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itself and of the present emergency in relation entered into some interesting details of the to it; and in each of the Yearly Meetings existing state of things. He has no doubt of there are standing Committees in active oper- the capacity of the coloured man both for ation with the view both of raising contribu- education and for self-support and government. tions, and of encouraging and assisting those The men who have been maintaining by their who offer themselves as Teachers. A few industry both their masters and themselves, days ago at Plainfield, my dear friend Joseph can surely now maintain themselves. His Crosfield and myself spent a highly interesting private secretary is a black man, "black as evening with a company of young friends, midnight,” highly intelligent and thoroughly most of whom spent last winter among the competent to his work. A white lady called Freed-men at different points of the Missis- a few days ago at his office at Nashville, to sipi Valley or in Tennessee, and 15 or 16 of obtain the necessary order for the recovery of whom were intending to return to their her property. She was dressed in silks and labours in a few weeks. Their united testi-adorned with jewels but when asked to state mony was that up to the age of 12, the her case upon paper, confessed that she could coloured children manifested greater quick-not write. General Fisk desired her to dictate ness in learning than white children of the her claim to that gentleman, pointing to his same age—but that, after that age, the differ-coloured secretary. "What," she exclaimed, ence was in favour of the white children, especially in those branches of study which require abstract thought. The moral habits which they had learned in slavery require the exercise of much patience on the part of their teachers. They have little conception of the importance of Truth, and some of the teachers had not been able to maintain order at all times without resorting to corporal punishment. This had been applied in a few extreme cases, but in a way to convince the children that it was not the result of anger, but for their good. The hearts of these dear young friends seemed to be in their work. They go forth in a spirit of self-sacrifice, and in love to their Saviour, and we felt that we could commend them to His all-sufficient grace.

"that nigger a gentleman; can that nigger write ?" "Try him, madam," was the reply: and the white lady was obliged to accept the black man's services, and to sign with a cross the statement written out by him, whilst he added his name as attesting witness. She returned home mortified, with a higher conception of the capacity of the coloured race. Gen. Fisk is anxious, as far as possible, to break up the camps, as artificial arrangements, suited only for the temporary emergencies of the war, and to provide permanent employment and homes for the coloured population on the farms and plantations. In order to do this it is necessary to place the relation of the Freedmen to the landed proprietors upon a sound basis of mutual contract; he does all in his power On the 25th inst., at Cincinnati, our valued to encourage such contracts; and is careful not friends, Judge Storer, Levi Coffin and some to interfere with them unless in cases of mani. other warm friends kindly arranged an in- fest fraud or oppression. The freed-man must terview with General Fisk who under General | learn to protect his own interests. The nuHoward, the head of the Freed-man's Bureau merous pardons granted by the Government at Washington, is appointed superinten. is having the effect of rapidly withdrawing the dent of the affairs of the Freed-men in confiscated lands from the hands of the GoKentucky, Tennessee, and the adjacent por-vernment and of restoring them to the former tions of Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama. owners; large estates are thus being transferred General Fisk is a man of great intelligence to those who were lately in the Southern and bears a high character both as an earnest army. Much obviously depends upon the and sincere Christian and a true friend of the willingness of the land owners to employ the coloured man. All that we saw of and heard coloured people as free labourers upon fair from him corresponded with his character. terms. Many appear willing to do this, and After explaining the nature of the Freed-man's to establish schools on their estates. The old Bureau and his own position under it, he confederate soldiers and generals are more

willing to accept the new position than fact, there seems no doubt as to their capacity

being fully equal to the average capacity of whites, allowing for the difference in outward advantages. At the close of the yearly meeting at Richmond in Ind., I proceeded to Richmond in Virginia, by way of Baltimore. At Baltimore I was gratified by witnessing a spectacle, very novel in that city-a procession of several thousand coloured freemasons. The whole arrangement was under the conduct of coloured men, and in order and respectability was fully equal to any similar spectacle that I have witnessed in England. Many of the men who took part in it were fine specimens of humanity, full-grown and well proportioned. The col. oured population in Baltimore appeared in their holiday dress, highly delighted with what was going forward. And though it was the first display of the kind that had occurred in the city, all passed off in an orderly manner and without accident. In the evening I passed down the Chesapeake, and on the following morning, in company with a Friend deeply interested in the Freed-men, and about

