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from Harvard to Knox, Grinnell, Beloit, and Colorado Colleges. Professor Hart is giving instruction for about a month in each of these institutions. While in the West he has been persuaded to deliver addresses at the Universities of Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa, and at a number of other places.

Prof. Karl F. Geiser of Oberlin College will give courses in history and political science at the summer session of the University of Illinois.

Prof. C. R. Atkinson of Ursinus College will give courses in political science in the summer school of Oberlin College.

Mr. S. M. Lauchs of Columbia University will give work in history and political science at Ursinus College.

Prof. Charles A. Beard of Columbia University will be on leave of absence during the next school year.

Prof. Amos S. Hershey will bring out with the Macmillan Company in the near future a volume on the Essentials of International Law.

The State Historical Society of Iowa has reprinted Prof. Benjamin F. Shambaugh's paper on Commission Government in Iowa: The Des Moines Plan (Iowa City, pp. 46), which originally appeared in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for November, 1911.

The Macmillan Company announces a book by Prof. Frederick Austin Ogg of Simmons College, on The Governments of Europe, which will be issued in time for use in the fall.

The Round Table, a quarterly review of the politics of the British Empire (175 Picadilly, London, W.) is now in its second year. The number for December, 1911, contained articles on the Referendum in Australia; the Congestion of Business in the House of Commons; and on the New Viceroy of India and Decentralization.

The laboratory of politics at Columbia University, which was referred to in the February issue of this REVIEW, will be greatly enlarged in connection with the new school of journalism at Columbia and

developed into a reference library of current American politics and legislation.

Volume V, No. 2-3 of the Zeitschrift für Politik contains an article by Prof. J. W. Garner of the University of Illinois on "Die Kommissionsform der Munizipalverwaltung in den Vereinigten Staaten."

In a review of the Finnish Question in 1911 (by a member of the Finnish Landtag, Leipzig, Duncker and Humblot, pp. 124), Prof. N. Politis published in the January number of the American Journal of International Law what is perhaps the best brief account in English of the origin and present status of the Finnish question.

Volume V, No. 5-6 of the Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht contains an article by Mr. Edwin M. Borchard on "Die Beschränkung des Diplomatisches Rechtsschutzes durch Kontrakt wischen dem Bürger und einer Auswärtigen Regierung oder durch Landesgesetzgebung."

Dr. J. M. Mathews of the University of Illinois contributed a survey of recent political developments in the United States to the Revue Politique et Parlementaire for March.

On March 26 there was held at Iowa City under the auspices of The State Historical Society of Iowa a conference-seminar on research in history and political science. This conference-seminar was attended by Professor Albert Bushnell Hart and professors of history and political science from the leading colleges in Iowa.

Mr. Robert A. Campbell, formerly head of the legislative reference department of the California State Library, has become the secretary of the new board of public affairs of Wisconsin.

Special Libraries for December, 1911, is devoted to the proceedings of the Special Libraries Association at its meeting in September, 1911. This meeting was devoted to "public affairs libraries," and the proceedings contain much that is of value upon state and municipal reference libraries.

Mr. James Blaine Walker, assistant secretary of the New York Public Service Commission, First District, has prepared a pamphlet

on State Regulation of Public Service Corporations in the City of New York (pp. 59), in which is summarized the work of the New York City commission during the first four years of its existence.

A Training School for Public Service has been established in New York and will be conducted by the Bureau of Municipal Research (261 Broadway). The object of the Training School as indicated by its name, will be primarily that of training men for the study and administration of public business, and the institution will furnish definitely practical training in connection with administrative problems in New York City and elsewhere. No formal instruction will be given, and but a limited number of students will be received. No men will be taken unless they have already had a good training in economics or in some other specialty to which they intend to devote themselves. No tuition will be charged at first, and stipends will be offered sufficient to defray in part the expenses of a small number of men who have already demonstrated their capacity in special fields.

The University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences is the name of a new series of monographs to be published by the departments of history, economics, political science, and sociology of the University of Illinois. The first number has been issued and is devoted to The Financial History of Ohio, by Prof. E. L. Bogart; subsequent numbers will probably be The Primitive Family, by Dr. A. J. Todd; History of Taxation in Illinois, by R. M. Haig, and Municipal Revenues in Illinois, by L. D. Upson. The editorial board consists of E. L. Bogart, J. A. Fairlie, and L. M. Larson.

