Obrázky stránek

Kentucky Election Laws, comp. by Ben. L. Bruner, secretary of state, with aid of the attorney general. Sept. 1, 1911. Frankfort, 1911. 94p. 8°. Secretary of state.


Handlist of Legislative Sessions and Session Laws, statutory revisions, compilations, codes, etc., and constitutional conventions of the United States and its possessions and of the several states to May, 1912. Prepared by C. J. Babbitt. Boston, 1912. 634p. 4°. State library.

Manual for the Use of the General Court, containing the rules of the two branches, together with the constitution of the Commonwealth and that of the United States, and a list of the executive, legislative and judicial departments, of the state government, state institutions and their officers and other statistical information. Prepared by H. J. Coolidge, clerk of the Senate, and J. W. Kimball, clerk of the House. Boston, 1912. xii, 676p. 16°.

Report of the Commission on Minimum Wage Boards, Jan. 1912. pt. 1-2 and appendix. Boston, 1912. 326p. 8°. (House doc. no. 1697.)


The History of Railroad Taxation in Michigan, by Wilbur O. Hedrick. Lansing, 1912. 69p. 8°. State library. Legislative reference dept.


Prepared to


The Statutory Record of Unconsolidated laws; being the special, private and local statutes of the state of New York from Feb. 1, 1778, to Jan. 1, 1912. gether with an index to corporations affected by special statutes the direction of A. J. Rodenbeck. Albany, 1912. 2 v. 8°.


The Constitution of the United States and the Constitutions of Ohio. tional conventions of Ohio and their work. Columbus, 1912.

stitutional convention.


184p. 8°. Con

Digest of State Constitutions, ed. by J. H. Newman, state librarian. Columbus, 1912. xi, 271p. 8°. State library. Legislative reference dept.


Official Roster of Officers and Employees in the Civil Service of the Philippine Islands Jan. 1, 1912. Manila, 1912. 135p. 8°. Bureau of Civil Service


Employers' Liability and Workmen's Compensation, by E. A. Adams and W. E. Sprackling. (Legislative reference bulletin no. 5, Jan., 1912.) Providence, 1912. 69p. 8°. State library. Legislative reference dept.


Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia 1712–1714, 1715, 1718, 1720–1722, 1723-1726. Ed. by H. R. McIlwaine. Richmond, 1912. lii, 441 p. fol. State library.


Report of the Employers' Liability and Laborers' Compensation Commission. pt. 1, Liability and compensation laws, 1911. Charleston, 1912. 274p. 8°. Employer's Liability and Laborers' Compensation Commission.


A Compilation of Laws affecting the Regulation of Railroads, 1905-1911. Madison, 1911. 126p. 8°. Railroad commission.

Wisconsin Corrupt Practices Law. Chap. 650, 1911. Madison, 1912. 16 p.

8°. Secretary of state.

Wisconsin Law [relating to] Commission Form of City Government. Comp. Dec. 1, 1911. Madison, 1911. 16p. 8°. Secretary of state.

Wisconsin Law relating to Elections of Delegates to National Conventions, direct vote for presidential candidates, nominations of presidential electors. Comp. Nov. 1, 1911. Madison, 1911. 6p. 8°. Secretary of state.


Administration and Finances of the Congo, Correspondence respecting. Africa no. 1 (1912). 1912. 12p. fol. Foreign office. (cd. 6145.) 5d.

Affairs in Persia. Further correspondence respecting. Persia no. 3 (1912). [in cont. of "Persia no. 1, (1911)": cd. 5656.] 1912. xx, 177p. fol. Foreign office. (cd. 6104.) 1s 7d.

Affairs of China, Correspondence respecting. China no. 1 (1912.) 1912. fol. Foreign office. (cd. 6148.) 1s. 1d.

