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Yours truly,

thus in many ways become the victims season. Many who are now supporting themof the designs both of their former masters, of selves cannot husband enough to carry them avaricious speculators and unprincipled traders through the unproductive portion of the year, from other parts of the country. Two years but by another season strengthened and enexperience or more, has given a practical couraged by the experience of this, they will do knowledge to very many who have lived in still better and as a general thing become enMemphis, but it is manifest that education tirely self-supporting. One of the blessed must be one of the most important elements in results of benevolent effort in behalf of the the preparation of this people to care for them- Freed people is that it incites them to do for selves, and indispensable if they are to take themselves—instead of making them paupers the position, political and moral, which seems it inspires industry and self-reliance. to be indicated by the striking and providen- Early this Spring the dependant ones in tial events of the past few years. The friends Natchez, consisting of women with children, of humanity have, through the commission, and decrepid men and women, were taken to done a blessed work in relieving the varied the opposite side of the Mississippi and located physical sufferings of the Freed people-much on what is termed the "Home Farm," the of this humane work is yet to be done-but management of which was given to Mr. J. O. greater and more permanent are the beneficent Reid, an employé of the National and Wesresults of those efforts that have been directed tern Commissions. The purpose was to cultito their mental and moral elevation. It is vate a very fertile tract of land by this class gratifying to remember that from the first it of persons and make the most indigent as has been our policy to combine both forms of nearly self-supporting as might be. The relief. Commissions furnished teams, ploughs, seeds, etc., necessary for the proposed work; Gardens were made and a crop planted. The people also had erected rude habitations, a school house had been built of lumber sent from the North-two teachers were employed in a Common School-and there was every My Dear Brother, promise of the Camp or Colony realizing a There is in this city a coloured population considerable return as the results of the experiof between 5,000 and 6,000 persons. The ment. There were about two hundred children exact number a few days since was 5,362, but in attendance at the School, and a large it is subject to constant increase and diminu- Sunday School and a Mission Church had been tion-increase from the interior, and diminu- organized. Portions of ground had been altion from those who find employment at other lotted to the Orphan Children to give them points or are sent to the Freed-men's Camp. opportunity to cultivate vegetables to be sold In passing through Natchez you wonder where on their account. The opening of the season is the locality of the suffering and destitution was propitious-Corn, Potatoes, Peas and other of which many accounts have reached us dur- vegetables on the "Home Farm," as the plan. ing the past year. The Freed people, by their tation was called, were growing thriftily, when own industry, and the Freed-men's Aid Socie- it was submerged by the flood of the Mississippi ties, by means of the generous contributions-the Colony was broken up and their labour of the friends of the suffering, have wrought a wondrous change here within a few months. Where Government was furnishing rations to thousands, hundreds are now supporting themselves and families. When winter comes cutting off the resources of those who have gardens and the like there will be considerable numbers who must be helped through the

J. M. WALDen.
Natchez, Miss., June 8th, 1865.

Rev. H. M. Storrs, D.D.,

London, England.

lost. There were something more than 1,700 persons there-some were sent up to Davis' Bend near Vicksburg, but the greater number are being removed to Washington, Miss., a town about six miles east and inland from Natchez. The season is now so far advanced that this Colony will only be able to cultivate some fall vegetables, which will not contribute

much toward their relief and support: hence it is evident that they must be provided for during the coming winter.

to stand in one of these schools, with two hun-
dred slave-born children before you, and re-
member that you are in Natchez the former
seat of wealth and aristocracy of Mississippi—
where a Minister of a southern church de-
clared, on a public occasion, that he would
rather wade through blood waist-deep than
give up the peculiar institution of the South.
I have made some careful inquiries of all
the teachers I have met as to the capacity of
the coloured children to learn. There are
many instances of remarkable quickness, and
as far as they have progressed they will com-
pare favourably with white children.
have ready memories and good ideas of form,
so that they learn to read very soon. They
also manifest a readiness to learn geography.
It is doubtful as to their making as rapid pro-
gress in arithmetic and grammar. The won-
der to me is, that coming as they do from
under the baneful and withering influence of
slavery, they exhibit the degree of sprightli
ness and intelligence already apparent in the
progress they have made. It would seem that
the same Providence that has brought free-
dom to them has poured upon them an
awakening influence, preparing them to profit
by their new opportunities.

