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Hyperboles-three piled h..
Hyperborean-from h. skies.

Hypercritical-by any h. rules....563 17
Hyperion-to a satyr....
Hyphens-Americans need h...... 23
Hypocrisies describe women's h..892
Hypocrisy-chant thy praise, H...383
Government is organized h....331 12
joined to intellect..
..826 9
supercilious h. of a bishop.....332 9
see also Hypocrisy pp. 383, 384
Hypocrites-cant of h..

.152 2

see also Hypocrisy pp. 383, 384 Hypocritic-stain it with h. tear..533 with h. face.. ..106 10

245 19

Hypocritical-be h., be cautious..383 8 Hypothèse-besoin de cet h... ....318 1 jolie h. elle explique.. Hypothesis-no need for that h...318 1 on the naturalistic h.. pretty h. which explains. Hyrcan-of the H. tiger. Hyson-gave one scent to h......545 9 Hyssop-from the cedar to the h..422 1 Hyver-l'h. conduit leur pas......159 13


160 18

I-what I am thou canst not be...126 13
Iago-I's. soliloquy.

Iam-magno i. conatu magnas....816
Ibis-medio tutissimus i.

shape myself to i. Idler-and man of mighty deeds. while loitering i. waits. Idles-who i. away whole day. Idly-in the summer air. Idol-ambition is our i..

of to-day pushes hero.. a one-eyed yellow i.. saint, virgin, prophet. thou i. ceremony. to thine i.'s eyes. Idolatries-bow'd to its Idolatry-god of my i.... God of our i. the press.. Idols-he will have his i..

words but signs of i...

..426 9

of birth and parentage.

.495 17

words droon the i..

.907 15

of what most assur'd.

47 9

Identical-patriotism and. Identity-beyond the grave..

586 8

or thoughtless who is.

100 4

36 6

so i. and blind.

627 11


preserve an i. of ideas.

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Ides-the i. of March are come...494 10 Idiots-currency of i..... .807 6

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play the i. in her eyes. Idle-an i. life produces.. God loves an i. rainbow mine's not an i. cause.. never i. a moment. not wish to be i.. with i. heedless pace.. Idleness-a tune.

.292 17

.384 16

655 21

91 21

see also Ignorance pp. 385, 386 Ignorantly-whom ye i. worship..315 8 Ignoratio causarum i. in re......385 8 Ignoratione rerum bonarum.....385 9 Ignoratur enim, quæ sit.

.737 21

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busy i. possesses us.

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busy i. urges us..

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diligence of i...

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.832 8

..110 11

668 6

qu'on se l'i..

.435 26

158 2

.750 24

sermo animi est i..

.915 7

..414 13

.755 2

Imber-quod non i. edax.
Imbittered-more irom peevish.

of i. to come.

resign'd when i. betide. the scholar's life assails these speculative i...

thy thousand i. combined.. ....621 11 to hastening i. a prey... ..913 19 Ill-starred-what i. rage divides. .303 2 Ill-tempered-gets up as i. as when. 138 16 think him i. and queer.... .560 17 Illudite qui pone sint i... .233 6 Illuminate-to i. the earth. Illumination-tasteful i. of the....314 25 Illumine-what in me is dark i....318 15 Illusion-man's i. given... tiger is an optical i. Illusions-however innocent.. with its i., aspirations.. Illusive-Love's i. dreams. Illustrate-most them fully. Illustration-furnish i., well.

solitude needful to i......

see also Imagination pp. 386, 387
Imaginations-feel with hearts and.914 4
Imaginative-range of i. literature. 599 13
Imagine-by others to i

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sub terras currit i..
Imbecile-par un grand i
..898 2 Imbécilité-par l'i. des autres. .760 15
..819 18 Imbecility-moderation in war is i.851 2
.923 15 Imbecillior-potentior te, aut i....394 17
.483 7 si i. parce illi.
.394 17


life and an i. soul.

see also Immortality pp. 388-390 Immortalis-est infamia.

731 1

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..509 4

kiss that made me i..

.417 10

439 7

391 10

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..820 9

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.351 14

lost the i. part..

667 24

make me i. with a kiss.

