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To the Editors of the "Freed-Man."

Dear Sirs,

I regret that men so well versed as you are in American history should have admitted into the FREED-MAN the passage in Mr. Sella Martin's speech reported in your last issue p. 196, which repeats the old fable about the Puritans "founding a church" and "launching a state" in America. You know well enough! that they did neither the one nor the other, and well it is for America that they did not. If it had been necessary to insert the speech intact, then a foot note should have been added. If those who know better act thus incautiously, the fable that the Pilgrim Fathers were Puritans, will with other false. hoods "float about the world for ever.

I think, as your publication circulates in America, that you should notice this oversight in your next number.

Believe me, Dear Sirs, yours truly, London March 1, 1866. BENJAMIN SCOTT. [We accept the rebuke of our excellent Vice-President with the most respectful deference. The Editorship of the FREED-MAN and its responsibility remains single and undivided but the present writer avails himself freely of its pages for the grand object of the society. Mr. Scott is perfectly correct in his allusions to the Pilgrim Fathers and having just published the most accurate and exhaustive lecture on the subject, given by himself at the Institute of the Society of Friends, convincing all present, he is fairly entitled to call us to account. The truth is we were so intent upon bringing the good ship The British and Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society out of harbour, that we over-looked what Mr. Sella Martin said about the Mayflower. We had to land with all care and courtesy, a few distinguished passengers, who felt rather unequal to our intended voyage, and other matters pre-occupied our attention. We are now fairly afloat, with a favouring breeze, and shall be freighted with blessings we trust to millions "ready to perish." We shall exercise more care.]

MRS. P. TAYLOR, honorary Secretary to the London Negro Aid Society, writes in the name of the committee of that Society to intimate that they deem it best to dissolve the society as such, and to recommend their subscribers to co-operate with the British and Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society. The Subscriptions reported in the last number of the FREED-MAN in the name of Mrs. P. Taylor ought to have been announced as from the London Negro Aid Society. We cordially welcome the adhesion of the subscribers, and it will give us much pleasure to communicate with them.

At the close of a committee meeting held a month or two ago, wearied by discussions, we trust never to be renewed, Dr. Burlingham briefly stated the claims of the coloured orphan asylum at Washington, the design of which is to train the poor disowned fugitive children A grant to be of service to their own race. of £100 was voted. The following note of acknowledgement has been received from Mrs. Crandell, the Treasurer.


"New York, Feb. 26, 1866.

"It is with very great pleasure I acknowledge the receipt of your communication of Jan. 20, through Mr. A. L. Nicholson, former secretary of the National Coloured Orphan Asylum of the district of Columbia. Our gratitude for the amount so generously voted for the benefit of the orphans in charge can best be expressed by a brief statement of our financial condition at the commencement of the present year. Our best endeavours found us with sixty-nine children, an empty treasury and some four hundred dollars in debt. This might seem very discouraging to those having no experience of dark hours and days in which there seemed few rays of light—a lack of helping hands and sympathizing hearts. But our path has been unwavering-we have rested on him who giveth liberally, and in the justness of our cause. We could work and trust and in our direst need came help.

"With yours came other donations; we can now clear every debt, have present support for the children (now numbering seventy) and have something we hope to assist in erecting a school-house, which is very much needed.

"To the Rev. A. G. Burlingham, D.D., our publicly avows them. The war in this land

warmest thanks are due. His reward is with Him he serveth.

"In behalf of the ladies of our association, with their thanks for the cordial assistance tendered, and with their best wishes for the future success of your society, we hope that the acquaintance thus formed may become more intimate and confidential, and result in benefitting all interested.

"With the highest esteem, I remain, yours truly, YERMOND CRANDELL, Treasurer.

"To Fredk. Tomkins, Esq.,

"London, England."

Mr. SHAW writes: "New York National Freed-
man's Relief Association, No. 76, John
Street, New York, 27 Feb., 1866.
"Fred. Tomkins, Esq., London.

"Dear Sir-I have the pleasure to inform you that the blankets have been received and forwarded to Alexandria, Richmond, and Savannah. They were much needed and very welcome, the appearance of small pox in several of the Freed-men's camps having required the destruction of much bedding, while the supply from the army hospitals was long since distributed."

American Freed-men's Aid Commission, Wes-
tern Department, Corresponding Secretary's
Office, No. 25 Lombard Block, Chicago, Ill.,
Feb. 10, 1866.

