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val, the singularity lies on the other side.

miliar and direct instruction suited to their prevails in respect to close conversation case; while the members of the church on personal religion, and which forms so withdraw to the vestry, or some other effectual a guard for backsliding Christians convenient room, to implore the influences and impenitent sinners, against the intruof the Holy Spirit on the meeting to be sion of this unwelcome subject. Men are continued under these new and more in- expected, at such times, to speak freely; teresting circumstances. There is much and if they do it with kindness and a little to awaken deep emotion in the separation tact, they can converse with almost any thus made; as parent and child, husband one on the state of his spiritual concerns and wife, friend and friend, part from each without wounding his pride or awakening other, the one to be prayed for and the his resentment. other to pray. The great object of the The sense of shame, the reluctance to be meeting with inquirers, as thus continued, singular-one of the strongest impediments is to bring them at once to the point; to (especially with the young) to entering on anticipate and remove objections; to draw a religious course-loses, at such times, althem off from resting in any mere prepar-most all its power. In an extensive reviatory work; to set before them the great objects in view of which, if at all, they will (through divine grace) exercise right affections, and then call them to do it; leading them to the throne of grace in the fervent expression of repentance for sin, faith in Christ, and deliberate consecration to the service of God. The inquirers are then invited to assemble again at some convenient hour the next day-or the next evening, if there is preaching only every other night at what is called the meeting for inquiry. Here the pastor converses for a few moments with each individual separately as to the peculiar state of his feelings, and then addresses them collectively, as before, on the one great subject of coming at once to Christ. An hour is also appointed at which he will meet those who are desirous to see him alone. Those who entertain hopes are strictly examined, formed into praying associations, encouraged to judicious effort for the salvation of others, and frequently assembled as a body to receive instruction in the evidences of genuine piety. The members of the church, in the mean time, if they do their duty, are actively engaged, according to their ability, in similar labours in their own families and neighbourhoods. Their efforts, if well directed, present religion in a new and striking form. It is brought home to "the business and bosoms of men," as it can never be by mere preaching. Thus, in a great variety of ways, divine truth is made to bear on the impenitent during the progress of a revival, with a directness, force, and continuity of impression, which can never be attained under any other circumstances; while the people of God are pleading before him to give that truth effect, with a fervour of supplication corresponding to the interest of the scene around them.

6. Another principle involved in revivals is, the removal of many causes which prevent the access of divine truth to the mind under ordinary circumstances.

I can barely glance at a few of these. In a season of general religious interest, much of that reserve is laid aside which ordinarily

Those changes in business or family arrangements, which must often be made as the result of becoming religious, are regarded at such seasons with diminished dread and repugnance. Is a man engaged in some dishonourable or sinful employment, as, for instance, the making or vending of ardent spirits? The sacrifice is less when he is only one among many who are called to make it. Has the subject of family prayer been an impediment to his entering on a religious course? Such are the habits and feelings of our churches, that no one can be recognised as a consistent Christian who refuses to lead his household statedly to the throne of grace. Has a feeling of diffidence or awkwardness as to commencing this duty been one reason for shrinking from the service of Christ? How entirely does this obstacle disappear when so many around are erecting the family altar, when, as I once knew in a single small neighbourhood, twelve plain and uneducated men in one week are seen entering on the duty of family worship!

The ordinary amusements of life, which interest the feelings and divert the attention, are at such periods wholly laid aside among those who are friendly to revivals.

The concerns of business are made to yield on such occasions to the higher interests of eternity. The people of God will find or make time for the numerous seasons of prayer and preaching which demand their presence; and will so arrange that their children and dependents shall enjoy every facility that is requisite to the effectual pursuit of eternal life.

Such, without dwelling farther on the subject, are some of the ways in which impediments to the progress of the Gospel are removed out of the way, by extraordinary seasons of attention to religion.

7. The next principle which I shall mention is, the tendency of revivals to bring men to a decision, and to make them decide right on the subject of religion.

