Obrázky stránek


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In the centre, or midst of the pegme, there was an aback or square, wherein this elogy was written.

ABATE. From the Fr. Abattre, has been recently introduced the s. Abattoir, a slaughter-house. ABATIS. Trees felled and thrown in the way, is an old word.

. ABBACY. ABBOT is a word of oriental extrac

tion, from the Syriac Abba, father; as that from the
Hebrew Ab, of the same signification; and, if we may
ascend still higher, that word itself (as many others
which occur in that language) proceedeth from the
Voice of Nature, being one of the most obvious
sounds to express one of the most obvious ideas.
Burn. Eccl. Law, in v. Abbot.


B. Jonson. Part of the King's Entertainment.
ABANDON, v. Read-Fr. Abandonner, It. Aban-Jews,
donare, Sp. Abandonar. Etymologies various. See
in Menage, Wachter, Du Cange, &c. And also Ban,
Bannum, in Spelman, who connects these words with
the English Band, Bond, Bound. See also BAN,
BANISH, infra-From A. S. Bann-an, Abannan, to
ban, to proclaim, denounce, curse. From à ban don-
ner, to give up to a (ban, or) proclamation. Dare
seu ponere in abandonum, i. e. in bannum, vel bandum;
and any thing so placed-being a thing proscribed, matic blank verse of the 17th century.
and consequently, derelict, to abandon, is derelin-
quere, to leave, (sc.) for any one to seize or possess
at his pleasure-to relinquish, to resign, &c. Or
from the same A. S. Ban, in It. and Sp. Bando, Fr.
Bandon; an Edict or command; and, to abandon,
to bring under command: further, to confer the
command, to give or yield up-and thus to resign,
&c. (And this last is the view of Mr. Wedgewood.
See Proceedings of the Philological Society, vol. ii.
p. 2.) But to this may be added-the low Lat.
Abandum or Abandonum (says the Editor of Du
Cange), was understood de bonis mobilibus vel im-
mobilibus in pignus seu cautionem assignatis pro
pecunia debita-Gal. Garantie. And he concludes
that dare in abandonum, ponere in abandonum, are ex-
pressions equivalent to oppignerare, obligare, i. e. to
put in pawn, or pledge, or under Bond. Again,
Abandonum is-Sponsio seu Obligatio. See Bandon
in v. BAND. And thus to Abandon is, &c.

Take off their vizards, and underneath appears wicked
monks abdicant of their orders, &c.

Whitlock. Manners of the English, p. 93 (in Todd).

The exquisite equilibration of all these opposite and an-
tagonistic muscles (is) effected partly by the equality of
their strength, which is the case of the Adducent and Ab-
ducent Muscles (of the Eye).

Derham. Physico. Theo. b. iv. c. 2.

These aberrant lines are much more common in the dra-
Hallam. Lit. Hist. of Europe, i. 595.
ABEYANCE. An inheritance hoped for or ex-
pected; or rather expecting a new master. (Skin-

With worthie knightes enuironed
The kynge hymself hath abandoned
To the temple in good entente.

Gower. Conf. Am. 1. 8, fo. 183.
Fortune to her lawys can not abandune me.
Skelton. Magnificence, v. 1477.
And yf ye wyll do this ye haue promised, in all courtesy
and honoure, Í (“Queen Isabell") and my Sonne, shall
be to you ("Syr John of Heynault") for euer bounde, and
wyll put all the realme of Inglad in your abandon; for it
is right that it should be so.

Berners Froissart, v. i. p. 8. c. ix.

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Probably from the Fr. Abbayer, to hold or keep at bay, or in expectation. Law Lat. Abeyantia. See Spelman.

Sometimes the fee may be in abeyance, that is (as the plation in law.-Blackstone. Commentaries, b. ii. c. 7. word signifies), in expectation, remembrance and contem


(He was) bold and abidynge
Bismaies (evil speaking) to suffre.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 13544.
He fleth as Shadewe, and never in the same state abit
stille. (L. V. dwelleth.)-Wic. Job, xiv. 2.
(Troilus) hath abidden

Til two or thre of his messangers yeden
For Pandarus.-Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, ii. 935.
He is here and ther
He is so variaunt he abit no wher.

Chaucer. Chan. Yem. Tale, v. 16643.
Without abode

The troup went forth.

