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Great crises involve corresponding duties and obligations. This is the text of my brief opening address this morning. We have not been called upon to shed our blood-our American brethren have given that without stint, and of that country it may be said to-day "there is not a house where there is not one dead." We, in the observance of a national neutrality, have been spared any direct pecuniary sacrifices. Emancipation, under God, has been purchased by the blood and treasure of our American friends, some of whom we are gratified to see present to-day. We, however, cannot allow them to bear all the burthen. We feel that our honour, our Christianity is concerned in our bearing a part of it-however humble. We feel that practical sympa. thy is due. You know that of old when God brought out His oppressed people from Egypt it was well with those who befriended them, and how it went ill with those who stood aloof in unsympathising neutrality or who manifested overt hostility; let us be careful that we be on the right side on this occasion. Whether our sympathies have been with the North or the South in the past struggle I stop not to enquire. That is past, however, and cannot be recalled. I thank God that for myself personally my sympathy was loyally on the side of the free-the North, and my prayer was ever for the oppressed and for the defeat of the oppressor. (Applause.) It is of great importance, however, that we now lend a helping hand to the necessitous beings who took no part in the struggle, but who depended on the interposition of God; for of them, I doubt not, as of the oppressed of old, it will be decreed "blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed be he that curseth thee." Dr. Sterrs and the Rev. Sella Martin, both from America, will inform you of the urgent necessity which exists for the supply, at once, of money, clothing, bedding, school books, and implements of trade and of agriculture. I shall leave that part of the subject in their hands. At this very hour a mourning nation is conveying to the tomb with every mark of respect, the mortal remains of a venerable statesman. It may interest this meeting to be informed that I very recently saw a letter from Mr. Layard, the assistant Foreign

Secretary, in which he says, that when the public and private life of Lord Palmerston shall be written, it will be manifest that that nobleman was ever the firm, constant and unwavering friend of the oppressed negro (cheers) May the blessing of him who was ready to perish come upon him. Mr. Scott in conclusion, mentioned a mode of help in providing clothing which he had found very efficacious. The Rev. T. Binney of Weigh-house Chapel, London, moved the first resolution, which was as follows:-"That this meeting desires to express its gratitude to Almighty God for the emancipation of the four millions of bondmen in the United States of America, and also its cordial sympathy with the Freed-men's Aid Society, London, and with kindred institutions formed throughout Great Britain, to mitigate the present keen sufferings of Freed-men, as well as to aid in the establishment of schools for the education of these poor people, so that they may become fitted for the responsibilities and enjoyments of freedom." He said he came there merely to listen, and to show by his presence his sympathy with the object of the meeting; he remembered the old slavery question agitation, and a great deal was then said about the compensation that should be given to the slaveowners on the liberation of their slaves; but there were many of them who thought that if compensation were to be given at all, it was most needed by the slaves themselves (Applause.) It had been argued that as the American nation had deliberately and with set purpose declared that these people should be no longer slaves, they themselves should take the consequences and the issue of their determination; that if they did the thing they should do it thoroughly, and that they should take all the responsibilty of caring for these people, meeting their wants, making preparation for their education, and do every thing else that fairly, properly, and religi ously required doing towards the blacks. He (Mr. Binney) could conceive of a person taking that ground, and he was not going to argue the matter; but there was a verse in Scripture which he believed answered the objection, and it said "Remember them that are in bonds as bound with them, and them that suffer affliction as being ourselves also in the

body." (Applause.) He thought therefore that their duty was perfectly clear-that they were called upon to be grateful to God for the emancipation of these poor people, and to feel a sympathy with them. (Applause.) If they felt this sympathy, it would take a practical shape, (hear, hear,) and he hoped that Bristol sympathy would display itself in subscriptions and donations. (Applause.)

and their labours in this direction he believed had made them happier. (Hear, hear.) He believed the work would go on and increase, and he would assure the meeting that nothing should be wanting on his part to bring such about. (Applause) Mr. Thomas, in conclusion, explained the absence of a number of clergymen who deeply sympathised with the object of the meeting, and said he could on their behalf assure the meeting that they deeply loved their

were for them and for the eminent success of the American Mission. (Applause.)