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never carried into effect, because the time | chief enjoyment in secret communion with for their execution never quite arrived. God. But in times of revival everything On these dreams of the future a revival is changed. Their hearts naturally flow breaks in with startling power, and calls forth in warm expressions of thankfulness men to instant decision: "Choose ye this and joy, as they witness again the triumphs day whom ye will serve." Those who of divine grace. They renew the fervours believe in religion at all, believe and know of their first love. In their intercourse that they can never enjoy a more favour- with the unconverted, they naturally asable season to secure the salvation of their sume an unwonted tenderness of manner, souls. Everything, at such a time, presses as they seek to bring them by their faithupon them with united force to make them ful admonitions to the cross of Christ. decide at once, and decide right. The The effect is often most striking. The imwell-known shortness of such a season, to penitent look at religion under a new asthem, perhaps, the end of their day ofpect, as they see the kindness and solicigrace the uncommon clearness and pun-tude of so many around them for their gency with which the truth is preached-spiritual good. A lady, during a recent the solicitude of Christian friends-the importunity of young converts who have just "tasted that the Lord is gracious"-the impulse of the mass of mind around them, moving in one direction, with all the multiplied influences that concentre in a revival, unite to impress the truth with irresistible force," Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." In the mean time, one step prepares the way for another; a decision on one point braces up the mind for farther and more important decisions in the onward progress. "Shall I yield to the urgency of my friends, and regularly attend religious meetings?" The effort costs perhaps but little. "Shall I remain after the service closes, and thus acknowledge myself an inquirer ?" The struggle is far greater, but if the victory is gained over his backwardness and pride, he is still more likely to go on. "Shall I attend the meeting for inquiry?" "Shall I go to my pastor, lay open my heart, and tell him of the world of iniquity which I find within ?" In addition to the other happy consequences of taking such a step, the strength of purpose gained by the effort is one security against his going back: he is now committed, and a sense of consistency unites with higher motives to urge him forward. Thus the multiplied exercises of a revival bring the sinner continually to the trial; press him to instantaneous decision; and prepare the way, through divine grace, for his entering into the kingdom of God.

8. Another principle involved in revivals is the tendency of that lively joy which prevails among Christians, and especially young converts, to render religion attractive to the unconverted.

At ordinary seasons, a life of piety too often appears to the impenitent, and especially to the young, under a forbidding aspect. Christians find but little in the state of things around them to call forth their affections, before the unconverted, in lively expressions of spiritual joy. If they do not decline in the warmth of their feelings (as they too often do), they are apt at least to retire themselves, and to seek their

revival, as she entered the shop of a tradesman of infidel principles, recollected that, though she had dealt with him for some years, she had never spoken to him on the subject of religion. She alluded at once to the scenes which were then passing in the town; to the surprising changes that had taken place in some of her acquaintance; and inquired whether any of those whom he employed were interested in the work. The man was deeply affected as the conversation went on, and at last, wiping his eyes, he said, with much emotion, "I know not why it is that the ladies who deal with me are so anxious for my good. A number have spoken to me on the subject before, and one or two have conversed with some of my workmen. Religion must be something very different from what I had supposed."

But the effect on the impenitent is still more striking, when they witness the joy which is manifested in the countenance and conversation of the new converts to religion. Every natural man bears in his bosom a testimony that he is in the wrong. He has, too, a sense of want, an insatiable desire of some good which he has never yet obtained; and when he sees multitudes around him who have found that good, where he knows it can alone exist, in the favour of God, how strong is the appeal to one of the deepest principles of our nature, especially in the case of those who are already somewhat convinced of sin, and of the unsatisfying nature of all worldly enjoyment! It is the very appeal so beautifully set forth in the parable of the prodigal son. It was the reflection that there was bread enough and to spare in his father's house, while he perished with hunger, that made him exclaim, "I will arise and go unto my father!" Some years ago, two young ladies, under deep conviction of sin, went, after an evening meeting, to the house of their pastor for farther instruction. As the preacher conversed with them much at large, and was urging them, by motives drawn from the love of Christ, instantly to accept the offered salvation, one of them was observed to rest her head upon her

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hand, as in deep abstraction, till her face sank at last on the table, in solemn and overpowering emotion. After a few moments of entire silence, she looked up with a countenance of serene joy, dropped upon one knee before her companion, and said, with the simplicity of a child," Julia, do love Christ. He is so beautiful. Do come with me and love him!" This led Julia to the reflection, "She has entered in while I remain out." "One shall be taken and another left." It was this which seemed to be the means (under God) of bringing her also to Christ before she laid her head that night upon her pillow.

