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"All which we humbly submit to your Majesty's gracious consideration." Secretary Cardwell states that " Her Majesty's Government do not feel that they should discharge their duty by advising the Crown to replace Mr. Eyre in his former government." Mr. Cardwell says: "On my own part, I have to request that you will cause careful investigation to be made in those cases of civilians which appear to require it, with a view to such further proceedings as may be requisite and just." "Great offences ought to be punished. "

With the result of this protracted and searching enquiry now before us, we submit for deep and serious consideration the following queries:—

1. What has been done to elevate the moral condition of the coloured people in the disturbed districts of Jamaica since the time of emancipation?

For more than thirty years there has been a fair opportunity to give them. sound and thorough instruction. We have a most humiliating demonstration of their neglected state in the almost unintelligible jargon in which the witnesses gave their evidence. "As regards the negroes, "the Royal Commissioners tell us they are "for the most part uneducated peasants, speaking in accents strange to the ear, often in a phraseology of their own, with vague conceptions of number and time, unaccustomed to definiteness or accuracy of speech." Their ideas are as confused as their language is broken. They neither understand their rights. nor can they fulfil with intelligence their social duties. Mr. Mowat, in a letter dated Windsor Forest, St. David, Jamaica, April 24th, 1866: says "the masses are degraded because they are ignorant, and they are demoralized and superstitious because they are degraded; and ignorant and degraded because they are exposed to all those vices, irreligion and superstition that are so painfully manifest among them, and which have done so much to retard their progress." People in such a condition must become a serious element of danger in the strongest community: much more so in a country like Jamaica. Without a change, society there must tend to disintegration.

2. What sort of leaders have these ignorant and unhappy people?

The best teachers in some respects are required for those who are least instructed for this reason, that so much misapprehension has to be removed and they have all to learn.

Mr. Eberhart, Superintendent of the freed schools in Georgia, writing to the Freed-men, April 23rd, 1866, says: "The next school year begins the first of October, 1866; and it is my earnest desire to open, at that time, as many schools as possible, and all in charge of the very best teachers.

"Some of you very erroneously think any kind of a teacher will do for your children. You can never hold an opinion which, if carried into action, is fraught with greater evil to all the fondest hopes and dearest interests of yourselves. and your children.

"You are, now, only beginning to live as men; before you were only property— slaves-and your future happiness and prosperity depends very largely upon

beginning right-and to begin right, you must have earnest, conscientious and competent teachers: for they are to mould the character of your children, and to instil into their minds the principles which shall guide them, and form the habits which shall govern them during all their years of manhood.”

This is the course pursued in America in relation to the Freed-men. Ample evidence has been given in our pages that they have indeed had some of the best teachers. We fear that in many districts of Jamaica, some of the most unsuitable teachers have been sent and that character has been moulded under influences positively the worst. We reap what has been sown. The report of Mr. Mowat given from the vicinity of the recently disturbed districts, should be thoughtfully considered. "There was a time he tells us, "in the time of trouble and persecution when the missions in this island were proverbial for prudence, piety and diligence." He intimates that there has been a change in this respect; the evangelist from family connexions has become half planter, and as such more exacting than his neighbours, who say of him, "How he hates the blacks!"

The present juncture is one of grave responsibility. The people of England are now on their trial It is of unspeakable moment, for the honour, safety and well-being of the nation, that we should do justly in our colonial dependencies, and that our example before the world should be worthy of imitation.

The service rendered in the cause of the Freed-men in America has already secured for us great advantage in the frontier line of Canada. It is well for us that instead of uninstructed, uneasy and oppressed coloured people in that colony, we have on the border 100,000 loyal contented and attached British subjects of the African race. The American government is making an ample return for the aid given to the freed-men in the South, in vigorously checking the Fenian raid.

Why should not we gain to the side of Great Britain and to the cause of freedom and humanity, the half million of coloured people in Jamaica? No time should be lost. We have repeated for several months the statement now endorsed by the government that the burning of 1000 houses was wanton and cruel. More than this, it was in itself an example and an incentive crime of the most perilous kind, the folly and madness of which could not be exceeded. Will this great country remain content with the repetition of the statement without building up those rustic dwellings?

We must go beyond this. Industrial schools on the best system and with the most devoted and judicious teachers should be planted in the centre of the most neglected districts. The times may be unfavourable-routine and superficial philanthropy may start objections-but we have yet faith in the conscience and heart of our nation to do all that the case requires.-W.


WE acknowledge with thanks five shillings in postage stamps from C. W., Ipswich. We regret that Mr. Bourne's letter, which is in type, must stand over till next month. OUR Subscriptions are also crowded out this month.

