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prince-a hero a man in likeness of his maker.-Mrs. S. J. Hale.

Every man is a hero and an oracle to somebody, and to that person, whatever he says, has an enhanced value.--Emerson.

Dream not that helm and harness are signs of valor true.-Peace hath higher tests of manhood than battle ever knew. Whittier.

Take away ambition and vanity, and where will be your heroes and patriots?Seneca.

The greatest obstacle to being heroic is the doubt whether one may not be going to prove one's self a fool.-The truest heroism is to resist the doubt; and the profoundest wisdom to know when it ought to be resisted and when obeyed.-Hawthorne.

Unbounded courage and compassion joined proclaim him good and great, and make the hero and the man complete.Addison.

One murder makes a villain; millions a hero.-Bp. Porteus.

The world's battlefields have been in the heart chiefly; more heroism has been displayed in the household and the closet, than on the most memorable battlefields of history.-H. W. Beecher.

The heroes of mankind are the mountains, the highlands of the moral world.A. P. Stanley.

HISTORY.-History is philosophy teaching by example, and also by warning; its two eyes are geography and chronology. History is but the unrolled scroll of prophecy.-Garfield.

All history is a lie.-Sir R. Walpole.

History is a voice forever sounding across the centuries the laws of right and wrong. Opinions alter, manners change, creeds rise and fall, but the moral law is written on the tablets of eternity.-Froude.

When Frederic the Great would have his secretary read history to him, he would say, "Bring me my liar."

History is little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind.-Gibbon.

History is but a kind of Newgate calendar, a register of the crimes and miseries that man has inflicted on his fellow-man.Washington Irving.

History is but the development and revela tion of providence.-Kossuth.

We read history through our prejudices.
Wendell Phillips.

God is in the facts of history as truly as he

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is in the march of the seasons, the revolutions of the planets, or the architecture of the worlds.-J. Lanahan.

This I hold to be the chief office of history, to rescue virtuous actions from the oblivion to which a want of records would consign them, and that men should feel a dread of being considered infamous in the opinions of posterity, from their depraved expressions and base actions.- Tacitus.

An historian ought to be exact, sincere, and impartial; free from passion, unbiased by interest, fear, resentment, or affection; and faithful to the truth, which is the mother of history, the preserver of great actions, the enemy of oblivion, the witness of the past, the director of the future.

What is history but a fable agreed upon. -Napoleon.

What are all histories but God manifesting himself, shaking down and trampling under foot whatsoever he hath not planted.-Cromwell.

Truth is very liable to be left-handed in history.-A. Dumas.

History is neither more nor less than biography on a large scale.-Lamartine.

The best thing which we derive from history is the enthusiasm that it raises in us. -Goethe.

Grecian history is a poem; Latin history, a picture; modern history a chronicle.Chateaubriand.

If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us!-But passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience gives is a lantern on the stern which shines only on the waves behind us. -Coleridge.

The men who make history, have not time to write it.-Metternich.

We must consider how very little history there is; I mean real, authentic history.That certain kings reigned, and certain battles were fought, we can depend on as true; but all the coloring, all the philosophy of history is conjecture.-Johnson.

The impartiality of history is not that of the mirror, which merely reflects objects, but of the judge who sees, listens, and decides.-Lamartine.

Violent natures make history. The instruments they use almost always kill.Religion and philosophy have their vestments covered with innocent blood.-Doudan.

As in every human character so in every transaction there is a mixture of good and evil a little exaggeration, a little sup


pression, a judicious use of epithets, a watchful and searching skepticism with respect to the evidence on one side, a convenient credulity with respect to every report or tradition on the other, may casily make a saint of Laud, or a tyrant of Henry the Fourth.-Macaulay.

An old courtier, with veracity, good sense, and a faithful memory, is an inestimable treasure; he is full of transactions and maxims; in him one may find the history of the age, enriched with a great many curious circumstances, which we never meet with in books.---Bruyère.

History has its foreground and its background, and it is principally in the management of its perspective that one artist differs from another. Some events must be represented on a large scale, others diminished; the great majority will be lost in the dimness of the horizon, and a general idea of their joint effect will be given by a few slight touches.-Macaulay.

Each generation gathers together the imperishable children of the past, and increases them by new sons of light, alike radiant with immortality.-Bancroft.

Out of monuments, names, words, proverbs, traditions, private records and evidences, fragments of stories, passages of books, and the like, we do save and recover somewhat from the deluge of time.Bacon.

