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o'clock on Monday morning we also had worship; on Monday evening also, and Tuesday, so it has been quite an interesting time, and we trust much good is already done. Mr. Warren, late of America, one of those seeking a rest here, is the temporary pastor, and he seems just the right man in the right place, under present circumstances. We need an assistant teacher, bibles, tracts, thymn books, and school books. . . . We have determined on three principal stations, two of which are already established in St. Thomas-in-the-East; this has been a neglected and dark part. May the Lord impart light and life, and to His name shall be great glory. The St. Andrew's Mission is doing well, you will be glad to hear.

"We have been praying for you, and for the success of missions, and for the Divine blessing on all the present meetings (the May meetings) in England, as well as for the success of truth in America. We are sure that our God hears and answers prayers, and we will call on Him continually.

"Secondly, I have been also actively engaged in parochial and private business, we trust rendered more solid by our entire dependence on the Divine blessing. . . . You know what I have to contend with, and yet I don't grow weary nor lose courage. The Lord sustains his most tried pilgrim, and he must press onward, doing good in the midst of evil. The harvest is great. 0, may the Lord of the harvest send forth labourers into the harvest. At Rural Hill and Manchioneal, and Linstead, the people are left in a melancholy state; they rest much on my mind at present. . . . I have had a world of trouble to go through; I am yet fighting. Wave after wave rolls over me, yet why should a living man complain? You know I have dealt much in faith, and I have found the Lord faithful, so I trust have you, therefore fail not. Look in what a community I move; think of the wiles and fiery darts of Satan, and then pray for me. O, I never felt the want of prayer so much as at present. I have to implore the mercy of my offended Heavenly Father. He will correct me, and purge me, but he will not forsake me. Love to dear sister, may the Lord

increase her faith.

"With love, and affectionate remembrances to Mrs. F. and the dear little ones,

Believe me, my dear brother,
Yours in the best bonds,


Mr. Gordon was a man of boundless hospitality; his house was the home and resting-place of the sick and weariel missionary. We are indebted to one who received his kind intentions for the following discriminating estimate of his character. The Rev. H. Renton, of Kelso, says,-"The first time I met him (Mr. Gordon) was at the close of forenoon worship in the Rev. W. Watson's church, Kingston (United Presbyterian), on the first Lord's day of May, 1855, when I was introduced to him and Mrs. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Roxburg, Mr. W. W. Anderson, and others of similar standing, who, with Mrs. Watson and

her daughter, remained to conduct the Sabbath school, and I was struck wi the fine spectacle of those of highest intelligence and social position in the er gregation devoting themselves to that service, and led thereby to form a ver favourable impression of their own Christianity. That impression was er firmed, as regarded Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, on a visit to Cherry Gardens a days after, where I spent two nights, and where all I saw of him correspons with what Mr. Watson had told me of his active, earnest, generous, and go character.

"On returning to Kingston in January, 1856, I accepted his kind and pressit. invitation to spend a few days and enjoy the mountain scenery, which in an ecursion to Newcastle on my former visit had so enchanted me by its mag cence and beauty. But a severe illness shortly after my arrival led to detention for several weeks and brought me into such close and confiden contact with my host and his amiable and accomplished wife, as afforded the opportunity of knowing them more intimately than friends commonly à each other after the social intercourse of many years. When my condition most critical he sat up with me by night, and Mrs. Gordon rarely left my side by day. The bed-room had one entrance from the drawing-room, 2 during my confinement he every morning, before starting for Kingston, miles distant, conducted family worship by my bedside, no other than M Gordon being in the room, while the door stood open into the drawing-ro where the servants and others were assembled. His prayers, simple, app priate, fervent, had to me all the charm of true devotion.



"The sacred fellowship of that season established mutual confidence, and on my convalescence he talked unreservedly upon all things which occupied mind. I found that he was immersed in business as a merchant and as planter, and thought that he had far too many things, and especially far to many Jamaica estates in hand. He had an ardent temperament and a vigore and elastic constitution. He both undertook and overtook a vast amount work. Nor were his interest and energy less in public, benevolent, and religio causes, than in his own secular concerns. I never knew a man who seeme to me actuated by more honourable and unselfish and pure motives. He had a enthusiastic admiration of the British Constitution, and an exalted estimate the dignity, rights, and privileges of British citizenship. He attributed corrupt local administration, and to the corrupt state of a large portion of the white society in Jamaica, the counteraction and failure of the beneficial design and legitimate fruits of British legislation, and mentioned to me various men position whom he had to meet with courtesy in public and business affairs, but whose household thresholds he would scorn to cross, and whom he would n admit within his own. He thought for himself on every matter, was very reliant, and what he judged right he did without heed of opposition or



