Obrázky stránek

of a sum of money to the wife of the victim was proposed, and he had supposed the case had been settled amicably by, the parties involved in the criminal case.

From the above case in view, are we to understand that criminal cases are subject to financial adjustment in the office of the prosecuting attorney of Wayne County?

It would seem so on the surface at any rate, and what about the other fourteen cases reported by the new prosecutor found "officially buried."

Warrants during the past year have been sworn to against "get-rich-quick" medical fakers and medical "holdup artists" in Detroit with the result in many instances after weeks and months of attendance in police and other courts of witnesses, followed by adjournments without seemingly any reason for same, the cases have completely disappeared without notification and without explanation of any kind or degree. Occasionally one is informed, after frequent inquiry, that a case has been discontinued upon advice of the prosecutor, the reasons given being in most instances, lost, removed, disappeared or dead wit


We are pleased to learn through the press that Prosecutor Bishop has promised a "housecleaning" in the near future. We know of no place more in need of the proverbial "new broom."

Hon. Merlin L. Wiley, A.B., L.L.B., University of Michigan, 1904, representing Chippewa County in the Legislature, and author of the Wiley Bill which was passed by the 1917 Legislature and put Michigan in the dry column, is a candidate for nomination on the Republican ticket, 1920, for the state office of Attorney General.

The Supreme Court upheld the Wiley Bill in all of its provisions, and made many complimentary remarks involving the ability of its author. Representative Wiley, together with Attorney General Groesbeck, drew up the Lemire Utility Bill, which passed the Legislature after it had rejected many other proposed bills covering the

same matter.

Attorney Wiley would make an ideal Attorney General, and medical legislation and the proper and effective enforcement of medical laws cover. ing violations, and allied laws, would receive his most earnest attention.

Hon. Leland W. Carr, of Ionia, Assistant Attorney General during the past eight years, and who has had charge of the legal business in connection with the State Board of Health and the Board of Registration in Medicine, has been appointed Deputy under the Commissioner of Highways,

the salary of which is six thousand a year. It is one of the most important of the official positions in Michigan, and we congratulate Mr. Carr and the people of the state. No attorney in Michigan stands higher from the standpoint of faithful service, legal attainment and success.

Mr. Carr is rightly considered an authority in cases in which medico-legal questions are involved.

Two State Board examinations were held in Detroit this year, the first on February 19-20, at which 28 candidates wrote on the Final.

The second examination, held June 17, was for Primary candidates only, 51 students from the Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery taking the examination.

The examinations were held at the Hotel Tuller, the usual place.

A State Board examination for license was held at Ann Arbor, March 17-19. Seventy-one applicants wrote on the Primary (first two years), and 48 on the Final. The Finals received their degrees at a special Commencement, March 20.

An additional examination was held by the Medical Board, June 10, 11, 12. Twenty-eight applicants appeared for the Primary, and eleven wrote on the Final. The latter represented those students who did not as a war measure continue their courses from July, 1918, without the usual vacation period.

Within the past two years, owing to the scarci ty of labor and the large number of foreigners returning to their native countries, Detroit has become the mecca for the negro race residing south of the Mason and Dixon line, to the extent of some thirty thousand additional colored population of the laboring class. Following this incursion, increased numbers of colored physicians are seeking registration in Michigan.

Dr. John W. Moore, Atlantic Mine, who represented Houghton County in the Legislature this session, was one of the most popular members of the House, and deservedly so. His influence for good was far-reaching and his return to the Legislature of 1921 assured beyond doubt. His friends, who are legion, are suggesting him for Lieutenant-Governor, and some of the farseeing ones as Governor, at no distant date.

Senator Wm. A. Lemire, M.D., Escanaba, was one of the most influential members of the Senate this last session.

As Chairman of the Health Committee, he was largely responsible for the success of health legis

lation, and he deeply regrets that he was unable to "swat" the chiropractic bill, on account of its early demise in Committee of the House.