Dr. Fred. Tomkins, London, England.

is closed, but the friends of humanity have before them a long and arduous task to secure to the four millions of people, who have been emancipated in its progress, their rights, to sustain them against that prejudice which embarrasses and discourages them on every hand. In our efforts in their behalf, we will be often encouraged by the voice that thus comes to us from the true and the good far across the ocean. I read the FREED-MAN with a similar pleasure. The very existence of this journal is a cheering fact. To England it is the advocate of the Freed-men's causebut to America it is a token of England's interest in, and sympathy for our nation's "poorest poor." As it is day by day being developed that the work of benevolence in behalf of the Freed-men must continue longer than those most familiar with this work had anticipated-as we come to realize that we are only on the threshold of the grandest charity of the age-the willing spirit of Englishmen to assist us-the spirit that speaks through the columns of the FREED-MAN is recognized with gratitude.

The close of the war has given us access to nearly all of the South-hence the number of the destitute to whom relief can be administered is far greater than at any previous period, and a greater number of children and youths are brought under the agencies of a moral and intellectual education. It is found to be entirely beyond the ability of all the Societies in the country to respond to all the appeals for relief and all the entreaties for teachers and books. I estimate that onefourth of all the schools among the Freed-men during the past year, have been supported by contributions from England.

My Dear Sir-After a delay which under ordinary circumstances were inexcusable, I beg to acknowledge my obligation to you for the copy of the very excellent speech of the Duke of Argyll you did me the favor to send me, and also for two numbers of the FREEDMAN which you publish to promote the cause I take pleasure in mailing to you proof sheets of the emancipated of this country. I read of the Annual Report I recently prepared the speech of the noble Duke with very great for the Western Freed-men's Aid Commission, pleasure. It is in my heart to thank him for at Cincinnati, Ohio, which I think will give the strong words in behalf of the right and of you a general idea of our work as it now humanity, which he uttered. It is very grati- exists, as well as furnish you with the facts fying to an American to know that one who relating to the Society named. I have taken stands so high among the honoured and public some care to collate an exhibit of all the cash men of Great Britain, has such clear, compre- contributions received from Great Britain, hensive and truthful views of the events of and I also prepared an acknowledgement of the past four years, and that he frankly and the stores received by the general agent, Friend

Levi Coffin-he furnishing me with the data. them yet from the North. We are too far off It is very desirable that the American people to make it much worth while to send us boxes should know what our friends in England are of clothing, &c. But I need the means of prodoing for the cause of humanity in our midst-viding an occasional article of clothing, a should know how persons on two continents drug, a splint for a broken limb, or perhaps join hands in this great work of benevolence. I am, yours truly,


Extracts of Letters from Freed-men's School Teachers in the Southern States, addressed to members of the Freed-Men's Aid Society, Leicester, Mass.

(as recently) a piece of bedding for a good old soul, who, she said, had "raired (reared) eight children for Missus as if they were my. own, and nussed Master so well, the doctor said I saved his life, and now I'm old, I's turned out to die like a dog." There are a number of coloured people in the place who are very well off, and they cheerfully bear

From Miss S. E. Chase, Worcester, Mass. to their share of the burden of the new dispen

friends in Leicester. Columbus, Georgia, Feb. 5th, 1866. When I last wrote we had just opened a school in Savannah. There were already several schools opened there (i.e. for children of Freed-men), and Col. Sickles was administering the affairs of the Freed-Men's Bureau in an admirable manner. So it did not seem right to tarry in that charming city; though we could have found important work enough to fill every moment. Wishing to work where there was the most need, (there being so many places where nothing has been done for the Freed-men, and where they are sorely persecuted,) we came here, where a school-house, built by soldiers, had just been destroyed by the citizens, and the feeling is intensely bitter against anything Northern. The people chafe at the presence of the Bureau, and of the few "prim and enthusiastic school ma'ams." "Both must be cleared out of the place," says the daily press. We (two sisters) have never seen any discourtesy in any of the citizens; but we know many plans are proposed for "getting rid of us." We have glorious schools in full operation; and I am so well satisfied with the work here, that I have not the slightest wish to leave, or to be doing anything else. In my day school, and evening school, I have one hundred and forty pupils, who have made truly wonderful progress in the five weeks I have been teaching them. A more earnest, fine looking set of scholars could not be found, than I can show. I find the freed-people here more tidy and thrifty than in any other place I have seen; though many are utterly poor, and nothing has reached

sation; but in a population of about eight thousand they can do little. We are about organising mutual relief societies in the two (coloured) churches, Baptist and Methodist. Large numbers are working for their food alone; and white people tell them they are not free yet. We hear of many cases of violence upon the negroes, and even murder, simply because they claim to be free! In all the neighbouring counties, Union white families are suffering great persecution, and the people openly say those who favour the North shall not live among them. For myself my work suffices for me. I give no thought to the hatred of the whites, knowing how useful it is my good fortune to be to the blacks, and how truly they love me.

