Though painful my absence, my doubts she beguiles, And meets me at night with compliance and smiles.
What though on her cheeks the rose loses its hue. Her wit and good humour bloom all the year through; Time still, as he flies, adds increase to her truth, And gives to her mind what he steals from her youth.
Ye shepherds so gay, who make love to ensnare, And cheat with false vows the too credulous Fair; In search of true pleasure how vainly you roam ! To hold it for life, you must find it at home.
![[blocks in formation]](,706,415,122)
FROM the court to the cottage convey me away, For I'm weary of grandeur, and what they call gay:
Where pride without measure, And pomp without pleasure,
Make life in a circle of hurry decay.
Far remote and retir'd from the noise of the town, I'll exchange my brocade for a plain russet gown;
My friends shall be few, But well chosen and true,
And sweet recreation our evening shall crown.
II. With a rural repast, a rich banquet for me, On a mossy green turf, near some shady old tree, The river's clear brink
Shall afford me my drink,
And. Temperance my friendly physician shall be.
Ever calm and serene, with contentment still blest, Not too giddy with joy, or with sorrow depress'd,
I'll neither invoke
Nor repine at death's stroke,
retire from the world as I would to my rest.
ABANDONED, forfaken
To aban'don, to forsake To abbreviate, to shorten
To ab'dicate, to refign To abet', to help, to encourage Abet 'tor, one who encourages Ab'ject, mean, cast down Abortive, untimely
Abridgement, a short account To abridge, to contract to shorten To abrogate, to repeal Abrupt, fudden, unexpected To abscond', to hide, to abfent To abfolve, to acquit
To abforb', to fuck up To abstain, to forbear Abste'mious, temperate Abstinence, forbearance Abstract, separated
To abstract, to take away Abstru'fe, hidden, difficult Abyss, unfathomable deep To accede, to agree to To accelerate, to hasten Access, admiffion
Ac cessary, aiding, affifting Accessory, additional aiding Accipiant, a receiver
Acclamation, shouts of applause Accom'plice, an associate To accord, to agree To accost, to address
Accoutrement, furniture, dress To accoutre, to dress, to equip To accrue, to arife from
To accu'mulate, to heap up Acer'bity, fourness Achievement, performance To achieve, to perform. Ac'id, four
[fatisfied To acquiefce, to yield to; to be Acquirement, gain, attainment Acqua fition, gain by labour To acquire, to gain by labour To acquit, to fet free
Acrimony, sharpness Acrimonious, sharp Acute, tharp, penetrating Ad'age, a maxim
Adept, complete in any art Ad'equate, equal to Adhesion, a sticking to To adhere, to stick together Adjacent, bordering upon Adieu, farewell
To adjust to regulate To admin ister, to give Admir tion, wonder Admirable, wonderful Admonition, counsel, reproof To admon ish, to warn, to reprove Adoption, a free choice of one for a child
To adopt, to choose one for a child, to inherit
Adora'tion, reverence
To adore, to reverence highly Adroit, active, skilful Ad'vent, the Coming
Adverse, calamitous To advert', to attend to
Adulation, flattery
Adult, grown up Adversary, one in oppofition Advocate, one who pleads for another
Ae rial, belonging to the air Af'fable, complaifant, frank To affect, to move; to pretend to what one is not
Affectation, artificial appearance or behaviour Affection, love, zeal Affectionate, fond, benevolent Affin'ity, kindred, resemblance Affluence, plenty, riches Af'fluent, rich, abounding Aggrandizement, greatness To aggrandize, to make great Aggregate, the whole of fever To aggravate, to enlarge [pa
To amerce, to fine Am'icable, friendly Am'ity, friendship Am'nesty, a general pardon Amour, a love intrigue Am'orous, inclined to love Amphibious, can live in two ele-
To amplify, to enlarge To amputate, to cut off a limb Analogy, resemblance Analogous, having analogy Anatomy, cutting up the body and explaining the parts (my Anatomical, belonging to anato- Anal yfis, a separation into parts Anarchy, want of government ; enfufion
ing [certain day Anniversary, yearly return of a To announce, to publish To annoy, to vex, to disturb An'nual, yearly
Annu'ity, yearly payment To annul', to make void Anodyne, mitigating pain Anonymous, without a name Anom'aly, irregularity Anom'alous, irregular
Antag'onist, an opponent, a rival
Antece'dent, 2 Ante'riour,