It is the policy now to remove from Natchez to Washington all who are in some employment or living independently. It sometimes occurs that a considerable number will congregate in a single building, living in a condition that is considered detrimental to the health of the city. Where they are too crowded or where any are found who are imposing themselves on the more industrious they are to be removed to the "Home Farm." There will probably not be less than 2,000 here in a few weeks and if many should continue to come in from the interior the number will be still greater. Since the collapse of the Confederacy there have been many instances of cruel abuse. Many of the masters are still insensible to the stern logic of events that points to the end of slavery; some declare they will shoot their slaves before they shall be free; others drive from their plantations poor old men and women who have worn themselves out in their service-turn them off without food or raiment, to find their way to the Government Camp. There have been frequent instances where returned rebel soldiers have visited gross Such cruelties upon the coloured people. abuse until it can be corrected will drive a great many destitute men, women and children to this place, who will be congregated at the Home Farm, except such as may find employ-by the missionaries and teachers sent amongst ment. It is quite possible that the number of destitute here may reach 3000 before the Winter sets in.

I will close this by quoting a sentence from the Report of the Post Provost-Marshal of Freed-men for Natchez, for April:

"Great good has been done the Freed-men

them by benevolent societies at the North to
educate them. The large number of schools
established and taught by these missionaries
have exerted a very salutary influence on all
the parents as well as the children, and have
done much to preserve good order and good
faith, and to prompt good work and industry.”
"Opus fervet."
Yours truly,


I will turn for a little time to the more pleasant features of this field and note what is being done for the elevation of the coloured people of Natchez. I find in the city and vicinity 20 schools in operation, with 21 teachers employed. In these schools there are 1,370 scholars enrolled with an average attendance, for the last month, of 942. I have visited a THE FREED-MEN OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. number of these schools while în session and Mississippi River, June 20, 1865. have witnessed their exercises with much inte- To the Hon. S. P. Chase, Chief Justice of the rest. Of course the scholars are nearly all in Supreme Court of the United States. primary studies-the majority in spelling and A brief stay and limited opportunities prereading; quite a number are studying geo-vented my obtaining full information in regard graphy; some are studying arithmetic, and to the Freed-man at and in the vicinity of taking lessons in writing. But it is interesting Helens, Ark. I, however, have some facts as

to this and some as to last year's operations to Northern capitalists. As I understand, all which possess some interest, and in pursuance with your request I submit them.

The Freed-men on plantations here, as generally elsewhere in the Valley where Federal authority is really operative, comprise two classes: Lease-holders and Hired-labourers. In the spring of 1864, Chaplain Herrick, Superintendent of Freed-men at Helena, by the request of Mr. Mellen, selected as much of the confiscated or abandoned lands near this place as coloured persons here had the means and disposition to lease and cultivate. There were about thirty coloured lessees, but I find no statistics as to the aggregate amount of land worked by them, but have learned that every lessee made some money by the year's operation. Chaplain Herrick stated last November that 10 of these persons, with the results of whose work he was acquainted, realized from their crop 31,000 dollars; and these did not hold the largest quantity of land relatively. The following instances will illus. trate the industry and thrift of these lessees: Jarome Hubbard and George West leased 60 acres -planted 40 in cotton-their expenses were about 1,200 dollars; they sold their crop for 8,000 dollars. Napoleon Bowman leased 24 acres; he had some capital to begin with and borrowed some; he employed one hand; his expenses were less than 2,000 dollars; sold his crop for 6,000 dollars-realizing over 4,000 dollars clear profit. Robert Owens leased 17 acres; having nothing to start with, he borrowed his capital; he earned by the season's work enough to purchase a good house, with a residue of 300 dollars. Samuel Beaden leased 13) acres; expended about 600 dollars in its cultivation, and sold for 4,000.

I could not learn that the success of these persons was proportionately greater than that of others at this point. Beyond question, as a class these colored lessees were eminently successful in their undertaking last year, though they probably are the most enterprising of the Freedmen at Helena.