Fairefax. Godfrey of Bulloigne, vi. 22.
Most kind iemme is the abiding of the abidere (expectatio
præstolantis).-Wic. Prov. xvii. 8.

And he shal be the abidynge of folke of kynde.-Wic.
Gen. xlix. 10. (expectatio.)

ABIE. In Wic. Job, xx. 18, the early version.
He shal abie (luet) alle thingus; the latter has, He
shall suffre peyne for al thingis.


His subiects and marchants haue susstained sundry da-
mages and ablations of their goods, by diuers subiects and
inhabitants of your realme of England.

Hacluyt, v. i. Prussian Ambas. to Ric. Il


ABLE for a Scotticism.

His (Charles V.) soldiers worn out with fatigue, were hardly able for such a march, even in a friendly country. Robertson. Charles V. b. 6. An. 1541.


Let us suppose some tyrant command a Christian to burn abnegation of Christ; if the Christian should do this, would incense to Jupiter, without adding any thing of a verbal

it not be manifest to all, that by that very act he denied him.

Woollaston. Rel. of Nature Delineated, sec. 1. prop. 3. and Norma, a Rule. ABNORMAL. adj. From Lat. prep. Ab- from,

Irregular; or, not according to rule, order, system (sc. in construction, or formation;-number of constituent parts).

A word of recent introduction,-now common.

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To practyse such abolete sciens.

Skelton. Why come ye, &c. v. 700. ABORIGINAL; Ab-origine; Equivalent to, and perhaps intended to be more forceful thanOriginal, primitive.

Their (the Biscayner's) language is accounted aboriginal, and unmixed with either Latin, French, or Spanish. Swinburne. Travels in Spain, Let. 44. ABORTIVE, adj. That can or may produce abortions, or immature births: hence (Milt.) producing nothing: fruitless.

He is but abortif.-Piers Plouhman's Crede, v. 485.
Or as abortif (abortivus) hid I shulde not abide, or that
conceyued sezen not list.-Wic. Job, iii. 16.
The void profound

Of unessential night receives him next
Wide gaping, and with loss of being
Threatens him, plung'd in that abortive gulf.

Milton. Par. L. ii. 441.

In her womb (the mines of the earth) those deserted mineral riches must ever lie buried as lost abortments, unless those (criminals employed as labourers) be made the active midwives to deliver them.

Bacon. Speech touching drowned mineral works. ABOUND.

Before the execution of this judgment (the flood) and amidst those aboundings of sin and wickedness, yet God left not himself without a witness in the hearts of men. South. Ser. v. ii. p. 220.

ABRAIDE, i. e. started out of sleep.
Now herken, as I have you saied,
What that I mette or (ere) I abraied.

Chaucer. House of Fame, b. i. 110.

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302. w. 15,

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Aliis cor ipsum animus videtur, ex quo ex-cord-es,
ABSOLUTION is applied by B. J. to the freedom ve-cord-es, con-cord-es, dicuntur.-Tus. 1. 9. (Ju-

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He, tho' from heav'n remote, to heav'n could move
With strength of mind, and tread the abyss above.
Dryden. Ovid. Met. b. xv.

ACALE. See KELE. Cold.

For blood may suffre blood

Both hungry and acale.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 12873.

(They) semen caitiffes sore acale.

Chaucer. Plowman's Tale, v. 2011.

Her herte is hote as any fyre
And other while it is acale.-Gower, b. 8. fo. 178.

ACATALEPSY. Gr. Akaraλna. Incompre-
hensibility (Amis, captio).

It appears there were many scatter'd in both Academies,

the Old and New (much more among the Sceptiques) that

held this Acatalepsie in simplicitie and integritie.

Wats. Bacon. de Aug. 1. v. c. 2.

ACCEDE. ACCESS. In Wiclif, 'Access of soule'
is a various reading, or equivalent to Excess, ex-
cessus mentis (see Excess). In the margin Exces
of soule is said to be-Arauisching of uttermore
wittis. In Chaucer it is applied not only to the ap-
proach of fever, but to fever itself.

ACCEPT. After 1. 5, add-

To take to; to take or undertake, the perform-
ance of a requisition or demand: in mercantile con-
cerns to undertake (in writing or otherwise) to
pay or satisfy.

Acceptation of words;-the signification in which
they are taken or received.

