Obrázky stránek




To animadvert, to cenfure, to crit
Animation, life

Aggreffion, a fetting upon with | Animadverfion, blame, ferious
Aggreffor, the affaulter [violence
Aghaft, amazed, ftruck with hor-
Agility, activity
Ag'ile, nimble, active
'To agitate, to move
Ag'riculture, tillage, husbandry
Alac'rity, cheerfulness
Alert, watchful

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To amplify, to enlarge
To amputate, to cut off a limb
Anal'ogy, refemblance
Analogous, having analogy
Anatomy, cutting up the body
and explaining the parts [my
Anatomical, belonging to anato-
Anal yfis, a feparation into parts
Anarchy, want of government;

edote, a piece of fecret history |

To animate, to make live, to en-
Animof'ity, hatred, ill will
To annex', to add to the end [ing
Annihilation, a reducing to noth-
To anni'hilate, to reduce to noth-
[certain day
Anniver'fary, yearly return of a
To announce, to publish
To annoy, to vex, to disturb
An'nual, yearly

Annu'ity, yearly payment
To annul', to make void
Anodyne, mitigating pain
Anonymous, without a name
Anom'aly, irregularity
Anomalous, irregular
Antag'onist, an opponent, a rival
Antece'dent, 2
Ante ́riour,
Anticipation, foretaste [up before
To antic'ipate, to foretafte, to take
Antidote, a medicine which expels
Antiquated, old, out of use
Antiq'uity, ancient times, or re-
Antique, ancient

going before

Aperture, an opening
Aphorifm, a maxim
Apology, defence, excufe
To apologize, to plead in excufe
Apoftrophe, turning the course of
fpeech; contraction of words (
Apothegm, a fhort inftructive fen-


To appal, to frighten, to depress
Apparatus, furniture
Appa'rent, plain, seeming
Appellation, name, title
Appen'dix, fomething added
To appertain, to belong to
Appertenance, what belongs to
Applause, praise [another thing
To applaud, to praise [derftand
To apprehend, to feize, to un-
To appropriate,to devote,to apply
To approximate, to approach by

Apropos, pertinently, patly
Aptitude, fitness

Aquatick, pertaining to the water

A queous, watery

Ar ́able, that may be ploughed
Arbiter, a judge

Arbitrary, abfolute, despotick
Arcanum, a fecret


Architecture, the science of build-
Architect, a chief builder
Archives, publick records
Archetype, original pattern
Ar'dent, hot, zealous
Ardour, zeal, affection
Arduous, hard, difficult
Ar'id, dry, par、, ed up
Ariftocracy, government by no-

Aristocrat'ical, relating to ariftoc-

Armiftice, a ceffation of arms
Aromatick, fpicy
Arrant, very bad

Arrears, part of a debt un-
Arrearage, S paid

To arreft, to seize
Arrogance, unbecoming pride;
affuming too much
Arrogant, proud, haughty
To arrogate, to claim too much
Artifice, a trick, fraud
Artificial, made by art
Af'pect, look, appearance
Afperity, roughness
Afperfion, flander
To afperfe', to flander
To afpire, to defire eagerly
Affailant, he who invades
To affail, to attack
Affaffin, a fecret murderer

To affaffinate, to murder fecretly

Affault', an attack

To affault, to attack

Affent, confent

Affidu'ity, diligence

Affid'uous, diligent
To affim'ilate, to make like
To affuage, to foften, to pacify
Aftronomy, the science of the

Aftronom'ical, belonging to af-
by stars

the art of foretelling

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Atmosphere, the surrounding air
Atonement, a ransom

To atone, to fatisfy, to appease
Atrocity, horrid wickedness
Atrocious, wicked, outrageous
To attain, to gain, to come at
Attitude, pofture

At'tribute, a property


To attribute, to afcribe, to im-
Av'arice, covetoufnefs

Avaricious, covetous, greedy
Avaunt, be gone

Audacity, boldness, rashness
Auda cious, bold, daring
Au'dible, that may be heard
Auditor, a hearer
Auditory, the hearers
Av'enue, an entrance
Average, middle proportion
To aver', to declare pofitively
To avert', to turn afide
To augment', to increase
Auguft, grand, royal
Avid'ity, greediness

Avocation, a calling away
To avouch, to affirm, to own
Auro'ra, the morning
Au ́ipice, influence, protection
Aufpicious, profperous, happy
Aufter'ity, feverity
Auftere, rigid, fevere
Authentic'ity, genuineness
Authentick, genuine
Auxiliary, helping
Awry', alquint
A'zure, blue


Bacchanalian, a drunkard
Bay, an honorary crown
Beat itude, bleffednefs
Beatif'ick, heavenly,blissful[happy
To beat'ify, to make completely
Behoove, to be fit, to be meet
Belles-lettres, polite literature
Bellig'erent, carrying on war
Benedic'tion, a bleffing
Benefac'tion, a charitable gift

Benefactor, one who does favours
Benef'icence, generosity
Beneficent, doing good
Benevolence, kindness, good will
Benevolent, kind, affectionate
Benig nity, goodness, kindness
Benign, kind, generous
Bequeft', something left by will
To bequeath, to leave by will
Bias, weight on one fide
Bigotry, blind zeal, prejudice
Big'ot, one devoted to a certain

Bil'ious, pertaining to the bile
Billet-doux, a love-letter
Biography, a book of lives
Blithe, gay, airy

Bombaft, big empty words
Bombaltick, high founding
Bot'any, the knowledge of plants
Bouquet, a bunch of flowers
Brachial, belonging to the arms
Brilliancy, luftre

