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whose advent millions of our countrymen

have just celebrated. What then is our plain duty? Not certainly to restrict


Department of Stato, Washington,
October 16, 1865.

Sec. Freed-men's Aid Society, London.

our exertions to any clime, or to any Fred. Tomkins, Esq., M.A., D.C.L.,
one section of this people who at the
present time appeal so strongly to our My dear Sir,
countrymen; but to see to it that our
philanthropic organizations are broad
enough to render the right kind of help
when and wherever it may be needed.


I take pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 23rd ult. I regret to inform you however that a copy of the Speech of His Grace the Duke of Argyll, therein referred to, was not received.

The humane interest in the condition of the

Freed-men, and in the welfare of the United
States, manifested by the distinguished body

DR. FRED. TOMKINS, the Secretary on behalf of whom you write, is gratefully of the Freed-men's Aid Society, has re-appreciated by this Government.

ceived the following communication:


"Resolved-That it is the grateful duty of this Commission to acknowledge

I am, my Dear Sir,
Yours very truly,

W. HUNTER, Acting Secretary.

War Department,

Lands, Washington,



October 13, 1865.

with sincere thanks the brotherly sym- Bureau of Refugees, Freed-men and Abandoned pathy in our work, manifested by the several foreign Aid Societies in Great Britian and on the Continent of Europe, as well as the efficient and timely aid rendered by them, to the cause of the Freed-men and humanity, by their liberal contributions in money and material. "We thank them for the assistance heretofore extended to the various local and State Societies, now forming integral parts of this Commission, and assure them that our present comprehensive organization will enable us to render any future contribution from them, still more effective for the education and elevation of the Freed people throughout the whole of our country.'


REV. H. W. BEECHER has had an interview with President Johnson, who frankly declared that no State lately in rebellion ought to be permitted to resume its former status and position in the Union until it has adopted the Constitutional amendment, and promised to extend protection to all freedom.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt your communication of the 27th September, transmitting for the information of Major. General Howard, U.S.A. Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, a copy of an address delivered by His Grace the Duke of Argyll, at a meeting held at the Westminster Palace Hotel, May 17th, 1865. General Howard is now absent from the War Department on an inspection tour, through the southern States, with the view of informing himself more thoroughly touching the relations existing between the Freed-men and their late masters. On his return I will

submit the document you so kindly transmit,
and beg leave in his behalf to present the
thanks of the Bureau, for the friendly interest
expressed in your note, for its operations among
the Freed-men of America.

I am, Sir, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,


MAXWELL WOODHOUSE. Assistant Adjutant General

Frederick Tomkins, Esq.,

Sec. Freed-Men's Aid Society, London,

Headquarters Asssistant Commissioner, Bu.
reau Refugees, Freed-men and Abandoned Sir,
Lands, South Carolina and Georgia, Charles-
ton, S. C.

My Dear Sir,

Nov. 3rd, 1865.

To the Editor of the "Freed-Man."

The recent decision of the committee of the London Freed-Men's Aid Society to comprehend within the range of its practical sympa. thies the emancipated negroes in all lands who may need help in their suffering condition is sound and just.

The unconscious pride of philanthropy may lead some to keep exclusively to the American field in order to swell the aggregate amount of contribution, but it will be found ultimately that the Freed-men in the Southern States will sustain no loss by this equitable enlarge. ment of our basis of operations.

The truth is that Jamaica has long been a great stumbling-block to the cause of emancipation in America. The friends of freedom across the Atlantic are extremely anxious that it should be removed. They are setting us an example that we shall do well to imitate. the Congress - Christian

