Obrázky stránek

pt. 2, appendix v. 2. Investigation of viruses obtained from lupus. cd. 5791. 4s. 3d.

pt. 2, appendix v. 3. Reports on investigations dealing with certain human viruses of irregular type, the excretion of tubercle bacilli in the milk of animals, swine tuberculosis, immunity; together with two reports submitted to the commission in 1906 on the stability of tubercle bacilli in the living animal, and experiments with mixed viruses. cd. 5893. 3s. 3d.

pt. 2, appendix v. 4. Investigations into tuberculosis occurring naturally in certain animals other than man: and modification experiments. cd. 5894. 4s. 5d. University Education in London, Report of Royal commission on. 1911. 3 v.


Second report. cd. 5527. 1-2d.

Appendix to second report, containing minutes of evidence, June-Nov., 1910, with appendices and index. cd. 5528. 3s. 8d.

Appendix to third report, containing minutes of evidence, Nov., 1910-July, 1911, with appendices and index. cd. 5911. 48.

Wage-Earning Women and Girls, Accounts and expenditures of. 8°. Board of Trade. Labor dept. (cd. 5963.) 5d.

1911. 96p.

Workmen's Compensation. Statistics of compensation and of proceedings under the Workmen's compensation act, 1906, and the Employers' liability act, 1880, during the year 1910. 1911. 67p. fol. Home Office. (cd. 5896.) 6 1-2d.


Memoria de relaciones exteriores y culto presentado al honorable Congreso Nacional. Correspondiente al año 1910-11. Buenos Aires, 1911. xxxvii, 487p. 8°. Anexos: 1, Convenios internacionales.-2, IV conferencia internacional Americana.-3, Misiones especiales.-4, Cuerpos diplomáticos y consulares.-5, Reconocimiento de ministros extrangeros.-6, Acuerdos, decretos y resoluciones de carácter general.-7, Comercio.-8, Culto.-9, Beneficencia.


Commonwealth Electoral Act, 1902-1909, and referendum (constitution alteration) act, 1906-1910. Statistical returns in relation to the submission to the electors -(a) of a proposed law for the alteration of the constitution, entitled constitution alteration (legislative powers) 1910; and (b) of a proposed law for the alteration of the constitution, entitled constitution alteration (monopolies) 1910. Melbourne, 1911. 101p. fol. (Sessional paper, no. 2, 1911.)

Imperial Conference, London, 1911. Naval and military defence (papers laid before the conference). 1911. 23p. fol. (Sessional paper, no. 12, 1911.) Printed also as cd. 5746-2 of the British Parliamentary papers.

Royal Commission on Postal Services, Memoranda by Commonwealth public service commissioner relating to recommendations of. 1911. 49p. fol. (Sessional paper, no. 15, 1911.)

Tasmanian Customs Leakage, Report from the royal commission on; together with proceedings, minutes of evidence, and appendices. 1911. xxix, 354p. fol. (Sessional paper, no. 23, 1911.)


Legislation du travail, Annuaire de la. 14e année, 1910. 1911. xvi, 676p. 8°. Ministère de l'industrie et du travail. Office du travail.

Le Minimum de Salaire et les administrations en Belgique. 1911. 201p. 8°. Ministère de l'industrie et du travail. Office du travail.

Unions Professionnelles, Rapport relatif à l'exécution de la loi du 31 mars 1898 sur les . . . pendant les années 1905-1907. 8, xcvii, 370, 14p. 8°. Ministère de l'industrie et du travail. Office du travail.


An Act respecting Hours of Labour on Public Works, proceedings of the special committee on bill no. 21 . . . comprising reports, evidence and correspondence, Dec. 9, 1909-May 3, 1910. 1910. 758p. 8°. (pt. 3, appendix to the v. 45 of the Journals of the House of Commons, session 1909-10.)