The Rev. D. Thomas, B.A. of Bristol, and President of the Congregational Union of Eng-American brethren, and that their prayers land and Wales, seconded the resolution, and said, he came there to-day in order to show and to assure the meeting that there existed a great sympathy among the congregational body in England and Wales in this great movement. He need not tell many present that of all the exciting meetings that had been held during the present week, none of them had excited their sympathies and entered into their hearts so much as that at which the causes of American missions to the freed-men were brought up (applause); he thought they gave the most practical proof of their sympathy, as a body, with the movement, in the resolution recommending that collections in aid of the Freed-Men's Aid Society be made in all the Congregational churches in England and Wales on the second Sunday in January. (Continued applause.) He had no doubt that these collections would be very largely made, and that the example would stimulate the great Wesleyan body in its various departments, and also the Baptist body, which had always been amongst the foremost in expressing its abhorrence of slavery, and its sympathy with the free. He could not sit down without remarking, in answer to his friend Mr. Binney's hope that Bristol would practically show its sympathy with the cause, that Bristol had done a good deal in their matter already. (Hear, hear.) He was in a position to know that there been large gatherings of various sections of the christian church: for the purpose of working, and stimulating one another to work in this cause. (Applause). Perhaps, there was no city that had done more he did not know! and what it had done, it had done heartily. (Hear, hear.) Especially had a great deal of sympathy been shown by the ladies of Clifton, Cotham, and Kingsdown,

The resolution was cordially adopted. The Rev. Dr. Storrs, of America, addressed the meeting at some length. He eloquently pointed out the present condition of the eman. cipated negroes, which large mass of humanity had been received by the American people not unwillingly, not constrained in their cha. rities by selfishness but contented, generously and with determination to soften the severities of the transition period, and to bring them into the truest state of Christian manhood and freedom. (Applause.) It had been said, but he would ask whether it was right to say, that it belonged to the American nation to do the work-that it should be shown no co-op. erative sympathy because it refused to undertake this great christian duty itself. There was always a distinction justly to be made between the mere political parties which always infest a nation and the christian public of that nation; (Hear, hear) this distinction was to be observed in America. The christian public was engaged in the work mainly; but the government had rendered, and was still rendering, most impor. tant aid. (Hear, hear.) It had organized a Freed-man's Bureau, at the head of which had been placed a gentleman who had been called the Havelock of the American army, General Howard (Applause); and this bureau was providing so far as it could for the necessities of the freed-man. But their efforts required to be supplemented, and voluntary christian charity was arising in all quarters, and was supplementing the works of government by providing supplies of food and clothing, and by employing teachers in industrial arts, in necessary education, in religious principles, social order, family government and relation,

&c. In all the various organizations at present the opinion that the help all nations united there were now something like 1,200 laborers in giving the negro would encourage him in employed, each of which taught sixty pupils, idleness rather than stimulate him to self-refor which they received £60, being at the rate liance; and in answer to the remark that a of £1 each. The negroes, old and young, little wholesome neglect would do them good, were very eager to learn in every part of the stated that they were worthy of help. He country, and they evidently recognised in the denied that the correspondents who wrote in result of these efforts their being lifted to the the newspapers about the laziness of negroes proper place and power of freed-men. Had told the truth, and he gave several instances the friends of the negro reason to expect suc- where they had amassed large fortunes for cess in this world? The negroes of America themselves. The fact was they did not work were at present degraded; and what else could because they had, many of them, no work to be expected after seven generations of bondage, do, the former owners of land having gone to what more could be expected as the results of Cuba or Brazil with all the gold they could a system that continuously for more than two get together, and Northern capitalists not hundred years had been engaged in the effort liking to invest money in property the tenure to make this man simply a knowing brute, of which was of a questionable character. He that he might accomplish labour successfully spoke of the reconstruction policy of President for the selfish purposes of his owner? (Ap- Johnson as making it all the more apparent plause.) But their friends were convinced that the negroes must get help from some that when the labour of the negroes had its where, because they were thrown back into proper reward they would be found to justify the hands of the slave-owners; and then sta the opinions entertained of them. Dr. Storrs ted the circumstances under which help was then proceeded to contradict the assertion demanded for them. that the negroes were a lazy race; he said The second resolution was moved by the they had not yet become sufficiently awake to Rev. Dr. Waddington of London : — "That the new state of the country, and had not this meeting has listened with the deepest learnt to throw off that inertia which a state attention to the statements of the Rev. H. of thraldom had induced. In places, while M. Storrs, D.D., and the Rev. Sella Martin; the war was raging, where colonies of negroes and upon the eve of departure of these honoured had gathered, secure from guerilla incursions, and beloved brethren to the United States, they had become owners of the soil, and had desires to express its obligations to them, as proved themselves well qualified to undertake well as to the other accredited delegates from its management. He then pointed out that America, for the valuable services rendered by the great question of taking this negro popu- these gentlemen to the Freed-Men's Aid Solation and raising it into a noble condition ciety, London; and it would further express affected not only the Americans but socially its cordial sympathy with the devoted men and morally affected us in England in a thou- and women in America who, at the present sand points which would make themselves time, are putting forth such strenuous efforts manifest in due time; and concluded by praying for the rescue of these freed people from the for those present and the churches there re-sufferings incident to their new condition; and presented, and the philanthropic public of this nation, whose heart-throbs he had been permitted to feel, the choicest blessings of God for the present and for all time to come in this world and the next; and be committed in solemn trust this great matter to their decision. (applause.)