ALL orders and enquiries concerning Advertisements, or other business connected with this Magazine, are to be addressed to ARLISS ANDREWS, 7, Duke St., Bloomsbury.


were given to him as slaves. It is his wish to have these boys educated for schoolmasters and missionaries. The little fellows have been at school for three years through the kindness of # * Dr. Hodgkin, and the late Mrs. Reid, but as death has taken away two of these noble friends of the negro, these three little boys are left without friends. The brightest and most intelligent of these three boys was presented to * the child was christened will see by the enclosed note that owing to the great panic, our dear good friend * is no longer able to do any more for the little

* *

The Freed-Man. boy, of course these children are on

JULY, 1866.

"I have observed with satisfaction that the United States, after terminating successfully the severe struggle in which they were so long engaged, are wisely repairing the ravages of civil war. The abolition of slavery is an event calling forth the cordial sympathies and congratulations of this country, which has always been foremost in showing its abhorence of an institution repugnant to every feeling of justice and humanity.-QUEEN VICTORIA.

AN APPEAL FROM AFRICA. The present monetary crisis is affecting, more or less, all the philanthropic institutions of the country. As the case of Jamaica is so ably presented in other parts of the present number, we may devote these few lines to a plea on behalf of three little boys, cast upon Mr. W. Craft, now in Dahomey, for protection and instruction. Mr. Craft's son, an intelligent well-behaved boy, in the absence of his father, writes as follows:

12, Cambridge Road, Hammersmith, June 23rd, 1866.

Dear Sir,

My mother wished me to ask you if you do not think that your Society could help father educate three little African boys that





father's hands, and he is most anxious to have them kept at school. The sum is very small for the board and education of the little boys, being £12 each per annum ; my father clothes them himself. Mother sincerely hopes that you will not be offended with her for begging you to help these poor little boys-once heathens; she feels so very deeply for them, and hopes that the kind christians of this country will not allow them to go back to the barbarous King of Dahomey.

I am, Sir,

Your very obedient servant,
For E. Craft.

We need not add a word to this. The following donations are promised— British and Foreign Freed-Men's Aid Society, £10; Lord Alfred Spencer Churchill, £3 3s. Aid may be sent to Dr. Fred. Tomkins, 102, Fleet Street, E.C.

On Wednesday evening, June 21st, a meeting in aid of the British and Foreign FreedMen's Aid Society, was held in Deverell Street Congregational Chapel, Old Kent Road. The Rev. N. T. Langridge, of St. Mary's Cray, the former minister of the Church, presided, and spirited addresses were delivered by the Rev. G. Denniston, the Rev. W. H. Jones, the Rev. W. Morton Mather, and the Secretaries of the Society. A collection was made amounting to several pounds.

[blocks in formation]


A meeting in aid of the British and Foreign
Freed-Men's Aid Society, was held on Thurs.
day evening, June the 21st, at the Sussex
Hotel Assembly Rooms. The Rev. G. Jones
occupied the chair, and there was a very fair
attendance. E. T. Smith, Esq., barrister-at-
law, and local Secretary of the Society, first
gave a brief account of its rise, and the resuts
accomplished by it. It was first originated
with a view to helping the negroes of the
Southern States who were by the late war
suddenly released from slavery in a condition

Treasurer's Office, Western Freed-Men's Aid unfavourable to an appreciation of the bless


No. 25, West Third Street, Cincinnati,

April 9th, 1866. Mr. Wm. Allen, London, England.

Dear Sir,

Your favor, authorizing the Treasurer of the Western Freed-men's Aid Commission to draw for £100 sterling, by the hands of Levi Coffin, for the benefit of the Freed-men, is reOn their behalf please accept the


thanks of the Commission.

ings of liberty. Money had been sent over for their relief, agricultural implements to stimulate their industry, teachers to impart education, and ministers to preach the Gospel. By these means great good had been accomplished, and yet greater good was sure to follow. The recent events in Jamaica had induced the Society to alter its name, extend its operations, and engage in so large a work as called for increased support at the hands of all bodies of Christians. Fred. Tomkins, Esq., M.A., D.C.L., who attended as a deputation, gave a very interesting account of his experiences in America, and the condition in which he found the emancipated negroes. Contrary to the generally received opinion he declared them honest, industrious, eager for knowledge, and possessed of a thoroughly devotional spirit. He made a powerful appeal on their behalf-pointed out that these coloured Your favour of the 19th of April, is reraces had a prominent part to play in the his. ceived with stated enclosures, £20 sterling, tory of the world and of religion, and called for the benefit of the Freed-men. On their upon all to reciprocate the friendly feeling of behalf please accept the thanks of the Com-America towards England by assisting the

Yours respectfully,
Jos. F. LARKIN, Treasurer.

