Obrázky stránek



Adams, G. B. The origin of the English constitution. New Haven: Yale University. Pp. 12, 378.

Bornhak, Conr. Grundriss des deutschen Staatsrechts. 3 durchgeseh. Aufl. Leipsig: A. Deichert Nachf. Pp. 7, 264.

Bureau, Paul. La séparation de l'eglise et de l'état devant le Parlement et les tribunaux. Paris: Bureaux de la Science sociale. Pp. 152.

Criscuoli, Aug. La promulgazione nel diritto pubblico moderno. Napoli: A. Tocco. Pp. 30.

Erich, Rafael. Das Staatsrecht des Grossfürstenthum Finnland. (18 Bd. Das öffentliche Recht der Gegenwart). Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. Pp. 11, 243.

Eyquem, Albert. De la répression des outrages à la morale publique et aux bonnes moeurs, au point de vue historique, juridique, législatif et social. Paris: Marchal et Billard. Pp. 8, 304.

La France et son Parlement, annuaire des electeurs et des parlementares, comprenant le résumé des faits politiques de 1871 à 1912. 1re. année. Paris: Bureaux de l' Avenir économique.

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Genovesi, A. Le constituzioni dell America latina sotto il punto di vista storica. Napoli: Priori. Pp. 106.

Hertzka, T. Österreichisch-ungarnische Steitfragen. Wein: Manz. Pp. 10, 100. Hobson, S. G. Irish home rule. London: Swift.

Masterman, J. H. B. A history of the British constitution. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 14, 291.

Ridding, George. Church and state. London: Mowbray. Pp. 8, 141.

Roe, G. E. Our judicial oligarchy. New York: Huebsch.

Seeholzer, H. Staat und römisch-katholische Kirche in den paritatischen Kantonen der Schweiz. Zurich: Rascher & Co. Pp. 8, 181.

Zilliacus, K. Revolution und Gegenrevolution in Russland und Finnland. München: G. Muller. Pp. 7, 353.

Articles in Periodicals

Electoral Reform. La discussion du projet de réforme électorale. George Lachapelle. Rev. Politique et Parlementaire. Mai, 1912.

English Parliament Act. Le vote du Parliament act. M. M. Sibert. Rev. du Droit Public. Jan.-Fev.-Mar., 1912.

English Parliament Act. The Parliament act of 1911. A. L. P. Dennis. Am. Polit. Sc. Rev. May, 1912.

Fourteenth Amendment. Federal intervention under the Fourteenth Amendment. Charles Wallace Collins, M. A. Yale Law Jour. April, 1912.

Freedom of Association. Sul fondamento della liberta di associazione nel diritto constituzionale positive italiano. F. Galeazzi. Riv. di dir. pub. Aprile, 1912. Governor. The state governor. II. John A. Fairlie. Mich. Law Rev. April,


Governor. The new role of the governor. J. M. Mathews. Am. Polit. Sc. Rev. May, 1912.

Habeas Corpus. Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. Edgar L. Masters. Ill. Law Rev. May, 1912.

Habeas Corpus. What shall be done with the writ of habeas corpus? Charles B. Elder. Ill. Law Rev. May, 1912.

Harlan, Opinions of.

The dissenting opinions of Mr. Justice Harlan. H. B.

Brown. Am. Law Rev. May-June, 1912.

Home Rule for Ireland. Le Nationalisme Irlandais. G. Lecarpentier. Rev. des Sciences Politiques. Mars-Avril, 1912.

Home Rule for Ireland. The historical aspect of home rule. P. L. Lennox. N. Am. Rev. June, 1912.

Interstate Commerce. The Sherman anti-trust act and the patent law. Gilbert H. Montague. Yale Law Jour. April, 1912.

Interstate Commerce. The commerce clause and intrastate rates. William C. Coleman. Col. Law Rev. April, 1912.

Martial Law. Martial law. Henry Winthrop Ballantine. Columbia Law Rev. June, 1912.

Russia. La crise constitutionnelle de mars 1911 et les oukazes extraordinaries en Russie. M. P. Chasles. Rev. du Droit Public. Jan.-Fev.-Mar., 1912.

State Interposition. National power and state interposition. Edward S. Corwin. Mich. Law Rev. May, 1912.

Unconstitutional Law. L'inconstitutionnelité des lois en Roumanie. Rev. du Droit Public. Jan.-Fev.-Mars., 1912.



Anzilotti, D. Corso di diritto internazionale Disp. 1-2. Roma: Atheneum. Pp.


Cimbali, E. Existe l'idea di patria e patriottismo?: saggi di politica internazionale. Roma: B. Lux. Pp. 122, 40.

Cybichowski, S. Studien zum internationalen Recht. Berlin: F. Vahlen. Pp. 71. Deschamps, B. et Renault, L. Recueil international des traités du XXe siècle. Paris: A. Rousseau. Pp. 1168.