The Rev. Sella Martin, a coloured missionary, followed, but we have space for only the briefest outline of his address. He combatted

also its earnest prayer that peace and prosperity may be enjoyed by our brethren across the Atlantic, and that the United States of America and our own beloved country may be united in bonds of constant friendship, and unite in promoting the moral and religious interests of mankind at large." Dr. Waddington spoke to the following effect: No duty, Sir, could be more pleasant to my own mind than to express to these beloved American

brethren our sentiments of grateful esteem very the future of the negro seemed to be and warm sympathy with the object that bounded by his life in the field of unrequited brought them to this country. In the absence toil. Now the hand of God has opened to them of our friend Dr. Storrs, who is compelled to the door of opportunity and it cannot be closed. leave the meeting, I may take the opportunity President Johnson has set a worthy example to express to Mr. Martin the sentiments we in recognizing the people of Africa in Amerentertain toward the millions of his race who ica as his fellow-countrymen-and in stimulain the glorious hour of freedom are suffering ting them to enter on a career of improvement. physical want, and not a few of them we fear We may pledge the philanthropists of England are at the margin of the dark valley. With that they take their full part in the work of our feelings of sincere pity we blend the most amelioration. The people of Bedford have just sincere respect (hear). We are under special raised the requisite funds to erect a Bunyan obligation to them for their almost supernatu- memorial school in one of the Southern States ral fortitude and forbearance in the midst of the (cheers). The passion of the negroes for the most trying and perilous crisis we have known | acquisition of useful learning is well known. in modern times (hear, hear). For two years I will mention an incident that may interest they stood on the tantalizing edge of freedom the young people of Bristol. They have reason without losing self-control. They waited in to cherish the memory of Hannah More and the the midst of bitter provocation and cruel in-associations of Barley Wood and Cowslip Green. dignities for the appointed hour to strike for When Mr. Knowlton visited one of the stations their deliverance-when some of them after a of the Freed-men a young coloured woman transient taste of the sweets of liberty were told him that in her desire to learn to read remanded back to heavier bondage-they still she asked the visitors at her master's house to endured with heroic calmness-where space read the labels on their trunks. She procured was cleared for a belt of emancipation extend- a primer which she concealed in her bonnet, ing fifteen hundred miles they maintained un- and by degrees mastered the art. One day broken order—at one time a procession eight | her master suspecting that she had been so miles long, including the halt, the aged, the far instructed, rang the bell violently and said young, the sick and the blind, harassed in their to her in a peremptory tone "Malinda fetch me march by an opposing army, kept their onward out of the library the first volume of Hannah course and reached the camps of safety with- More;" put off her guard and fearing to disout the loss of a single straggler. With the obey her master, Milanda brought the book. same noble patience they received President "I thought, Milanda," said the angry slaveLincoln's proclamation and when their humble master, "that you had begun to read and now I shanties were pillaged and their hospital was know it." He whipped her with his own hand destroyed in New York they still continued and almost whipped her to death (shame) steadfast and immovable (hear, hear). Who "Oh, Mr. Knowlton,” she said, in telling the can imagine the horror that might have ensued story, "how can I be thankful enough, how if they had acted a different part? We know can I be thankful enough that my daughter what military service they rendered, but it is can be taught to read the Bible and not be their unexampled moral courage and self-con- whipped to death." Dr. Waddington adverted trol that fills us with the greatest admiration to the remarkable coincidences in Providence (cheers). Now, Sir, what is due to three mil- tending to advance the cause of negro eman. lions in the crisis of their fate? That they cipation, and related some thrilling instances. should be kept from perishing? Undoubtedly. The path of the Freed-man, he continued, But we must go further. The time is come is still beset with perils and dificulties. for reparation. We ask it in no vindictive Some in their impatience and selfishness are spirit but in the name of justice and humanity. begining to say, "Send them away." But The all-enduring negro race will have a career the voice of Heaven repeats the word of auof improvment and usefulness if Christian men thority and of compassion given the diciples. are faithful to their trust. In the days of sla-"They need not depart, Give them to eat."