From Miss E. E. Plummer,

Murfreesborough, Tennessee. You have told me to apply to you in case of pecuniary need. I do it now, believing that when I explain for what the money is wanted, you will cheerfully supply me with a small sum. I think I have told you of my normal class, (a number of coloured girls endeavour. ing to fit themselves to be school teachers). I have only about a dozen pupils this term, and so I can easily make myself acquainted with the circumstances of each one. are making very great efforts to earn their own living and to go to school. I wish to be able to aid such, and could spend a dollar or two, here and there, and thus encourage fainting hearts, and stimulate them to still more exertion. If your Aid Society, or your neighbours, would contribute to this, it would keep


up their own interest in the work. I don't dare to leave any means untried to make successful this, the most important part of the work in the South. It is very discouraging to have a promising pupil leave school, when only half prepared to teach, just for want of a little money to procure a few necessaries. I shall keep this fund strictly private, so that none will come to feel dependent on it. In the opposition manifested all about us to our work, we more than ever need assurance of sympathy and interest from our friends of the North. No further demonstrations have been made against us since the breaking of our windows, (of which, with other acts of assault, mention was made in a previous letter)."

can be relied on?" The answer to that ques tion was plainly this-"Because the labourers have not been properly paid." (Much applause.) Why did masters only wish to pay the freed negroes sixpence per day? When "apprentices" were let out for labour in the plantations, masters paid 1s. 6d. per day for each man; but when they became free the planters said to them, "Well, what wages shall we give you? We shall give you sixpence per day." "No," said the free black, "if I was worth 18. 6d. to you when I was in bondage, I am worth the same now for my free labour." (Great applause.) He (the chairman) could tell them that when an English proprietor went over to Jamaica to see his estate, he was astonished to find the labourers ON Thursday the 15th of March a Meeting clamouring round him for their wages. He was held at Chelmsford to consider the condi- turned round to his attorney, to whom he had tion and prospects of the Freed-men. Rev. G. given instructions for the payment of the neWilkinson in the chair. The attendance was groes, and found they had not been paid anylarge and influential. Dr. Holbrook gave a thing for three months. On inquiring the lengthened and powerful address. Isaac Perry, reason of this, the attorney replied that the Esq., and other gentlemen, took part in the money had been applied to other purposes. It Meeting. The remarks of Mr. Wilkinson, was a fact that planters had left Jamaica owing formerly resident in Jamaica, are worthy of large sums of money for wages, and such cirspecial attention.-"He rose," he said, "to cumstances as these were sufficient to give bear his testimony to the truth of the lecturer's rise to discontent amongst labourers. As for statement that the coloured race was not a the honesty and peaceable disposition of the lazy and indolent people, but, on the contrary, freed negroes, he (the chairman) could say worked hard and with cheerfulness when pro- that he had travelled over the island in the perly and fairly paid for their labour. He depth of night, and had never been molested. could give facts in proof of this. He was in Indeed, he could say that he would rather Jamaica when the railway was opened at travel alone over the island of Jamaica in the Kingston, and a gentleman connected with the night time, than over England; and so far works told him that 500 free negroes had been from property being injured, he knew that it employed in the construction of the line, yet he was a common practice to have such confi. never found any of them deficient in their ca- dence in the honesty of the population that pacities as workmen, or lazy and indolent. The Europeans retired to rest without bolting their same gentleman also gave his testimony that doors. (Hear, hear.) He was, therefore, these 500 free negroes had done the work of much ashamed at the statements made by 1,500 slaves. (Applause.) Another thing he some of his own countrymen, and would say said-and his words were a remarkable cor- that the recent disturbance in Jamaica was roboration of what they had heard to-night- due to unfair treatment by the European planif the freed negroes were treated fairly and ters-by English rulers there-by British honourably, there was no body of men to be officers there who exercised undue authority— found more peaceful in their disposition, or all of whom ought to be held up to universal more industrious in their labour. But, perhaps, shame. (Applause.) As long as he lived, after these statements, it would be asked by and God gave him strength and grace, he would some "Then how do you account for the speak words of burning indignation against rain of the sugar plantations if the negroes the unfair treatment and unfair brutality such

