Obrázky stránek

1. The father looked with joy at his dear children.

tall t oy

(שפּיעלצייג) toy

2. Some children make much noise with their


3. Troy is a city not very far from New York.

[blocks in formation]

4. Mother cooks food for us every day.

5. Look at the book.

bread bread ready bed bed fed fed (9)

6. Father fed our baby brother.

h ead head

7. He had no hat on his head.

8. Soup, meat, and bread make a good meal

.(מאכען א גוטען שפייז)

good ווערד געשריעבען אזוי וויע food

good is written like food.

אָבער אין good אין 00 קורץ, און אין food אין 00 לאנג.

But in good oo is short, and in food oo is long.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

How much do herrings and potatoes cost?

How much do potatoes and meat cost?
How much do soup and meat cost?
How much do soup and herring cost?

How much do soup and potatoes cost?

How much do soup, herring, meat, and potatoes cost?

What can I take for 25 cents?

What can I take for 18 cents?

What can I take for 15 cents?

What can I take for 28 cents?

TO THE TEACHER. - The answers to these questions should be given by the pupils in complete sentences. The coins should be used so as to lend greater interest and concreteness to the exercise.

TO THE TEACHER. - The class should be drilled on the following forms. Variations may be introduced, both as to the event, and as to the form of the sentences. Example: Is it snowing? It is too early, etc.

[blocks in formation]

.He speaks to them .10 ער שפרעכט צו זיי.

Copy the following sentences, filling in the blanks with one of the words they, their, them.

[blocks in formation]
[graphic][merged small]

It is night. Mr. Cohen is not in bed. He cannot sleep. The ship is rocking. The children in the ship are crying. The women are frightened. The men are sad.

All the people see the lightning. They hear the thunder. It is raining very hard. Big

waves rock the ship. People cannot stand on their feet.

Mr. Cohen wants to help the women and the children. He talks to them. He tells them the

rain will soon stop.

But they are afraid of the storm. He tells

them it will be over soon.


Secure repetition and drill by having students change the tenses of the verbs, and the numbers and the genders of the nouns.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

1. Why cannot Mr. Cohen sleep? 2. Why is the ship rocking?

3. What are the children doing?

4. What is Mr. Cohen doing?

5. What are the women and children afraid of?

6. What do we sometimes see during a storm? 7. What do we sometimes hear during a storm?


When pupils are unable to answer the questions, they should be referred to the paragraphs of the story immediately preceding.

In order to maintain the continuity of the narrative each new instalment should be preceded by a review reading or oral summary of all that has gone before.

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