the poorer whites who were not in the army. These latter are many of them as ignorant and degraded as the blacks; with the pride of caste about them; and under the strong im. pression that their late sufferings during the war were occasioned by the Anti-Slavery agi. tation. General Fisk has been lately through his district, holding meetings and explaining his views. It was but a few days since that he attended a meeting, a black man in the chair, an old confederate general on one side, a federal on the other side-whites and blacks all earnestly engaged in listening to his statement and considering what is to be done. Altogether, whilst feeling the momentous gravity of the crisis, he is cheered and hopeful. Teachers are greatly wanted-and for the next few years, having regard to the large number of the old, infirm, and disabled, and of the women and children, there must in his opinion, continue to be a loud call for active liberality and philanthropic effort. Much will be needed to supply the wants of the coming winter. Our friend Levi Coffin accompanied General to settle at Richmond, we proceeded up Fisk in a visit to camp Nelson, in Kentucky, where a large number still remain congregated. Dr. Massey is now here-and attended the Freed-man's meeting this morning. I expect to go into Virginia in the course of next week, and may probably spend a few days there previously to returning to Philadelphia.

On board the "Scotia,"

11th mo., 7th, 1865. The pressure of engagements has hitherto prevented me from completing the foregoing. Previously to leaving Richmond, Ind., I had a very interesting interview with about 18 or 20 young friends who were going, and are now gone, into the Mississippi district, for the purpose of educating the Freed-men. Elkanah Beard and his wife were among them. They are thoroughly devoted to their work, and went forth with their lives in their hands, well knowing the danger to which they were exposed if military protection were withdrawn from the districts in which they were about to labour. Their evidence as to the capacity of the coloured children quite corroborated the statements of our friends at Plainfield; in

the James River to Richmond, the late capitol of the late "Confederacy." The ease of our transit was in strong contrast with the difficulty of the journey when contending armies disputed the passage. I will not dwell on the many points of interest either in the journey or at Richmond itself the Libby Prison-Belle Isle-the triple line of fortifica. tions-the ruined warehouses and court. houses, &c. My business now is with the Freed-men. I had an interview with Colonel Brown, who has charge of the district of Vir. ginia under the Freed-man's Bureau. He seemed to have greater difficulties to contend with in Virginia than General Fisk in Ten. nessee. There is a strong disposition on the part of the planters to enter into a combina. tion as to the rate of wages and the employ. ment of coloured porsons without the consent of their former employers. He read me, by way of specimen, a long series of resolutions passed by the landowners of a district in Vir. ginia, with that object. The Freed-man's Bureau treat these arrangements as utterly void, and otherwise discountenance them as much as possible, but the disposition to enter

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the Freed-men. It was crowded with a highly intelligent and influential audience; the speakers, in their anxiety to avoid political topics, pretty much confined themselves to the moral and religious aspect of the question. In the few observations which I ventured to make on the duty which the white population owed to themselves, no less than to the coloured race

into them is highly obstructive. Col. Brown tending and taking part in the first public gave me an encouraging incident. Col. Drury meeting ever held in Baltimore on behalf of of Drury's Bluff, the well known Confederate officer, had been with him with a party of Virginians, a week or two before our visit. Col. Drury said in the course of their interview:-"When Lee surrendered I called my slaves together and told them-you know that I have done all that I can to keep you in slavery" (this was too true to be questioned) "I now tell you that you are free. You may go where you please-but I don't want you to leave me. I will give you higher wages than any one else—and will establish schools for you on my estate." Nearly all his slaves remained with him-only two or three leaving, and his testimony to his fellow planters was: "From what I have already seen of the result, I expect to have a much more profitable year than any that I have had under the old system of slavery." Col. Drury is a man of decision, and having tried one system and found it a failure, is prepared at once to throw his energies into another. It is to be hoped that many of his fellow citizens may be influenced by his example. My kind host, John B. Crenshaw, who has an estate about five miles from Richmond, and has lived there through the war, has had reason to be satisfied with the result of his kind treatment of his freed men. Being a member of the Society of Friends, his slaves were of course emancipated long before the beginning of the war They had fled into the woods during the last year of the war, to avoid the conscription, but on hearing of General Lee's surrender they returned quietly to work. He had his faithful servants about him, whilst his neighbours were at a loss what to do for want of help.

