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despair for the patient. How eagerly each watches the doctor's face for a ray of hope! If the fever patient gets encouragement his parched tongue immediately moistens, his eye brightens, and his hot, dry skin becomes moist and cool. No drug could have wrought such magic as that one ray of hope. Nothing has touched the patient, an idea, a sentiment only, and yet he is completely transformed. Yet if the doctor but shake his head in doubt, the secretions stop, and the cold, clammy sweat appears. Despair settles over the patient's face; all the centres of life's energy are depressed.


Raphael could not paint the face of Christ with Judas for a model. Phidias could not call an angel from the marble while he had a fiend in his mind. A flaw in the thought will appear in the statue. We can never accomplish anything great without a high ideal, and can we expect to gain that exquisite poise, that rhythmic pose which we call health, and which a thousand conditions must be met to produce, while we have a defective ideal in the mind? How can I keep the mind's atmosphere clear and pure when I fill it with the miasma of suicide and crime from sensational publications. Every thought tends to reproduce itself, and ghastly mental pictures of disease, sensuality, and murder produce scrofula and leprosy in the soul, which reproduces them in the body. The mind devours everything that is brought to it, the true, the false, the good, the bad, and it will produce soundness or rottenness, beauty or deformity, harmony or discord, truth or error, according to the quality of the food we give it.

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"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." The body is moulded and fashioned by the thought. If a young woman were to try to make herself beautiful, she would not begin by contemplating ugliness, or dwelling upon the monstrosities of vice, for their hideous images would be reproduced in her own face and manners.

Nor would she try to make herself graceful by practicing awkwardness. We can never gain health by contemplating disease any more than we can reach perfection by dwelling upon imperfection, or harmony through discord.

We should keep a high ideal of health and harmony constantly before the mind; and we should fight every discordant thought and every enemy of harmony as we would fight a temptation to crime. Never affirm or repeat about your health what you do not wish to be true. Do not dwell upon your ailments nor study your symptoms. Never allow yourself to be convinced that you are not complete master of yourself. Stoutly affirm your own superiority over bodily ills, and do not acknowledge yourself the slave of an inferior power.

I would teach children early to build a strong barrier between themselves and disease by healthy habits of thought, high thinking, and purity of life. I would teach them to expel all thoughts of death, all images of disease, all discordant emotions, like hatred, malice, revenge, envy, and sensuality, as they would banish a temptation to do evil. I would teach them that bad. food, bad drink, or bad air makes bad blood, that bad blood makes bad tissue, and bad flesh bad morals. I would teach them that healthy thoughts are as essential to healthy bodies as pure thoughts to a clean life. I would teach them to cultivate a strong will power, and to brace themselves against life's enemies in every possible way. I would teach the sick to have hope, confidence, cheer. Our thoughts and imaginations are the only real limits to our possibilities. No man's success or health will ever reach beyond his own confidence, as a rule, we erect our own barriers. Like produces like the universe through. Hatred, envy, malice, jealousy, and revenge all have children. Every bad thought breeds others, and each of these goes on and on, ever reproducing itself, until a world is peopled with their offspring.

The true physician and parent of the future will not medicate the body with drugs so much as the mind with principles. The coming mother will teach her child to assuage the fever of anger, hatred, malice, with the great panacea of the world, Love. The coming physician will teach the people to cultivate cheerfulness, good-will, and noble deeds for a health-tonic as well as a heart-tonic; and that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

Something of the miraculous power of Christ, no doubt, was due to his superior moral, mental, and physical harmony. He seems to have been sent into the world to show the possibilities of a perfect manhood, eliminated of inherited or acquired weaknesses, which so limit and cripple other lives. There was a superb harmony in his moral and mental as well as spiritual touch which banished the physical discord of disease. He demonstrated the superiority of a perfect physical. system over the petty ills and discords which haunt the inferior physique; the superiority of mind over matter, the supremacy of a rounded manhood over the discords and limitations of inferior development. He showed that a healthy body tends to make a healthy soul, and that a healthy soul tends to produce a harmonious body. He illustrated the uplifting, purifying, and sustaining power of the mind over the body.

The mind has undoubted power to preserve and sustain physical youth and beauty, to keep the body strong and healthy, to renew life, and to preserve it from decay, many years longer than it does now. The longest lived men and women have, as a rule, been those who have attained great mental and moral development. They have lived in the upper region of a higher life, beyond the reach of much of the jar, the friction, and the discords which weaken and shatter most lives.

He who would live to a good old age, who would carry youth and freshness, symmetry and beauty, of

mind and body into ripe years, must have a cultured heart, an educated mind, and a well kept body. He must be temperate and virtuous; he must not defile the temple of his soul with vice or imbrute it with sensuality. The mind is the natural protector of the body. We cannot believe that the Creator has left the whole human race entirely at the mercy of only about half a dozen specific drugs which always act with certainty. There is a divine remedy placed within us for many of the ills we suffer. If we only knew how to use this power of will and mind to protect ourselves, many of the physicians would be out of employment, and many of us would be able to carry youth and cheerfulness with us into the teens of our second century.

The true physician and parent of the future will not medicate the body with drugs so much as the mind with principles. The coming mother will teach her child to assuage the fever of anger, hatred, malice, with the great panacea of the world, Love. The coming physician will teach the people to cultivate cheerfulness, good-will, and noble deeds for a health-tonic as well as a heart-tonic; and that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

Something of the miraculous power of Christ, no doubt, was due to his superior moral, mental, and physical harmony. He seems to have been sent into the world to show the possibilities of a perfect manhood, eliminated of inherited or acquired weaknesses, which so limit and cripple other lives. There was a superb harmony in his moral and mental as well as spiritual touch which banished the physical discord of disease. He demonstrated the superiority of a perfect physical system over the petty ills and discords which haunt the inferior physique; the superiority of mind over matter, the supremacy of a rounded manhood over the discords and limitations of inferior development. He showed that a healthy body tends to make a healthy soul, and that a healthy soul tends to produce a harmonious body. He illustrated the uplifting, purifying, and sustaining power of the mind over the body.

The mind has undoubted power to preserve and sustain physical youth and beauty, to keep the body strong and healthy, to renew life, and to preserve it from decay, many years longer than it does now. The longest lived men and women have, as a rule, been those who have attained great mental and moral development. They have lived in the upper region of a higher life, beyond the reach of much of the jar, the friction, and the discords which weaken and shatter most lives. . He who would live to a good old age, who would carry youth and freshness, symmetry and beauty, of

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