Obrázky stránek
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.512 26

Tracing-by t. Heaven..

.316 16

victory follows in its t..

.415 4

574 17

Track-along the trackless t..

747 20

wakes with all her busy t.

.507 2

is a t. of strength.

686 8

each other's t. pursue.

781 6

with all his rising t..

.878 8

looks out from her brazen

t....412 25

leave in its t. the plough.

.843 1

with it all the t. it leads.

748 1

nor stony t., nor walls.

.634 13

leaving no t....

209 7

zephyrs to t. beneath..

.926 5

of Porcelain, strange.

.620 3

of his fiery car..

824 19

Traine-nous t. avec soi..

792 9

one star over the t.

.403 9

on Dante's t...

.363 26

Trains-the docile horse.

779 16

round some mould'ring t..

.402 19

pursue their mighty t.

750 2

Trait-every fair and manly t....444 18

steadfast as a t.

142 13

rest never on the t.

.413 11

suggests its every t...

.530 18

watchmen sitting in a t..

.514 18

snail with silver t.

.869 17

Traitor-blast the t..

.854 13

with a t. and bells.

.118 6

those worn feet.

.286 3

executest the t.'s treason...

571 17

Towering-high t. over all.

72 7

Trackless-over the t. past..

.923 4

hit no t. on the hip..

.221 22

Towers-about the ruined t.

.857 11

Tracks-old t. are lost..

636 1

more strong than t.'s arms....

394 2

along her steep.

.615 5

Tracotanza-non è nuova..

46 10

parricide, incestuous...

864 6

cloud-capped t..

.840 1

heralds from off our t..

.236 9

high t. fall with heavier..

.263 2

Tractat-nisi quis illud t.
Tractatu-dura, eventu tristia....
Tracts-leave no t..

86 18
68 2

pulled out like a t.'s..

.741 5

unarmed t. overthrew..

.677 15

.185 8

see also Treason pp. 811, 812

like two cathedral t.

.597 13

Trade and last quotations.

..553 3

Traitorous-kiss her Saviour.

.886 23

men stand like solitary t.

.341 2

no t. on the steep.

.223 6

of kings...

.170 17

bad is the t. that must play.
both with living and dead.
but two hours at the t...

87 7

Traitorously-corrupted youth....634 2

.903 12

Traitors-for thy dearest friends..131 18

777 4

friends suspect for t..

.131 18

of silence.

.524 19

doing good is not our t.

.327 3

guard t. to the block.

.812 5

sloth views t. of fame.

.259 8

each to his own t.

.909 2

topless t. of Ilium..

251 11

fiddlers at their t..

.566 2

men's vows are women's t.....499 6 our doubts are t...

200 21

whose wanton tops do buss....123 9 Town-above the pillared t..

all the fools in t..

center of each and every t.....121 9

food of us that t. in love.

.539 13

our fears do make us t..

269 17

.324 19

hardly deems busy day.

.408 23

.283 14

his silly old t..

87 21

the fates with t. do contrive...264 22 Traits-personal t. in author.

....758 14

his time to every t.

.150 1

coach'd it round the t.

277 11

in all the t. of war.

.843 10

thousand touching t. testify...858 15 Tramp-from lake to lake.

29 9

cobbling in his native t.

.706 4

instrument of t..

..617 12

hear the t. of thousands..

.847 10

country in t...

141 5

it may help..

.523 13

the t., the shout.

.854 2

dark gray t. where.

757 2

kind of unconscionable t..

.188 20

Tramped-five years we've t.

200 3

dispersed thro' the small t.....688 20

lucrative t. of the oven.

.229 20

on we t. exultantly..

39 16

doing t. or country hurt.

574 16

members of their t.

.150 19

Trample-a kingdom down..

.538 19

fate in a country t..

.882 18

not accidental but a t.

712 2

those same vices..

.831 12

fifty roads to t..

.664 15

folly fills the t..

.408 23

frontier t. and citadel of.

.512 21

gaze with all the t...

153 22

in t. let me live.

.462 18

is man's world..

.140 16

not a plantation of t.
of the gentle craft.
partner in the t...

's proud empire hastes..
selfish huckstering t...
that I hope I may use.

663 13

Trampled-be t. upon by him....890 5

705 10

Trampling-out the vintage..

