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arduous pursuits. They are too burIt is characteristic of the English dened with care, and carried along by people to move slowly and cautiously public excitement to look with calmness in a new work-sometimes to halt as if into this work of christian philanthropy, in doubt, or for reflection-but, when yet it is closely connected with the once convinced, to go forward with in- stability and progress of our country vincible resolution, and to do far more and the welfare of the human race. than they seemed to promise. We Many are asking with eagerness shall find this to be the case in the "Are we too late for the Bazaar?" Bazaar movement. So long as earnest The Ladies' Committee have so arand thoughtful christian workers pause ranged, that no willing worker shall be to ask if the object is really worthy, or too late; they have determined to if anything will be done, all we can say | extend the time of receiving articles to seems to be lost. The spring is want-the close of April. Considerate and ing, and their is no vital power. But generous friends, and especially the we have passed the stage of uncertainty. Annual Subscribers of the Society will Many real sisters of charity are giving see that prompt remittances in money. their best energies to the work. They just now will be exceedingly helpful will not only take their own part, but and encouraging. stir up all their friends. Every day and every waking hour before the First of May, they will turn to the best account, by thought, work, correspondence, combined with fervent prayer. Doubts and objections are at an end; what they COLONEL STEVENS Occupied the chair. After now do they will do with might, and to singing, the Rev. HENRY BROMLEY offered the latest moment. The difference be- prayer. The Rev. Canon Babington, Rev. E. tween a listless and questioning in- Paxton Hood, M. Curnock, R. Vaughan Price, difference, and this simple and untiring M.A., and R. Hamilton, though unable to attend the meeting expressed their, warm interest in its objects.


A Public Meeting in behalf of the British and Foreign Freed-Men's Aid Society was held in the Pavilion, Brighton, on the 11th of March at three o'clock. LIEUTENANT

devotedness is incalculable. It is impossible to over-estimate the blessing COLONEL STEVENS in his opening address that may arise at this juncture, from a stated that the object of the meeting was not thoroughly successful movement. Our political. A mistaken impression of this kind country owes a duty to our own Freed- had prevented some persons from co-operation men which has been too long neglected. with the Society. Personally he was deeply convinced of the necessity of such an instituLet the work be taken up in earnest tion, for all might be assured of this, that and it will go forward, and the effect heathen people could not be ruled by the will be felt through many generations. mild laws of christianity. He had abundant To whom can we look with so much proof of this in the mutiny of India, when certainty as to the mothers and daugh he had to sleep with a six pounder on either side of his bed. Some persons spoke in ignoters of Great Britain. Statesmen, rance of the noble nature of the savage but politicians, merchants, manufacturers, he knew the malignity and ferocity of that tradesmen, are all absorbed in their nature. General Napier was a great warrior

but he had a heart tender as that of a woman. He (Dr. Tomkins) had spent an evening with He would have gladly ruled by law but he the great African traveller just before he left soon found it impossible. Slavery existed in England, as it appeared, for the last time. Scinde, and for the smallest cause of offence, Hours passed quickly as they talked together the masters would cut off the nose or head of the destinies of the sable race. Dr. Livingof the slave; if a woman was found reading she stone said, the vitality of the negro is so great was hung just with the same indifference that a that for good or for evil he must become one cook in the kitchen would cut off the head of of the great factors of humanity; and mark, a chicken. People in this country had no he added, he is open to kindness. He who at a idea of the difficulties of military men in the single stroke could have smitten down all His enforcement of discipline. They had to do foes, came with wondrous words of truth and with some of the worst and most desperate grace. His love and kindness toward man characters. He (Colonel Stevens) knew appeared in all he did. what English soldiers were when let loose, and he supposed that human nature was the same in African troops-nothing but the cat and the triangle would keep them under. The natives of India dreaded the lash more than hanging. He should like to see religion introduced amongst his own men if he knew how it could be done. They must have the gospel and education amongst the negroes, or the terror of the sword. Multitudes of people in this country he was certain would help to educate the Freed-men, who would do nothing at the same time to undermine social order. The gallant Colonel illustrated his remarks by extracts from the life of General Napier.