Civil Service, Royal Commission on. 1912. 2 v.

x, 125p.

fol. First report: cd. 6209 d. Appendix to 1st report, evidence Mar. 26-Apr. 19, 1912: cd. 6210. 1s 2d.. Commercial Arbitration-Legislation abroad. Reports from the governments in the British self-governing dominions and H. M. representatives in foreign countries as to the enforcement of British arbitration awards. 1912. 74p. 8°. Board of trade. (cd. 6126.) 4d.

Egypt and the Soudan, Reports by H. M. agent and consul-general on the finances, administration, and condition of, in 1911. 1912. iv, 69p. fol. Foreign office. (cd. 6149.) 7 d.

Government of Ireland Bill. Outline of financial provisions. 1912. 8p. fol. (cd. 6154.) 1d.

International Questions, treatment of, by Parliaments in European countries, the United States and Japan. Misc. no. 5. (1912). 1912. 33p. fol. Foreign office. (cd. 6102.) 34d.

International Sugar Union, Despatches from H. M. Minister at Brussels respecting the signature and ratification of the protocol of Mar. 17, 1912, relative to the prolongation of the. Commercial no. 3 (1912). 1912. 9p. fol. Foreign office. (cd. 6146.) 1d.

Irish Finances, Report by the Committee on. 1912. 34p. fol. (cd. 6153). 3ld.

Malta. Report of the royal commission on the finances, economic position, and judicial procedure of Malta. 1912. 45p. fol. (cd. 6090.) 11d.

North Sea Fisheries Investigation Committee. Fourth report (Southern area) on fishery and hydrographical investigations in the North Sea and adjacent waters. 1909. (in cont. of [cd. 5546].) 1912. ix, 497p. fol. Marine Biological Associa

tion. (cd. 6125.) 13s.

Notes Exchanged between the Persian Government and the British and Russian Ministers at Tehran, Feb. 18–Mar. 20, 1912. Persia no. 2 (1912). 1912. 4p. fol. Foreign office. (cd. 6103.)


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Trade Unions in 1908-1910, Report on with comparative statistics for 1901-1910. 1912. cii, 143p. 8°. Board of trade. Labour dept. (cd. 6109.) 18.


Barbados Handbook, by E. Goulburn Sinckler. London, 1912. xii, 203p. 8°.


Archives Canadiennes. Documents concernant l'histoire constitutionnelle du Canada, 1759-1791. Choisis et publiés avec des notes par Adam Shortt, Professeur d'economie politique à l'Université Queen, et Arthur G. Doughty, garde des archives de l'État. Ottawa, 1911. xiv, 704p. 8°.

Rapport sur les Archives de France relative à l'histoire du Canada, par J. Edmond Roy. Publié avec l''autorisation du ministre de l' agriculture, sous la direction de l'archiviste. Ottawa, 1911. iv, 1093. 8°. (publications de archives du Canada, no. 6.)


Education Commission. Main report, minority report, notes, minutes of meetings and index. 1911-12. 5v. fol.


La administración del general Don Manuel Bonilla, 1903-1907. Colección de artículos publicados en el diario "El Observador." Tegucigalpa, 1911. 62p. 4°. Memoria del Secretario de Estado en el dispache de relaciones exteriores presentada al Congreso Nacional, 1911. Tegucigalpa, 1912. 30p. 4°.


Inquiry into the Cost of Living in New Zealand, 1910-11. 1912. 29p. 8°. Dept. of labour.

New Zealand Official Yearbook, 1911. 20th year of issue. 1912. viii, 1005p. 8°. Registrar-general's office.

The British Parliamentary papers may be purchased from Wyman & Sons, Ltd., Fetter Lane, E. C., London. Cd. refers to papers presented to Parliament by Command.


Convention consulaire entre la Serbie et l'Autriche-Hongrie. St. Petersburg, 1912. 9p. fol.

In Russian and French.

Convention relative a la procédure civile et commerciale, ainsi qu'aux faillites entre la Serbie et l' Autriche-Hongrie. St. Petersburg, 1912. 14p. fol.

Convention relative a l' extradition rêciproque des malfaiteurs entre la Servie et l'Autriche-Hongrie. St. Petersburg, 1912. 13p. fol.