He alone reads history aright, who, observing how powerfully circumstances influence the feelings and opinions of men, how often vices pass into virtues, and paradoxes into axioms, learns to distinguish what is accidental and transitory in human nature from what is essential and immutable.-Macaulay.

All history is but a romance, unless it is studied as an example.-Croly.

To be entirely just in our estimate of other ages is not only difficult, but is impossible. Even what is passing in our presence we see but through a glass darkly. In historical inquiries the most instructed thinkers have but a limited advantage over. the most illiterate. Those who know the most approach least to agreement.Froude.

The more we know of history, the less shall we esteem the subjects of it; and to despise our species is the price we must too often pay for our knowledge of it.-Colton.

What is public history but a register of the successes and disappointments, the vices, the follies, and the quarrels of those who engage in contention for power.— Paley.

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There is nothing that solidifies and strengthens a nation like reading the nation's history, whether that history is recorded in books, or embodied in customs, institutions, and monuments.-J. Ander


It is when the hour of conflict is over, that history comes to a right understanding of the strife, and is ready to exclaim, "Lo, God is here, and we knew it not!"Bancroft.

Providence conceals itself in the details of human affairs, but becomes unveiled in the generalities of history.-Lamartine.

Every great writer is a writer of history, let him treat on what subject he may.-He carries with him, for thousands of years, a portion of his times.-Landlor.

Many historians take pleasure in putting into the mouths of princes what they have neither said nor ought to have said.-Voltaire.

We find but few historians who have been diligent enough in their search for truth. It is their common method to take on trust what they distribute to the public; by which means, a falsehood, once received from a famed writer, becomes traditional to posterity.-Dryden.

The present state of things is the consequence of the past; and it is natural to inquire as to the sources of the good we enjoy or the evils we suffer. If we act only for ourselves, to neglect the study of history is not prudent; if intrusted with the care of others, it is not just.-Johnson.

History is not, as it was once regarded, merely a liberal pursuit in which men found wholesome food for the imagination and sympathies; but now is a department of serious scientific investigation.-We study it in the hope of giving new precision definiteness, and solidity to the principles of political science.-J. R. Seeley.

The history of the past is a mere puppet show.-A little man comes out and blows a little trumpet, and goes in again.-You look for something new, and lo! another little man comes out and blows another little trumpet, and goes in again.-And it is all over.-Longfellow.

Not to know what has been transacted in former times is to be always a child.-If no use is made of the labors of past ages, the world must remain always in the infancy of knowledge.-Cicero.

Those who have employed the study of history, as they ought, for their instruction, for the regulation of their private manners, and the management of public


affairs, must agree with me that it is the most pleasant school of wisdom.-Dryden,

History maketh a young man to be old, without wrinkles or gray hairs, privileging him with the experience of age, without either the infirmities or inconveniences thereof.-Fuller.

Historians give us the extraordinary events, and omit just what we want, the every-day life of each particular time and country. Whately.

History needs distance, perspective. Facts and events which are too well attested cease, in some sort, to be malleable.Joubert.

History is the glass through which we may behold, with ancestral eyes, not only the various deeds of past ages and the old accidents that attend them, but also discern the different humors of men.-Howell.

History presents the pleasantest features of poetry and fiction-the majesty of the epic, the moving accidents of the drama, and the surprises and moral of the romance.- Willmott.

Biography is the only true history.Carlyle.

History makes us some amends for the shortness of life.-Skelton.

What are most of the histories of the world but lies?-Lies immortalized, and consigned over as a perpetual abuse and a flaw upon posterity.-South.

There is no part of history so generally useful as that which relates to the progress of the human mind, the gradual improvement of reason, the successive advances of science, the vicissitudes of learning and ignorance, the extinction and resuscitation of arts, and the revolutions of the intellectual world.-If accounts of battles and invasions are peculiarly the business of princes, the useful and elegant arts are not to be neglected, and those who have kingdoms to govern have understandings to cultivate.-Johnson.

History is the first distinct product of man's spiritual nature, his earliest expression of what can be called thought.-Carlyle.

We may gather out of history a policy no less wise than eternal, by the comparison and application of other men's forepast miseries with our own like errors and ill deservings. Sir W. Raleigh.

HOLIDAYS.-Who first invented work, and bound the free and holiday-rejoicing spirit down?-Lamb.

