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The proceedings in the case of Mr. Gordon have been set in their true light by one in the highest judicial position and most capable of forming a correct judgment. It is no loss as to the moral effect of this issue that Colonel Nelson and Lieutenant Brand have escaped all chance of becoming pseudo martyrs. The clearest mirror has shown the real character of their actions at Morant Bay. The infamy of their proceedings will be as perpetual as the record of this grand and impressive exposition of English law.

But this is not all. Merely personal questions are comparatively insignificant. From this time there is solid ground to hope for the future of Jamaica and of British subjects of every colour in our colonial dependencies. Wild despair it is that breeds insurrection. Men who can gain no impartial hearing and who are without adequate representation, men who have not the power to explain their own case for want of education, men who brood over the most exciting memories of past wrong, may well become desperate. Property in consequence becomes insecure, loss in the most fertile districts of country is entailed, and this in turn leads to vexation and contempt of the race that should supply profitable labour. Communities that justly treated and wisely trained might contribute to the prosperity of the island, and to the growth and stability of the empire, become degraded, miserable, restless, and violent.

Here is a sound footing for a new order of things. Let the thrifty and industrious small proprietors that constitute two-thirds of the freed-men in Jamaica, look to the education of their families, and make them well acquainted with the duties, as well as rights, of British subjects. Chronic evils, so deeply rooted, cannot be removed at a stroke. Patience therefore will be far stronger than passion. Every man must seek the welfare of the entire community. The feeble are necessary to co-operate with the strong, and the aim of all must be simple and disinterested. Finally, we submit to the friends of Jamaica, that something should be done effectively to aid the British and Foreign Freed-Men's Aid Society, at so important and promising a crisis. We feel satisfied that when relieved from the great strain of the prosecutions, practical attention will be given so as to secure an impartial independent and effective organ in the FREEDMAN, to which all parties interested in the progress of the race may look with respect and confidence for full information, sound principles and the spirit of true freedom combined with charity and moderation. We feel it will be sufficient to remind our friends that at present it is the duty of all to continue to hold aloft the standard—our hands are not yet weak, and we look with certainty for prompt and generous support and hearty co-operation.


We approach a very interesting and important juncture in the work for the protection, guidance and help of the millions of Freed-men. It is impossible that however needy they can be sustained permanently from the hand of charity by friends at a distance, and without care there is reason to fear that the work may be relinquished under the impression that little remains to be accomplished. If unfaithful at this moment we might lose the "full reward" to be attained by earnest perseverance. We have the assurance that all our sincere friends will see this clearly. The history of previous philanthropic movements have shewn that on the subsidence of interest and the retirement of benevolent helpers from the field there has been a terrible renewal of injury and oppression. Acts of cruelty have been repeated and more fearful wrongs have been committed— because it was known that the excitement on the part of anti-slavery friends had passed away—not to be easily renewed. We hope that former experience will prove admonitory and that at least a sufficient number of faithful adherents to the cause will continue at the post of observation to watch over the entire field, gradually to form a healthy public opinion, and to give the assurance to the entire race of the Freed-men that their true condition shall be fairly represented, that they may have the fullest encouragement to enter on the course of improvement. We begin now to hear from every quarter of the field, that the organization of the British and Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society is "just what is wanted." The more intelligent of the Freed-men say "We had lost confidence in Great Britain and our people might soon have become reckless—but if you will watch over our interests in London-communicate with the governmentand give us moral support and protection- we shall gain heart and in a little time you will find that we will ourselves sustain the Society." How much then may depend on the supply of pecuniary means at the Bazaar, or by early contributions. It is the best hour with all who take an interest in the cause. We must not rely on the sympathy of the general public, but try by personal effort to enlist the aid of friends. Possibly some who receive the FREED-MAN may from inadvertence pass over the subject, because pre-occupied with other matters. We must try therefore to stir up all our circle of acquaintance at this time. If those who cannot be present at the Bazaar would pass round the circular or magazine and ask shilling donations, this would be helpful. Money is just now essential for the preservation of the Society and its success. A young friend says, "I will go round to all my friends and the tradespeople here to obtain articles and contributions for the Bazaar, if you will send me circulars."