Why comes not Death,

Said he, with one thrice acceptable stroke
To end me?-Milton. Par. L. x. 855. Also 139.
Promises are not binding before acceptance; that is, be-
fore notice is given to the promisee; for where the promise
is beneficial, if notice be given, acceptance may be pre-
sumed.-Paley, b. iii. p. 1. 5.


ACCIDIE, s. Low Lat. Accidia, frequently used

by scholastic writers for Acedia: Anxietas sive




(This) I mean to perform, though I dare not be acknown
thereof to any creature.

Raleigh to Sir R. Cecil, 10th March, 1591.


A'CME. Gr. Axμŋ, from aкŋ, acies, cuspis.
A point, an extreme point; a summit.
In that its [France] acme of human prosperity and great-
ness, in the high and palmy state of the monarchy of France,
it fell to the ground without a struggle.
Burke. On a Regicide Peace, Let. 1.
ACOLYTHE. Fr. Acolyte; Low. Lat. Acoly-
ACO'LYTHIST. tus; Gr. Axoλovlog, from aкo-
Xovlev, to follow.

An attendant (in the Romish church), who car-
ried the tapers, &c. before the superior ministers.
At the end of every station, an acolythe (an inferior kind
of officer) dips this pittiful patch into the oil of a burning
lamp: and having wiped it as clean as he can, comes to the
pope for a blessing, Jube, domine, benedicere.
Brevint. Saul & Samuel, p. 321.

[It is his duty] to ordain the acolythist to keep the sacred

vessels.-Ayliffe. Parergon.

Acumbred.- Wic. is a var. r. of azen-frussheden—or—

weren starke. Ex. xv. 15. (obriguerunt.)

They ben acombred with coveteise.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 852.

Methinketh the palse inel (palsy disease) hath acomered
thy wits.-Chaucer. Testament of Love, b. 3.

ACOUPER. Fr. Acoulper, to Accuse, to declare
culpable. Lacombe. Supp. See INCULP.
Conscience acouped hym thereof

In a curteis manere.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 8896.
ACOUSTIC. Fr. Acoustique; Gr. AkovσTI-
ACOUSTICS. Koç, that can or may hear (from
akovely, to hear).

That can or may hear; pertaining to hearing or
the sensation of sound.

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Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 11756.

He seith to his fadir, my hened 'I aake, my heued 'I
aake. (L. V. akith, doleo.)- Wic. 4 K. iv. 19.
Olde age wille not suffre the akyng of the bely, as is the

colyk or of the stone, or costyfnes.

The Boke of Tulle of old Age. Caxton, 1481, 1. 3.

Or Gellia wore a velvet mastick patch
Upon her temples when no tooth did ache.
Bp. Hall. Sat. B. 6. s. 1.
When old age comes to wait upon a great and worshipful
sinner, it comes attended with many sinful girds and ach-
ings, called the gout.-South. Serm.

Old sinners

Can by their pangs and aches find

All turns and changes of the wind.

Butler. Hudibras, p. 3, c. 2.

ACHROMATIC. Gr. Axowμatikos, expers
ACHROMATICITY. >coloris (from a, neg. and xpw-
ACHROMATISM. μa, colour).

Free from, without, colour. Dr. Brewster de-
cides—that telescopes not affected with the pris-
matic colours were first invented and constructed
by Mr. John Dollond, about the year 1758;-and
that the Name Achromatic was proposed by Dr.

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Your service right well shall I acquite.

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Pope. Essay on Man, ii. 59.

Lat. Acuere, to sharpen;

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ACUATE, v. & adj. Fr. Acuité, Acuity, sharp- his throne, he cast his handes abrode, as he adoured and

ACUITY. ness, keenness. Harvey says, that certain diets inflame and acuate the blood. Ashmole speaks of acuate iron or steele; and Perkins of the acuity or bluntness of a pin.-Todd.

ADAGE. Festus, Ad-agia, ad agendum apta; and thus applicable to proverbs directing the actions of men, the conduct of life.

Aristotle goes further than the old Adagial saying, The beginning is half the work. His words are: The beginning is more than half the whole business.

Woollaston. Rel. of Nature Delineated, sec. iv. n. U.