9. The last of these principles to which I shall advert is, the solemnity and awe inspired by a sense of the peculiar presence of God, the sanctifying Spirit.

when another revival commenced. When entreated to avail herself of this last period (to her) of the Spirit's influences, she replied that it was utterly in vain; that she had deliberately resisted his grace, and now felt that the curse of abandonment was upon her. Nothing could change her views. She went down to the grave with the admonition continually upon her lips, to those who stood around her bedside, "Grieve not the Spirit." These were the last words she uttered as she entered the eternal world.

Thus have I given a brief sketch of the rise and progress of our revivals; of the mode of presenting divine truth which has been found most effectual at such periods; and of those principles in our mental constitution which are appealed to with peculiar power by these seasons of concentrated religious interest. As the limits assigned me have already been exceeded, I must here leave the subject, commending the very imperfect exhibition which has now been made to the candour and prayers of the Christian reader."



I WILL add only a few words to the full and able discussion of the subject of religious revivals contained in the preceding chapter.

The feeling of the supernatural is one of the strongest and most subduing emotions of the human heart. It has been used by the adversary of souls to convert unnumbered millions into bond-slaves of the most degrading superstition; and it is worthy of being employed by the Spirit of all grace, as an instrument of bringing the chosen of God to that liberty wherewith Christ shall make them free. It is the great distinctive sentiment of a revival of religion. "How dreadful is this place: it is none other than the house of God and the gate of heaven." Such is the feeling with which those who believe in the reality of divine influence move amid the scenes which are hallowed by the especial presence of the sanctifying Spirit. In the children of God, as they are employed in bear- The reader will have perceived that it ing forward the triumphs of his grace, it treats particularly of the revivals which awakens that mingled awe and delight have taken place in New-England, that which we may imagine filled the breasts of being the part of the United States with those who bore before the armies of Israel which its author is most intimately acthe ark of the covenant, on which rested quainted. But as it has fallen to my lot the Shechinah of the Most High. To the en- to be conversant with the different evanemies of God it comes with a solemnity of gelical denominations of all parts of the appeal second only to that of the bed of country, during several years devoted to death and the scenes of approaching judg-religious and philanthropic enterprises bement, as they see around them the striking manifestations of his presence who "will have mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth." "Grieve not the Spirit," is the admonition continually impressed upon them by the messengers of the Most High. "Grieve not the Spirit," is the argument urged especially by those who have recently tasted the sweetness of his renovating grace. "Grieve not the Spirit," is the admonition which comes to them at times from those who feel that they have wasted their day of grace. A striking instance of this kind occurred within my own knowledge. A lady who had passed unsubdued through more than one of these seasons of visitation from on high, and who had deliberately stifled her convictions and delayed repentance, was lying on the bed of death

fore my going to Europe, it may not be amiss that I should give the result of that experience.

I should say, then, that the same blessed influences of the Spirit, which have been so signally manifested in the churches and many of the literary institutions of NewEngland, have been experienced, and perhaps in no less a measure, in the evangelical churches of all denominations throughout the United States. I have been myself a witness to these blessed movements in almost every one of those States, at one time or another, and have ever found their effects to be, in all essential respects, the same.