Members of the State Board of Registration in Medicine: Dr. Arthur M. Hume, of Owosso, to succeed himself; Dr. Frank Kelly, of Detroit, to succeed Dr. Enos C. Kinsman, of Saginaw; Dr. Duncan A. Cameron, of Alpena, to succeed himself; Dr. J. D. Brook, of Grandville, to succeed Dr. F. C. Warnshuis, of Grand Rapids; Dr. A. L. Robinson, of Allegan, to succeed himself.

Isidor M. Cherniak, M.D. (Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery, 1917), practicing medicine in Windsor, Ontario, recently convicted of the illegal prescribing of whisky, has had his license revoked by the Ontario Medical Council.

Those who knew him will regret to learn of the death of Dr. Abraham Jacobi of New York. An ex-president of the A.M.A., pediatrician of international repute and a lovable man who attained the ripe age of 89.

Dr. F. N. Martin and Miss Ethel Ladimer of Baltimore, Ohio, were married June 12. They will reside in Benton Harbor.

Branch County Society held its seventh annual picnic at Marble Lake on July 15th. Every one reports a good time. There is no reason why every Society should not have a similar outing.

Dr. Albert H. Barrett has accepted the appointment as Chief of the Out Patient Neurological Service, Harper Hospital and will be permanently located in Detroit.

Detroit seems now to have a Prosecutor who is making "Quack Doctors" uncomfortable. We are pleased to note he is ridding Detroit of these fakers.

Attention is called to the advertisement of the Upper Peninsula as a resort for those who suffer from Hay Fever.

Someway or another we are not receiving sufficient news items. Won't you send us your local happenings for publication and record?

The Clinical Surgical Congress will be held in New York during the last of October.

Dr. A. J. Brower, formerly of Greenville, has located in Flint.


It is the Editor's desire to have this department of the Journal contain the report of every meeting that is held by a Local Society. County Secretaries are urged to send in these reports promptly


The June meeting of the Gratiot-Isabella-Clare County Medical Society was held in the Wright house in Alma Thursday, June 19, at 2 p. m. Dr. J. A. Bruce of Saginaw was the guest of the day. The doctor read a paper entitled "Newer methods and older problems" which was a most interesting discussion of focal infections. The paper was timely, and was made more impressive by case histories of actual cases the doctor had encountered in his own practice. The paper was discussed by nearly every one present. After Dr. Bruce left on the 4 o'clock train the usual order of business was taken up.

E. M. HIGHFIELD, Secretary.


Sanilac County Medical Society met at the Court House, Sandusky, July 16th, for the purpose of revising the County Fee Bill. President, Dr. J. E. Campbell, Brown City, presiding.

The following Fee Bill was adopted and to take effect Aug. 1st, 1919: Day calls in city 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. $2 up. Night calls in city 7 p, m. to 7 a. m. $3 up. Day calls in country 7 a. m. to 7 p. m.: First mile $2; second mile $1 extra, each additional mile 50c. Night calls in country one-third more than day rates. Obstetrical fees $20 up. Reducing fracture of femur $50 up. Reducing fracture of tibula or libia $25 up. Reducing fracture of humerus $25 up. Reducing fracture of raduis or ulna $15 up. Deliverations to be charged at same rates as fractures. Office calls, minimum charge $1.

Following the meeting Dr. (Major) J. C. Webster, gave a very interesting talk on "His Personal Experience in the Army Over Seas."

The next meeting of the Society will be held at Brown City Wednesday, September 3rd at 2:30 p. m. and some outside talent will be invited to entertain us.

J. W. SCOTT, Secretary.

Book Reviews

THE HIGHER ASPECT OF NURSING. Gertrude Harding. 12 mo. 300 pp. Cloth, $2.00 net. W. B. Saunders Co. This volume should be made a part of the prescribed reading course of every nurse in training as well as a guide to every graduate. The work imparts the author's many years of personal study and experience in training schools. The time has come when nurses must possess more than technical training; she must cultivate a character and a morale. The author has imparted in plain, definite language the desirable features of a nurse's character and how she can attain those attributes. It is a splendid discussion and should go far to enhance the higher aspects in nurses if training school officers will insist upon having their pupils familiarize themselves with and practice daily its teachings.