ADDICE. Dutch, Ackse, Axe, Aeckse; Ger. Arte; Sw. Yrte; Dan. Ore, from Ger. Hacken, to hack (qv. and Hatchet); or from Ecke, an edge, qv.; Fr. Hache (ant. aisceau); It. Acca, Acetta; Sp. Hacha. See Quot. from Defoe in v. Dub. infra


Neither should we at this day be so addict to superstition, were it not that we so much esteemed the filling of our bellies.-Homilyes, ii. 97.

If he be addict to vice
Quickly him they (flatterers) will entice.

Shakespeare. Passionate Pilgrim, § 18.
(His) holy mind so much addicted is
On th' world to come, that he neglecteth this.
Daniel. Civil Wars, vi. 5.

ADEW, v. i. e. to dew, or bedew.
Foyson that floweth into sondry royames,
The soyle to adewe with her swete stremes.

Life of our Ladye, i. III.

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Sir John Bushe, as oft as he spake unto the King in worshipped God, besechinge his excelse, high, and adourant maiestie, that he would witsafe to graunt this or that. Grafton. Chron. R. E. An. 21. The respectful salutation of carrying the hand to the mouth, ad os, is the root of the Latin word ad-ora, adorare (to adore).-Gibbon, c. liii. n. 49.

ADORN. Adore is written by Spenser for Adorn.

On her head

A chapelet of sundry flowers she wore,
From vnder which the deawy humour, shed,
Did trickle down her haire, like to the hore
Congealed little drops, which doe the morne adore.


Alle derke develes


An advocate was also (consequentially) a patron,
and the Low Lat. advocatio, patronage; whence Fr.
Advouaison, Eng. Advowson (Skinner); but Cot-
grave interprets the Fr. an advowing or avouching
for; a taking into protection.

As shameful deth as herte can divise
Come to thise juges and hir aduocas.

Chaucer. Par. Prol. v. 12225. Advowson is the right of presentation to a church, or ecclesiastical benefice. Advowson, advocatio, signifies in clientelam recipere, the taking into protection: and therefore is synonymous with patronage, patronatus: and he who has the right of advowson is called the patron of the church. Blackstone. Commentary, b. ii. c. 3.


Gr. αισθητικός, that can or may feel (αισθαν-εσθαι) -which is contradistinguished by Greek philosophers from NoηTikog, that can or may understand; as the ra vonra-things perceptible to the understandingare by Mathematicians from ra aιo@nra-sensible Spenser. F. Q. iv. 246. things. And thus the usage of this Neoteric by Alex. Baumgarten, who gave the title of Esthetica to a work published by him at Frankfort in 1750-58, is, etymologically, of doubtful propriety; yet it is established in this and other countries as well as in Germany. Its opposite AN-ÆSTHETIC : that can or may destroy sensibility-(sc. during surgical operations)—is of very recent introduction. That can or may feel.-The word seems to be applied to

Arn a-drad to heren it.-Piers Plouhman, v. 13001.
Be not adrad, thou goode child maide (puella), to gon into
my Lorde. (L. V. aschamyd.)—Wic. Judith, xii. 12.
ADSIGNIFY, v. See SIGN. To add a signi-
ADSIGNIFICATION. Sfication or meaning, by pre-
fix, affix, &c.

And if it were so- (i. e. if the signification of the pre-
sent time were conjoined with the Indicative mood,)' then
indeed, the word we are now considering ('the verb adjec-
tive') besides the signification of the verb, must likewise
adsignify some manner and the Present time; for it would
then be the Present tense adjective, as well as the Indica-
tive mood adjective.
Tooke. Diversions of Purley, Pt. ii. ch. 7.
In this opinion (that there is no adsignification of manner
or time in that which is called the Present participle,) I am
neither new nor singular.-Id. Ib.


He that quantith (E. V. bostish-jactat se) him sylf
and alargith (dilatat) reisith striues.
Wic. Prov. xxviii. 25.

God auntrede hymself,
And took Adames kind.-Piers Plouhman, v. 12520.
As dooth an heraud of armes

When aventrous cometh to justes.-Id. ib. 12103.
His sister stondynge afer and beholdyng the auenture
of the thing. (L. V. bifalling. Eventus.)
Wic. Er. ii. 4.
The Royalme of England is in peryll and grete adven-
ture.-Berners' Froissart, ii. 177, and ii. 190.