Anticipation, foretaste [up before To anticipate, to foretaste, to take Antidote, a medicine which expels Antiquated, old, out of use Antiquity, ancient times, or re- Antique, ancient Aperture, an opening Aphorifm, a maxim Apology, defence, excuse To apologize, to plead in excufe Apostrophe, turning the course of speech; contraction of words (') Apothegm, a short instructive sen-
To appal, to frighten, to depress Apparatus, furniture Appa'rent, plain, seeming Appellation, name, title Appen'dix, fomething added To appertain, to belong to Appertenance, what belongs to Applaufe, praise [another thing To applaud, to praise [derstand To apprehend, to seize, to un- To appropriate, to devote, to apply To approximate, to approach by degrees
Apropos, pertinently, patly
edote, a piece of fecret history | Aptitude, fitness
"Arm'istice, a cessation of arms Aromatick, spicy Arrant, very bad
Arrearage, part of paidebt un
To arrest, to seize
At'tribute, a property 'To attribute, to ascribe, to im- Av'arice, covetousness Avaricious, covetous, greedy Avaunt, be gone Audacity, boldness, rashness Auda cious, bold, daring Au'dible, that may be heard Auditor, a hearer
Auditory, the hearers Av'enue, an entrance
Average, middle proportion
Arrogance, unbecoming pride; To aver', to declare positively
afsuming too much
Arrogant, proud, haughty
To arrogate, to claim too much
Artifice, a trick, fraud Artificial, made by art Af'pect, look, appearance Afper'ity, roughness Asper'sion, slander To asperse', to slander To afpire, to defire eagerly Affsailant, he who invades To affail, to attack
Affaffin, a fecret murderer To afsfassinate, to murder secretly
Affault', an attack
To affault, to attack
Affent, consent
Affidu'ity, diligence Affid'uous, diligent To affim'ilate, to make like To afsuage, to soften, to pacify Astronomy, the science of the
Astronomical, belonging to af- tronomy Astrol ogy, the art of foretelling by stars
To avert', to turn afide To augment', to increase August, grand, royal Avid'ity, greediness
Avocation, a calling away To avouch, to affirm, to own Auro'ra, the morning
Au'ipice, influence, protection Aufpicious, profperous, happy Auster'ity, feverity Austere, rigid, fevere Authentic'ity, genuineness Authentick, genuine Auxiliary, helping Awry', alquint A'zure, blue
Bacchanalian, a drunkard Bay, an honorary crown Beat itude, blessedness Beatif'ick, heavenly, blissful [happy To beatify, to make completely Behoove, to be fit, to be meet Belles-lettres, polite literature Bellig'erent, carrying on war Benediction, a blessing Benefac'tion, a charitable gift
Benefac'tor, one who does favours | Carnivorous, feeding on flesh
Beneficence, generofity
Beneficent, doing good
Benevolence, kindness, good will
Benevolent, kind, affectionate Benig nity, goodness, kindness Benign, kind, generous Bequest', fomething left by will To bequeath, to leave by will Bias, weight on one fide Big'otry, blind zeal, prejudice Big'ot, one devoted to a certain
party Bil'ious, pertaining to the bile Billet-doux, a love-letter Biography, a book of lives Blithe, gay, airy
Bombaft, big empty words Bombastick, high founding
Bot'any, the knowledge of plants
Bouquet, a bunch of flowers
Brachial, belonging to the arms
Brilliant, shining, sparkling
To broach, to open, to utter
Car'ol, a fong of joy, or devotion Cashier, a cash keeper
To cashier, to dismiss, to discard Casualty, accident Cafual, accidental Cat alogue, enumeration of par- ticulars
Cataract, a fall of water; a dif- ease in the eye Catastrophe, an event, a calamity Catechism, instruction by quef- tion and answer Catechetical, by question and an- fwer
Categorical, positive, express Catholick, general, univerfal Catholicifm, universal candour Caveat, a caution
Cav'il, a frivolous excuse To cav'il, to raise flight objec-
To cede, to yield, to give up
Brogue, corrupt speech, a kind of Celeb'rity, fame, renown
To celebrate, to praise; to com
Celer'ity, fwiftness
Celestial, heavenly
Celibacy, a fingle life Censure, blame, reproach Censorious, severe, railing Cephal'ick, belonging to the head Cerulean, blue, sky-coloured Chagrin, vexation
Champaign, a flat open country Chaos, confufion
Chaotick, indigested, confused Charity, alms, affection, benevo lence
Charitable, kind, giving alms Charlatan, a quack
Charnel, containing flesh or bones Chafm, a cleft, a gap Chev'ifance, enterprise
Chicanery, artifice
To chicane, to prolong a conteft by tricks
Chime'ra, a wild fancy, a feigned
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