Graziani, G. Questioni di politica estera. Citta di Castello: Unione arti grafiche. Pp. 98.

Kawakami, K. K. American-Japanese relations. London: Revell.

Marinoni, M. Della natura giuridica dell' occupazione bellica. Roma: Unione. Pp. 191. Perris, G. H. Stoiloff, S. K. 182.

Our foreign policy. London: Melrose.

Die internationale Schiedssprechung. Berlin: E. Ebering. Pp.

Strupp, Karl. Urkunden zur Geschichte des Völkerrechts. 1. Ergänzungsheft. A. Politische Dokumente zur Marokko-, Tripolis u. pers. Frage. B. Schiedsgerichtsverträge. Gotha: F. A. Perthes. Pp. 8, 106, 8.

Articles in Periodicals

Aerial Law. The sovereignty of the air. Denys P. Myers. Green Bag. May,

Aerial Law. The international law of aerial space. Amos S. Hershey. Am. Jour. Of Int. Law. April, 1912.

Anglo-German Rapprochement. Les causes et les conditions d'un rapprochement anglo-allemand. Commandant de Thomasson. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales. 1er Mars, 1912.

Arbitration. Les traités généraux d' arbitrage des Etats-Unis avec la France et l'Angleterre. Georges Scelle. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales. 1er Avril,


Belgium, Neutral Status of. L'attitude de la Belgique en cas de violation par l'Allemagne de sa neutralité. Landrecies. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales. Mai, 1912.

China. New China and the re-grouping of the powers. E. J. Dillon. Contemporary Rev. May, 1912.

Commissions of Enquiry. Les commissions internationales d'enquête. N. Politis. Rev. Generale de Droit International Public. Mars-Avril, 1912.

Consular System. De l'organisation et des attributions du corps consulaire des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. M. Ernest Lehr. Rev. de Droit International XIV-1. Franco-Belgian Convention. La convention franco-belge du 8 juillet 1899. M. Henri de Cook. Rev. de Droit International. XIV-1.

Hudson Bay. Is Hudson Bay a closed or an open sea? Thomas Willing Balch. Am. Jour. of Int. Law. April, 1912.

Hungarian Fugitives of 1849. Der Konflikt der Türkei mit Oesterreich und Russland wegen der ungarischen Flüchtlinge von 1849. Otto Lohmann. Zeitschrift für Internationales Recht. XXII. Band. 3. Heft.

Inoffensive Transit. Mare e transito inoffensivo, a proposito di un recente disegno di legge. E. Pagliano. Riv. di dir. internazionale. Aprile, 1912.

International Law. The development and formation of international law. II. Ernest Nys. Am. Jour. of Int. Law. April, 1912.

International Studies. Völkerrechtliche Studien. Josef Kohler. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht. VI. Band. 2. Heft.

Interparliamentary Union. L'Union interparlementaire et les relations internationales. M. Edouard Rolin. Rev. de Droit International. XIV-1.

Italian-Turkish War. La guerre italo-turque et le droit des gens. M. Andrea Rapisardi-Mirabelli. Rev. de Droit International et de Legis. Comparee. XIV-2. Italy. Le Nationalisme Italien. Stephane Piot. Rev. des Sciences Politiques. Mars-Avril, 1912.

Judiciary, International. The evolution of a permanent international judiciary. James Brown Scott. Am. Jour. of Int. Law. April, 1912.

Limitation of Armaments. Limitation des charges navales et militaires. M. d'Estournelles de Constant. Rev. de Droit International. XIV-1.

Morocco. Comment organiser notre Protectorat au Maroc. Joseph Chailley. Rev. Politique et Parlementaire. Mars, 1912.

Panama Canal. The Panama Canal. George D. Smith. Ill. Law Rev. June, 1912.

Panama. Les fortifications du canal de Panama. tions Diplomatiques et Coloniales. 1er Avril, 1912.

Commandant Davin. Ques

Persia. La situation en Perse. Deux annees de politique anglo-russe. M. Sauvé. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales. Mai, 1912.

Persia. Russia's liability in tort for Persia's breach of contract. Clement L. Bouvé Am. Jour. of Int. Law. April, 1912.

Prize Law. Türkische Prisengerichtsbarkeit im tripolitanischen Kriege. Erich Nord. Zeitschrift für Internationales Recht. XXII. Band. 3. Heft.

Red Cross. Organisation ou entente internationale de la Croix-Rouge. A l'occasion de la prochaine conférence internationale de Washington. R. Ruze. Rev. Generale de Droit International Public. Mars-Avril, 1912.

Spoliation Claims. The French spoliation claims. George A. King. Am. Jour. of Int. Law. April, 1912.

