Road Laws of the State of WashingtonE.L. Boardman, 1911 - Počet stran: 177 |
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amount appoint appropriated assessment roll award benefits bidder bids board of county bonds bridge fund certified chapter charge city or town clerk collected committee of supervisors construction or improvement contract corporation cost and expenses county auditor county commissioners county engineer county road county treasurer court damages deemed duty established Ferry county filed fixed hearing hereinbefore provided highway board highway commissioner highway or section improvement district issued levy Lewis county local improvement district located ment necessary notice noxious weeds Okanogan county owner paid parcel of land payment permanent highway person petition petitioners plans and specifications plat practicable route preceding section proceedings provement public highway fund public road purpose quarries railroad Rem.-Bal repair right-of-way road and bridge road district road supervisor section thereof sioners Skagit county Skagit River street subdivision survey surveyor thereafter therein thereto tide lands township warrants Washington width Yakima county