Treasurer's Office, Western Freed-men's Aid

No. 25, West Third Street, Cincinnati,
May 15th, 1866.
Mr. William Allen, London, England.
Dear Sir,


Yours respectfully,

Jos. F. LARKIN, Treasurer.

THE Freed-Men's Saving and Trust Co. Bank was established here six or seven months ago, and has had one hundred and three thousand dollars deposited in it by those who a year or so ago were the property of somebody else.-Cincinnati Colored Citizen.

United States to deal with their greatest difficulty, the manumitted slaves. He was followed by the Rev. W. H. Jones, a coloured minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, who delivered a very animated and forcible address in favour of the claims of the Society. The meeting was rendered more interesting by the presence of Mrs. Craft, who many years ago escaped from slavery, and created a profound sensation by the publication of a narrative of her sufferings. The object of her


On Monday, May 28th, a public meeting in aid of this society, was held at the Town Hall, Poole. The Rev. A. Wilkinson, incumbent of St. James's, occupied the chair, and there were also present the Rev. G. Morgan, the Rev. J. H. Osborne, the Rev. R. T. Verrall, B.A., F. Tomkins, Esq., M.A., D.C.L., and the Rev. W. H. Jones, a coloured gentleman, a freed-men's missionary from America.

The CHAIRMAN having briefly opened the meeting,


visit was to form in Tunbridge Wells a ladies' that human nature was much the same all the auxiliary, for which purpose it was arranged world over, and it was a libel on our common that she should meet ladies at the Countess of humanity to say that the black man did not Huntingdon's school-room next morning. Af- possess those same feelings which white men ter a few words from the chairman, the pro- sought to monopolise to themselves. ceedings terminated, and a collection was contended that after being educated and remade at the doors. ligiously instructed they would become most useful citizens in the United States and in the British West Indian islands. As a proof of this he mentioned instances of the vast amount of good that was being done in Dahomey and other parts of Africa, by coloured ministers (especially by Bishop Crowther and Mr. Wiliam Craft) in the conversion and improvement of their sable brethren. Whilst he did not wish to say that all slaveholders were bad and unscrupulous, he adduced ample reasons in favour of universal freedom, and he proceeded to show, by examples, that the negro race possessed not only the ordinary feelings of humanity, but also the faculties for receiv ing instruction, and for becoming adepts in mathematics, and in prose and poetical compositions—and here, as examples of negro culture and taste, the speaker read a piece of poetry written by a black man, and a prose composition by a black woman, both of which exhibited marks of intellectual culture, of considerable imaginative power, and of equal command of language. Tomkins pointed out that many gentlemen of influence in the South, now very cheerfully assisted the efforts of the society. He then spoke of the interviews he had enjoyed with President Lincoln and General Grant, both of whom gave him every welcome and most ample facilities in his philanthropic work among the blacks in the South during the war. He spoke of the attachment of the Americans to this country, their ancestors having lived here, all he had spoken to saying, God forbid that they should ever wish to overthrow the sacred altars or disturb the sepulchres of the old land. After again urging the claims of the society upon the consideration of the audience,

Dr. TOMKINS said that the members of this society were not sectarian. They felt it their duty to clothe the naked, to relieve, as far as possible, their necessities, and to educate the 4,000,000 of freed blacks in the Southern States. For these purposes there had been obtained from various sources during the last eighteen or twenty months, from £80,000 to £90,000. He then proceeded to say that the freed negroes were doing all they could to help themselves, and mentioned instances of the efficient operation of the Civil Rights Act in Louisiana and Indiana, in giving to the freed blacks liberty of religious worship, and a title to all civil rights. The society was making great progress, 200,000 black people in the Southern States having learned to read and write during the past year, 50,000 of whom had received instruction from teachers supported by funds derived from this country. The American people were a noble people in their philanthropy and felt grateful to us for this help, but we should also bear in mind that we were indebted to the United States during the Lancashire distress, and for the splendid gift of Mr Peabody. Dr. Tomkins then read extracts from an American paper, showing how actively and willingly the freed negroes themselves assisted in the work of education and gave proof of the general improvement among their class. As to the alleged incapacity of the negroes, he remarked


The Rev. W. H. JONES addressed the meeting. He said there was not a drop of any but coloured blood in his veins, and he would not be of any other colour for a thousand pounds. He was about 40 years of age, had embraced Christianity, and for more than half of his life

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