There were but three or four confiscated plantations in the vicinity of Helena. So much of these as was not taken by colored men was leased to whites. Fifteen or sixteen other plantations belonging to loyal persons were leased

these lessees employed Freedmen to work their lands under regulations very similar to those instituted by Gen. Banks-with this provision, however, the first-class male hands should receive 10 dollars per month, together with food and clothing, and other hands a proportionate rate. The planter was subsequently released from the obligation to furnish clothing but was required to sell it at former established rates. By the system adopted, schools were to be established on each plantation, and there was to be such official supervision as would secure the enforcement of all rules governing the les ees and laborers, and protect both classes from injustice and imposition. You will not be sur prised to learn that this system, however excellent it may have seemed on paper, signally failed. In regard to the practical workings of the system here, I have ascertained at least three things:

1. There was no competent and efficient supervision by officers empowered with authority to enforce the system.

2. The lessees, in many instances, allowed their hands to anticipate their wages, and delayed settlement till the middle of the year, so that many of them were then largely in debt.

3. The labourers, being furnished with food and clothing, just as in the former condition of slavery, were kept in a state of dependence, had no incentive to work industriously, and had no opportunity of acquiring ideas and habits of self-dependence.

In a letter addressed to Gen. Buford by Chaplain Herrick, in November, 1864, I find the following passage in regard to this mat


"Not a school has been established on a plantation, and I believe no effort made to establish one. No such supervision has been maintained as would prevent extortion, or insure that the food and clothing furnished to the labourers should be good and substantial of its kind. No particular and persistent effort has been made to cultivate thriftiness and forethought, or to protect the weak, ignorant, and humble, from injustice. No officer having care of this people has visited them at their homes; and, from observation and in

quiry, become familiar with the state of affairs the labourers one-third of the crop for their there; no adequate and efficient means of re- labour, the employer furnishing food and dress have been afforded, and, if injustice has clothing, and charging the same to the labeen experienced, hedged in on the planta-bourer. The only fact I have in regard to tion by a necessary system of passes, it has this plan is, that one labourer received about had to be endured in silence." 180 dollars for his share.

This letter was written by Chaplain Herrick, I believe, before he was connected with the Freed-men's Department. I presume it was the result of his observations here, and gives a view of matters very similar to what I have received from other sources. It was fortunate for the coloured labourers that the white lessees were generally fair and honourable men, as they are reported to have been. The failure of compensated labour at this point no doubt has been and will be used by the enemies of the coloured people, and hence I have aimed to bring out those facts and circumstances to which the failure may properly be attributed, viz., first of all the system that was adopted, and, secondly, the manner in which it has been carried out by those who might have made it more efficient.

As to the present year's operations, I have only a few general facts. The Freed-men were encouraged to lease the land that was under Government control, and I believe they took it all up. This comprises the Gen. Pillow plantation of 500 acres. Twelve plantations in this vicinity are being worked on shares-the terms being similar to those mentioned above. I met Mr. Brunell, a Friend from Pennsylvania, who has the management of two plantations, about 1,500 acres, culti vated on this plan. He was a lessee here last year, and is emphatic in his preference for the share system. Some eight or ten lessees hire their hands this year, and, so far as I learned, under the same regulations that obtained last year. I also ascertained that in the section behind Helena the old proprietors Notwithstanding the experiment may be re- of the land have promised the Freed-men garded as a failure, I find the results of the (their former slaves) wages to remain with year's labour to these hired people to have them and work the lands, and that most of been about as follows: at the close of the year the plantations between here and White River most of them were in better health and better are becoming cultivated on such conditions. clad than at its beginning. About one-fourth I could not learn that any uniform rate was when the settlement was made, either were fixed or that any specific amount was proin debt or had nothing due to them; one-mised to the labourer. 1 presume, however, fourth had a balance in their favour of more it will be proper for the Bureau of Freed-men, than 20 dollars; and the other half a balance through its agencies, to see that such receive of less than 20 dollars. A few were quite a fair remuneration from the proceeds of the successful. One old woman, over fifty years crop that may be raised by their industry. of age, had a balance of 55 dollars 88 cents. A boy of fifteen, Leonard Lloyd, had a balance of 102 dollars 46 cents.