251 11

.387 14

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..197 5

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bids for God's own i.
bright and faultless i..
captain counts i. of God.
charms he must behold.
cherish'd thine i. years..
constant i. of the creature.
conversation i. of mind.
created in the i. of God.
creature God's i..
cut in ebony.
defacing the shape and i..
every one shows his i..
gods are shaped in his i..
God's i. bought and sold.
have their i. in the mind
it bears of natural.
leaves an i. of himself.
l'i. de l'usurpation..
l'i. de ma vie.
Man, God's latest i..
man, the i. of his God.
mind of man his i. bears.
moon's fair i. quaketh.
never may depart.
noble man is God's i..
nothing but i. of death.

of authority.

of a wicked, heinous..

of his maker.

of pangs witnessed

of these mighty peaks.
of the vanished star.
scorn her own i..
solemn i. to my heart.
the i. of Eternity.
the i. of God..
there is an i. of death
though death's i.

.716 11 Imitatio-simultatioque virtutis...835 18
79 16 Imitation-awkward and forced i.. 11 23
he i. calls.
53 16
.758 24
.661 16
.835 18

.493, 14

663 5

.598 22

of Dr. Johnson's.

of His perfections.

.918 15

of virtue.

716 19
775 12

.803 10

492 26

sincerest flattery.
tables and chairs by i.

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276 3

654 6

.874 8

beautiful as songs of i.. laughter among the i.. seats of the happy i. Immortelles-white with fragrant i. 64 6 Immortels-vous êtes i... Immota-ipsa i. manens. Immovable-for three days past..655 8 Immundos-per i. transeat.. ..140 5 Immutabili-lege percurere. ..242 7 Imogene-the maiden's was Fair 1.472 5 Imparadised-in arms

.589 9

542 11

322 24

.825 9 ...106 5

.865 16

Impart-candidly i. it

.920 18

.586 14

41 2 Imitations-pattern out their i...684 11
.619 2 Imitative an i. creature is man. .388 2
..616 7 Imitatorem-doctum i., et veras..387 20
.805 7 Imitators-are a slavish herd.. 388 1
.925 9 Imitazione-l'i. del bene.. .387 19
338 5 Immaculate-his thoughts i.. 104 26
.488 26 Immagine di se stesso nei figlio. .619 2
.526 1 Immanity-and bloody strife.. 664 21
Immeasurable-dire i. strife.
Immediately-become so i..
173 15 Immemor-antiqui vulneris.
47 6 Immemores-non sinit esse sui.
.249 16 Immemorial-doves in i. elms. ..547 20
21 12 Immense-misshapen monster. 36 5
.548 3 Immensity-dome its vast i.. .547 25
.849 17 Immerentium-voluptas est. .319 25
231 16 Imminens-arte i. necessitas. 551 9
.547 5 Immoderate drunkenness is i....399 21
88 16 secundas i. ferre.
..637 14
.566 9 Immoderation-that I call i. is..399 21
.318 10 Immodest-words admit no defence.521 2
.579 21 Immodice-diliguntur i. sola..... .601 16
.721 13 Immolationibus-Deus non i... ..319 25
69 18 Immoral-not one i., one corrupted.607 16
509 19 Immorality-fall into i... .600 11
:391 18 through public i.
.431 21
Immortal-author remains i.. 47 20
become i. by sloth..
.451 11
being a thing i. as itself. ...176 5

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410 6

.411 4 302 18

.474 12 ..421 13 Impartial-heaven to mankind i.. .352 9 of an i. judge.. Impartially-their talents scan....217 7 to decide i..... Impatiens-consortis erit. Impatient-to flesh his virgin. 390 6 Impeached-disgrac'd, i., baffled...715 3 Impeachment-own the soft i.....129 2 Impearls-sun i. on every. 194 1 Impediment-march'd without i...856 28 non i. foris ..757 10 Impediments-to great enterprises.495 20 Impellitur-momento huc illuc i...826 19 Impendio-probitatis i. constat. .429 17 Impénétrable-pour être i.. ..745 1 Imperando-male i. summum....623 16 Imperat-aut servit collecta......865 8 matrona parendo i... ......871 2 qui nisi paret i... 27 21 Imperator-egomet sum mihi i....738 13 76 7 Imperatorem-stantem mori......180 1

brighter grows and gleams i....186 1
call some books i....

Imperceptible-soap in i. water...387 1 Improbi-hominis est..
Imperet-qui aliquando i.

