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(ominous name!), a Virginian, who gave himself airs as a professional soldier, put himself at the head of fifty-six Sons of the South, and threatened to eat up old John Brown of Osawatomie (afterward, unhappily, of Harper's Ferry), and his band of twenty-seven free-soilers. Pate had organized his force like a little army, with its horse and foot, its camp equipage, and its luggage train; and having just then been plundering Palmyra, a free-soil city, his baggage mules were heavily laden with the spoils of war. Brown made a fair fight by going out in the open plains. After a lusty tug, Clay Pate surrendered to the tough old fellow -himself, with his sword, his luggage train, all the spoils of Palmyra, twenty-one hale men, the whole of his dead and wounded, and his gorgeous tent.

In 1861, a few months after these citizens of Leavenworth had fought the battle for my friend Sam on this levee under my windows, the wounds of bleeding Kansas were stanched and healed by her admission into the Union as a free State.


The most potent influence that can be exerted by our country is that which is the most benign. The British fleet may bombard the ports of a foreign shore, or strike terror into the defenceless tribes along the coast, leaving behind a track of desolation and misery; but the force to penetrate the interior-to attract rather than repel-to inspire confidence, and to introduce the blessings of civilization must be exerted by an agency of very different character. The proofs of this transforming power are not wanting in regions of the globe that for ages seemed to be in hopeless barbarism. The advantages arising from social renovation cannot be overestimated. Where changes of this kind have been permanently effected in the character and condition of the people, by the instrumentality alone fitted to secure them, furnished from various associations in our native land, the name of Great Britain has been held in the highest admiration. Millions of feeble and oppressed people have been made to feel that it was to them a talisman of protection and a star of hope. The indications are too numerous and painful to leave us to doubt that in many places this interest in our country has been altogether lost or that it is sadly on the wane. We have before us recent correspondence from the African Coast, and we read lines like the following:-"We have lost all faith in the British Government through their bad Governors." King Aggery has been taken to Sierra Leone. Up to the date of his removal, he was doomed to opposition injustice and injury at the hands of the British representative authorities here. To say nothing of


things like the attack made by officers and men of the 4th West India Regiment upon the natives here, British Government officials, as if under no Government, had only recently to make their way into the king's prison, release the prisoners, attempt to take copies of the records of the king's Court, and capture such natives as were regarded to have been in the way of their British Government officials. These were things which impelled the King to write to the adminis trator to the effect that if it was meant that the king and people should, from such singular treatment, be provoked to acts such as characterized the scenes in Jamaica, the administrator was mistaken, but that the king would rather refer

the matter to the (mother) government of England-and that if the administrator would drive the king and people to desperation, he, the administrator, should not be unprepared to bear the responsibility. One day after the receipt of the letter, Mr. Usher and two military officers with scarcely a dozen constables and soldiers went to the king's house to take him. The king offered no resistance himself and even commanded all his subjects to refrain from rescuing him by dint of arms. The over-excitement (of the moment) of the people was thus cooled by a few words the king uttered as he passed along the streets leading to the Castle. He walked with that nobility that christianity alone accords, and he inspired almost every spectator with feelings before perhaps unknown to them. At this moment it is on the lips of every native that the King of kings will protect the innocent and no more permit might to pass for right." "The cry of the nation is great and he that is just and right is appealed to for vindication and deliverance.”* Under the British sceptre are untold millions whose colour and complexion differ from that of the people of the mother country. The men who have gained for the nation the highest honour in the remote parts of the empire lost sight of the different hue of these countless tribes in their warm and enlightened human sympathy and sense of right. Within the last few years there has been a sad deterioration in this respect. Young men who have passed their competetive examination for foreign service seem to regard the slang of contempt for the coloured races as an accomplishment and as an indication of spirit.

Negrophobia in its worst type has entered some of our mission schools. The consequences are not far to seek. Of course there is a decay of the missionary spirit; and many who venture into the field prefer to keep within the range of European society in large cities. We ought to take warning from the condition of the white population of the southern states of America. In many districts of Virginia, the black labour they despised is fast leaving them. They now dread the migration of freedmen, and with neglected estates, desolate homes, and bankrupt fortunes, they must starve or work for themselves for subsistence. We feel the deepest concern that this cancer in the heart of the nation may not spread, lest it should paralyze the arm that should be vigorous to defend and ever ready to help and relieve. We believe there are signs of a return to a more healthy feeling. It must not be forgotten that the real friends of the freedmen are comparatively few and that this is just the time for strenuous effort that our society may live through the time of indifference and prejudice, and be prepared for the glorious work yet to be achieved. One combined and noble effort may save all we desire to preserve.