If all the year were playing holidays, to

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sport would be as tedious as to work; but when they seldom come, the wished for come.-Shakespeare.

The holiest of all holidays are those kept by ourselves in silence and apart, the secret anniversaries of the heart, when the full tide of feeling overflows.-Longfellow.

Let your holidays be associated with great public events, and they may be the life of patriotism as well as a source of relaxation and personal enjoyment.—Tryon Edwards.

Under the leaves, amid the grass, lazily the day shall pass, yet not be wasted. From my drowsy ease I borrow health and strength to bear my boat through the great life ocean.-Mackay.

HOLINESS.-Holiness is the symmetry of the soul.-Philip Henry.

A holy life is not an ascetic, or gloomy, or solitary life, but a life regulated by divine truth and faithful in Christian duty.It is living above the world while we are still in it. Tryon Edwards.

It must be a prospect pleasing to God to see his creatures forever drawing nearer to him by greater degrees of resemblance.Addison.

Blessed is the memory of those who have kept themselves unspotted from the world. -Yet more blessed and more dear the memory of those who have kept themselves unspotted in the world.-Mrs. Jameson.

Holiness is not the way to Christ, but Christ is the way to holiness.

Holiness is the architectural plan on which God buildeth up his living temple. -Spurgeon.

Our holy lives must win a new world's crown.-Shakespeare.

Holiness is religious principle put into action. It is faith gone to work.-It is love coined into conduct; devotion helping human suffering, and going up in intercession to the great source of all good.-F. D. Huntington.

If it be the characteristic of a worldly man that he desecrates what is holy, it should be of the Christian to consecrate what is secular, and to recognize a present and presiding divinity in all things.--Chal


Not all the pomp and pageantry of worlds reflect such glory on the eye supreme, as the meek virtues of one holy man.-R. Montgomery.

Everything holy is before what is unholy; guilt presupposes innocence, not the reverse.-Angels, but not fallen ones, were


created.-Man does not properly rise to the highest, but first sinks down from it, and then afterward rises again.-Richter.

The essence of true holiness consists in conformity to the nature and will of God. -Lucas.

Holiness consisteth not in a cowl or in a garment of gray.-When God purifies the heart by faith, the market is sacred as well as the sanctuary; neither remaineth there any work or place which is profane.-Luther.

Holiness in us, is the copy or transcript of the holiness that is in Christ.--As the wax hath line for line from the seal, and the child feature for feature from the father, so is holiness in us from him.-Philip Henry.

What Christianity most needs in her antagonism with every form of unbelief, is holy living.-Christlieb.

The beauty of holiness has done more, and will do more, to regenerate the world and bring in everlasting righteousness than all the other agencies put together.-It has done more to spread religion in the world, than all that has ever been preached or written on the evidences of Christianity.Chalmers.

A holy life is a voice; it speaks when the tongue is silent, and is either a constant attraction or a perpetual reproof.--Leighton.

The serene, silent beauty of a holy life is the most powerful influence in the world, next to the might of the Spirit of God.Pascal.

Real holiness has love for its essence, humility for its clothing, the good of others as its employment, and the honor of God as its end.-Emmons.

Holiness is what is loved by all the gods. It is loved because it is holy, and not holy because it is loved.--Plato.

There cannot be named a pursuit or enterprise of human beings, in which there is so little possibility of failure, as praying for sanctification.-J. W. Alexander.

HOME.-To Adam paradise was home. -To the good among his descendants, home is paradise.-Hare.

The first sure symptom of a mind in health, is rest of heart, and pleasure felt at home.-Young.

Without hearts there is no home.-Byron. Our home joys are the most delightful earth affords, and the joy of parents in their children is the most holy joy of humanity. It makes their hearts pure and

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good, it lifts men up to their Father in heaven.-Pestalozzi.

The first indication of domestic happiness is the love of one's home.-Montlosier.

A hundred men may make an encampment, but it takes a woman to make a home. -Chinese Proverb.

It was the policy of the good old gentleman to make his children feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and

value this delicious home-feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow.Washington Irving.

He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.-Goethe.

When home is ruled according to God's word, angels might be asked to stay with us, and they would not find themselves out of their element.-Spurgeon.

Home is the sphere of harmony and peace. The spot where angels find a resting place, when bearing blessings they descend to earth.-S. J. Hale.