The Combines Investigation Act, Report of the proceedings under . . . for the year ended Mar. 31, 1911. (Being an appendix to the annual report of the Dept. of Labour, 1910-11.) 1911. 22p. 8°. Dept. of Labour. (Sessional paper, no. 36c, 1912.)

Imperial Conference, 1911, Minutes of proceedings and documents relating thereto 1911. 485p. 8°. (Sessional paper, no. 208, 1911.)

Secretary of State, Report . . . 1911. x, 642p. 8°. (Sessional paper, no. 29 1912.)



Memoria con sus correspondientes anexos que al ciudadano Presidente de la República presenta el ciudadano Secretario de estado de relaciones exteriores. Domingo, 1911. 434p. 4°.

Informe de la delegación de la República Dominicana en la Cuarta Conferencia Internacional Americana: p. 55–109.


Federation of States, Considerations regarding the . . . which differ materially, at the initial stage, in the magnitude of population or development; by the government statistician. 1910. 7p. fol. (Sessional paper, no. 50, of the Journals and printed Papers of Parliament, 1910.)

Pensions, Gratuities, Etc., Statement showing Systems (past and present) of granting... to public servants in New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, and Queensland. 1910. 8p. fol. (Sessional paper, no. 1 of the Journals and Printed Papers of Parliament, 1910.)



South African National Convention held at Durban, Cape Town and Bloemfontein, 12 Oct., 1908, to 11 May, 1909. Minutes of proceedings with annexures. xxv, 451p. 8°. House of Assembly.

Appendices contain drafts of the South Africa Act in its several stages of adoption, resolutions of various Parliaments approving the act, and reports of the convention.


Consolidation and Amendment of the Trading Companies Law, Report of the select committee upon. . . together with the minutes of evidence and appendix 1910. ix, 46p. fol. (Sessional paper, D-no. 3, of the Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, session 1910, v. 1.)


Bureau international de la cour permanente d'arbitrage. Protocoles des séances du tribunal d'arbitrage constitué en exécution du compromis signé entre les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis du Vénézuela, le 13 février 1909. Différend au sujet d'une réclamation de la compagnie des bateaux à vapeur "Orinoco." La Haye, 1910.





Béguin, Louis. Des acts des autorités administratives qui échappent à un recours pour excès de pouvoir. Paris: Larose et Tenin. Pp. 102.

Binet, Georges. Les opérations de paiement des dépenses de l'État. Paris: Giard et Brière. Pp. 248.

Cernesson, André. Le principe d'unité budgétaire en France et les services speciaux de trésorerie. Paris: Larose et Renin. Pp. 170.

Engelhard, Gustave. L'autonomie budgétaire des exploitations industrielles de l'État. Paris: E. Larose. Pp. 295.

Euvrard, F. Historique de l'institution des commissaires de police, son origine, leurs prérogatives. Montpellier: Forinin, Montane et Sicarde. Pp. 224.

Lacourte, Lucien. Des guaranties accordées aux fonctionnaires contre les actes qui les révoquent. Paris: A. Rousseau. Pp. 349.

Landau, Heinrich. Das Budgetrecht in Russland. Berlin: O. Häring. Pp. 9, 298.

Schubart, P. Die Verfassung und Verwaltung des deutschen Reiches und des preussischen Staates. Breslau: N. G. Korn. Pp. 216, 42.

Sibra, F. La Sous-Préfecture. Montauban: Impr. coöperative. Pp. 207.

Articles in Periodicals

Administration. Gerichte und Verwaltung. C. H. P. Inhulsen. Archiv des Öffentlichen Rechts. Achtundzwanzigster Band. Zweites und Drittes Heft. Administrative Law. Le droit administratif international. K. Neumeyer. vue Générale de Droit International Public. Sept.-Oct., 1911.


Administrative Reform. La réforme administrative, II. Henry Ripert. Revue des Sciences Politiques. Sept.-Oct., 1911.