The October-December number (Vol. 28, No. 4) of the Revue du droit public et de la science politique contains in French translation the text of the Portuguese constitution of 1911.

Reference was made in a previous number of this REVIEW to the discontinuance last year of the Yale Review as a journal devoted to political, economic and social questions. The Yale Publishing Company of New Haven has now isseud an alphabetical index of the nineteen volumes of the Yale Review, 1892-1911.

The first number of the National Municipal Review appeared in January. This number sets a high standard and indicates that the

Review will fill a need which has long been felt for a journal which should cover adequately the field of municipal government.

The Rhode Island Legislative Reference Bureau has issued a bulletin on Employers' Liability and Workmen's Compensation (Providence, 1912, pp. 69), in which is summarized the legislation in all the states. A draft bill is also printed and there is a useful bibliography.

The final report of the Federal Employers' Liability and Workmen's Compensation Commission has been issued. (62d Congress, 2d Session, Senate Doc. 338. Pp. 213). The report contains the text of a proposed federal compensation law, and Mr. Taft's message recommending the passage of the proposed law.

The first number of The Russian Review appeared in January, 1912. The new journal is a quarterly and is edited by Bernard Pares, Maurice Baring and Samuel N. Harper. It is devoted to Russian history, politics, economics, and literature, and the fist number contains much that is of value upon the present political situation in Russia.

Mr. Henry H. Gilfry, chief clerk of the United States Senate has compiled a volume containing all proceedings in the United States Senate regarding the office of President of the Senate pro tempore (62d Congress, 1st session, Senate Doc. 104. Pp. 255).

Compilations of labor laws have recently been issued in several states. The Bureau of Labor Statistics of Illinois has compiled The Labor Legislation Enacted by the State of Illinois, 1911 (pp. 142). The Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics has issued a Summary of Labor Legislation in Massachusetts during 1911 (pp. 128). The California Bureau of Labor Statistics has published a compilation of the Labor Laws of California (San Francisco, 1911, pp. 120); and the Compiled Labor Laws of Colorado (Denver, pp. 97) contains all labor legislation of that state to the end of the 1911 session of the Colorado legislature.

The federal Commission on Economy and Efficiency has made several reports to President Taft, upon the organization and upon labor saving methods, in the federal government. Upon the organization of the government, Mr. Taft in his message of January 17,

1912, refers to a report showing in detail by means of outlines, the departments, commissions, bureaus, and offices, and their respective subdivisions. Upon labor saving methods, reports have been printed dealing with the distribution of government publications, the use of window envelopes, and the use of photographic process for copying. (62d Congress, 2d Session, Senate Doc. 293). By a message of April 4, President Taft transmitted to Congress recommendations of the Commission respecting the consolidation of now independent bureaus, improvements in the auditing service, etc. (House Doc. 670.)

The Wilson Ballot in Maryland Politics, by Vernon S. Bradley (Baltimore, 1911, pp. 45), is an interesting account of trick ballots in Maryland counties. The author reprints numerous ballot forms, many of which show clearly the maner in which ballots have been devised for the purpose of giving control of county elections to the dominant party in the state, in counties in which that party has a minority of the registered voters.

The National Civic Federation has undertaken an investigation of methods of control over public service corporations in the United States, together with a comparison of English and American methods of dealing with this problem. The investigation is in the hands of an executive committee consisting of: Emerson McMillin, Chairman, Franklin Q. Brown, Martin S. Decker, Franklin K. Lane, Blewett Lee, Milo R. Maltbie, P. H. Morrissey, Leo S. Rowe, John H. Gray, Secretary. Prof. John H. Gray of the University of Minnesota will have general charge of the investigation, and is on leave of absence from his university duties during the second half of the current academic year. Special attention will at first be devoted to the control of railways and of local public utilities in Massachusetts, New York, Wisconsin, and Texas.

Hearings were held on January 25 by the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives upon three important bills relating to judicial reform: (1) To amend section 237 of the federal judicial code so as to permit appeals from state courts to the United States Supreme Court in cases where a federal right is set up and the decision of the state court is in favor of such federal right; (2) to do away with difficulties now presented by a complete separation of legal and equitable actions in the federal courts, and (3) to establish the rule

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