This is just the course to take. We send out the FREED-MAN early, that all may be apprized in time, the Hanover Rooms are well known, contributions are coming from America, Jamaica, Africa, as well as from our friends at home. There is life and energy; let it increase in every visit they pay, in every letter they write; let our friends remember the Bazaar, and let the appointment for the

May 1, 1867.

first and second of May be nobly kept. This will give gladness and strength to the friends of the Society, and send a reviving ray of hope to millions for the days to come.

Mr. Craft is arrived from Dahomey-he will help us—and we hope to see the grand-daughters of Bishop Crowther with us at the Bazaar: once more then we say, be in earnest, and the satisfaction of all will be complete.

their own prayers for liberty, while none the less earnest are the desires of their hearts, that their old masters may see the error of their ways, and be forgiven by their Lord; as they have forgiven them already for their cruelties to themselves. With minds so clothed, very rapid is the progress made by them on their Heavenly journey, eagerly longing to be able to read the Bible, and then be possessed of a copy. I trust the ladies may be satisfied with the disposition made of their gift, for which let me also add my thanks, and believe me to remain their friend in the cause, JOEL CADBURY, JUN., Chairman of Clothing Committee of F. F. A.

THE following note has been received by the Rev. W. Tyler, in acknowledgment of the work provided by the sewing circle for which the British and Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society furnished the needful grant.-Office of Friends Freed-men's Association, Philadelphia, 2nd Month, 15th, 1867.-To W. Tyler, Respected Friend,-I have delayed writing to thank the ladies of the Mile End New Town Congregational Church, for the Cask of clothing sent for the Freed-men, through the Birmingham and Midland Association, until it should have been forwarded to the point where its contents would be distributed, of which I am now glad to be able to advise them. It was not received by the above Association until the early part of the summer, and, with many other similar packages was carefully stored away for use when the present winter should bring the cold winds and the sharp frosts, common in this country. It so remained till within the past week, when a request for the character of supplies such as this cask contained, was received from George Dixon, the superintendent of Schools under this Association, for the State of North Carolina, and to his care it was sent at once, to have the contents distributed by teachers in one or more of the school districts in his sections. The gratitude of these poor people for the supplies that have been sent them from time to time is represented as being sincere and heartfelt, mingled with thanks to the God of their former trust, that He has continued to watch over them, and not permit them to be utterly cast down. The simple faith of these people is instructive, and very touching is it to be present at their meetings, when in quaint, untutored language, they MRS. COBB, the pardon broker, still lives and pour out their petitions to the Throne of flourishes; and she secured a pardon for a Grace for a blessing on those who have done rebel on President Johnson's own order, on so much for them, and for the granting of the seventh of last month.

TAMSEY JORDAN.-A Freed-woman offers a reward of twenty-five dollars to anybody who will assist her in getting back her son, Bryant Jordan, a coloured boy, who went off with the Fifteenth Army Corps when they came through Georgia. He is about sixteen years old; is of a ginger-cake colour; carries his head thrown back when he walks, and has some deficiency in the movements of his eyes. Tamsey may be addressed at Davisborough, Ga., Central Railroad, and she requests all humane papers to copy her advertisement.

A FACT FOR NEGRO HATERS.-It is a singular fact, and will be memorable hereafter, that one of the first political acts of the coloured citizens of South Carolina was to recommend a repeal of the law disfranchising their rebel masters.-Boston Commonwealth.


at the present time to sustain us in o important work. As friends and ad

OUR pages are open to communications bearing visers of the coloured people, our on the present condition and claims of the influence is extending all over the


The Freed-Man.

MAY, 1867.

world. The "Freed-Man" now circulates among the coloured people themselves by hundreds where formerly we only circulated tens. This alone is very cheering. We have been also enabled to present to her Majesty's Government

THE NEED AND CLAIMS OF OUR for consideration important matters connected with the interests of the