.564 9 Improborum-successes i. plures. .761 8
Imperfect-copies more or less i...431 14 Improbum-hominem i., non.

182 13

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.432 3

one i. wing to soar upon..

Imperfection-of our nature.

Imperfections-on my head.

pass my i. by..

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475 1

Improbus-alios i. suspicatur..

835 21

struggles and by i. dies.
Inchoare-semper vitam i..

.502 16

.452 7

.603 5

nam i. est homo

267 7

vetat i. longam..

446 8

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Incident-Death is only an i...

167 6

573 4

omnes i. virga..

Imperial-enslaves on i, principles. 225

through all the I. City.

Imperially-learn to think i..

Imperii-capax i. nisi imperasset.

Imperio corporibus
invisa i. retinentur.
.334 12
Imperiosa-fortius urget i. .311 3
Imperiosus-sapiens qui sibi i.....879 22
Imperishable-days and nights i...793 2
Imperito-bomine i. nunquam....386 15
Imperium-credit gravius esse. 334 22
cupientibus nihil.
.623 19
dote i. vendidi.
.870 8


.852 6

591 10

'i. est la pierre.
Improperly-his intellect is i..
Impropriety-what i. or limit.
Improve an ability to i.

.884 13

Incidente del mestiere.

.535 4

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512 27

born to i. us

43 18

Incidis-non eget mauris i...
Incipe dimidium facti est.

.100 13

65 14

752 16

each moment as it flies.

.334 20

each shinning hour.

.447 4
64 14

quidquid agas.

65 15

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.422 6

.305 7

66 21

657 12

99 16

.421 23

.620 8

rursum hoc i...
Incipias-quod post poeniteat.
Incipiendum-quando i. sit..
Incipiere-jam serum est..
Incipiunt-semper vivere i...
Incisa-notis marmora.
Incitantur-enim homines
Incivility-is not a Vice of the Soul. 101 3
Inclination-absent from our i....149 4
overcome your i..
read just as i. leads him.
Inclinations-follows the i..

65 14

.666 19

797 25

797 25

452 7

524 15

154 2

.871 24

.657 13

.546 23

flagitio acquisitum

623 18

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interpreters of i...

.202 25

interests, I et Libertas..

..611 6

par in parem i..

236 1

qui i. credat esse.

.623 24

Impulse every creature stirs..
from a vernal wood..
in one i. of your soul.

.544 5

possess the same i..

.189 10

.814 14

produces varied i..

384 15

.480 14

Impertinence-this i, springs

277 12

without a portion o' i...

886 1


.232 2

Impetuosity-manages all things..

28 19

Impetuous-at first, soon...

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soft i. a sudden dream.
with each generous i.
Impulses of deeper birth.
sweet i. flung like.

of the moment.

smallest i. directs it.

Inclined-less i. to do so.

.600 4 Incoherent-indefinite i.

.826 19 Incolam-mundi se i. et civem. .. .912 20
.442 1 Incolumem-virtutem i. odimus. .836 20

.711 13

..242 9

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its i. is divided.

441 18

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industry in raising i..
without capital..

..331 1

.616 3

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Impetus-inconsulti i. cœpta.

trahit ipse furoris i.

Impiété-vice d' i. s'enquerir

Impiety-rises from cup of mad i..398 19
some vice of i..

.153 24

Impious-both i. and unnatural...664 21

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nemo me i. lacessit.

occupationis spe vel i.
Impunitatis-peccandi i. spes..
Impunity-done with i..
drink with i.

provokes me with i.

Impure-passes among the i.


of our i..702 18

.351 14
519 20

127 8 Incommoda-ferre i. vitæ.
27 24 Incommodis-ex i. alterius.
240 8 Incominodo-rossore i., qualche... 74 7
.375 18 Incomprehensible-paradoxical...579 8
240 8 Incongruities-reconcilement of i..884 1
207 6 Inconnue-grande incapacité i..... 97 17
.375 18 Inconsequence delightfully.
.603 16
27 24 Inconsistencies-ascribe to it i.. 50 4
in principle...
.760 9
Inconsistency-change of opinion, i. 132 6
for changing..

.372 21

59 7

hope of i..

149 8

690 2

sin once with i..