Administrative Reform. I. Verwaltungsreform und Staatsreform in Österreich und Preussen. Hugo Preuss. Zeitschrift für Politik. V. Band. 1911. Heft. 1. Taxation. Sulla personale responsabilita del ministro per atti illegitimi in materia d'imposizione di dazi. Manifredi Siotto Pintor. Riv. di Dir. Pub. Nov.



Amiable, Andre. De la capacité électorale in France et des restrictions nouvelles a y apporter. Paris: Larose et Tenin. Pp. 169.

Anson, Sir William R. The law and custom of the constitution. Vol. I. Re-issue, revised. London: H. Frowde.

Apponyi, Alb. Graf von. Die rechtliche Natur der Beziehungen zwischen Oesterreich und Ungarn. Wien: C. Fromne. Pp. 62.

Candia, Gius. Il problema della pubblica sicurezza in Italia. Roma: L. Cecclimi. Pp. 95.

Crouzil, Abbé Lucien. Le régime légal du culte catholique. Reims: Action populaire. Pp. 342.

Du Ponnois, Pierre. La police du culte catholique depuis les lois sur la séparation. Paris: A. Rousseau. Pp. 158.

Fahlbeck, Pontus E. Die Regierungsform Schwedens. Puttkamer & Mülbrecht. Pp. 319.

Freund, Ernst. Das öffentliche Recht der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. XII Bd. Das öffentliche Recht der Gegenwart. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. Pp. 12, 387.

Gugel, Herm. Grundzüge des deutschen Reichs-und des allgemeinen Landestaatsrechts. Leipzig: Roszberg 'sche Verlagsbuchh. Pp. 8, 160.

Heidborn, A. Manuel de droit public et administratif de l'empire Ottoman. Livr. 3 et 4. Wien: L. Rosner & C. N. Stern. Pp. 295.

Hinsdale, M. L. A history of the President's cabinet. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Mich. Hist. Studies.

Hoffman, H. Elder. Einführung in das deutsche Kolonialrecht. Leipzig: G. J. Göschen. Pp. 231.

Hotchkiss, Willard E. Judicial work of the comptroller of the treasury as compared with similar functions in the governments of France and Germany. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell Univ. Pp. 13, 164.

Jackson, Etienne. De l'organisation des pouvoirs législatif et exécutif du canton de Neuchatel. Paris: V. Giard et E. Brière. Pp. 102.

Laband, Paul. Das Staatsrecht des deutschen Reiches. 5 neubearb. Aufl. in 4 Bd. 2 Bd. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. Pp. 318.

Labriola, Arturo. Le tendenze politiche dell'Austria contemporanea. Napoli F. Razzi. Pp. 89.

Le Fur, Louis. Le Saint-Siège et la Cour de Cassation. Paris: A. Pedone. Pp. 38.

Le Sciellour, J. La liberté individuelle sous le Consulat et l'Empire. Paris: A. Rousseau. Pp. 303.

Marczali, Heinr. Ungarisches Verfassungsrecht. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. Pp. 12, 234.

Patterson, Isaac F. The constitution of Ohio, Amendments proposed, amendments, etc., with historical data. Cleveland, Ohio: A. H. Clark.

Rosenthal, Eduard. Die Reichsregierung. Eine staatsrechtl. u. polit. Studie. Jena: G. Fischer. Pp. 3, 91.

Sabatier, J. De la non-rééligibilité des députés. Paris: Giard et Brière.



Schücking, Nalth. Das Staatsrecht des Grossherzogt. Oldenburg. XIV Bd. Das öffentliche Recht der Gegenwart. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. Pp. 12, 433. Schulze, Alfr. Die Verfassung und das Wahlgesetz f. Elsass-Lothringen, erläutert. Gebweiler: J. Boltze. Pp. 200.

Vianna P. D. Constituicão federale costituicões dos Etados. Tomo I. Rio de Janeiro: F. Briguiet.

Wilheml, Eng. Die französische Gerichtsorganization: geschichtliche Entwicklung und jetziger Zustand. Stuttgart: F. Enke. Pp. 136.

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