I had a large and interesting meeting with the coloured people at Richmond. It was a pleasure to look upon their happy and thankful countenances. Returning to Baltimore, after a short visit to Washington and Philadelphia, (in each of which cities I had the pleasure of inspecting coloured schools, attesting both the capacity and proficiency of the scholars: in one of them the pupils were engaged upon Euclid, Algebra, and Cicero's First Oration against Cataline); I had the privilege of at

of doing their utmost to raise, by a course of Christian training and education, their coloured fellow-citizens to the position which American citizens ought to occupy-I was ably followed by Bishop MacIlvaine, Ohio, whose fervent words were listened to with profound attention and scarcely suppressed applause. Our friends considered it a very successful occasion, and believed that it would produce good effects. In the important city of Baltimore the cause of the Freed-man has an able supporter in Judge Bond, who throws all the weight of his judicial and personal influence in favour of freedom. The State of Maryland has lately abolished slavery, but whilst the northern portion of the State is mostly anti-slavery there is still a strong pro-slavery prejudice in the south-eastern portion. This accounts for the report read at the meeting that five or six schools and churches in that part of the state had been burned by the mob for the single reason that they had been appropriated to the purpose of educating the Freed. men. This feeling must gradually give way, and its existence ought not to surprise or discourage us. Altogether, looking at the wonderful progress that has been made within the last few years, we cannot but look forward hopefully and trustfully-whilst not unmind. ful of what remains to be done, and of the necessity for continued watchfulness, that the ground which has been gained should not be again lost.

MISS REMOND, a lady of colour, formerly of Massachusetts, United States, will lecture to the Literary Institution, Tottenham, on Tuesday evening Dec. 5th, at 7.30. Subject "The Freed-men or Emancipated Negroes" of the Southern States of North America.



Of New York was formed in 1846, on a strict anti-slavery basis, and has ever since maintained a consistent record. Its laws made it a prominent object to benefit the coloured race both in Africa and America. Since the outbreak of the civil war in the United States, it has given special and almost exclusive attention to the wants of the Freed-men. It was first in the field for their relief, and expended about £20,000 for this object before any other organizations were formed. It has sent forward large quantities of supplies for the destitute, and will continue to act as the almoner of the benevolent who desire to employ it for that purpose.

it will be seen that he comes with the most satisfactory testimonials from America.

FRANCE. A meeting has been held in the Music-hall known as the Salle Herz, Rue Pro. vence, for the relief of the liberated negroes of America. The hall was crowded to ex. cess; more than a thousand persons had to remain outside for want of room. The proceedings were opened by the Chairman, M. E. Labourlaye, of the Institute, in a warm and spirited speech. Mr. Leigh, of New York, and Dr. Sutherland, chaplain to the American church in the Rue de Berri, addressed the meeting at some length. Three French cler. gymen (Protestants)-M. E. de Pressence, M. Coquerel the younger, and M. Saint Hilaire It seeks also to promote the intellectual eleva- also spoke. But the speaker who seemed to tion of this class, and has now in its employ at produce the deepest impression on the audinumerous points in the southern states, up-ence was M. Cremieux, formerly member of wards of two hundred and fifty teachers of the provisional Government, and long one of both sexes, including many refined and highly the leading advocates at the Paris Bar. M. educated persons who are devoting themselves earnestly to that work. And this is indispensible to the permanent elevation and welfare of the coloured people. It has achieved much already in this direction.

Cremieux is a member of the Jewish persua sion. The preceding speakers dwelt particu larly on the insufficiency of the efforts made by France in favour of the slaves, as compared with the results obtained in America and EngAnd still another and a higher object it land. Nothing could be more exact, in a ma. seeks to accomplish, viz: the moral and reli- terial point of view, but the meeting was regious improvement of this hitherto downtrod-minded that France took a considerable part den and oppressed people. Undenominational in the independence of America and the abolin its character, it is the chosen medium of great multitudes of christian people for reach ing the spiritual wants of the negroes, and has been cheered by the most important results.

The Rev. Sella Martin has for several months been labouring in England and Scotland as its agent in diffusing knowledge as to the condition of the Freed-men. But he has been obliged to return to America, and is succeeded by Rev. John C. Holbrook, D.D., of New York, who is now labouring in a similar manner, and who can be addressed at No. 11, Queen Square, London, W.C.