He was in great adventure of his life.-Id. ib. ii. 306.
And certain of the chief of Asia, which were his (Paul's)
friends, sent unto him, desiring him that he would not ad-
venture himself into the theatre.-Acts, xix. 31.

ADVISE, written Avise, qv.

And whanne Jacob hadde arise auysele (mature) he toke his twey wives, &c.- Wic. Gen. xxxii. 22.

If any man shal of avisement (L. V. be forecasting-per industriam) slee his neizbour, and by aespies, fro myn auteer thou shal pul hym, that he be slayn.

Wic. Er. xxi. 14.

And if you thinketh this is wel ysaid,
Saith your avis, and holdeth you apaid.

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Men seruynge greetli ethir to afectioun (affectui), ethir to kingus puttiden to stoonys and trees the name that mai not be comynyd (E. V. uncommunicable, qv. ). Wic. Wis. xiv. 21.

AFFEER, v. Fr. Affeurer, Afforer; (qv.) Lat. Af-forari, from ad and forum. Sk. and Du Cange: the latter says-Forum was used for the Price of things to be sold. And Lacombe and Roquefort, that old Fr. Fuer, had the same usage.

To set or fix a forum or market price, to rate, to set or fix a rate, fine, or amerciament: gen. To fix, affix, affirm, or assure. See To AFFORD, infra.

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Rest this nygt, and morwetide doon, if he wole take thee Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 1870. by ryst of affynytye, the thyng is wel doo. (L. V. nyt kyn, propinquitatis.)-Wic. Ruth, iii. 13.

And in hire hand
The herbe she toke, well avisand
The lefe, the sede, the stalke, the floure.

Chaucer's Dreme, v. 1884.

But an other an other bi enuye sleth, or auowtrende
(adulterans) sorewith.- Wic. Wisd. xiv. 24.

He forsook auoutrie. He refuside the hordom (stuprum).
Id. Gen. xxxix. 10.
Therfore lynynge the man (L. V. hosebande) she shal
be clepid auoutresse, if she be with another man.
Id. Rom. vii. 3.
When any particular class of artificers or traders thought
proper to act as a corporation without a charter, such were
called adulterine guilds.
Smith. Wealth of Nations, b. i. c. 10.
ADVOCATE. After Advocation (line 6), insert
Advowson; and in the explanation add-


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And if a wicke man, I shal be, wo is to me; and if rittivis, I shal not reren up the hed, fulfilld with affliccioun (L. V. turment; afflictione) and wrecchidness.

Wic. Job x. 15.
The Life of Man upon earth is nothing else than “a war-
fare" and continual "afflict" with his ghostly enemies.
Becon. On Fasting.

(Let us) re-assembling our afflicted Powers,
Consult how we may henceforth most offend
Our enemy.-Milton. Par. L. i. 186.
AFFORD, v. Formed upon Affeered, the p. p. of
Affeer. (qv.) To fix or set a forum or market price;

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AGULT. To be guilty of wrong; to sin against. aleagar set at liberty.

And thanne wolde lordes and ladies
Be looth to agulte,

And to taken of hir tenaunts

Moore than trouthe wolde.-Piers Plouhman, v. 10230.
And now am I sory that I so

The Seint Spirit agulte.-Ibid. v. 11958.

Add, Fr. Aiguiller - A case for

A silver needle forth I drew,
Out of a Aguiler quaint enow.

AIL, v.
Chaucer. Pard. and Tap. 631.

AFT. After comers. (Wic. Gen. xxi. 23. posteris meis) After-coming. (Id. Ecclus. iii. 32, xi. 17, successus.) See Welsome, infra.

And after that his dice turned on chances
So was he either glad, or saide Alas.

Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose, v. 98.
Is common in speech- as I told
AILING, 8. him all my ailings.
This shall be to advertise you of the great ailingness that
Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyne. Tytler, p. 205.
AIM. But see Esteem, infra, and Quotations

I find here since your departing.

from Wiclif. Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. ii. v. 1347.

AGAIN. Again is used by Wiclif in the force of the Latin prefix Re-, as Agen ask, re-petere, agen clepe re-vocare;-lede, re-ducere; shine, re-splendere; telle, renuntiare; wynse, recalcitrare. Glos. to Wic. Bible.


AIR, s.