is defect seemed to me impulsiveness, which, in the ardour and generosity his nature, was apt to lead him to engage or undertake what it might be very nbarrassing or difficult for him to fulfil. He was the natural enemy of injustice d immorality in every form, and in every quarter, and publicly and privately enounced both unsparingly, wherever obtruded in act or principle. In such a ɔmmunity it was inevitable that he should have many enemies. But I never new a man more candid to opponents, or less disposed to take offence at pposition or more free of malevolence towards his bitterest foes; he harboured no ersonal ill-will, and on reading or referring to the vituperation of any of them, ould say, 'Poor man, he is to be pitied, I forgive him.' The christian spirit welt in him, and I had often been struck to observe with what readiness, riousness, and zest, after the conversation had been engrossed with political r secular topics, he would turn to the spiritual, and evince that in the truths nd promises of the Gospel he found his rest and refreshment. On parting with Ir. and Mrs. Gordon, I felt, as I have felt on every remembrance of that visit, at had I been their brother I could not have been treated with greater kindess and confidence by either, and of both I had a high estimate, intellectually, orally, and spiritually."

We reserve the examination of the charges made against Mr. Gordon to our next.


The contributions sent for the Bazaar more than realized in quantity, richness nd variety the expectations of the Ladies' Committee. The room in Hanover quare was well filled with stalls laden with articles worthy of attention from eir intrinsic value and the skill and taste employed in their production. We ave not an account of the different contributions, but if this can be furnished ithout omissions that might cause the appearance of partiality we shall be glad o give at the close of the effort a full report.

The zeal, unanimity and perseverance of the friends who undertook the superntendence of the bazaar entitle them to our warmest thanks. It was worth the rouble to call forth such a demonstration of the kind and enlightened interest aken in the cause of the Freed-men. Whatever may be the want of sympathy on the part of some, it has been shown in a way not to be mistaken that there re many who understand the nature and the necessity of the work to be done, nd who are willing to put forth the most strenuous effort in support of the British and Foreign Freed-Men's Aid Society. This is no small gain, and the ecollection of the devotedness manifested in the Hanover Rooms cheers us in no small degree. In the unavoidable absence of Lord A. Churchill, Mr. Estcourt naugurated the Bazaar in a few pertinent and encouraging observations, and set an example of kindness and noble liberality. He will read these lines probably n Jamaica, and we trust it will strengthen him in the important work he has undertaken to know that he is remembered with sentiments of the most affec-. ionate esteem, and that his friends fervently pray for his continual preservation, growing success and safe return.

Mr. Craft, who has recently returned from the kingdom of Dahomey, greatly interested the audience collected at the Bazaar by his comprehensive statemen The Archbishop of Armagh, who presided at a public meeting held in same building, commended our object, and in anwer to many enquiries, we ha an opportunity to give information respecting the British and Foreign Freed-me Aid Society, which we are sure will not be lost.

From various temporary causes the attendance of purchasers at the Bazzz was not so large as might have been anticipated. The expenses of accomm dation and of advertising in London is exceedingly heavy. We did not there! feel justified in continuing the Bazaar longer in London, though many were opinion that much would have been gained by a few additional days. Our Ladie Committee were unanimously of opinion that the wiser and more benefi course would be to adjourn the Bazaar to Brighton The collection of articles is so superior, the materials good, and the work so creditable, that all believe will be freely purchased by persons of benevolent feeling and good taste. W are resolved that the kindness of our contributors shall not be thrown awa Nothing has been disposed of at random, or below its value. We shall act good faith towards all, and we are still open to fresh contributions.

WHAT HAVE WE TO DO WITH THE the history of civilization. We want o


friends to furnish the incidents that wo Is not Canada rich in resources of every place the settlements of the Freed-men in the kind, and able to give security for a loan of country in the true light. In the meanwhi three millions of money? Do not the blacks we must be content to furnish a few partic earn four shillings for a day's work, whilst they lars. The fugitives from slavery in the firs. are able to live at the rate of a shilling a day? instance gained little material advantage fr Are there not Government schools for all who reaching British soil. They sought it b will avail themselves of them? Why spend ever amid a thousand difficulties and at the a penny, or waste a thought on the blacks in hourly peril of their lives. As they came fro Canada? We are not sorry that these ques-slavery at a time when it was a crime to rea tions are put, except it may be for the of necessity they were uninstructed and unconscious animus they betray. The material sources of Canada we believe are great, but unless there has been a miraculous change since we visited the province they remain to be developed in their full extent. All religious societies have had to look to the mother country for aid in the extension of missions; the proximity of wealth is not always an advantage to the poor. Within a mile of the Bank of England, without the care of the benevolent, many might perish in hopeless destitution. We must not however lose our