Lewis Tappan Esq., the Treasurer of the Association, is extensively known in England. He was the friend of Joseph Sturge, deceased, and his guest several years ago when he visited this country.

Dr. Holbrook has a testamur from the Freed-men's Aid Society, London, from which

ition of slavery. M. Cremieux admitted, with regret, that in 1802 France re-established slavery; but he reminded his hearers, amid general applause, of the two periods of 1792 and 1848, when its complete abolition was proclaimed. A collection was afterwards made for the benefit of the negroes. It amounted, I hear, to about 1,100f., or £44-no great result, after such fervid appeals, and with so many listeners. A second meeting will however be held, in the hope of a better material result.

THE Committee of the Freed-men's Aid Society meet on the first and third Wednesday in each month, at two o'clock, at the Anti-Slavery Society's Rooms, 27, New Broad Street, City, E.C.

ALL packages of goods intended for the Freed-men should be forwarded to Messrs. Johnson, Johnson & Co., Blomfield-street, E.C.


There seems to be a persistent effort on the part of some, to depreciate the intelligence of the freed-men, to represent them not only as entirely ignorant, but as incapable of taking care of, and supporting themselves. There is necessarily great ignorance and degradation among them, for we know that their entire life training has been only such as had a tendency to degrade, demoralize, and crush out whatever might be left of human nature. Now the great marvel to me is, that so much still remains of real intelligence, and earnest Christian character.

the "still small voice" as in the tempest. How often I have wished while in New Berne, that some of our Northern people, who persist in the assertion that the freed-men can not be educated, and thereby elevated, could for a little time stand within one of our coloured schools and see the earnestness with which lessons are studied, the quick bright answers given, and when you bring before them the incentive of comparing favourably with North. ern schools the determination written on every face, to bring about such a result. One has only to mingle with the freed-people as a teacher must necessarily do, to discover under the dark sable skin a bright intelligence, & I have found them with few exceptions to be quickness of perception, and a kindness of earnest and indefatigable in their efforts to heart, that at first almost startles you, and learn, they are, if I may use the expression, then you mingle with them day by day, and hungering and thirsting for that, which many find so many Christian traits of character, of our Northern children pass so indifferently chief among which is their forgiving, not only by; they are as much pleased with the seven times, but seventy times seven. They smallest acquisition of knowledge, as many a are more Christlike in this particular than any boy would be at the solving of some difficult | wronged oppressed people the world has ever problem. I rejoice that it has been my privilege to teach for a season among these poor freed-people. It has been a pleasure, bringing its own and immediate reward, both in their eagerness to learn, and gratitude expressed in many ways peculiar to themselves. How interesting to watch them as they sit before yon in school, with their earnest upturned faces, ready to catch every word, and to seize every new idea and make it their own, giving you that implicit faith, which says plainer than words can speak, "We know you will teach us what is right and true," and in reference to the facility with which they learn, I would add that although I had been a teacher at the North six years, yet I have never seen a school, taking them as a majority, that learn more rapidly than the coloured schools in New Berne.

known, willing not only to forgive all the past wrongs of their masters, but when these same masters come back poor and penniless, in many instances they give them all their own hard earned wages. I have never heard one word expressive of revenge or retaliation towards their oppressors, from the lips of a coloured person during my stay at the South, even those who have suffered the most keenly, who have known nothing but harsh words and cruel blows, still express no other feeling than that of forgiveness, saying with much earnestness "I forgive Massa, and hope the good Lord will forgive him too, I always prays for Massa." How forcibly this brings to mind the words of the blessed Saviour "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Never before have I seen so beatifully illustrated the for. bearing forgiving spirit which Jesns himself has taught us. And in this connection I would speak of the Freed-men's Association of freedom.

As a people they are naturally inclined to be religious, and are never so happy as when singing and praying; they would by most of our good Northern people seem too noisy During the latter part of the past winter, and demonstrative in their mode of worship, every day would bring scores of the freed. yet I think none would doubt their sincerity. people to New Berne, they came to us in They need but the elevating, refining influence companies of 60, 70, or a hundred, In the that an education must bring them, to teach most destitute ragged condition one could them that true religion is as often found in well imagine. Many of them had been fol

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