RECONSTRUCTION THERAPY. William Rush Demton, Jr., M.D. Illustrated. W. B. Saunders Co. This is a timely discussion of a subject that is now foremost in many minds. It is applicable not only to the injured but also to those who are physically and mentally sick. A splendid bibliography is incorporated in this instructive work.


Gilbert Smith, M.D., F.A.C.S. Cloth, $2.75 net. W. B.
Saunders Co., Philadelphia.

As its title indicates this is an outline presenting the important points in symptomatology and pathology of genito urinary diseases with a like outline of treatment and surgical procedures.

It is based on the authors experience in private work and in his service in the Massachusetts General Hospital. Each chapter ends with a selected bibliographical reference that greatly enhances the volume's value.

Well written, splendid illustrations. We find it to be a modern valuable text that will be found a splendid aid to every doctor.

THE PERITONEUM-Its Structure and Function in Relation to the Principles of Abdominal Surgery. Arthur E. Hertzler, M.D., F.A.C.S. 2 volumes. Cloth, price $10.00. O. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, Mo.

This exhaustive study and research report is based upon the author's twenty-five years of surgical practice and thus while not lessening its scientific merit, still it incorporates the practical with the theoretical. The first volume is devoted to the consideration of the abstract problems and in the second we find the practical viewpoint.

He who engages in abdominal surgery must be conversant with the role the peritoneum plays in all the pathological conditions of the abdomen and in the surgery applied. We know of no other work that covers the subject so thor

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THE HEALTH OFFICER. By Frank Overton, M.D., D.P.H.. Sanitary Supervisor, N. Y. State Dept. of Health and Willard J. Denno, M.D., D.P.H., Medical Director of the Standard Oil Company. Octavo of 512 pages with 51 illustrations. Philadelphia and London: W B. Saunders Company, 1919. Cloth $4.50 net.

Here we have imparted that information which the average health officer must have to discharge his duties. It tells him, why, what and how to do his work and the activities he should engage in, etc., etc.

The day is past when a health officer is only supposed to tack up quarantine signs. We recommend this volume most enthusiastically.

SYMPTOMS OF VISCERAL DISEASE: A Study of the Vege tative Nervous System in Its Relationship to Clinical Medicine. Francis Marion Pottenger, A.M., M.D., F.A.C.P. Cloth, price $4.00. C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, Mo. The author of this monograph interprets, as far as possible, in terms of visceral neurology, symptoms which are found in everyday clinical observations of visceral disease. He who studiously reads its pages is going to be materially aided in better understanding the symptomatology nd diseased conditions of his patients. Likewise he will more clearly understand and interpret the clinical phenomena.

The author is too well known to call forth any other comment upon the value of this volume.

It is a distinct addition to our literature and will inspire more exact examination of patients.

GERIATRICS: A Treatise on Senile Conditions, Diseases of Advanced Life and Care of the Aged. Malford W. Thewlis, M.D. Cloth, price $3.00. C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, Mo. Too long have we neglected giving detailed attention and treatment to our patients entering the "old age" period of life. This was often so because we were really at loss as to what to do. In this volume we are presented with many valuable points, suggestions, treatments and directions that will enable us to direct intelligent treatment in senile conditions and so enable us to lessen ne discomforts of the aged.


Out of 195,000 wounded, 182,000 have recovered. Work blends with Red Cross in many ways.

The record of the Army Medical Department in despatching its duties of war stands out in bold relief as one of the greatest accomplishments in the records of medicine. It was the role of the Red Cross to supplement this work and all activity relative to the preservation of the life and health of the fighting men had its Red Cross phase. The Medical Corps and the Red Cross are non-combatant branches of the mobilized forces of the nation, but together, in the great war they waged the longest, hardest, biggest battle of the war; one, in fact, that is not yet ended, and one by which the lives of those 195,000 wounded Americans were ransomed. Of this number 182,000 have recovered.