Triple Entente. The triple entente and its enemies. Ignotus. National Rev. April, 1912.



Alimena, B. Note filosofiche d'un criminalista. Modena: A. F. Formiggini. Pp. 8, 316.

Assinder, G. T. Legal position of trade unions. London: Stevens. Pp. 145. Borchard, E. M. Guide to the law and legal literature of Germany. Washington: Library of Congress.

Friedlaender, Hugo. Interessante Kriminal-Prozesse von kulturhistorischer Bedeutung. Berlin: H. Barsdorf. Pp. 3, 322.

Girard, P.-F. Mélanges de droit romain. I. Histoire des sources. Paris: L. Larose et L Tenin. Pp. 12, 510.

Marco, S. Di. Corso di storia del diritto romano. Disp. 1-2. Spoleto: Panetto e Petrelli. Pp. 1-32.

Meloni, G. La dichiarazione dei diritto, lo stato di diritto e la reforma rivoluzionaria. Cita di Castello: S. Lapi. Pp. 149.

Micescou, D. N. Essai sur la technique juridique. Paris: A. Rousseau. Pp.


Mirabella, A. Psicogenesi della giurisprudenza: saggio di filosofia giuridica. Pozzuoli: Puteolano. Pp. 44.

Müller, S. Vari studî giuridici. Napoli: Bideri. Pp. 161.
Ogle, A. Canon law in Mediaeval England. London: Murray.

Articles in Periodicals

Common Law. The genius of the common law. III. Surrebutter castle. Frederick Pollock. Col. Law Rev. May, 1912.

Common Law. The genuis of the common law. II. The giants and the gods. Frederick Pollock. Col. Law Rev. April, 1912.

Criminal Procedure. Criminal procedure in Canada. William Renwick Riddell. Jour. of Crim. Law & Crim. May, 1912.

Criminal Procedure. Report of the committee of the Kansas Bar Association on crimes and criminal procedure. William E. Higgins. Jour. of Crim. Law & Crim. May, 1912.

Industrial Courts. Mediaeval industrial courts. Rev. May, 1912.

K. D. Cotes. Law Mag. &

Judges, Nomination of. Judicial nominations: how should they be made? A symposium. Ill. Law Rev. April, 1912.

Judicial Character. Judicial character, as made by English judges. Henry C. Riley. Green Bag. May, 1912.

Jurisprudence. The scope and purpose of sociological jurisprudence. III. Roscoe Pound. Harv. Law Rev. April, 1912.

Jurisprudence. Jurisprudence in Germany. Edwin M. Borchard. Col. Law Rev. April, 1912.

Jurisprudence. Il progresso giuridico. G. Del Vecchio. Riv. italiana di sociologia. Feb. 1912.

Law Schools. The state university law school. II. Andrew Alexander Bruce. Green Bag. May, 1912.

Law Schools. The state university law school. I. Its rise and its mission. Charles M. Hepburn. Green Bag. April, 1912.

Legal Delays. The delays of the law. Charles W. Tillett. Am. Law Rev. MayJune, 1912.

Legal Procedure. Procedural law reform. Willis B. Perkins. Mich. Law Rev. May, 1912.

Legal Procedure. Efficient handling of judicial business. W. L. Goldsborough. Green Bag. May, 1912.

Legislation. Law and the function of legislation. Edwin M. Smith. Am. Law Rev. March-April, 1912.

Porto Rico. The administration of justice in Porto Rico. James H. MacLeary. Ill. Law Rev. June, 1912.

Roman Law. The reception of Roman Holdsworth, D. C. L. Law Quart. Rev. Roman Law. The Gaian fragment. 1912.

law in the sixteenth century. III. W.S. April, 1912.

Joseph I. Kelly. Ill. Law Rev. April,

Star Chamber. The court of Star Chamber. Edinburgh Rev. April, 1912. Trade Unions. The status of trade unions in England. W. M. Geldart. Harv. Law Rev. May, 1912.



Cervigni, Nic. Le teori fondmentali del marxismo: saggi di interpretazione e di critica. Macerata: Giorgetti. Pp. 140.

Choumenkorritch, I. Les droits subjectìfs publics des particuliers. Paris: A. Rousseau. Pp. 206.

Grouber, A. Une théorie psychologique du droit. Paris: L. Larose et L. Tenin. Pp. 53.

Heerwagen, Ludw. Die Plichten als Grundlage des Rechts. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Grundbegriffen des Rechts. Berlin: Puttkammer & Mühlbrecht. Pp. 279.

Jung, Erich. Das Problem des natürlichen Rechts. München: Duncker & Humblot. Pp. 4, 334.

Kuhlman, O. P.

Der Gesetzesbegriff beim. hl. Thomas von Aquin im Lichte des Rechtstudiums seiner Zeit. Bonn: P. Haustein. Pp. 12, 185.

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