The distribution is begun and the supply will be multiplied. You are aware, Mr. Chamberlain, that it is hinted by those who have not been on our side of the American question that we are un-English and that we have tried to produce un-friendly feeling. I hope, Sir, it is quite English to do right (hear), and with respect to the influence we have tried to exert, it is enough to know in our heart of hearts that we have had throughout a simple aim to secure harmony on the basis of justice to all and of mutual esteem. The two nations will go hand-in-hand in this work, they will renew their youth in the service of freedom and humanity and become a lasting blessing to the world (applause). Dr. Waddington in closing referred to the eminent service rendered by Dr. Storrs and Mr. Leigh, and to the toils and sacrifices of Professor Mitchell, Vincent Colyer, and Horace James.

The Rev. Dr. King of Dublin, seconded the resolution, and it was carried unanimously.

The Rev. Mr. Bacon, son of the late Dr. Ba-
con of New York, and the Rev. Dr. J. C. Hol-
brook, who has succeeded the Rev. Sella Mar-
tin as representative of the American Mission.
ary Society in this country, also addressed the
meeting, and a vote of thanks having been
passed to the chairman on motion of the Rev.
S. Hebditch (Bristol), Local Secretary of the
Congregational Union of England and Wales,
the following words were sung:-
When from each temple of the free,
A nation's song ascends to heaven,
Most Holy Father! unto Thee
May not our humble prayer be given ?
For those to whom Thy living word

Of light and love is never given-
For those whose ears have never heard

The promise and the hope of heaven!
For broken heart and clouded mind,

Whereon no human mercies fall-
Oh, be Thy gracious love inclined,

Who, as a father, pitiest all!

And grant, O Father! that the time

Of earth's deliverance may be near,
When every land, and tongue, and clime,

The message of Thy love shall hear-
When, smitten as with fire from heaven,
The captive's chain shall sink in dust,
And to his fettered soul be given
The glorious freedom of the just!
The benediction was pronounced, and the
meeting separated.


Dr. Fred. Tomkins, the Acting Hon. Secretary to the Society, stated that he had received an additional contribution of £10 from the Chamberlain of London, (the Vice-President), and that the Rev. Algernon Warren, of Bristol, wished to give £5 through the Bristol Branch Association. (Applause.) Dr. Tomkins then narrated an anecdote of the late President Lincoln, showing his sympathy with the negro. The Doctor was in Washington on the business of the Association, and he spent the evening of the 27th of February with the President, who requested Dr. Tomkins to use in whatever way he pleased, a military pass, on which his Excellency wrote:-"I heartily commend the object for which Dr. Tomkins has visited this country, and wish him God speed in it.-ABRAHAM LIN- Richmond, Indiana, 27th 9th mo., 1865. COLN, February 27, 1865." Such, said the Amidst the close engagements connected speaker, was the sentiment of that great and with a visit to "Friends" in these parts, I good man, the martyr-President. If, from have as yet been unable to make any actual his sainted elevation, he could behold their personal observation as to the state of the Meeting, and was conscious of the object for Freed-men in the South. But there are a which they were assembled-and who dare few items of information which may prove not say that he was not that noble man would, altogether without interest to our friends in if possible, urge them on in their philanthropic England. At each of our "Yearly Meetings,” work. He would repeat, if vocal utterance in Iowa, at Plainfield in Western Indiana, and were possible to the disembodied spirit, "I heartily commend the object for which you are assembled, and bid you God speed in it." (Loud applause.)

here at Richmond, large meetings have been held specially devoted to the interests of the Freed-men. Our friends everywhere appear alive to the importance both of the subject

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