Tho' gan
I to loke vnder me
And beheld the eyrish beests,
Clouds, mists, and tempests,

Snowes, &c.-Chaucer. House of Fame, b. 2, v. 457.
AITIO'LOGY. Fr. Aitiologie, a yielding or shew-
Gr. Αιτιο-

For Agenbyar. See Caxton in v. Illumine.
AGAIN for against is common in old writers and in ing of a reason or cause. (Cotgrave.)
Aoyia (airia, a cause, and Aey-ev, to discourse).
vulgar speech.
Boyle explains-

Whos arenbirgynge (redemptio) shal be after o month. Wic. Num. x. 16. O thou souerayn syre and prince of the hous of Ysrahel come and agenbye us with thy puyssauce.

The Golden Legend. Westm. 1483, fo. 1, c. iii.

AGASP. To gar for agaspe.-Skelton.
To cause to gaspe (sc. for breath, for life).

Forthermore-he ful ont sounned, that he agaste hem,
(L. V. make aferd; terreret) and take the cite.
Wic. 2 Par. xxxii. 18.


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The theory which explains the causes of things. Bp. Hall uses the word. See the quotation from him in v. Chronology.


But verray love is vertue, as I fele,
For verray love may freile desire akele.

Chaucer. Court of Love, v. 1076.
AKNEE. On the knee.
Aknee they fell before the Prince.

Southey. Madoc, vii. 5. 250.


And he was ful fair in his greetness and in alargyng Wic. Ez. xxxi. 7. Taylor is eminently discursive, accumulative, and (to (E. V. spredyng-dilatatione) of hise trees.

use one of his own words) agglomerative.

Coleridge. Poetical Works, i. 286.

AGGRAVATE. Lat. Ag-gravare. Wic. also uses,
To Engredge, ingravare.-Ex. viii. 15. 32.
Whi agreggen (make heavy) ye youre hertis as Egipt
agreggide, and Pharao his herte. (M. V. harden.)
Wic. 1 Kings, vi. 6.

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At the tyme appoincted for the ministracion of the holy communion, the priest that shal execute the holy ministery, shall put upon hym the vesture appoincted for that ministracion, that is to saye, a white Albe, plain, with a vestement or cope.-The Booke of the Common Praier, &c. Whitechurch, 1549.

ALBATROSS. Called, by Dampier, Algatross. A large bird, of the gull kind, inhabiting the tropics, and more southerly.

They [English seamen] have several other signs,whereby to know when they are near it, as by the sea-fowl they meet at sea, especially the algatrosses, a very large winged fowl.-Dampier. Voyages, an. 1691.

Mr. Foster shot an albatross, whose plumage was of a colour between brown and dark grey, the head and upper side of the wings rather inclining to black, and it had white eye-brows.-Cook. Second Voyage, b. i. c. 3.


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The firste tyme is aleggid or maad list (alleviata est) the lond of Zebulon, and the lond of Neptalym; and the last tyme aggreggid (aggravata est) is the weie of the se bejunde Jordan.-Wic. Isaiah, ix. 1.

How be it that the Age past had be lenger, yet it may
neither comfort ne alegge, ne satisfye the foole olde Man.
The Boke of Tulle of Old Age, b. iii. Caxton, 1481.

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Resceyue to the an alien wooman (alienigenam) and she shal twine thee vp(so)doun in a whirlewynde, and alienen thee fro thi propre weies.- Wic. Ecclus. xi. 36. Whethir not perdicioun is to the wicke, and alienyng (L. V. alienacioun) to men werkende wickenesse. Id. Job xxxi. 3. ALIGHT.

(He) schal alistne the hid thingis of dercknesse. (L. V. Listne, illuminabit.)- Wic. 1 Cor. iv. 5.

A'LIQUOT. (Lat.) Applied to a quotient or divisor without a remainder.

ALKALI. Glasswort (a plant used in the manufacture of glass) is called by the Arabs El Kali, whence the name of the salt, Al Kali.- Volney.

Alcaly is enumerated by the Canones Yeoman as one of the articles used in alchemy, v. 16278. Many subderivatives from this substantive are common in works of Science.

ALL. See to-Al to breke, &c.

In the phrases-al alone, al only, al hol, al holey, al newe, (see in Mr. Tyrwhitt's Glos.) the al is merely emphatical. So is at all-or in the whole-in "None at all." "Over all;" All over. Al and som-is all and every, the common law phrase. Al in one, is all in one, or the same moment or time; and all is sometimes used alone, as equivalent for all be it— although, (qv.)