*We have the satisfaction to state that Governor Blackall has been recalled, and King Aggery liberated on parole.


MR. PLUMMER AND MR. MOFFAT. cause of the freed-men. We have come to the MR. PLUMMER, in a letter dated Berlin, conclusion that none will enter on the work Malvern Road, Jamaica, 21st Jan., 1867, with energy and perseverance who are not says: "I have never been able to visit Morant influenced by the highest motive and conBay and its neighbourhood as I promised, but strained by the undying spirit of christian I will (D.V.) start for that locality early next compassion. We would therefore commend year. I corresponded with friends there who the cause to the attention of those who are state that the poor people are still suffering; asking themselves how they can best consome have built temporary residences, but secrate their property and their energies in all are in a state of utter destitution. I shall the work of their own time. Let them weigh go to see for myself." This simple statement calmly and when alone the claims of these confirms our worst fears. The friends of millions. There can be no doubt that at this Jamaica have been so absorbed in other juncture good might be effected the influence questions, that the suffering and neglected of which might be felt to the remotest generpeople after all have been left in their perish-ation. Neglect will close the door. For ing condition. Justice costs us so much that ourselves, apart from all personal considerations, we propose to occupy, the post discouraging as it may have seemed, until the decisive help shall come up. That we are not in error as to the decline of interest in the African race we have abundant proof from a letter addressed by the venerable Moffat to his cousin in Edinburgh, in which he says: "The public duties of the mission are quite enough for all the energies of a strong man. Besides these, I am engaged in a work which taxes body as well as mind severely, as it leaves me scarcely a moment's leisure. This wo k is carrying a revised edition of the New Testament, in the native language, through the press. Probably, you will have a tolerable guess that this is no easy work, especially as I have to be constantly engaged in the printing department, in which other elementary works are preparing at the same time. But there is some consolation-ay, a great deal-in the conviction that one is not labouring for one's The darkness is tinged with the dawn self, but for others, and for generations yet of hope. The work is great and the need unborn. The first edition of 4,000 copies is pressing, and we trust there are earnest and now done, and it will require a much larger generous people in the mother country ready edition of the revision as well as of the Old to co-operate. Certainly the juncture is very Testament to supply the increasing demand. critical. We do not affect to conceal from Readers are increasing in all directions, our friends that the Society has had up-hill which is a very cheering sign, for what are work and that the relation of some to it is only people, or what can we make of people who nominal. We believe however that the con- have not a written language? and whatever viction is growing in the minds of many that may be the amount of oral instruction among the African race ought not to be neglected. a people, permanent results cannot be exThere is a spring in the movement for the pected in the absence of books. I have seen Bazaar. We hear from time to time of friends a great deal accomplished when the barbarous who are beginning to feel deep interest in the and degraded character of this country is

we have nothing to spare for mercy, and yet not to shew some kind of compassion for these miserable people, on the part of those who so well know their condition, can scarcely be said to be just; at least it is not consistent. Mr. Plummer himself is deeply interested in the work of raising the condition of the freedHe says: "I am anxious to establish an industrial school on my estate under my own supervision. Would the Freed-men's Aid Society help me to carry out my plan by either sending out a teacher fitted for such a work, or make an annual grant for the purpose. I will supply all the other necessaries, such as buildings, land, &c. Schools of this kind are absolutely necessary." This is one of many openings presented here and there in the vast and promising field of philanthropic labour. Trustworthy, benevolent, and disinterested people are ready to co-operate with the Society in creating centres of useful


taken into consideration, but I expected to have seen much more. The position of the missionary in this country is not what it once was. We were suspicious characters, dangerous to the community, runaways from our own country, objects of mockery and oppression. Now, a missionary is known, his object understood, and respected, too, beyond the Zambese. Any chief and every chief would like to have a missionary.

quested Mr. Teall to select particularly the widows and orphans who have been deprived of their husbands and parents, and whose circumstances are the most desperate, and I have notthe slightest doubt that Mr. Teall will carefully carry out the benevolent intentions of the donors.

I should have liked to have written you s long letter to day, but have not time for the present mail.