.711 12

.319 24

140 5


In-are out wish to get i...

.496 22

Implore-we, bending low.

.455 15

who's i. or out..

.331 4

is the only thing.

Importance-invest it with i..

.842 8

in war events of i..

how i., has the doubt..

.844 7
.905 8

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Inability-in necessary things....596 16
Inactivity-wise and masterly i... .333
Inadvertent-an i. step may crush.380 5
Inalienable-with certain i. rights. 675 3
Inane-of the vast i.

of human nature.


94 2

not of the i. you suppose..
woman of no i..

.132 10

.380 14

..893 18
.158 8

Inconsistent-thankless i. man....493 6

woman is the most i.
Inconsolable-to the minuet
407 12
.446 1 Inconstance-ennui, inquietude...449 19
277 2
quantum est in rebus i.
284 7 Inconstancies-feign'd tears, i.!...892 9
.897 14 Inania-formica tendunt ad i. .621 18 Inconstancy-crowd of events.. .582-23
her.518 27 Inanimate-depravity of i. things.642 20 ennui, anxiety..
.449 19
719 5 things i. have moved.
.536 11
.290 3 Inaudible and noiseless foot of...798 21
98 16 sonorous voice i. to...
.242 16
Inaudit-parte i. altera.
..433 5
Inborn-whose i. worth his acts...100 12
Incantations-resistless charms or.900 14
Incapacity-great unrecognized i.. 97 17 Inconstantiam-mutationem i.....
Incarnation-of fat dividends....866 18 Inconsulti-impetus cœpta..
their pure i..
54 6 Incorporeal-[God] supreme i..
.159 5 Incorrect-information
Incendium-magnum excitavit i...272 24
Incense-breathing morn.
.530 10
clouds of i. rise.

Importunate-rashly i, gone to
tale not too i..
Importune-too proud to i..
Importuns-les soupçons i. sont...771 18
Imposes-that i. an oath makes it.563 11
Imposition-idle and most false i..668 1
Impossibile-certum est qui i.....390 16
Impossibilité-où je suis. .317 17
Impossibilities-hope not for i....390 12
laughs at i....
.767 7
Impossibility-metaphysical i....605 14
proof is call'd i..
Impossible-make morality i.
nothing is i. to industry.
word i. is not in.

see also Impossibility p. 390

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to freemen threats are i.
Impotentiam-propter suam i.. 772 3
Impotently-moves as you or I...714 2
Impots-le mort et les i..
.913 16
Impregnable-rocks i. are not so..799 17
Impress-leave some i. of ourselves.796 20
Impressed-legal public stamp i...903 18
Impresses-his will in the structure.316 20
Impression-receives from human. 41 2
left i. more delightful.
makes a deeper i..
of pleasure in itself.
Impressionable-woman is more i.. 896 23
Impressions-it receives oftenest..514 6
like i. on coin.
.492 18
Imprisoned-in viewless winds....916 11
Improba-aut minus i...
61 2

573 1
573 12
420 1

66 20

Increasing-youth waneth by i.. .797 15
Increate of bright essence i.. .456 15
Incredibile-credendum quod i.... 66 7
Incrédules-les plus crédules..
Incredulity-towards philosophy i..596 15
Incredulous-are most credulous.. 66 20
that i. of the heart.
Increment-unearned i....
with breath all i.
.528 18 Inculto-latet sub corpore.
Incensed-fragrant when they are 1.835 13 Incumbere aliorum i. fame..
so i. that I am reckless. ..659 26 Incumbrance-no i. abroad.
Incentive-to honorable death....190 8 Incurable-itch for scribbling.
Incerta-non temere i. casuum...290 16 life is an i. disease..
Incessant-answerless, yet i. .878 17
to cure i. disenses
Incessantly-and sailed i.. ..537 15 Incuora-tuo ver dir m'i..
Incestuous sacreligious.
.864 6 Incuria-quas aut i. fudit.
Inch-disputing i. by i..
41 21 Incusat-alterum i. probi.
every i. a king..
.686 1 Incutit-vanaque sollicitis
99 6 Indagatrix-virtutis i.
..312 2 Indebted-and discharg'd.
.525 11 to a lie...
.639 7 to memory for his jests.
.668 19 Indefeasible-own i. light

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.333 11

309 4

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