In the transition state of the freed Freed-men. We are grateful to be able coloured population of our world, it to say, that our representations have must be manifest upon a little reflec- been received with courtesy and attention, that such a body as the "British tion. What the Society needs is an and Foreign Freed-Men's Aid Society" increase of annual subscribers, and is much needed. The Freed-men need some large donations from the more relief, advice and protection. Through wealthy friends of the negro. At the the various agencies in this country present time we urge this matter esaid, which has proved a priceless boon, pecially as one of the utmost importance has been sent to the Freed-men of the to the efficient and successful action of United States of America. We wish the Society. this relief had been much larger than Our friends may also do much by it has been, and we regret that up to affording the Ladies' Committee their the present period but comparatively patronage and help. The Bazaar is now few of our countrymen have responded fixed for April 30th and May 1st and 2nd, to the appeals made for help. It is, at Hanover Square Rooms. We plead however, counsel and advice that the for the lady friends of the Society, who Freed-men now especially need in every have exerted themselves with a most part of the world. To be influential laudable industry for this interesting and beneficial, it must come from those effort to aid the funds of the Society. who feel interested in their welfare. The appeal for Mrs. Moseley's schools The power exerted for good by the is most urgent and pressing. That friends of the negro in the United States, lady, the widow of the late Chief Justice from Chief Justice Chase and General at the West Coast, is anxious to return Howard down to the teacher of the to the Cape Coast Castle as soon as humblest school, has been immense. possible. If all our friends will help Why has this been? Because the negro us now our sanguine expectations will knows well that the help and the advice be more than realized. We do thereextended to them have been, not by foes, fore most urgently appeal to the friends but by kind, firm and zealous friends. of the Society for the utmost assistance We appeal to philanthropists in England in their power at the present season.

May 1, 1867.



influences, receiving aid from the Baptist,

GREENE HUBBARD, ESQ., CAM- Wesleyan, and Moravian missionaries, many
of whom have laboured with great fidelity
and devotion for the welfare of the people.

The last number of the New Englander contains an article on the Insurrection in Jamaica, by Mr. Hubbard, worthy of attention. The following extracts will indicate its general character.


1st Those working regularly on the estates, living and depending on them for support.

2nd Those having no regular employment. 3rd Those who own and live upon their small farms.

The first-class is found only in those portions of the islands where sugar estates are still worked, they live to a great extent in barracks, men and women herding together, they are extremely ignorant and degraded, retaining the vices of slavery without gaining the virtues of freedom.

The second-class have thrown off their dependence on the estates, but are more lazy than either of the other classes, not being obliged to work with the first, nor stimulated to labour with the third; owning no land, they are shiftless and improvident, and paying their rent irregularly or not at all, they are forced to wander from place to place, working occasionally and stealing when too lazy to work. They are a curse to the land, and dangerous alike to white and black. less this system of petty thieving can be checked the industrious will be discouraged, and idleness and profligacy must increase.


The first class, we have said, live upon the sugar estates, these estates are managed by attorneys or overseers for absentee proprietors; the labourers are overworked and ill paid; the wages are often witheld, or raid but in part, large deductions being made for alleged unfaithfulness. It was on these estates that the insurrection commenced and spread.

The coloured population steadily increased even while the blacks and whites were diminishing. Many of the offices of government and of the judiciary are filled by them, they are heard in the pulpit, and at the bar, are consulted as physicians and surgeons. Among the most celebrated and talented men of Jamaica are the Hon. Richard Hill; Hon. P. Moncrief, Judge of the highest court; Hon. E. Jordan, C. B., Governors' Secretary and Mayor of Kingston; Hon. A. Hyslop, Attorney General and Member of the Executive Council; and Dr. Scott, of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; all of whom are coloured gentlemen.

"Poor Jamaica" Her island princes are ruined, her "great houses" are deserted, her immense estates are broken up, her exports are greatly diminished, her warehouses are vacant, the descendants of those who rode through her streets, their horses shod with silver, walk through the land in poverty. Many of her largest "sugar works" are abandoned and the busy slave is superseded by the idle vagabond!

The third class are the most numerous nearly three-quaaters of the whole black popBut there is another side to the picture. ulation. Their small farms are scattered all over the island, excepting among the large The immense estates are broken up, but little They raise a little sugar, farms are cultivated by freemen; the great sugar estates. coffee and pimento, and own many small houses are abandoned, but the slave barracks, sugar mills. Their cabins are more comfort- where men and women herded together, have able, the marriage relation is more respected, given place to thatched cottages, which husthefts and petty vices are less frequent, they band and wife and children call home. The wish to educate their children, and have some exports of sugar and coffee, grown by rich desire to improve their condition in life. They planters are diminished, but many a little mill are the small farmers, and upon their eleva- worked by hand turns out its hogshead of tion the island must depend for its future sugar, and many a barrel of coffee, with wealth and prosperity. They have elevated baskets of oranges and bananas, and bags of themselves in spite of unfavourable laws and cocoa, gathered by wife and children, find

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