"I presume you would like to hear someThe new Government has not as yet done thing about our own dear selves. Well, when anything to alleviate the distress in the island. you are reminded that I have been fifty years We are waiting patiently to see what will be in the mission field, and my wife for a not done. They have all the power and control. much shorter period, you will think we must It will be necessary for the friends of the nebe looking old and feeling old, too. Our groes to watch the tendency of legislation. A directors have so much reason to be delighted Bill is now about to be presented whereby trial and taken up with other fields, where prospe- by jury is to be abolished, preliminary investirity is crowning their efforts, that it is feared gation preparatory to trials and all the safe that their zeal for Africa is beginning to cool." guards provided by the British constitution, The missionary spirit, we learn on every are in future to be abolished, and sole power side is declining. Is there not a cause? in civil and criminal cases is to be vested in There never was an opportunity so direct and a single judge who is to allow an appeal only so promising as that which is so wonderfully in his discretion. This is going too far, and I given in the case of the millions of the freed-hope will not become law. There will be no men; if it be disregarded, can we wonder security whatever to the subject if trials are to that the springs of christian sensibility should be of such an arbitrary nature. I shall write be dried up. Happy will it be for our churches to you if the Bill is passed. It is said here it when they will again sing, as once they did will pass, as the judges (Scotch advocates) with thrilling emotionhave already been appointed.

Let the Indian, let the negro,

Let the rude barbarian see

That Divine and glorious conquest,
Once obtained on Calvary.


In haste, with kindest regards,
Believe me to be,
Yours very truly,

JOSEPH E. DAVIS, brother of Jefferson, having

Kingston, Jamaica, 9th February, 1867, received from the President his old possesMy Dear Sir, sions on the Mississippi, has just let the I received your favour of the 20th Decem-"Hurricane" and "Briarfield" plantations, ber, intimating the shipment of a bale of goods in Warren county, to B. T. Montgomery, for by the "Fontabelle," kindly sent by Mrs. a term of years. Mr. Montgomery, who is a Richardson and friends of Newcastle-upon- colored man, and "one of the business manaTyne, for distribution among the unfortunate gers" of the aforesaid Joseph, has projected sufferers during the suppression of the recent a community of his own people, whom he disturbances here. The "Fontabelle" has expects, "by the pursuits of agriculture, just arrived here, but I have not yet been able horticulture, and manufacturing and mechanto get the case, but have directed it to be ical arts, as well as the rising of stock, to shipped to Morant Bay, to the Rev. Mr. Teall, attain as much prosperity and happiness as for distribution. I have at the same time re- is consistent with human nature."-Nation.


MR. PLUMMER.-The charity schools are not
We wait only for the best


opportunity for action. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Received with best thanks, a parcel of books from Rev. W. Cooke, D.D., for the Bazaar, also a case of beautiful articles, from the Misses Parmitter and Miss Orme, Froe Cottage, St. Anthony's, per Mrs. Waddington.

The Freed-Man.

APRIL, 1867.

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least ashamed openly to utter these sentiments. They are however not ashamed now. The friends of the poor negro must therefore rally more closely around the despised, and resolve that he should be protected from those who hate him, and who, when they have the chance, do not hesitate to oppress him. Not till public sentiment comes up to the christian standard and determines to protect the weak, will philanthropy have done her work. Not till the negro in every land is safe from the motley host of his oppressors, will the British and Foreign Freed-Men's Aid Society, it is PREJUDICE AND PROTECTION. hoped, relax its efforts. There are One of the most painful features in more than seven thousand to be found in human character is that which reveals "Old England" who have not yet bent an unreasonable aversion to individuals the knee to this Baal worship of race. and races. The prejudice against the We are told "there were always slaves." Irish is uncharitable and groundless. We know it. There were also always The depreciation and aversion to the thefts, adulteries and murders," but French and against foreigners gene- shall we defend these enormities? rally has fostered pride and led to Shall we "sin as with a cart rope?" No. serious difficulties. The feeling which We appeal then at the present for help crops up in the oft heard expression, for the Bazaar, for donations and for "I do not like the Yankees," is unnew annual subscribers. A small sum natural and disgraceful. But perhaps suffices to keep the Society in existence. the meanest and the basest aversion of Direct help can only be afforded as all is that of hatred to the poor negro. friends furnish us with larger means. Let us suppose that God has not given The "Freed-man" alone is a power him all the bewitching charms of the which the oppressor we trust may yet dominant white man; is that any reason learn to respect. that he should be treated with less reLIBERALITY OF FREED-MEN.-At Natchez, gard than a favourite dog or horse. Mississippi, where the freed-men are quite We certainly have affection for these numerous, they have purchased a church procreatures, and are rewarded a thousand-perty "for 9,000 dols., pay 6.000 dols. down, fold by the mute response, if one may and are to pay the other 3,000 dols. at the exuse the solecism, that their sagacity ex-piration of ten months." Many of them give presses. And yet we hear men saying every day when we appeal to them for help, "I hate the nigger, he should be a slave." Time was when men were at help themselves.

a dollar a month. Here are zeal and liberality worthy of imitation. They are poor, but willing and cheerful, and such the Lord loveth. They deserve to be helped, for they

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