..848 6

.302 4

Trance-cooled by death's t......165 15

86 12

in t. or slumber..

202 26

85 20

or breathed spell.

.637 6

.706 6

was in a wondrous t..

776 18

lighted street-lamps in t.

.326 8

turn penny in way of t.

.522 5 Tranced-senseless t. thing..

558 1

like a bubble o'er the t.

.530 9

little one-horse t..

.121 6

two of a t. can ne'er agree...
was at his t. more clever.

85 21 Trances-of the blast.

694 19

706 4 Tranquilla-peragit t. potestas....311 3

majority in any t.

283 14

what t. are you.

.706 5

seu me t. senectus..

14 18

man made the t.

.121 5

what t. art thou.

91 3 Tranquilla-semita certe t.

.837 4

marble cross below the t...

.322 5

Trader-speaking as a t..

.649 14

Tranquillity-at night in T.

.408 8

of monks and bones..
over the t. the ocean flows.
part of the t. where they sell.
quaint old t. of art..
road to the Merciful T.
shut off from the world.

.124 6

Trades-filthy t. and traffic.

..217 22

gives a sense of t...

31 9

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siege before one t.

901 16

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small t. great renown.. the t. dramatic.

through the embowered t.

what's this dull t. to me.

121 20 Traditions-inherits family t.
141 3 Trafalgar-'twas in T.'s bay..
562 12 Traffic-through the world..
.471 9 's thy god...
.562 3 Trafficked-where joy is t. in.

sleeping in bright t..

...658 12 Transatlantic-commentator.

.747 10 Traffics-dishonor t. with man's. .577 6
594 21 Träge-sprechen t. Leute.
83 3 Tragedian-counterfeit deep t....
Tragedies-a few classic t......
two t. in life..
Tragedy-announced t. of Hamlet
blush as much to stoop.

Willie Winkie rins through the t. 55 15 worth a month in t...

wouldn't hold them. you are the talk of the t. Town-crier-lief the t. spoke. Towns-benefaction to t...

flourishing peopled t...

ugliest of t. have moments....565 24 Tradesman-thou, and hope to go. 85 19 Tradition-explored in vain.

in t. of mind.

350 22

looking t..

.793 1

.860 11

88 18

had not walked but for T.
Memory, and some T.
their oldest t.

..658 12

when heaven was all t.

703 20

.687 11

23 4 Transcendent-admiration of..

.365 14

24 12

we are for one t. moment.

189 8

.841 12


527 20

87 11

87 12

.409 22

Transcends-the unknown t...
Transcepts-measured by miles...814
Transferable experience t..
Transcribed-what is t..

..545 23


.657 14

.244 23

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Transfigures-you and me..
Transform-he will t. and mix.

.295 9

.599 10

.406 20 5 11 189 18

men into monsters.

505 17

Transformera-il les t.
ourselves into beasts.

399 16

599 10

5 1

Transforming-miracle of t.......878 12 .917 20 Transfusion-takes place...

.779 10

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77 1 Transgressed-Adam before he t..499 17 725 5 Transgresses-virtue that t.... .406 20 Transgression-after his t... .532 1 Transgressions-by our t.

.838 20

.666 5

.676 4

won as t. with fire.

.757 21

Toy-be it jewel or t.

.759 10

the play is the t. "Man'
to those who feel.

.917 8

fame with ev'ry t. be pos'd.

257 11

love and ev'ry t

.821 10

makes Jack a mere t.

.908 22

would t. and woo.

740 18

Toys-all is but t..

.453 6

Tragic expressed in t. verse.
road to anywhere..
with grace his t. part..
Tragicis-versibus exponi t.
Trahimur-omnes laudis.

.603 2

..174 2 Transgressors-way of t. hard.
Transient-and embarrassed.
catch the t. hour.

..711 19

34 3

447 4

39 16 res...603 2 .449 18

for t. sorrows..

.897 16

is her reward.

44 20

Beatitude, not on her t.

72 3

Trail-as all calves do..

624 3
81 20

cast their t. away..

.443 12

booming down on the old t..

.703 16

collecting t. and trifles.

.657 21

long long t. awinding..

.202 19

Transit-sic t. gloria mundi.
Transition-what seems so is t..
Transitory-action is t....
are human flowers..
Translated-to a vase of gold.

[blocks in formation]

joys are but t...

30 6

of the serpent.

