set ill examples to the lesser world, and rob the needy of their pensions.

826. God Almighty touch the hearts of our grandees with a sense of his distinguished goodness, and the true end of it; that they may better distinguish themselves in their conduct, to the glory of Him that has thus liberally preferred them, and to the benefit of their fellow creatures!


827. This seems to be the master piece of our politi cians; but no body shoots more at randon than those refiners.

828. A perfect lottery, and mere hazard! since the true spring of the actions of men is as invisible as their hearts; and so are the thoughts too, of their several interests.

829. He that judges of other men by himself, does not always hit the mark: because all men have not the same capacity, nor passions in interest.

830. If an able man refines upon the proceedings of an ordinary capacity, according to his own, he must ever miss it but much more the ordinary man, when he shall pretend to speculate the motives to the able man's actions; for the able man deceives himself by making the other wiser than he is in the reason of his conduct; and the ordinary man makes himself so, in presuming to judge of the reasons of the abler man's actions.

831. It is, in short, a word, a maze; and of nothing are we more uncertain, nor in any thing do we oftener befool ourselves.

832. The mischiefs are many that follow this humor, and dangerous: for men misguide themselves, act upon false measures, and meet frequently with mischievous dis appointments.

833. It excludes all confidence in commerce, allows of no such thing as a principle in practice; supposes every

man to act upon other reasons that what appear; and that there is no such thing as uprightness or sincerity among mankind a trick, instead of truth.

834. Neither allowing nature, or religion, but some worldly turn or advantage, to be the true, the hidden motive of all men.

835. It is hard to express its uncharitableness, as well as uncertainty; and has more of vanity than benefit in it. 836. This foolish quality gives a large field; but let what I have said serve, for this time.


837. Charity has various senses, but is excellent in all of them.

838. It imparts, first, the commiseration of the poor and unhappy of mankind, and extends a helping hand to mend their condition.

839. They that feel nothing of this are, at best, not above half of kin to the human race; since they must have no bowels, which make such an essential part thereof, who have no more nature.

840. A man! and yet not have the feeling of the wants or needs of his own flesh and blood! a monster rather! and may he never be suffered to propagate such an unnatural stock in the world!

841. Such an uncharitableness spoils the best gains; and two to one but it entails a curse upon the possessors.

842. Nor can we expect to be heard of God in our prayers, that turn the deaf ear to the petitions of the distressed among our fellow creatures.

843. God sends the poor to try us; as well as he tries them by being such and he that refuses them a little, out of the great deal that God has given him, lays up poverty in store for his own posterity.

844. I will not say these works are meritorious, but I dare say they are acceptable, and go not without their reward; though, to humble us in our fullness, and liberality too, we only give what is given us to give, as well as to use for if we ourselves are not our own, less is that so which God has intrusted us with.

845. Next, charity makes the best construction of things and persons; and is so far from being an evil spy, a backbiter, or a detractor, that it excuses weakness, extenuates miscarriages, makes the best of every thing, forgives every body, serves all, and hopes to the end.

846. It moderates extremes, is always for expedients, labors to accommodate differences, and had rather suffer than revenge; and is so far from exacting the utmost farthing, that it had rather lose, than seek its own violently. 847. As it acts freely, so zealously too; but it is always to do good, for it hurts nobody.

848. An universal enemy against discord, and a holy cement for mankind.

849. And lastly, it is love to God and the brethren, which raises the soul above all worldly considerations ; and as it gives a taste of heaven upon earth, so it is heaven, in the fullness of it, to the truly charitable here.

850. This is the noblest sense charity has: after which all should press, as that "more excellent way."

851. Nay, most excellent; for as faith, hope, and charity, were the more excellent way that the great apostle discovered to the Christians; (too apt to stick in outward gifts and church performances) so, of that better way, he preferred charity as the best part, because it would outlast the rest and abide forever.

852. Wherefore a man can never be a true and good Christian without charity, even in the lowest sense of it; and yet he may have that part thereof, and still be none of the apostle's true Christian: since he tells us, "That though we should give all our goods to the poor, and want charity, (in her other and higher senses) it would profit us nothing."

853. Nay, "Though we had all tongues, all knowledge, and even gifts of prophecy, and were preachers to others, aye, and had zeal enough to give our bodies to be burned; yet if we wanted charity, it would not avail us for salvation. 854. It seems it was his (and indeed ought to be our) "Unum necessarium," or the "One thing needful ;” which our Saviour attributed to Mary, in preference to her sister

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