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Through Thought Force




"New Psychology Complete and Mind the Builder
"New Psychology Handbook"

"The New Psychology Pearls"

"New Psychology Question Book"
Living the Life and the Valley of the Ideal "
"The Wayside and the Goal "

"The Tyranny of Love"

"Thought Chimes

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"Daily Life Psychology"

"Scientific Prayer"


Mind the Builder Magazine

A. A.


677 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan

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F wishing should become, in almost anyone's life, aspiration, there would not be such a shortage of attainment. The

quality of things realized would be predominantly desirable; down in every one's soul there is a wish for the really worthwhile. To drift with the current seems easier than to even make research into the law of attainment by which that wished for could become possessed or unfolded.

Drifting and haphazard prove an absence of aspiration for aspiration puts an end to doubt; un certainty cannot exist where the laws of a thing are complied with and a resourceful mind can take any realization and follow it back to its source and disclose the law by which it came into existence-he would find the principle of aspiration was the beginning. One may take aspiration and analyze its laws and he discloses the source in which all desirable things and things feared have their anchorage.

Mankind has been so busy in an effort to construct a theology out of every large conception that it has immediately put an end to the disclosure of a working basis of attainment; we will show there are laws and formulas governing all things and that if one would have a certain result he must apply the laws and formulas; he must put the cause in line with the effect desired.

The presence of knowledge is no guarantee that that knowledge will be expressed; in the human being this is true also that in the presence of a su perior knowledge the individual may use an inferior quality of intelligence. The presence of power is not presumptive evidence that the power will be exercised and in the human the high degree of it may be defeated and expression be manifested in

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