DR. TOMKINS said he concurred with the sentiment expressed so forcibly from the chair, that human nature was the same all the world over, more or less affected at the same time by surrounding circumstances.

In this instance large masses were thrown on our care in a condition of all others requiring guidance and aid. We have a momentous practical problem to solve. What can we do with the negro? He (Dr. T.) discussed this great matter with one whose name he could not pronounce but with the deepest emotion. Sprung from the sons of toil, early trained to read the "big Ha' Bible," endowed with the genius of discovery, and possessing the unflinching courage and indomitable perseverance needful for his work, DR. LIVINGSTONE had left an example that in itself would be a treasure to the land of his birth. If it was noble for a man to die for his country, surely it was still more noble to die in the wider service of humanity and for the cause of God.

He (Dr. T.) did not wish to under-estimate the difficulties of men who had to govern millions of untutored tribes. No doubt the task was onerous. Before us was a work of still greater responsibility. We have to appeal on behalf of four millions in America, a hundred thousand in Canada, nearly half a million in Jamaica, and untold millions in other parts of the globe. Emancipation was to be traced to the hand of God. Governor Wise, of Virginia said truly that neither the North nor the South would have liberated the slaves but for the Higher Power. Much had been done for the freed-men and much more remained to be done. He, (Dr. Tomkins,) had witnessed the opening of the bales of clothing provided by British kindness, amidst the almost naked fugitives from slavery in the Southern States, He knew therefore the value of the boon. It was a relief to his mind after pleading this cause now for four years, to come to the conclusion that for the present at least much might be safely left to the zeal and care of our American brethren. The gift of one million of dollars in cash by Mr. Peabody and the further munificent donation of a second million in bonds must surely, in addition to other sources of help, greatly relieve the pressure in relation to the freed-men in the Southern States.

He now turned to those who lay nearer and yet unhappily had been treated as almost out of the pale of practical kindness altogether. The claim of Canada was one of the strongest that could be presented. The settlements there had been formed by the fugitives who came by the underground railway, of which Levi Coffin (Simeon of Uncle Tom's Cabin)

was chairman, they were landed penniless- for the safety of the vessel; a huge rock ap half naked, and shorn of everything that they peared right ahead, and though the captain needed in a strange place and colder climate, seemed to be unmoved, the missionary landsbut they had cleared their own land, built man was so agitated that he said to the modest cottages, provided school houses, helmsman "Do you not see that rock?" trained teachers and preachers, and a "Yes," replied the man at the wheel, "I see it, more loyal industrious people did not exist we are going to sail through it." As the ship under the British sceptre. But to meet the neared the rock, the fissure was more disemergency caused by accession to their num- tinctly seen, and the light of day broke upon bers by emancipation in the South, they the placid waters as they glided safely through. needed and most surely they deserved help. So he trusted it would be with this good ship, It will be very hard if they should ask for the British and Foreign Freed-Men's Aid this in vain. The opinions respecting Jamaica Society. were diversified, but nothing could be plainer than the duty of christian philanthropists in that Island. Mr. Plummer says, "send me a teacher, and I will give land and build a school." Mr. Holt says the same. Mr. Craft has a similar appeal to make, and Mrs. Moseley presents a case so touching and so urgent, that it should meet with an instant and full response. The work would so extend if fairly entered upon, and its influence would be as leaven in the three measures of meal. Dr. Tomkins shewed the practical action of the Society, and closed with an earnest appeal.

The Rev. J. WILKINS offered a few words of sympathy in support of the series of resolutions adopted unanimously by the meeting.