711 9

not to meddle with my t...

.112 11

that is always new.

703 16

to that happier sphere.. Translation-Bible of new t.

361 6

660 17

shrink into trivial t...

60 14

trifles and fantastic t..

.815 3

Tra-si tra se volge..

.896 8

Trace-it midst familiar things...

59 9

left one t., one record here.

.687 13

of worry many a t..

sunk without t..

581 24

.252 14
850 16

the footsteps of chief events...286 21 Traces-brush away t. of steps...345 19 no t. left of busy scene...

Trailed-who once has t. a pen...
Trails-hunt old t. very well.
Train-a melancholy t...
army we must t. for war.
me not sweet mermaid..
no pageant t. shall waste..
of action through day.
our generous t. complies.
pleasure's smiling t....
they love a t..

.511 8 Transmitter-of foolish face..
.533 9 Transmute-into gold..
.696 14 Transmuted-o'er t. ill.
.909 16 Transmutes-bereaves of bad.
.515 14 Transparent-in a t. palace.
qu'ils laissent voir..

48 17

400 11

French t. and Italian.
re-teach from his t...

5 8

9 6

220 17 .860 7

translated from Boileau's t....654 22 Translations-more in wrong t....654 16

.394 11

.469 22

583 23

393 13

742 26

.886 15

.247 22

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though the t. may betray.

..473 10

keep abreast of t.

.635 13

two to speak the t...

.822 13

traitor should be t.. was ever poet so t. before. see also Trust pp. 816-818 Trustees-trust and t. created... .817 14 Trusts-foolish he who t. her.....889 10 he t. in God.... 66 11

in God that as well as he was. .232 16 not fit the pablic t. be lodged. .817 21 offices as public t.

the mind that builds.

who t. himself to women. Trusty-ancient t. drouthy. trenchant blade Toledo t. Truth-adversity path to t.... and constancy are vain. and t. discourtesy...

know then this t. lack courage to tell t. learned a t. which needs. less than t. my soul abhors. let t. and reason speak.. lies wrapped up, hidden. lie which is half a t...

.811 6

kept thy t. so pure..

.919 1

ty'd with band of t...

301 11

..607 3

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.817 13

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.548 9

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[blocks in formation]
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588 3

mercy and t. are met.

.590 4

9 20

mercy and t. shall go.

.331 17

.243 5

must be sought.

.662 11

whom t. and wisdom lead. .879 3 wisdom only found in t.......879 13 with him who sings...

.345 3

[blocks in formation]

with t. to frame fair replies....486 5 words of t. and soberness

..902 15

not ask if t. be there.

57 21

see also Truth pp. 818-822

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Truths-all t. not to be told..

..819 24

as I see it, my dear.

.615 7

object of oratory is not t..

.573 9

as refined as ever.

.629 13

as sorrow shows us t.

.733 19

of your speaking..

.741 9

believe the t. I tell.

.836 2

awakens in us the image of t...789 27

one t. is clear.

.675 10

bane of t....

623 15

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on the side of t.

.822 17

be as harsh as t.....

.668 20

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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other hidden is t..

236 24

in heavenly t. attired..

662 13

begets hatred.

.494 3

[blocks in formation]

music tells no t...

.535 11

between t. and repose..

.113 12

part t., part fiction..

.894 5

between us two.

.301 22

[blocks in formation]

plain t., dear Murray. pronounce this sacred t.. quenched the open t.... redeem t. from his jaws.. required of genius, love of richer by growth of t.. ridicule is test of t.. 's sacred fort th' exploded. salt of t..

t...308 20

9 6

of which every human soul....308 22 on which depends our main....657 1

350 15

ring out like spurs.

739 2

.251 21

sermon of t. he taught..

.630 10

.410 8

tell him disagreeable t...

.296 22

[blocks in formation]

.240 7 673 18 428 12

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

death for t. and Freedom.

.586 10

sanctified by t..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

scheme built on a t...

756 24

Try-before ye trust.

.646 28

depository of the t.

.490 25

search for the t...

410 9

guiltier than him they t...

.412 13

dignity of t. is lost.

[blocks in formation]

had any business to t..

493 11

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

half on trust and half to t..

254 19

disclaiming both..

136 10

shalbe thie warrant..

738 22

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error and t. alike.

236 14

shines brightest thro' plainest..741 21

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