It may be fairly remarked, I think, that under a permanent, well-instructed minister, revivals are usually less alloyed with unnecessary, and, on the whole, injurious



It was my first intention not to add any

on revivals respecting the abuses alleged to have been connected with them, but, on farther reflection, I consider that a few words more on that point would not be amiss.

matter of astonishment should we find that abuses mingle with religious revivals, through man's imprudence and the malignity of the great Adversary, or should we even discover some revivals which deserve to be called spurious?

accompaniments, such as great physical excitement, manifesting itself in sobbing, or crying, or ineffectual efforts to retain one's composure. Still, it is not the case that a preacher has it in his power to re-thing to what has been said in the chapter press all such agitation. Much depends on the kind of people he has to do with. Among the rude and uneducated, who are accustomed to boisterous expressions of feeling, there will always be found more visible and irrepressible excitement than No man, certainly, who is at all acquaintin other cases, as any one who is acquainted with human nature, should be surprised ed with such classes, in any country, will to hear that the greatest blessings bestowed readily acknowledge. Judicious preachers on mankind are liable to be abused, and will certainly endeavour to suppress all even the purest and noblest qualities to be undue excitement and agitation, as inter-counterfeited. Where, then, is there any rupting the services, and preventing the more composed from profiting by them. It is not very wonderful, however, when a considerable number of persons who have been living all their lives in rebellion against God, and in the neglect of their souls, become, as it were, suddenly awakened out of a profound sleep, that in the distress into which they are thrown by a view of the jeopardy in which they stand, they should be ready, like Saul of Tarsus, to exclaim, "Lord! what wilt thou have me to do?" No man can be more a friend of order than I am, yet I have seen times when, under the preaching of the Gospel, such pungent distress has been produced by pressing the truth on plain and comparatively ignorant minds, that it was impossible to maintain the calmness that might be found in a congregation of bettereducated and more refined persons, among whom, nevertheless, there might be quite as much real contrition of heart for sin.

I ought, however, to premise that, whatever abuses may have at any time taken place in the revivals in America, or whatever spurious ones may have occurred, it cannot be disputed that our truly zealous, intelligent, and devoted Christians, whatever be their denomination, not only believe in the reality of revivals, but consider that, when wisely promoted, they are the greatest and most desirable blessings that can be bestowed upon the churches. There are, I admit, persons among us who oppose religious revivals, and it would be sad evidence against them if there were not. There are the openly wicked, the profane, Sabbath-breakers, enemies of pure religion in every form, and avowed or seThat some excellent men, who have cret infidels. These form the first categobeen eminently useful in the ministry, are ry, and it is not a very small one. They not sufficiently careful in repressing un- may be found in our cities and large towns, necessary manifestations of feeling is cer- and sometimes in our villages, and are the tain, and they are to be found in all denom- | very persons whom strangers are most inations. Some, even, are so much want-likely to meet with about our hotels and ing in prudence as rather to encourage such outbursts of feeling. But among so many ministers, widely different from each other in education, intellectual acquirements, and modes of thinking on almost every subject, entire agreement as to the best ways of conducting a revival, so far as human agency is concerned, is not to be expected.

taverns. Next, there are Roman Catholics, Unitarians, Universalists, and others whose Christianity is greatly marred with errors and heresies. These, too, almost without exception, hate revivals, nor can we wonder that they should. A third class consists of those members of our evangelical churches who conform too much to the opinions and practices of the world; It is delightful to think that revivals of are so much afraid of what they call enreligion have really occurred, and do ev-thusiasm and fanaticism as to do nothing, ery year occur, to a greater or less extent, or nothing worthy of mention, for the proin all our States, and among all the evan-motion of the Gospel; and would never be gelical denominations. And although they known to be Christians, either by the world may not always be so quietly and judi- or by their fellow-Christians, were they ciously conducted as might be desired, in not occasionally seen to take their places the newer parts of the country, and where at the communion-table. Some such there the population is somewhat rude, yet they are in all our evangelical churches, and in have certainly exerted a happy influence one or two of those whose discipline is laxupon the churches and upon society, wher-er than it should be, they constitute a conever they have occurred. siderable party.