DR. WADDINGTON tendered to Mr. Figgis his warmest thanks for the words of encourage. ment and support he had so kindly expressed. It so happened that just in the track of this Society there appeared at this time immense rock of immobility and settled indifference on the part of some from whom they might have expected the most energetic support. There was no breeze of opposition, but some at the very moment when the true The Rev. J. B. FIGGIS, M.A., expressed his nature of the work began to unfold itself most cordial sympathy with the objects of the began to say, what need is there for effort? Society. Our duty to the negro race was He (Dr. Waddington) in answering briefly manifest. Government was one thing-Phil- that question would refer to two classes before anthropy another. However firmly the rein their attention. He would begin with that of government might be held, the heart of of what might be deemed the unworthy, or philanthropy should glow with generous and rather the worthless. In Jamaica there were warm compassion. He sincerely and ear- large patches of semi-barbarism practically nestly hoped that christian people in this uncared for by any description of Christian country would rise to the great opportunity. workers. There were hordes of people of How would the heart of Wilberforce and his heathen origin, with all the traditions of an co-workers have been gladdened with the idle and bewildering superstition, left to emancipation of these dusky millions. Our their natural passions and propensities, with hearts bounded with joy when their fetters were evil examples continually before them, and broken; but we had too much lost sight of the to influences of the most debasing character. duty their new condition imposed. We have Why should we wonder that the dark places succeeded to the rich and ripe inheritance for of the earth are full of the habitations of which they toiled, wept and long waited; let cruelty? Could any other result be anticipa us not be unfaithful to our trust. Never was ted? What if in the family of the most a heavier load laid on the heart of the true refined, intelligent, honourable person in that philanthropist than in this work of raising the assembly, a youth should be led astray by freed-men; it will not crush that heart, with vicious companions, leave home, and become the help of God. Sailing in the dark through the companion of the vilest persons; would not the Straits of Babel Mandel (the Strait of his character be degraded? Might not those Tears) a christian Missionary felt alarmed who had felt for him the strongest affection,

April 1, 1867.


him for baptism, in answer to the question, "what is the name of the child?" It was

"Queen Victoria." When there was a rumour that America might enter into war with Great Britain, the blacks troops said they would instantly lay down their arms. They hoped to provide in Canada teachers for Jamaica.

shrink from association with him and be chairman, could only lead to extermination, Now the neg- but in this course they would gain a victory ashamed even of his name? lect of some parts of Jamaica was almost of truth, righteousness, peace, and charity, without a parallel. Hence, in those districts the blessed effect of which would remain for the freed-men had sunk far lower than the ever. The Rev. W. H. JONES greatly interested slaves in the Southern States of America. But what then? Is this a reason that when the audience in his account of the origin of The freed-men these wretched the Canadian settlements. light has been poured on people they are to be abandoned to further he said were intensely loyal. In the Southern degradation? In times past, we had faith States he had led a procession with the and christian patience to seek the restoration British flag to commemorate the First of When children were presented to of cannibals, and the deeper their misery, August. the more intent we were in our efforts to raise them. The grand source of danger was in an indolent passivity that prevented a real un-common for mothers to reply with enthusiasm, derstanding of the case. Some said, "leave them to the government." But no government on earth could touch them, without the agency of a voluntary disinterested agent such as christian compassion alone could call forth. Others said, "let them wait until the natural resources of the Island are developed." But the truth was, that the greater the commercial prosperity of planters and traders, the wider would be the gulf between them and the neglected class. He (Dr. Waddington) should have retired from the work but for the growing conviction that it would be dishonorable and perilous to leave matters as they Providence had raised up at a now stood. time when the missionary spirit was said to be on the decline, agents just suited to this pioneer service; they had an earnest and proof in this, that with patience and fidelity, a more important work would open before them. The FREED-MAN was beginning to be welcomed in America, Canada, Jamaica, and other places as a guide, a protector, and friend. The freed-men began to see that it might become an independent organ of public Just at this opinion in their common cause.

point, if men of christian spirit should be raised up to look fairly into the case, and to act with promptitude and vigour, a great work would be accomplished.

Mrs. Moseley and her christian sisters were the leaders not of a forlorn hope, but of a sacred army, whose weapons would prove far more effective than those of the rifle or the sword. British force without instruction and religion, according to the clear logic of the

Mr. Jones gave a lecture at the Pavilion in the evening, which was well attended.