I thank you sincerely for your kind letter of Sept. 22nd in which you did me the honor to forward to me a copy of the speech of his Grace the Duke of Argyll, delivered at the Westminster Palace Hotel. I greatly regret that, through the failure I presume of the mails, the speech has not yet reached me. I shall take measures to procure a copy of it if possible. It is a great source of gratification to me to know that one in the high position, and with the influence of His Grace of Argyll should feel and act with us "Abolitionists" of the United States in a cause whose success we regard as vital to the best interests of humanity in our own country, and throughout the world, and essential to our own existence as a nation. I The President can say for myself, and in behalf of thousands Churches-voluntary benevolent associations of my countrymen, that we shall ever feel and the different Boards of Trade-are putting grateful for the sympathy which our "Father-forth combined effort to relievo the physical land" has given us in the mighty struggle wants of the Freed-men-to find them imme. through which we are passing. We believe diate occupation, and to raise their moral that whenever we have spoken out for freedom, England has been with us always. Her honoured sons whom I could name, who have spoken brave words of encouragement to us in our darkest hours, and by the teachings of the past and prophecies for the future bid us be of good cheer, need only to come to America to know how they are understood and appreciated. That our country's future may not disappoint the hopes of those who love liberty and believe in justice to all men, is my carnest prayer. I remain my dear Sir, With great respect and esteem, Yours sincerely, R. SAXTON. Brevet-Maj. Gen. F.Tomkins, Esq., M.A., D.C.L., London, Eng.

[The above important correspondence will be read with the deepest interest by the friends of America and the Freed-men in this country. The interchange of philanthropic sentiment between the United States and Great Britain cannot fail to be productive of lasting good.]

condition, not only for the improvement of the negroes but for the permanent advantage of the country, and in that for the benefit of the world.

We are sadly in the rear, but there is no necessity that we should always lag behind.

The startling events in Jamaica have revealed a state of destitution, ignorance, and crime, that is a scandal to our Christian civilization. It is clear that casual and spasmodic efforts will not meet the exigencies that have arisen. We must put forth our united strength with systematic persistency until the work is fairly accomplished.

Party complications or sectarian contention afford no valid excuse for continued neglect The claim of humanity is simple, and in great extremities it is paramount. It need not surprise us to learn that from the outrages committed in Jamaica negrophobia in this country has assumed a more aggravated type, and that the crimes of a part of the neglected population has rendered some willing that the entire race should perish. More than this, it

is possible to find persons who will say if you THE AMERICAN FREED-MEN PERISHING furnish relief to the houseless, naked and wounded black people of Jamaica, you shall have no help for the millions of the same colour in America. But our homage to prejudice of this kind should not be excessive. We must plant ourselves firmly on a right principle and trust in Him who has all hearts in His hand and who can turn them as rivers of


It is not intended that contributions given for the Freed-men of America should be diverted from the object to which they were devotedbut for the future we should stand in readiness to watch for opportunities to convey help from those who are inclined to afford it to Freed. men in our own colonies or in any part of the world.

To multiply organizations needlessly is a waste of time and means that every honest man should deprecate. I express only my personal conviction when I say that n order to secure the continuance of generous confidence we must guard against the manufacturing of societies in the name of benevolence, and perambulating committees in which there is of necessity in some form an amount of expense

incurred which is worse than useless. If it should be found that other associations cannot adopt a simple and economical basis this should

not prevent the London Society from abiding by its more expansive policy-assuredly it would not long stand alone.

The existence of your Journal (the "Freed. Man") is a great advantage to the cause of philanthropy at this juncture. No sectarian or political party can deal with the Jamaica question in all its bearings. Nothing is really settled until it is settled right. We shall want before the work is over the aid of the finest minds in the country, and it is well that an organ is provided for the communication of facts and for able and free discussion. I feel assured that you will be sustained against all antagonistic influence, come from whatever quarter it may.

I am Sir,

Yours faithfully,


To the Editor of the "Freed-Man." Sir,-Will you permit me to lay a few facts before your readers going to show the present distressed situation of many of the freed negroes of the United States, and the pressing necessity that exists of sending them aid? I fear that their real condition is not generally appreciated. No comments, it seems to me, are needed on the following extracts, to enforce the claims of suffering humanity upon the be nevolent.