Now it is natural that European travel

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lers in the United States, when not deci- | of God come to present themselves before dedly religious themselves, should chiefly the Lord," seldom fails to obtrude himself associate with one or all of these three among them, and who can on such occaclasses; and that, taking up their notions sions assume the garb, as it were, "of an from them, they should have their note-angel of light," contrived for a while to do books and journals filled with all sorts of no little damage to the work. Some good anisrepresentations with respect.to our re-men, as we still consider the greater numligious revivals. Hence many, who have never visited America, owe all their ideas on that subject to writers whose own information was partial and incorrect, and who, as their very books show, know no-ed unwise and mischievous by many worthing of true religion, and would never have touched upon the subject, but that they wished to give piquancy to their pages by working up for the wonder and amusement of their readers every false and exaggerated statement, and foolish anecdote, which on that subject had been poured into their


ber of them to have been, not content with the more quiet and prudent character which had hitherto marked the revivals, attempted to precipitate matters by measures deemthy and experienced persons, both ministers and laymen. The passions, instead of the judgment and the conscience, were too much appealed to; too much stress was laid on the sinner's natural ability, and not enough on the needed influence of the Holy Spirit; too superficial a view. was presented of the nature and evidences of conversion; in a word, the Gospel was held forth in such a way as not to lead to that self-abasement which becomes a sinner saved wholly by grace.

But serious and worthy people in Europe, and particularly in Great Britain, have been prejudiced against revivals in another way. They have too readily allowed themselves to be influenced by what has been written One of the reprehended measures was by excellent men among us, who, appre- the practice of earnestly pressing those hending much danger to the cause of revi- who were somewhat awakened to a sense vals from the measures taken to promote of their sin and danger, to come, at the them by some zealous, but, in their opinion, close of the sermon, to seats immediately imprudent men, and perceiving the mis- before the pulpit, called "anxious seats," chievous results of such measures, have or seats for such as were anxious to be faithfully exposed them, and warned the saved, in order that they might be specially churches to be upon their guard; and this prayed for, and receive some special counthey have done in the columns of our reli- sels. This, though comparatively harmgious journals, in pamphlets, and in books. less, perhaps, when adopted by prudent Their endeavours met with much success men among certain classes of people, was against the Enemy, who, on failing to pre- much the reverse when attempted in large vent, had been seeking to pervert these congregations by men not gifted with exblessed manifestations of divine mercy; traordinary wisdom. It proved a poor but, as was natural, the strong language in substitute for the simpler and quieter meth which they had been prompted to indulge od of meeting such as chose to remain afby the actual view of some evils, and the ter the public services were over, in order apprehension of worse, impressed foreign- to receive such advice as their case might ers with very exaggerated ideas of those require, or for the good old practice of evils. This result was perhaps unavoida- having special meetings at the pastor's ble, yet it is much to be deplored; for in-house, or in the church vestry or lecturejury has thus been done to the cause abroad room, for such as were "inquiring the way by men who would be the last to intend it. to Zion." It is an infelicity to which all endeavours for good are subject in this evil world, that they are liable to be marred by proffered aid from men who, notwithstanding the fairest professions, prove, at length, to have been more actuated by their own miserable ambition than by a true zeal for God's glory and man's salvation. Such false friends did no small injury to the great revival of religion in 1740–43, already mentioned; and so, likewise, did the successive revivals that took place in the West in 1801-3 suffer much from the imprudence of some who desired to be leaders in the work of God. This was the case particularly in Kentucky. And within the last few years, after a blessed period marked by revivals in many parts of the country, the same Adversary who, when "the sons

Another measure, hardly deserving to be called new, for it has long existed in substance in the Presbyterian churches of the interior, and at one time, I understand, in Scotland also, that of having public services during three or four days on sacramental occasions, was found hurtful, when carried to the extent encouraged by some, at what are called "protracted meetings." These, when transferred from the West to the East, and when they began to be more frequent with us, were called "four days' meetings" or "three days' meetings," from the length of time during which they were held. But when prolonged, as they were in some places-I know not how long, sometimes, I believe, for a month or forty days-the practice was regarded as an abuse, and as such it was resisted.

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