selves in general observations. An impartial account of the black and coloured people in Canada if it could be written in full would form one of the most interesting chapters in

shiftless-they had to encounter the most in-
veterate prejudice of colour. Their ear
friends and patrons were not a little dis
couraged and disappointed in their first efforts.
Perhaps they assumed too much in the wa
of management and control. But in the course
of time there was a change of the most marked
and cheering kind. It began in a very simple
manner with the judicious and disinterested
efforts of the Rev. W. King, a
minister who bought land and located upon
a party of liberated slaves. He gave the best
attention in his power to their educational
social and religious improvement and reaped
in the end a rich reward. He was seconded
in his noble work by Mr. Archibald McKellar.

When the anti-negro party remonstrated with subject." Think of that! a black man talking im for caring for the fugitives as men and of the necessity of education to enable him ot as mere chattels, Mr. McKellar said, "I to exercise the rights, and to fulfil the duties tand in this matter on the British Constitu- of a British subject. He has to say, "I am a tion; the law recognizes no distinction between persons of different colour, and until that law 3 repealed apart from any higher duty of hunanity, I shall make no distinction." When Ir. Jones, the representative of his coloured brethren crosses the border he will find that s Scotland to her honour stood by his race at that time she will befriend his people now, nd none the less because of the contemptuous avils of some who have a lingering notion hat slavery somehow was a blessing, though some of the ministers in the Southern States ised to speak of "working out the curse of Ham in a considerate way." If they flogged he negro they did it in a christian spirit.

citizen of no mean city," and I must be trained to act a part worthy of the immunities I have received." "If not," a few are beginning to say, "we must return to America. There we shall have the suffrage and the aid of Mr. Peabody's grant." All this no doubt will greatly shock the feelings of those who have no idea of the destiny of the black man higher than that of "living at the cost of a shilling a day." But if we had to invest any. thing in the loan of three millions, we should think the security far greater if the means of improvement were generously afforded to the 100,000 Freed-men on the frontier of Canada, who are sober, industrious, and deeply interested in the welfare of the destitute thousands, who since emancipation have come to the homes of their kindred from which before they were sundered by the most cruel bondage. Timely help and encouragement will prove the means of cheap defence to Canada.

There are government schools in Canada, but not available as they might be to the Freed-men. The coloured people occupy tracts of country that are thinly populated because their land is cheap. The government schools are not placed in situations therefore suited to their convenience. When the child- Whatever the bird's-eye view of statesmen ren of the freed-men first applied for admission may lead them to suppose to the contrary, let they were refused. They tried the question the example of the "first families in Virginia" in the courts of law and gained their rights, be a warning. Their "people" that used but prejudice still overrides the statutes. It to cultivate their fields are making rapid was ordered that black and white children strides on their way to Texas. A Canadian should be taught under the same roof-this direction was followed but in evasion of the law a partition was placed between the dif. ferent classes of children, and a distinction was made in the character of the education given. "Very right too," many we fear will say.

member of parliament said years ago, that the negroes were fit for nothing but to be shipped off to some distant islands belonging to China. He uttered this proud sentiment when the black people were poor weak and downtrodden. By their own efforts they saved money to buy small freeholds, and became qualified as such to vote as the majority of his constituents.

The intelligent Freed-men are of a different opinion; they are influenced by no mean and selfish ambition. They elect white men to The Canadian Freed-men cherish no resentrepresent them in Parliament, and their ments but they have long memories. In loyalty is indisputable. But they say and due time they asked their Parliamentary as we think with credit to themselves, we candidate if he recollected his disparaging desire to contribute to the strength and speech. His party hissed the troublesome prosperity of the country in which we first voter, who put the unwelcome question. breathed the air of freedom. To adopt their "No," said the irrepressible negro, own words: "Education is necessary in a distinct answer." "I said that then," replied order to succeed in their new homes. They the candidate, "but I do not repeat the sentimust have a knowledge of the country, its ment now." He was sent from the hustings government and laws, as well as a knowledge into retirement for seven years, and there he of the rights and obligations of a British is likely to remain.

we want

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