In the monthly report of the National Freed. men's Relief Association of New York, recently "The concurrent testiissued, it is said: mony of our correspondents from all points is to the same sad effect. With a nominal free. dom but without money or land, surrounded by a population ignorant, prejudiced, hostile, and a local government suspicious and un. friendly, they have no reliance save in help from abroad.

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"From Louisiana we hear, there are seve ral thousands in my charge, and it is pitiful to see their necessities and hear their sad cries for help. The women and children are worse off than the men. A large proportion are crip. pled and infirm, most of them bruised and mangled by cruel task-masters.'

"Mr. Kevine writes from Florida: Since from the plantations because former masters the suspension of hostilities many are coming

refuse to remunerate them for services in raising the crops, either by wages or shares. Others are driven off by violence and threats, stripped of everything and compelled to wan der without food for days except as gathered in the woods or begged. Their condition defies description.'

"From North Carolina comes the same sad story. Old men and women who have worked all their lives long are driven away without one mouthful of food, or clothing enough to cover their nakedness. Hardly a day pass es but my sympathies are strongly appealed to by some case of entire destitution.'


"From these reports," says the secretary, some idea may be gathered of the prospects for the winter. The accounts, painful as they are, fall short of the reality and would drive us to dspair but for our reliance on providence."

"The means at the disposal of the Freedmen's Bureau are entirely inadequate to meet the demands of destitute humanity.

In an appeal of the Union Commission of Bureau was established, call again for the beNew York in October signed by Rev. Dr. nevolence of the North. Unless clothing of Thompson and others, we have this statement: all kinds is furnished there must be great "Half the continent has been desolated by war. suffering and loss of life during the inclement In many portions of the South, especially in season now approaching. the track of Sherman's army, the distress is great and constantly increasing; official reports received at our office tell us of women and children (whites) who walk from ten to forty miles for bread, and then only obtain a morsel, frequently nothing; of naked human beings curling down by the side of their once prosperous and happy homes, now reduced to nothing save the roots of an old brick chimney; of tiers of counties in Northern Georgia in which there is not as much food growing for man and beast as can be found on a re

spectable northern farm. In the distress the innocent suffer with the guilty-children with their parents; freed-men with their former masters."

"Blankets, woolen shirts, pantaloons, women and children's underclothing and dresses, shoes and stockings of all sizes, are needed.

"Great portions of these two States have been desolated and laid waste by the late war. Industry has been interrupted, and even large districts entirely suspended, and thousands of people are utterly destitute.

"35,000 blankets are needed in South Carolina and on the Sea Islands alone. Every necessary article of wearing apparel which you can send will be the means of saving some one from suffering.

"Great care will be used in the distribution of the clothing and supplies sent, as an officer

"I am, with great respect, your obedient servant, R. SAXTON, Brevet Maj. Gen. and Asst. Com."

Now if such be the condition of whites, what must be that of the blacks? The Union Commission, organized for the relief of the suffer-will be specially appointed to acknowledge ing whites, have been compelled to give assis- the receipt of the above articles, and attend tance, they tell us, "to not less than twenty to their distribution. thousand suffering poor in Middle Tennessee and to an incalculable number in Eastern Tennessee, and have given food and clothing to fifteen thousand in Richmond and over 3,000 dollars in supplies in the valley of the Shenandoah (Virginia), and less amounts to various points from Little Rock in Arkansas (west of the Mississippi) to Fernandenia in Florida (on the Atlantic coast)."

And finally, the following, dated only a few weeks ago, comes from the highest official source, General Saxton, second in position to General Howard, the head of the Freed-man's Bureau, under the government.

"Head-quarters, Assistant Commissioner, Bu reau Refugees, Freed-men and Abandoned Lands, South Carolina, Georgia, Charleston, S. C., October 12, 1865,

"Joel Cadbury, jun., Friends' Freed-man's Relief Association, Philadelphia, Pennsyl


"My dear Sir,-I deem it my duty to call your attention to the fact that great numbers of destitute persons, for whose protection this

I shall be happy to give further information to any who desire it, as to the mode of forwarding supplies, free from customs duties and without expense of freight, or to address public meetings, when desired, in reference to the condition and prospects of the colored people in the United States.