persons had long manifested to the Jamaica RECEIPTS FOR FEB. & MARCH. negroes. A more kind and loving people he

had never met than the freed negroes of Jamaica; and, he would repeat, so long as God gave him strength he would stand up and speak for them." (Loud applause.) A collection of £64 15s. for the American Missionary Society was made at the doors. [We rejoice to hear the voice of Mr. Wilkinson. It is quite | time that some who are competent to speak should stand up for the Freed-men of Jamaica. The destitute might be immediately employed in works of improvement. The following extract from the report of the Sanitary Committee of the Royal Society of Arts, "on the condition of Kingston," shews that the labourer is certainly wanted: "The suburbs and roads leading out of the city, in different directions, are overgrown with bush and jungle, and that many of the thoroughfares are much out of repair, and some of them positively dangerous to passengers at night. That in many instances they are made the depositaries for stable manure. That the gullies or watercourses which carry off the flow of water from above and around the city are often, from the same cause, partially blocked up, thus on the occasion of heavy rains endangering the bridge, and often overflowing the banks."

AN influential meeting was held at Masborough, Yorkshire on March 1st, under the patronage of the local magistracy, the clergy, and the ministers of the neighbourhood. Addresses were delivered by the Chairman, Dr. Fred. Tomkins, and Dr. Holbrook, who attended as a deputation from the British and Foreign Freed-Men's Aid Society, and by the Rev. Fred. Falding, D.D. An influential Committee was formed to act as an auxiliary to the above Society. The Rev. Dr. Falding has kindly consented to act as Secretary.

A MEETING was held on March 12th, at Wellington Road, Baptist Chapel, Shacklewell. William Willis, Esq., LL.D., of the Inner Temple, presided. The meeting was addressed by the Chairman, also by the Rev. W. Miall, Dr. Fred. Tomkins, Dr. Holbrook, the Rev. J. S. Stanson, Rev. Dr. Waddington and other speakers. A Committee was formed to act in furtherance of the objects of the British and Foreign Freed-Men's Aid Society.

[ocr errors]

The Hon. Lyulph Stanley
Miss E. Tebb
Mrs. R. Watts
J. Hodgkin, Esq
Rev. J. Williams, New Haven,
A. Albright, Esq

£ s. d. 500 040

0 2 6

1 1 0


1 0

Sussex, Congregational Chapel.. 2 0 3 Rev. E. Price, collection, Cover

dale chapel, Limehouse
Proceeds of Box at Mrs. Childs',
Martin Morant Munro, Esq

Winchmore Hill
William Tuck, Esq., Bath
Per "Morning Star," Mr. Walter
Ludbrook's collection, made by
working people at Milton Hall,
Camden Town

Rev. J. S. Nightingale, Iburndale,
near Whitby..

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Dr. J. Epps, per F. W. Chesson, Esq
Collection at Exeter Hall, per
T. A. Burr, Esq.
Mr. T. B. Bell, Barrow Isle, Barrow
in Furness, Lancashire
R. Peek, Esq., Hazlewood
Jno. Alsop, Esq., collections made
at Salem Congregational Chapel,
(Rev. W. Currie, Pastor)
Sale of "Freed-man" per Mr.

[ocr errors]

Rev S. Garratt, M.A.
Mr. Jno. F. Linden, Alfred Place,
Bedford Square


500 500

0 1 2 0 10 0

1 14 0

0 10 0 50

15 0 0


[blocks in formation]

3 15 6

4 13 7

1 1 0

0 2 6

G. Joseland, Esq., Worcester..
Rev. E. W. Shalders, B.A., Rochester 12
Benjamin Scott, Esq., Chamberlain

of London (for Jamaica.)
Rev. W. Cooke, D.D.
Congregational Church, Weybridge
Joseph R. Lower, Esq., Tonbridge
Edward Smith, Esq.
Handel Cossham, Bristol
J. P. Bacon, Esq

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]


Dr. Epps, per F. W. Chesson, Esq..
Mrs. P. Taylor, Hon Sec. of the
Wm. Shaen, Esq., M.A.

0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0

0 10 0

2 2 0 0 10 0

0 10 0 330

5 0 0

0 5 0


"London Negro Aid Society" per
Miss Remond, to be forwarded to
Mr. S. May, Junr., Boston, U.S. 22
G. Thomas, Tredegar

0 0 00

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