All or al is much used to give emphasis or aug-
ment the signification. In Wiclif it is so used, giving
the force of the Lat. pr. Cum-as al breke, confrin-
gere; al conere, contegere; al take, comprehendere
The Highe God, whan he had Adam maked,
And sawe him al alone.

Chaucer. Marchantes Tale, v. 9200.
For not al only thy laude precious
Parfourmed is by men of dignitee.

Id. Prioresses Tale, v. 13385.
Betwixen you ther mot somtime be pees:
All be ye not of o complexion.-Id. Knightes Tale, 2477.
But-all in one-for every wight
Ther was sene conning with estat.

Chaucer's Dreame, v. 673.
This is all and som; ther ne'r no more to sain.
Chaucer. Frankeleine's Tale, v. 11910.
What shulde I you reherse in special
Hire high malice; she is a shrew at all.

Id. Marchantes Tale, v. 9098.
He made that the river was so smal
That wimmen might it waden over al.

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And Ocozie felde thorou the aleris of his soler, whiche he hadde in Samarie, and was sijk (per cancellos cœnaculi, L. V.).- Wic. 4 Kings, i. 2.

And he bildide foure aleis betwixe the pilers of syluer (deambulacra). (E. V. aluris.)-Id. 3 Kings, vii. 2.

The sides of every street were covered with fresh alures of marble, or cloisters, crowned with rich and lofty pinnacles. (See Deambulation.)

Warton. History of English Poetry, v. ii. p. 93. ALLICIENT. See ALLECT.

AʼLLIGATOR. A large species of lizard: Sp. Lagarto; Lat. Lacerta.

And in his needie shop a tortoys hung,
An allegater stuft, and other skins
Of ill-shap'd fishes.

Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet, Act v. sc. 1. Alligators are also in great numbers in all the creeks, rivers, and lagunes in the bay of Campeachy. [The alligator] is shaped like a lizard. Dampier. Voyages, an. 1676. ALLODIAL. Blackstone suggests All, whole, and Odh, property.

When any thing is said to be his, it is not said, that part of it only is his. P. has therefore the all or all-hood (freehold) of it, and consequently all the use of it.

Woollaston, Rel. of Nat. Delineated, sec. vi. § 12. ALLOW, v.

Some lakkede my lif,

Allowed it fewe.-Piers Plouhman, v. 9595.
Mathew maketh mention of a man that lente
Hus silver to thre menne, and menynge that thei sholde
Chaffare and cheve therwith in chele and in hete,
And he that best laborede best was alowede.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, p. 141, 4to. ed. Abram louede to God, and it was alowid to hym for rigtwisnes. (L. V. arrettid. Lat. reputatum est.) Wic. Gen. xv. 6. To alowen (L. V. to take, accipere) the persone of the unpitouse in dom, is not good, that thou bowe awei fro the sothfastnesse of dom.-Id. Prov. xviii. 5.

As gold in furneis he prouede hem, and as brent sacrifyse of Ost he loouwede (v. r. alouwid, L. V. took, accepit) them, and in time shal ben the biholdyng of hem.

Id. Wis. iii. 6.

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And yron bound coffres.-Piers Plouhman, v. 9394. Why is Poul seid the vessel of eleccoun? forsothe for the vessel of the lawe, and of holi scripture he was the almery. Wic. Bib. Pref. Ep. p. 64, col. 1. These same thingis weren born in discriptions, and the Almeries of Neemye. (L. V. Exposiciouns, Commentarii.) Wic. 2 Mac. ii. 13.

Than of his aumener he drough

A little keie.-Chaucer. Romant of the Rose, v. 2087. Blessed shall thyne Aulmery be and thy store. (Mod. Vers. Basket.)-Bible, 1549. Deut. xxviii.


And al in one God-hed


Endles dwelleth.-Piers Plouhman's Creed, v. 7.
Save love one (i. e. al one).—Id. Vision, v. 8288.
And Jhesus answeride to him, It is writun, For a man
Wic. Luke iv. 4.

lyveth not in breed aloone, but in euery word of God.

And he thougte these thingis, that whanne thei weren slayn, he schulde sette tresoun to our aloonenesse. (E. V. onlihede, solitudini.)-Id. Esth. xvi. 14. And here I gan my wo complaine Wishing and wepyng all mine one.