Representative of the American
Missionary Association, New York.

Address, 11, Queen Square,
London, W.C.

THE Committee of the Freed-men's Aid Society meet on the first and third Wednesday in each month, at two o'clock, at the Anti-Slavery Society's Rooms, 27, New Broad Street, City, E.C.

ALL packages of goods intended for the Freed-men should be forwarded to Messrs. Johnson, Johnson & Co., Blomfield-street, E.C.



necessary to mention the word Jamaica to show them that there was a universal feeling The third quarterly meeting of this society amongst those who had been connected with was held in Manchester on Wednesday Dec. this society that the term "Freed-men's aid" 13th. A large number of ladies and gentlemen must now be understood in a more comprebreakfasted at the Trevelyan Hotel, Corpora- hensive sense than when it was first adopted. tion-street, after which, speeches were made, (Applause.) The Freed-men of to-day in the Mr. Jacob Bright in the chair. Deputations United States demanded our aid and symwere present from America, but the Rev. W.pathy, and had obtained it to a large extent; Channing, who had been announced to attend, was unable to come.

but the Freed-men of thirty years ago, who were our own fellow subjects, who were a The Chairman said that the first meeting of part with ourselves of the British empirethe association was held in Birmingham about these were just now also appealing to us for six months ago, and the second in Bristol, and assistance, and if he did not over-estimate the both were eminently successful in advancing character of Englishmen that population in the objects the society had in view, namely, the West Indies would speedily receive the the obtaining of moral and material support assistance they required. (Cheers.) There for the Freed-men in the United States of was a committee in London being formed America. The total amount already subscribed called the Jamaica Central Committee, and for that purpose was £62,000, and to show every person who could, should, by name, the sort of zeal which was exhibited in some influence, or money, assist that committee. He places, it might be stated that, during the for one had never any great confidence that a week succeeding the first meeting, £1,000 government would do the right thing, unless was subscribed in Birmingham alone. (Ap- the rod was held over it. (Hear, hear, and plause.) Considering the wealth and popula- laughter.) It seemed to him to be in the very tion of Manchester, it could hardly, perhaps, nature of governments never to show any exbe said that the society bad been similarly traordinary energy, except when they were supported here-where, however, it should defending their own existence, or perhaps be remembered, business had been interrupted sometimes when they were shielding their for a long time in a most extraordinary man- nominees or protecting their tools. (Renewed ner, and could only be carried on with great laughter.) In the present instance he should risk and anxiety. He was not sure, too, that have more confidence that justice would be in this wealthy portion of England the sym- done, if it were vigorously demanded by the pathisers with the Confederacy were not more people. We could not help the Freed-men of numerous than in some other parts. (Hear, America in any way so well as by helping hear.) And, by a process of reasoning, the them through the Freed-men of the West Indies. logic of which he could never understand, it If it were shown that justice was done there was found, in endeavouring to raise subscrip- between white and black, an example would tions for the Freed-men, that the opposition be set which would extend to all future times. which was given to the North in the late con- (Applause.) He could not believe there would test was now transferred to those who were be uninterrupted peace and harmony in the endeavouring to assist the Southern popula- Southern states for some time. Nothing was tion. It would have been very extraordinary more likely than that in a little time there if we had not done something in the emer-wonld be collisions between the white and gency which had now arisen, for there was no black populations, resulting perhaps in bar. country in the world more benevolent than barous deeds similar to those we now deplored ours. A great deal of the money raised in in our own possessions. It would be a great England had been expended in clothing, which thing if in such a case we were in a position had been forwarded to America: and remem- to point to our own example in the West In. bering the hard American winters, the funds dies, and prove that the blacks there had as could not be better employed. It was only much protection as the whites. We were told

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