Brilliant, thining, sparkling
To broach, to open, to utter

Carnivorous, feeding on flesh
Carol, a fong of joy, or devotion
Cashier, a cash keeper

To cafhier, to dismiss, to discardTM
Cafualty, accident
Cafual, accidental

Cat alogue, enumeration of par ticulars

Cataract, a fall of water; a dif ease in the eye

Catastrophe, an event, a calamity Cat'echism, instruction by quef

tion and answer

Catechet ́ical, by question and anfwer

Categorical, pofitive, express
Cath'olick, general, univerfal
Catholicifm, univerfal candour
Ca'veat, a caution

Cav'il, a frivolous excufe

To cavil, to raise flight objec tions

Cavity, a hollow place
Ceffion, a refigning up

To cede, to yield, to give up

Brogue, corrupt speech, a kind of Celeb'rity, fame, renown

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Chivalry, military dignity,knight- | Commencement, a beginning


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Chirurgical, belonging to a furChym'inry, the act of feparating bodies by fire [iftry

Chym'ift, one who practises chymCircumambient, furrounding Circum'ference, circuit, circle Circumlocution, a round about way of speaking


To circumfcribe, to inclofe, to
Circumfpect, cautious, watchful
To circumvent,to deceive, to cheat
Clandestine,fecret,contrary to law
Clem'ency, mercy, mildness
Clem'ent, mild, merciful
Clerical, relating to the clergy
Cli'max, gradual afcent
Coadjutor, an affistant
Coalition, a union, a junction
To coalefce, to join, or grow to-
get her

Coe'qual, equal with

Coercion, a restraint, a check
Coercive, reftraining, checking
Coe'val, of the fame age
Co'gency, force, strength
Co'gent, forcible, convincing
Cogn'ifance, notice, knowledge
Cogn'ifable, proper to be tried
Cohe'fion, a sticking together
To cohere, to stick together
Coherent, confiftent, sticking
Coincidence, agreement
Coincident, agreeing with
To coincide, to agree with, to


[equally Collateral, fide by fide, related Colleague, a partner Collifion, a ftriking together Collufion, a deceitful agreement Collufive, fraudulent, deceitful. Commemoration, publick celebration [memory To commemorate, to preferve in

To commence, to begin Commen'furate, equal, proportionable


Com ́ment, notes, explanation
To comment', to write notes; to
Commiferation, pity
To commiferate, to pity
Communion, a taking of the
Lord's Supper
To commune, to converse
Commuta'tion, a change of one
thing for another
To commute, to change
Compat'ible, confiftent with
Compendium, an abridgement
Compen'dious, fhort, concife
Compenfation, a recompenfe
To compen fate, to reward, to
make amends

Com ́petency, a fufficiency
Com'petent, fit, qualified
Competition, a contested dispute
Competitor, a rival, an opponent
To compile, to collect and write
from authors

Complacency, pleasure, joy Compla'cent, civil, foft Complaifant', civil, courteous Complex, intricate, compounded of many parts

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Complicated, entangled, intricate
To comport, to agree, to fuit
To comprefs, to squeeze together
To comprife, to contain,to include
To compromife, to compound, to
make up
Comptroller, director
To comptrol, to overlook
Compunction, repentance
To con, to fudy, to think, to
Concatenation, a linking together
Concavity, hollowness
Concave, hollow
Conceffion, a yielding
To concede, to yield, to grant
To concentrate, to bring into a
narrow compafs [point
To concen'tre, to come to one
To concert, to contrive
To conciliate, to win, to reconcile

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Conciliator, a reconciler
Conciliatory, tending to reconcile
Concife, fhort, brief

To coagulate, to run into clots
Concomitant, accompanying

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Confo'latory, tending to give com.
To confole, to give comfort

To concur, to agree in one opin-To confol'idate, to harden
Concuffion, a fhaking


To condenfe, to grow clofe or

Condign, deferved, merited [lofs
Condo'lence, grief for another's
To condole, to weep together
Condu'cive, promoting
To conduce, to help, to promote
Confabulation, a talking together
To confabulate, to talk together
Confection, a sweet-meat
Confederation, a league
Confederate, an ally, an affiftant

Con'fonance, an accord of found
Confonant, agreeable, confiftent
Confpic'uous, easy to be feen
Confpir'acy, a plot, a combination
To confpire, to plot, to agree
Confpirator, a plotter
Conflellation, a clufler of stars
Conftit'uent, one who deputes an
Conftringent, of a binding qual
To conftringe, to bind, to contract
Construction, act of building or

Conference, a difcourfing togeth-To conftruct, to build, to form



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Confummation, end, a fulfilling
To confum'mate, to complete
Con'tact, clofe union
Conta'gion, an infection
Conta'gious, catching
Contamination, pollution
To contaminate, to polluté, to
To contemn, to defpife (defile
Contempla tion, ftudy, meditation
Contemplative, fludious
To contem'plate, to mufe;

Contemporary,2 of the fame age
Cotemporary S or time
Con'text, the general series of a

Contexture, an interweaving
Contiguity, a meeting fo as to

Contig'uous, joining so as to touch
Contrition, real forrow for fin
Contrite, truly penitent
Con'tumely, reproach
Contumellious, reproachful
Contufion, a bruise
Convention, a coming together"
To convene, to come together
To converge, to tend to one point
Converfion, a change of state
To convert, to caufe to change
Conver, rifing as the outside of a

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