Convention relative aux succesions, a la tutelle et a la curatelle ainsi qu'a la législation de documents at aux actes de l'etat civil entre la Serbie et l'Autriche-Hongrie. St. Petersburg, 1912. 12p. fol.


Administration of Justice Bill, Report from select committee on, together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendices. fol. Parliament. Senate. [Senate S. C. 1d-112.]

1912. 93p.


Victorian Year-Book, 1910-11. 31st issue. 1912. xxxix, 818p. 8°. Office of the government statist.


Hof-und Staatshandbuch des Konigreichs Württemburg, 1912. Hrg. von dem Kgl. statistischen Landesamt. 1912. 2 v. 8°.


Bericht über dem III Internationalen Kingress für Säuglingsschutz, Berlin, 11-15 Sept. 1911. Hrg. von der Kongressleitung. Redigiert vom Generalsekretär, Prof. Dr. Arthur Keller, Berlin, 1912. 1256p. 8°.

Bureau international de la cour permanente d'arbitrage. Rapport du conseil administratif de la cour permanente d'arbitrage sur les travaux de la cour, sur le fonctionnement des services administratifs et sur les dépenses pendant l'année 1911. Onzième année. La Haye, 1912. 54p. fol.

Conference de La Haye pour l'unification du droit relatif a la lettre de change, etc., 1912. 2 v. fol. La Haye, 1912.

Conférence international de l'opium, La Haye, 1 décembre 1911-23 janvier 1912. La Haye, 1912. 2v. fol.

Tome 1. Proces-verbeaux officiels. Tome 2. Documents.

International Opium Conference. The Hague, Dec. 1, 1911-Jan. 23, 1912. Summary of the minutes (unofficial). The Hague, 1912. 155p. fol.

Tercera Conferencia centro-americana, 1911. Guatemala, 1911. 47p. 8°. Oficina internacional centro-americana.





Ferraris, L. La capitale ed il suo ordinamento: studio di scienza amministrativaTorino: fratelli Bocca. Pp. 17, 186.

Magruder, F. A. Recent administration in Virginia. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. Pp. 7, 11,204.

Martinelli, A. Nozioni di diritto amministrativo: appunti delle lezioni tenute nella scuola sociale cattolica. Bergamo: Alessandro. Pp. 148.

Masfrand, R. Des infractions de la presse à l'égard des fonctionnaires et des hommes politiques. Montpelier: Impr. général du Midi. Pp. 431.

Stein, F. Grenzen und Beziehungen zwischen Zustiz und Verwaltung. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. Pp. 4, 127.

Articles in Periodicals

Administrative Justice. Sull'ordinamento della giustizia amministrativa. P. De Luca. Riv. di dir. Pub. Avr. 1912.

French Parliament. I. Responsabilité des fonctionnaires devant le Parlement. II. La Vice-Présidence du conseil des ministres. M. R. Bonnard. Rev. du Droit Public. Jan.-Fev.-Mar., 1912.

Separation of Powers. Separation of powers. I. T. R. Powell. Polit. Science Quart. June, 1912.


Bröckman, K. Die Geltung der Reichsverfassung in den deutschen Kolonien. Karlsruhe: G. Braun'sche Hofbuchdr. Pp. 8, 272.

Brown, D. C. The government of India. New York: Scribner. Pp. 10, 79. Cunningham, Alfred. Today in Egypt, its administration, peoples and politics. London: Hurst & B. Pp. 322.

Dupuich, V. Le régime législatif des colonies françaises. Paris: A. Rousseau. Pp. 127.

Keith, A. B. Responsible government in the Dominions. 3 vols. London: Frowde.

Ran, K. S. The crisis in India. London: Higginbotham.

Leone, E. Espansionismo e colonie. Roma: Nazionale. Pp. 235.

Piquet, Victor. La colonisation française dans l'Afrique de Nord. Paris: Armand. Colin.

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