Households there may be, well-ordered and abounding in comfort-families there may be, whose various members live in harmony and love-but homes, in their true sense, there cannot be where there is not one whom manly choice has made a wife and infant lips have learned to honor with the name of mother.-Dudley A. Tyng.

Home can never be transferred-never repeated in the experience of an individual. The place consecrated by paternal love, by the innocence and sports of childhood, and by the first acquaintance of the heart with nature, is the only true home.

What a man is at home, that he is indeed, if not to the world, yet to his own conscience and to God.-Philip.

The virtuous home is at the basis of all national prosperity.

Home is the resort of love, of joy, of peace, and plenty, where supporting and supported, polished friends and dearest relatives mingle into bliss.-Thomson.

It is indeed at home that every man must be known by those who would make a just estimate either of his virtue or felicity; for smiles and embroidery are alike occasional, and the mind is often dressed for show in painted honor and fictitious benevolence.-Johnson.

Any feeling that takes a man away from his home is a traitor to the household.H. W. Beecher.

If I keep my son at home for education, he is in danger of becoming my young master; if I send him abroad, it is scarce


possible to keep him from the reigning contagion of rudeness and vice. He will perhaps be more innocent at home, but more ignorant of the world and more sheepish when he comes abroad.-Locke.

The strength of a nation, especially of a republican nation, is in the intelligent and well-ordered homes of the people.Mrs. Sigourney.

It is very dangerous for any man to find any spot on this broad globe that is sweeter to him than his home.-H. W. Beecher.

Educating the homes we evangelize the world.

The homes of a nation are the bulwarks of personal and national safety and thrift. J. G. Holland.

Six things are requisite to create a "happy home." Integrity must be the architect, and tidiness the upholsterer. It must be warmed by affection, lighted up with cheerfulness; and industry must be the ventilator, renewing the atmosphere and bringing in fresh salubrity day by day; while over all, as a protecting canopy and glory, nothing will suffice except the blessing of God.-Hamilton.

To make men out of boys, and women out of girls, there is no place like home.-Character is not best formed in an apartment house, or in the fashionable hotel-no two years in the same place.

The sweetest type of heaven is home.-J. G. Holland.

At evening, home is the best place for man.-Goethe.

There is no happiness in life, and there is no misery, like that growing out of the dispositions which consecrate or desecrate a home.-E. H. Chapin.

The paternal hearth, that rallying place of the affections.- Washington Irving.

There is a magic in that little word, home; it is a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never known beyond its hallowed limits.-Southey.

A cottage, if God be there, will hold as much happiness as might stock a palace.J. Hamilton.

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.-Payne.

Home is the seminary of all other institutions.-E. H. Chapin.

The domestic relations precede, and, in our present existence, are worth more than all our other social ties.-They give the first throb to the heart and unseal the deep fountains of its love.-Home is the chief school of human virtue. Its responsi

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bilities, joys, sorrows, smiles, tears, hopes, and solicitudes form the chief interest of human life.-Channing.

A man is always nearest to his good when at home, and farthest from it when away.J. G. Holland.

Home, the spot of earth supremely blest, a dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.Montgomery.

Stint yourself, as you think good, in other things; but don't scruple freedom in brightening home. Gay furniture and a brilliant garden are a sight day by day, and make life blither.-Buxton.


To most men their early home is no more than a memory of their early years. image is never marred. There's no disappointment in memory, and one's exaggerations are always on the good side.-George Eliot.

A good home implies good living, which is also a means and a token of true culture, since without good living there can be no good thinking, and-I speak it reverently -no good praying; for mind and soul must have something healthy to go upon.-J. P. Thompson.

This fond attachment to the well-known place whence first we started into life's long race, maintains its hold with such unfailing sway, we feel it e'en in age, and at our latest day.-Cowper.

To be happy at home is the ultimate aim of all ambition; the end to which every enterprise and labor tends, and of which every desire prompts the prosecution.-Johnson.

We need not power or splendor; wide hall or lordly dome; the good, the true, the tender, these form the wealth of home.-S. J. Hale.

Only the home can found a state.-Joseph Cook.

HONESTY.-An honest man's the noblest work of God.-Pope.

Honesty is the best policy.--Franklin. Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure there is one rascal less in the world.-Carlyle.

It was a grand trait of the old Roman that with him one and the same word meant both honor and honesty.-Advance.

To be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand.Shakespeare.

The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world, is to be in reality what we would appear to be; and if we observe, we shall find, that all human virtues in

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