Labourers on certain plantations were allowed by the lessees to have an acre or so of land on their own account, and work it when they could, they themselves receiving all the proceeds. One of this class sold the cotton he thus raised for 165 dollars, which he had above his year's wages; and I heard of another instance where a man closed the year with 300 dollars earned in this way.

A considerable number of coloured people live in Helena, and, so far as I could learn by inquiry and observation, they are industrious and are self-supporting. Nine Teachers have been labouring among them. The people purchase their own books, and a few of them pay tuition. There is an orphan asylum here, with about 80 coloured children in it. This is supported entirely, and the schools mainly, by Northern benevolence.

Perhaps it is not to be expected that the former slaveholder will be careful to give the Two plantations were cultivated on the system of compensated labour a fair trial. share system, the owners furnishing whatever The disposition will be to judge of it by its was required to make the crop, and allowing first results, which, under most favourable cir.

cumstances, could hardly be expected to be generally successful. The freed-men must be taught at least two notions entirely new to many of them; that is, to labour in view of wages, and to dispose of wages received so as to provide for their wants. Such lessons are not to be learned in a single season, especially where the teacher is the person who formerly exacted labour with the lash, and only put money in the hand of the coloured man as a gift and not as a reward. But what is still worse, there will be many who will resort to the lash where they are beyond the reach of effective authority. I am informed that in the section of Mississippi opposite to Helena, the Freed-men are treated as harshly and shamefully as in the palmy days of slavery. I give a single instance that has been brought to light.

A former slave-owner of Mississippi, named I-, recently made complaint to Gen. Thayer in command at Helena, that Chaplain Brooks of the 56th Regiment U. S. C. I., had enticed away one of his hands, a former slave, whom he had hired. Of course, Brooks was cited to appear before the General. He made a statement that he was called to Mississippi by some business, and while there met this coloured man, who told him that he had been maltreated by I- whipped, or beaten rather, with the paddle (a heavy oak paddle | with holes in it, such as overseers used to carry at the pommel of their saddle to inflict fearful and summary punishment on the chattels under their control). The chaplain told him if he would come to Helena he would get paid for his labour and be free from such abuse. After making his statement to the General, in which he declared such treatment to be prevalent so far as he could learn, the Chaplain requested the General to look at the coloured man's back, upon which there were many marks of recent and gross violence. I———————, instead of receiving his negro hand, was sent to the lock-up.

How is the coloured man to be shielded against the fraud that will be practised and the outrages that will be perpetrated by those who have hitherto denied the most sacred rights to the negro? However thorough a Provost system may be instituted during the

unsettled condition of these communities to secure justice to the Freed-men, that system can only be temporary, to be followed, sooner or later, by civil authority, to be administered under reconstructed State Governments. Where, then, will the Freed-men find protec tion and security? and how shall they obtain justice? I can conceive of no way but by their being at once vested with that right in the exercise of which their influence will be felt in the local and general government of the State—that right, without the possession of which, Freedom will be a mockery-the Elec. tive Franchise. Yours truly,


Bowling Green, Kentucky, July 19th, 1865.

Rev. H. M. Storrs, D.D., London, England.

My Dear Brother,

On last Thursday, the 13th instant, Levi Coffin and myself started from Cincinnati to make a brief visit to Nashville, Tenn. on matters connected with our work, intending to go to as many points of interest as time would permit. We have passed over the territory you visited in the Spring, but you may be interested in some results of our observations. The first place at which we stopped was at Gallatin, Tenn., on the Terrisville and Nashville R. R., 159 miles south of Terrisville, Ky. and 26 miles north east from Nashville. The Freedman's Camp at Gallatin is at the place where you visited it. After having passed the Winter in the miserable tents and huts in which you saw them, now in midsummer the military superintendent is getting them partly provided with log and wood houses, small, but far preferable to condemned tents. There are about 325 persons, men, women and children, in the camp-only a few men, aud those infirm, either from age, over-work, or disease, A number have gone from the camp since the opening of spring made a demand for all classes of labourers, manifesting a disposition to work wherever they can do enough to command wages that will bring them a support. You will remember that we had a school house in course of erection when we there. It has been finished and occupied for more than

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