Statistics show beyond all dispute that the American Army was the healthiest and cleanest army that ever fought. By far the greatest toll of deaths from disease was taken by pneumonia and influenza during the general epidemic that at the time was world wide. Deaths in the Army from this cause are placed at 8,000. There were only 1,000 cases of typhoid, fifty of which were fatal; venereal cases never exceeded 4 per cent., an exceedingly low figure in an army in the field. Dysentery was present at one time, but this was checked before it reached the epidemic stage.

When the American troops arrived in France there was great difficulty in securing hospital space and the first wounded found themselves housed in all manner of buildings, from choice edifices of imperial foundation down to humble and none to clean municipal halls in the French villages. There were, at the close of the war, 153 base hospitals, sixty-six camp hospitals, and twelve convalescent hospitals in France alone. One of the best known hospitals was that estab

lished in the Ecole de la Legion d'Honneur, at St. Denis, quite close to Paris, where many of the wounded from Chateau-Thierry were brought.


The great Haviland china factory at Limoges was turned over to the Americans for hospital purposes and the library of Orleans was stripped of 100,000 books to make room for the narrow cots and operating tables. In Vichy, hospitals were established in eighty-seven hotels, while several other hostelries were similarly converted in and around Vittel and Centrexeville. the outstanding features of American hospital work in France were the great hospital centers such as Mesves with 25,000 bed's and the mushroom 1,000-bed "Type-A" hospitals, that standardized all American-built hospitals in France.

Two of

Summing it up, the Army Medical Corps and the Red Cross were able to keep 9334 per cent. of the fighting forces effective for duty at all times and of the remaining 5.7 per cent, only 3.4 per cent. were incapacitated through disease. This is a record on which the Army and the Red Cross can look back with satisfaction.


Is the gauze which you use on wounds of a negative or positive character? In other words, is the gauze merely negatively aseptic, meaning that it will not of itself infect the wound; or is it positively antiseptic, with the faculty of keeping out infection and of inhibiting infectious processes in the wound itself?

Given the choice of the two surely the latter, the one which is actively antiseptic instead of passively aseptic is to be preferred.

Such a dressing is Chlorazene Surgical Gauze, a new addition to the well-known Chlorazene family, supplied by The Abbott Laboratories of Chicago, Ill., which is now introducing it as "the fighting dressing for wounds." We who are familiar with the well-known action of Chlorazene, can well believe that it marks another step forward in the modern dressing of wounds.

Chlorazene Surgical Gauze, we are assured by The Abbott Laboratories, contains more than 5 per cent. of impregnated Chlorazene. This amount is guaranteed not only at the time of manufacture but also at the time of use. To support this they show that a strip of the gauze which essayed 6.44 of Chlorazene was kept under ordinary conditions for over six months and at the end of that time essayed 6.35, a loss of less than one-tenth of one per cent.

Chlorazene Surgical Gauze is now being marketed in one-yard and five-yard rolls. Its price.

compares favorably with other antiseptic gauzes on the market. Its greater effectiveness due to the greater potency of Chlorazene over the substances commonly used as antiseptics should be taken into consideration.

Physicians are invited to try this new surgical gauze at the expense of The Abbott Laboratories. A post card or any other form of request for a trial strip will be taken care of promptly. We suggest sending for yours today.


Anti-Anthrax Serum-Lederle.-Marketed in packages containing one 50-Cc. syringe with bulb and sterile needle. For a description of anti-anthrax serum, see New and Nonofficial Remedies, 1919, p. 269. Schieffelin and Co., New York.

Antidysenteric Serum (Polyvalent)-Lederle.Prepared from horses immunized against the Shiga, Kruse, Flexner and Hiss types of dysentery bacilli. Marketed in syringes containing 10 Cc. each with sterile needle. For a description of antidysenteric serum, see New and Nonofficial Remedies, 1919, p. 269. Schieffelin and Co., New York.