Gower. Conf. Am. b. i. fo. 82.

(He) stoode, as who saith, all hym one
Without wyfe.-Id. b. vii. fo. 176.

Then let us not that honour him deny
Which after death alonely doth remain.

Fairefax. Godfrey of Bulloigne, xix. 117. God, by whose alone power and conversation we all live and move and have our being.-Bentley (in Johnson). ALOOTHING. See LOATHE.


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Lo! the Lord shal make thee to ben born awei, and as an amyse (amictum) so he shal under reren thee. Wic. Is. xxii. 17. (E. V.) Alle schulen wexe olde as a cloth, and thou schalt chaunge hem as an amyte (amictum) or girdynge about. Id. Heb. i. 12. AMISS.

For the same mesures that ye mete
Amys outher ellis,

Why some be a-lough, and some aloft.
Piers Plouhman, v. 7872.
Creep alow the ground.
Tindale to Frith. Southey, B. of the Church, 112.
Toss'd, and retoss'd, aloft, and then alow,
Nor port they seek, nor certain course they know.
Dryden. Cym. and Iph.
ALOWT, v. To alow, or lout, qv.
But he (Statue of Romulus) alowted vpon the same nyghting of errynge, errantem) in the feeld.
Whan Cryst was bore of a pure virgyne.

Lyfe of our Ladye, h I. col. 2. W. Carton. ALTAR. ALTARAGE. L. Lat. Altaragium. An oblation to or at the Altar.

The fires which that on min auter brenne,
Shal thee declaren er that thou go henne
Thin aventure of love.-Chaucer. Knightes Tale, v. 2357.
ALTO-RELIEVO. Highly relieved or raised from
the ground on which it is sculptured (half or more).

ALVEARY, 8. Lat. Alvear (from Alvus), applied to a beehive; any hive or store; a cell in a beehive.

Thus within a yeere, or two, they (my pupils) had gathered together a great volume, which (for the apt similitude between the good Scholers, and diligent bees gathering their waxe and honie into their hive) I called then their alvearie.-Baret. Alvearie. To the Reader.


AMAIE. Fr. Esmayer; Sp. Esmayer. To be sad, pensive, carefully to take thought.-Cot. See ESMAY and DISMAY.

This kynge with noble purueiance
Hath for him selfe his chare araied,
Wherin he wolde ride amaied

Out of the citee for to plaie.-Gower. Con. Am. b. i.
Wherof he drad and was amaied
Of treson, that he deie shulde.

Id. Ib. 1. 7, fo. 176, col. 2.
AMAISTREN, i. e. master, qv.
For thei may Mede amaistrye.
Piers Plouhman, v. 1178.
The Silures to amate the new general, rumor'd the
overthrow greater than was true.

Milton. History of England, b. ii. AMBIDEXTER, s.



He is charged to have been long a notorious and common ambederter. Ellesmere. Memorial to Queen Elizabeth. Campbell, ii. 207.


Air being a perpetual ambient and ingredient, and the defects thereof incorrigible in single habitations, doth in these respects require the more exquisite caution. Reliquia Wottoniana, p. 7. AMBITION.

I on the other side Us'd no ambition to commend my deeds. The deeds themselves, though mute, spoke loud the doer. Milton. Samson Agonistes, 247. Pausanias ambitioning (affectans) the sovereignty of Greece, bargains with Xerxes for his daughter in marriage. Turnbull. Justin, b. ii. c. 15.


With no wil to amende.-Piers Plouhman, v. 1082.
And whan meny wold haue ben amene
Rightwysnes gan hit anon denye.

Lyfe of our Ladye, b. vii. c. 1. W. Carton.
And loketh now wher most sorwe is herein,
Ther wot I frste amenden and begin.

Chaucer. Knightes Tale, v. 3076.

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ANA-MORPHOSIS. A deformation of an object or objects, which viewed in a certain position shall appear regular and well defined. See Locke on the Understanding, b. ii. c. xxix. § 8, and Metamorphosis.

ANASA'RCOUS. Gr. Ava, and σap, the flesh. Above the flesh, and beneath the skin; i. e. between the two.

I found his body much extenuated, his legs anasarcous, and his back and hips excoriated with lying in bed. Wiseman. Surgery, b. i. c. 23.

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