Obrázky stránek


Articles in Periodicals

La loi constitutionnelle de l'Alsace-Lorraine du 31 Mai 1911. M. Paul Heitz. Revue du Droit Public et de la Science Politique. Juillet-AoutSept., 1911.

Amendment. Shall We Make our Constitution Flexible? Munroe Smith. N. Amer. Rev. Nov., 1911.

Australia. Ten years of the Australian Commonwealth. Quarterly Rev. Oct.,


Brazil. The Federal Judiciary in Brazil and the United States of America. Amaro Cavalcanti. Penn. Law Rev. Nov., 1911.

Commerce. Jurisdiction of Certain Cases Arising Under the Interstate Commerce Act. Henry Wolf Biklé. Penn. Law Rev. Oct., 1911. State Taxation of Interstate Commerce. I. Dec., 1911.


Polit. Sc. Quart.

H. J. Davenport.

The Use and the Abuse of the Commerce Clause. Fred H. Cooke. Mich. Law Rev. Dec., 1911.

Constitutions. New States and Constitutions. George W. Wickersham. Yale Law Jour. Nov., 1911.

England. The United Kingdom and the Empire. F. Ware. Nineteenth Cen. Dec., 1911.

Fourteenth Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment and the Negro Race Question. Charles Wallace Collins. Am. Law Rev. Nov.-Dec., 1911.

House of Lords. The Case against a Second Chamber. J. M. Robertson. Contemp. Rev. Oct., 1911.

India. The Crown, the Government, and the Indian Princes. S. K. Ratcliffe. Contemp. Rev. Dec., 1911.

Italy. La reforma del senato. N. Nicolia. Rivista di Diritto Pubblico. Oct., 1911.

Military Tribunals. Military Tribunals and Their Jurisdiction. Henry Wagner Halleck. Am. Jour. of Int. Law. Oct., 1911.

Monaco. La Constitution de la principauté de Monaco. Revue du Droit Public et de la Science Politique. Juillet-Aout-Sept., 1911.

Parliament. The Parliament Act and the British Constitution. Edward Jenks. Col. Law Rev. Jan., 1912.

Railway Rates. The Limitation of State Control Over the Regulation of Rates. J. Newton Baker, LL.M.J.D. Yale Law Jour. Dec., 1911.

Railway Rates. Recent Federal Court Decisions Affecting State Laws Regulating Freight and Passenger Rates. Grant G. Martin. Yale Law Jour. Dec., 1911.

Standard Oil Case. The Recent Trust Decisions. H. R. Seager. Polit. Sc. Quart. Dec., 1911.

Standard Oil Case. A Review of the Opinions of the Chief Justice of the United States in the Standard Oil and Tobacco Cases. Albert H. Walker. Am. Law Rev. Sept.-Oct., 1911.

Standard Oil Case. The Standard Oil and Tobacco Cases.

mond. Harvard Law Rev. Nov., 1911.

Robert L. Ray

Supreme Court. The United States Supreme Court as the Final Interpreter of the Federal Constitution. W. F. Dodd. Ill. Law Rev. Dec., 1911.

Trusts. The Anti-trust Law. George P. Edmunds. N. Amer. Rev. Dec., 1911. Trusts. Anti-Trust Legislation and Litigation. William B. Hornblower. Col. Law Rev. Dec., 1911.

Trusts. Recent Interpretation of the Sherman Act. George W. Wickersham. Mich. Law Rev. Nov., 1911.

Vested Rights. Effect of Overruling Opinion of Courts of Last Resort on Rights Acquired on Opinion Overruled. James E. Babb. Am. Law Rev. Sept.-Oct., 1911.

Workmen's Compensation. Workmen's Compensation Acts: Their Theory and Their Constitutionality. Eugene Wambaugh. Harv. Law Rev. Dec., 1911. Workmen's Compensation. Workmen's Compensation in Illinois. Samuel A. Harper. Ill. Law Rev. Oct.-Nov., 1911.



Adams, Charles Francis. Studies military and diplomatic. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 5, 424.

Augier, et Marvaud. La politique douanière de la France dans ses rapports avec celle des autres États. Paris: A. Alcan. Pp. 6, 406. Barzilai, Salvatore. Vita internazionale Firenze: la Rinascita del libro. Pp. 12,


Brode, H. British and German East Africa. London: Longmans. Pp. 16, 175. Cosmai, Franco. L'aerenavizagione nei suoi rapporti col diritto internazionale. Molfetta: M. Conte. Pp.76.

Fiore, Pasquale. Organisation juridique de la société internationale. Nouvelle édition. Paris: A. Pédone. Pp. 3, 893.

Fleiner, Fritz.

J. C. B. Mohr.

Institutionen des deutschen Verwaltungsrechts.


Pranchon, Roger. Du droit de réquisition civile. Paris: J. B. Ballière. Pp. 116. Kaufmann, Erich. Das Wesen des Völkerrechts und die Clausula rebus sic stantibus. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. Pp. 231.

