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9. Does the association charge annual or other periodical dues or admission fees?

How much of each one thousand dollars, annually or per capita, as the case may be.

11. Total amount received, from what sources, and the disposition thereof.

12. Total amount of salaries paid to officers.

Does the association guarantee, in its certificates, fixed amounts to be paid, regardless of amount realized from assessments, dues, admission fees and donations?

14. If so, state amount guaranteed, and the security of such guarantee.

15. Has the association a reserve fund?

16. If so, how is it created, and for what purpose, the amount thereof, and how invested.

17. Has the association more than one class?

18. If so, how many, and the amount of indemnity in each. 19. Number of members in each class.

20. If voluntary, so state, and give date of organization. 21. If organized under the laws of this State, under what law, and at what time; giving chapter and year and date of passage of the act.

22. If organized under the laws of any other state, province or territory, state such fact and the date of organization, giving chapter and year and date of passage of the act.

23. Number of certificates of beneficiary membership lapsed during the year.

24. Number in force at beginning and end of year; if more than one class, number in each class.

25. Names and addresses of its president, secretary and treasurer, or corresponding officers.

The Commissioner of Insurance is authorized and empowered to address any additional inquiries to any such association in relation to its doings or condition, or any other matter connected with its transaction relative to the business contemplated by this act, and such officers of such association as the Com

missioner of Insurance may require shall promptly reply in writing, under oath, to all such inquiries. (L. '01, Sec. 5, P. 358.)

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Each such association now doing business or hereafter admitted to do business in this State and not having its principal office within this State, and not being organized under the laws of this State, shall appoint, in writing, the Commissioner of Insurance and his successors in office to be its true and lawful attorney, upon whom all lawful process in any action or proceeding against it must be served, and in such writing shall agree that any lawful process against it which is served on said attorney, shall be of the same legal force and validity as if served upon the association, and that the authority shall continue in force so long as any liability remains outstanding in this State. Copies of such certificate, certified by said Commissioner of Insurance, shall be deemed sufficient evidence thereof, and shall be admitted in evidence with the same force and effect as the original thereof might be admitted. Service upon such attorney shall be deemed sufficient service upon such association.

When legal process against any such association is served upon said Commissioner of Insurance, he shall immediately notify the association of such service by letter, prepaid and directed to its secretary or corresponding officer, and shall within two days after such service forward in the same manner a copy of the process served on him to such officer. The plaintiff in such process so served shall pay to the Commissioner of Insurance at the time of such service a fee of $3, which shall be recovered by him as part of the taxable costs, if he prevails in the suit. The Commissioner of Insurance shall keep a record of all processes served upon him, which record shall show the day and hour when such service was made. (L. '01, Sec. 6, P. 360.)



The Commissioner of Insurance of this State shall, upon the application of any association having the right to do business

within this State, as provided by this act, issue to such association a permit in writing, authorizing such association to do business within this State, for which certificate and all proceedings in connection therewith, such association shall pay to said Commissioner the fee of $5. (L. '01, Sec. 7, P. 361.) 301. FORMATION OF BENEFICIARY ASSOCIATIONS.

Any number of persons, not less than ten, residents of the State of Washington, and citizens of the United States, may form a fraternal beneficiary society, order or association, for the purposes set forth in this act, by filing in the office of Insurance Commissioner a declaration signed by each of the corporators and duly acknowledged before an officer authorized under the laws of this State to take acknowledgments, and shall therein express their intention of forming a fraternal beneficiary society, order or association for beneficiary purposes, which said declaration shall also contain the proposed name of the society, order or association, which shall not be the same as, nor too closely resemble, the name of any other society, order or association, organized under the laws of this State or doing business in this State; the mode and manner in which the powers granted by this act are to be exercised; the place of doing business fully and clearly defined; the limit as to age of applicant or beneficiary membership, which shall not exceed fifty years, and that medical examinations are required of members for life benefits; the name and official titles of the officers, trustees, directors, representatives or other persons, by whatsoever name or title designated, who are to have and exercise the general control and management of its affairs and all its funds, who shall be elected after the first year by representatives chosen by subordinate lodges, councils or bodies, or grand lodges, grand councils or bodies, as the laws of the society, order or association may provide, who shall be members of such society, order or association. Such first officers of any such society, order or association, shall not hold office longer than one year unless reelected by a majority of the members thereof. (L. '01, Sec. 8, P. 361.)



Such associations shall not employ paid agents in soliciting or procuring members, except in the organization or building up of subordinate bodies or granting members inducements to procure new members. (L. '01, Sec. 9, P. 362.)



No contract with any such association shall be valid when there is a contract, agreement or understanding between the member and the beneficiary that the beneficiary or any person for him shall pay such member's assessments or dues, or either of them. (L. '01, Sec. 10, P. 362.)


The money or other benefit, charity, relief or aid to be paid, provided or rendered by any association authorized to do business under this act, shall not be liable to attachment by trustee, garnishee or other process, and shall not be seized, taken, appropriated or applied by any legal or equitable process, or by operation of law, to pay any debt or liability of a certificate holder or of any beneficiary named in a certificate, or any person who may have any rights thereunder. (L. '01, Sec. 11, P. 362.) 305.


No association not admitted to transact business within this State prior to the passage of this act shall be incorporated or given a permit or certificate of authority to transact business within this State, as provided for by this act, unless it shall first show that the mortuary assessment rates, provided for in whatever plan of business it has adopted, are not lower than is indicated as necessary by the following mortality table:

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Any such association, organized under the laws of this State, may provide for the meetings of its legislative or governing body in any other state, province or territory, wherein such association shall have subordinate bodies, and all business transacted at such meeting shall be valid in all respects, as if such meetings were held within the state, and where the laws of any such association provide for the election of its officers by votes to be cast in its subordinate bodies, the votes so cast in its subordinate bodies in any other state, province or territory, shall be valid as if cast within this State. (L. '01, Sec. 13, P. 363.)

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