Paratyphoid Vaccine-Lederle.-Marketed in packages of three 1 Cc. vials, one vial containing 250 million each of paratyphoid bacilli A and B, while each of the other vials contains 500 million each of paratyphoid bacilli A and B. For a description of Typhoid Vaccine, see New and Nonofficial Remedies, 1919, p. 292. Schieffelin and Co., New York.

Tuberculin "B. F." (Bouillon Filtrate)-Lederle. -Marketed in vials containing 1 Cc. For a description of Tuberculin Denys, see New and Nonofficial Remedies, 1919, p. 280. Schieffelin and Co., New York.

Streptococcus Vaccine, Polyvalent-Lederle.-A streptococcus vaccine marketed in 5 Cc. vials containing, respectively, 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 million killed streptococci. For a description of Streptococcus Vaccine, see New and Nonofficial Remedies, 1919, p. 291. Schieffelin and Co., New York.

Swan's Mixed Acne Bacterin (No. 41)-Marketed in 6-Cc. vials, each cubic centimeter containing 25 million killed acne bacilli and 500 million killed staphylococcus pyogenesalbus. For a discussion of “Acne" vaccine, see New and Non-official Remedies, 1919, p. 296. Swan-Myers Company, Indianapolis, Ind.

Diphtheria Toxin-Antitoxin Mixture.-A far more durable immunity against diphtheria can be established with a mixture of diphtheria toxin and antitoxin than with antitoxin alone. The immunity

does not appear until a considerable period of time has elapsed, and hence the mixture is not applicable in an outbreak of disease. In general the overneutralized mixture is preferred. Several doses are usually required to induce immunity. Only those persons who are positive to the Schick test need be immunized, and the progress of the immunization may be determined by the response to this test.

Mercurialized Serum.-A solution of mercuric chloride in normal horse serum diluted with physiological sodium chloride solution. Mercurialized serum is proposed for the treatment of syphilis, particularly the cerebrospinal type. It can be used intraspinally and intravenously.

Mercurialized Serum-Lederle.-A brand of mercurialized serum complying with the New and Nonofficial Remedies description. It is marketed as Mercurialized Serum-Lederle, Dilution No. 1 containing mercuric chloride 0.0013 Gm. in 30 Cc. and Mercurialized Serum-Lederle, Dilution No. 2 containing mercuric chloride 0.0026 Gm, in 30 Cc. Each is accompanied with an equipment for intra-spinal administration. Schieffelin and Co., New York. (Jour. A.M.A., April 26, 1919, p. 1225).

Radium Treatment of Arthritis Deformans.-According to New and Nonofficial Remedies it has been claimed that radium emanation is of value in all forms of nonsuppurative, acute, subacute and chronic arthritis (syphilitic and tuberculous excepted), in chronic muscle and joint rheumatism (so-called), in arthritis deformans, in acute and chronic gout, etc. Its chief value is in the relief of pain. Curative results seem to be lacking.

(Jour. A.M.A., April 26, 1919, p. 1245).

Iodex.-Iodex is a black ointment marketed by Menley and James with the claim that it is a preparation of free or elementary iodin minus the objectionable features that go with free iodin. As a result of an investigation of Iodex made in the A.M.A. Chemical Laboratory, the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry reported in 1915: 1. The composition is incorrectly stated; the actual iodin content is only about half of that claimed. 2. The action of Iodex is not essentially that of free iodin, although that is the impression made by the advertising. 3. The assertion that iodin may be found in the urine shortly after Iodex has been rubbed on the skin has been experimentally disproved. As the manufacturers of Iodex still persist in their claim that the product contains free iodin, the A.M.A. Chemical Laboratory has again examined Iodex. It reports that Iodex gives no test for free iodin, or, at most, but mere traces. (Jour. A.M.A., May 3, 1919, p. 1315).

Tannin Albuminate Exsiccated-Merck Tablets, 5 grains. Each tablet contains 5 grains tannin albuminate exsiccated, Merck. Merck and Company, New York. (Jour. A.M.A., March 1, 1919, p. 653).

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