Koyitch, D. S. L'annexation de la Bosnie et de l'Herzigovine et le droit international public. Paris: V. Giard et E. Brière. Pp. 152.

Le Fur, Louis. La protection juridictionnelle des franchises locales contre empiêtements des agents centralisès. Paris: Berger-Levrault. Pp. 72.

Leroux, Charles. Le droit international pendant la guerre maritime russo-japonaise. Paris: A. Rousseau. Pp. 268.

Marin, P. Arbitrage argentin: raison d'être et bon plaisir. 3e éd. Paris: Daragon. Pp. 29.

Nippold, Otfr. Die zweite Haager Friedenskonferenze. Bd. II. Das Kriegsrecht, unter Mitberücksicht. der Londoner Seerechtskonferenze. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. Pp. 5, 267, 17.

Olivi, Lu. Manuale di diritto internazionale pubblico e privato. Seconda Ed. Milano: Soc. bib. scientifica. Pp. 8, 964.

Peters, Karl. Zur Weltpolitik. Berlin: R. Siegismund. Pp. 384.

Reinsch, Paul S. Intellectual and political currents in the Far East. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. Pp. 8, 396.

Rey, Francis. La guerre russo-japonaise au point de vue du droit international. Paris: A. Pedone.

Schramm, Geo. Die Verhandlungen und Beschlüsse der Londoner Seekriegskonferenze. Berlin: E. S. Mittler & Sohn. Pp. 373.

Siegfried, Rousiers, Périgny, Roy et Tardieu. Les questions actuelles de politique étrangère dans l'Amérique du Nord. Paris: F. Alcan. Pp. 18, 242.

Tettenborn, Alwine. Das Haager Schiedsgericht. Bonn: C. Georgi. Pp. 87. Wicker, Cyrus F. Neutralization. New York: Oxford Univ. Pp. 8, 91.

Articles in Periodicals

Aliens. La esenzione degli Stati stranieri dalla giurisdizione. D. Anzilotte. Rivista di Diritto Internazionale. 1910. Fasc. 5-6.

Arbitration. Deficiencies of Law for International Adjustments. A. T. Mahan. N. Amer. Rev. Nov., 1911.

Arbitration. The General Arbitration Treaties. C. C. Hyde. N. Amer. Rev. Jan., 1912.

Arbitration. Legal Limitation of Arbitral Tribunals. Alpheus Henry Snow. Penn. Law Rev. Dec., 1911.

Arbitration. The Place of Force in International Relations. A. T. Mahan. N. Amer. Rev. Jan., 1912.

Arbitration. Sanctions of International Arbitration. Jacques Dumas. Am. Jour. of Int. Law. Oct., 1911.

Armaments. La Limitation conventionnelle des armements. G. Scelle. Revue Politique et Parlementaire. Nov., 1911.

Department of State. The History of the Department of State. Part VIII. Gaillard Hunt. Am. Jour. of Int. Law. Oct., 1911.

Emigration. Völkerrechtliche Regelung der modernen Wanderungen. Dr . Sigismund Gargas. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht. V. Band. 3. Heft.

England. British Diplomacy and Trade. P. F. Martin. Quarterly Rev. Oct., 1911..

Geneva Convention. The Geneva Convention. Col. W. G. Macpherson. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht. V. Band. 3 Heft.

International Relations. The History of International Relations During Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Amos S. Hershey. Am. Jour. of Int. Law. Oct., 1911. Jurisdiction. Gerichtsbarkeit über fremde Staaten. Heinrich Triepel. Archiv des Öffentlichen Rechts. Achtundzwanzigster Band. Zweites und Drittes Heft. Maritime Jurisidiction. Mare territoriale e transito inoffessivo. E. Pagliano. Rivista di Diritto Internazionale. 1910. Fasc. 5-6.

Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine in the Balance. J. Chambers. Forum. Nov., 1911.

Occupation. Della natura giuridica dell'occupazione bellica.

(Continuazione e

fine.) M. Marinoni, libero docente presso la r. Università di Padova. Rivista di Diritto Internazionale. 1910. Fasc. 5-6.

Peace. The Hague Peace System in Operation. James L. Tryon. Yale Law Jour. Nov., 1911.

Peace. The Legal Evolution of Peace. Edwin M. Borchardt. Am. Law. Rev. Sept.-Oct., 1911.

Peace. Periodical Peace Conferences. M. Jarousse de Sillac. Am. Jour. of Int. Law. Oct., 1911.

Private International Law. Doctrines of Private International Law in England and America Contrasted with those of Continental Europe. Arthur K. Kuhn. Col. Law Rev. Jan., 1912.

Russia and China. Der Konflikt zwischen Russland und China vom Frühjahr 1911. Dr. K. Strupp. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht. Beiheft II zum V. Bande.

Sea. The Sovereignty of the Sea. Edinburgh Rev. Oct., 1911.

Treaties. Die völkerrechtliche Bedeutung staatsrechtlicher Beschränkungen der Vertretungsbefugniss der Staatssoberhäupter beim Abschlusse von Staatsverträgen. Prof. Dr. Schoen. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht. V. Band. 4. Heft.