A considerable number of ladies met Mrs. Tomkins, Mrs. Moseley, and Mrs. Craft, in the Committee Room, to enter into arrangements to promote the Bazaar.


The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States has been recently elected President of the American Freed-Men's Union Commission. In answer to the application made to him, the Chief Justice said:

"I certainly should not accept this post, which adds serious duties and responsibilities to those with which I am charged, did I not feel a profound conviction of the importance of promoting in every right and practicable way the moral, religious, and educational improvement of our emancipated countrymen; and this, not by officious and intrusive interference with matters which belong more immediately to themselves and to the people among whom they live, but by cordial and active co-operation with patriotic and christian men and women of the Southern States. I accept it because I understand the Commission to have undertaken just such a work in just such a way as I have described, and

because I am sure that no work can more the South will be made twice the man he was efficiently promote the permanent welfare of before. Is there any harm in that? Is there those States and of the whole country. The not a great good in it? Is not the educated peace and prosperity of all can in no way be labourer, the skilled labourer, twice, thrice, so certainly and so thoroughly secured as by and even ten times as valuable to the comcomplete recognition of rights and cordial munity as the uneducated and unskilled? If interchange of benefits. It is the part of education can be diffused throughout those patriotism, South and North, to remove, as masses--and with education go the purer and speedily as possible, every cause and every holier lights of religion-is it not certain that sentiment of distrust and alienation." peace and prosperity, with all their blessings, will come upon that land? Then let us gʊ on with this work."

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We greatly prefer the true statesmanship indicated by Chief Justice Chase. Government is comparatively powerless without the hearty co-operation of the earnest friends of humanity.

At a meeting held in Baltimore the Chief Justice uttered the following noble sentiments: 'It has always seemed to me the part of Here, as it seems to us, is an example true statesmanship to connect, as far as prac-worthy of the peerage of Great Britain. When ticable, the work of the government with the we have suggested from time to time the voluntary action of the people, and one of the practical course of action for Jamaica, we most interesting features of this work is the have been met with the common excuse fact that that idea is realized in it. The for inaction,-"the Government must do it,' people throughout the country act voluntarily "the Government must send out a commission in their associations. You have come here to report on the distress of the people at to-night as men and women inspired in a Morant Bay," "the Government must com. great public work, and you act in co-operation pensate the people who are innocent," "the with the government in acting in its sphere Government must bring in a bill for the better with energy, efficiency, and I trust with the education of the people." best results. There is, then, a high propriety, as it seems to me, that those of us who have taken part in this work in the beginning, should continue to take part in it, and I see nothing inconsistent in any relation which any person can hold to the government with taking an active part in this work; and I wish to say here, and now, once and for all, that all who wish to comment and censure, may comment and censure; that when I find my-districts, taking up one position after another. self in any position incompatible with labour for the poor, the needy, and the oppressed, that position shall not hold me. What are we doing? We are endeavouring to carry forward a work begun by the government, and which is mainly under the charge of the government. We are endeavouring to carry the blessings of education to every person in the South who desires to receive them. Our labours are particularly directed to the education of our emancipated countrymen-they who need it the most. What will be the result if this work goes on upheld by the strong arm and cheered by the warm aspirations of a generous people? Education will be diffused through all the South, and every man who has a part to perform in the labour of

The hands of the Governor of Jamaica would be amazingly strengthened if a "few noble" would devote themselves to the work of reclaiming some of the more neglected

We have in the aristocracy many whose kind. ness is as unbounded as their wealth. They only need to see the work required in the true light. It would be a pleasure to more than one that we could name to say, "I accept this challenge from Mr. Plummer in Jamaica. Here is my cheque for the best teacher you can find; let him go out at once." The example would be followed, and the real work might fairly begin. But how is this to be done? Circulars, appeals, come as thickly as the leaves of autumn by every post. They cannot all be examined and fairly weighed. We respectfully submit that our noble friends who have given their sanction to the cause might with great advantage write personally to the distinguished families of the land, sub

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