United States. La situation économique et financière des États-Unis au point de vue des relations internationales. G. Lecarpentier. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales. Dec., 1911.

War. England und die Haager Landkriegsordnung. Josef Kohler. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht. V. Band. 4. Heft.



Beseler, Gerh. Beiträge zur Kritik der römischen Rechtsquellen. 2 Heft. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. Pp. 3, 181.

Bozzoni, Rob. Sezioni di storia del diritto romano. Torre del Greco: E. Panateleo e C. Pp. 195.

Clark, Lindley D. The law of the employment of labor. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 14, 373.

Coligaris, Attilio. La concezione scientifica e i problemi più importanti della filosofia giuridica. Rocca: L. Capelli. Pp. 115.

De Quiros, J. B. Modern theories of criminality. London: Heineman.
Liability of railroads to interstate employees. Boston: Lit-

Doherty, Philip J.

tle, Brown. Pp. 378. Groat, George G.

Attitude of American courts in labor cases; a study in social legislation. New York: Longmans. Pp. 9, 400.

Hobhouse, Leonard T. Social evolution and political theory. New York: Lemke & B. Pp. 9, 218.

Jonesco, E. Les obligations naturelles. Paris: A. Rousseau. Pp. 157.

La Grasserie, Raoule de. Les principes sociologiques de droit public. Paris: V. Giard et E. Brière. Pp. 430.

Lucas, N. W. The corporate nature of English sovereignty. London: Jordan & Sons. Pp. 16, 91.

Luzzatti, L. Freiheit des Gewissens und Wissens. Studien zur Trennung von Staat und Kirche. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. Pp. 14, 155.

Maday, André de. Essai d'une explication sociologique de l'origine du droit. Paris: V. Giard et E. Brière. Pp. 36.

Mazzini, Gius. Politische Schriften. Leipzig: Reichenbach. Pp. 48, 358.

Schloesser, Henry H. Legal position of trade unions. London: P. S. King &


Stammler, Rud. Theorie der Rechtswissenshaft. Halle: Buchh. des Waisenhauses. Pp. 852.

Storey, Moorfield. The reform of legal procedure. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Pp. 7, 263.

Studi in onore di Biagio Brugi. I. Filosofia del diritto. II. Diritto romano. III. Storia del diritto italiano, etc. Palermo: L. Gaipa. Pp. 14, 812.

Vanni, Icilio. Saggî di filosofia sociale e giuridica. Bologna: N. Zanichelli. Pp. 7, 336.

Wilson, Roland K. The province of the state. London: P. S. King & Son. Wyman, Bruce. Control of the market; a legal solution of the trust problem. New York: Moffat, Yard. Pp. 7, 282.

Articles in Periodicals

Codification. The Codification of International Law. Ernest Nys. Am. Jour. of Int. Law. Oct., 1911.

Common Law. Puritanism and the Common Law. Roscoe Pound. Am. Law Rev. Nov.-Dec., 1911.

Courts. The Courts and the Executive. E. E. Williams. Nineteenth Cen. Dec., 1911.

Courts. Judges as Law Makers. Charles J. Bonaparte. Green Bag. Oct., 1911.

Crime. Insanity and Criminal Responsibility (Report of Committee B. of the Institute). Edwin R. Keedy. Jour. of Crim. Law & Crim. Nov., 1911.

Crime. The Treatment of Aliens in the Criminal Courts (Report of a Sub-Committee of Committee G.). Grace Abbott. Jour. of Crim. Law & Crim. Nov., 1911. Criminal Law. Ancora della esigenze del diritto penale e tendenze dei penaliste. Bernadino Almiena. Riv. di Dir. e Proc. Penale. Oct.

Criminal Procedure. Some Characteristics of English Criminal Law and Procedure. G. Glover Alexander, LL.M. Law Mag. & Rev. Nov., 1911. Habeas Corpus. Habeas Corpus in the Empire. Quart. Rev. Oct., 1911.

Norman Bentwich. Law

Inns of Court. The History of the Inns of Court. Edinburgh Rev. Oct. Judicial Procedure. Necessity of Summary Action in Legal Proceedings. R. B. Middlebrook, L. '78. Yale Law Jour. Nov., 1911.

Jurisprudence. The Scope and Purpose of Sociological Jurisprudence. II. Roscoe Pound. Harv. Law Rev. Dec., 1911.

Law. Della tendenza unitaria del diritto. Salvatore Müeller. Vita Guidiziaria. Nov., 1911.

Law. The Progress of the Law in the United States. Frederick N. Judson. Green Bag. Nov., 1911.

Precedents. The Value of Precedent. Shackleford Miller. Am. Law Rev. Nov.-Dec., 1911.

Roman Law. The Reception of Roman Law in the Sixteenth Century. I. W. S. Holdsworth. Law Quart. Rev. Oct., 1911.

Trade Unions. Trade Unions and the Law. J. H. Greenwood. Westminster Rev. Dec., 1911.

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